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ArmoredReapers chaos list

Army List

I have a lot of options so i am always changing my list to see what works and what doesn't.

Unit Photos

A pick of my Nurgle terminators

My daemon prince the blob of pestilence

A squad of Plauge marines led by lord grotesqe

Some of my lesser daemons. I actually have like 40 of these, but they were for lost and the damned but since GW hacked that codex I just use them in my chaos army even though everyone bags on them. I think they're great in small squads to tie up the enemy.

My leader Taurus who counts as Kharn the Betrayer and Nigrot the chaos pirate.

Some of my bikers and berkerkers in the back.

A squad of possessed.

Some of my chaos footsoldiers of piratism and a few dreadnoughts.

Some more chaos footsoldiers.

An unfinished nurgle rhino.

Why I Started This Army

I started this army cause chaos rocks and totally fits me. When I started collecting it they were pure renegades that werent chaos but were not loyalist either, they roamed the universe looking for sources of more power and wealth. But as I finished collecting the basic guys I really started branching out and collecting khorne units and nurgle units.

Next I want to get more vehicles cause right now I only have two craptastic dreadnoughts, 3 bikers and 3 rhinos, which always blow up because I have nothing to support them.

The army is led by the blob of pestilence a Nurgle daemon prince, second in command but original leader is Nt the despicable, then Taurus is just the hero solo bad ass of the army.


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