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Casual Eldar 2000 Points

For those of you wondering, who is this akaean fellow, and what sort of Eldar list does he play, this article is for you. This is my casual gaming list. I am still reletively new the the hobby, and I aim to be semi competitive. A list that functions on the table, and can still net me a positive win ratio.

Something about me personally, is that I like the look and feel of squads of infantry lead by a leader. Hence an emphasis on Exarch and Warlocks.

I am aware this list isn't as competitive as it could possibly be. For one its not Mech enough, and it doesn't have any DAVU. However I find these things to be boring and repetitive. Maybe after I'm happy with the paint job on everything I'll take it to a tournament and get schooled by SW Razor Spam or leaf blower, but for now it seems to work just fine. I'm still thinking about how to take it to 2500. Right now I'm somewhat fancying another Dragon Squad, a small hawk squad for yo yoing, and another troop choice. Possibly DAVU in a Dakka Falcon.

Autarch- Warp Jump Generator, Mandiblasters, Power Weapon, Fusion Gun

Farseer- Doom, Spear, both Runes

5 Fire Dragons / Wave Serpent- tl shuri cannons

10 Banshees- Exarch, Executioner, both powers / Wave Serpent- Tl Eml, Under-slung Cannon

9 Dire Avengers- Exarch, 2 Catapults, Bladestorm / Wave Serpent- Tl Bright Lance

10 Storm Guardians + Warlock- 2 flamers, destructor / Wave Serpent- Tl Bright Lance

3 Guardian Jetbikes + Warlock- cannon, spear, embolden

3 Guardian Jetbikes + Warlock- cannon, spear, embolden

9 Warp Spiders- Exarch, Duel Spinners, Powered Blades, Withdraw

Fire Prism

Fire Prism


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