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User:da gob smaka

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Why I Started This Army

So, I decided toget another ork army going partially out of boredom. I also wanted to do something special, all of my previous armies had there share of conversions but I wanted to test my limits. So this time around Im doing it special. Everything is going to be converted in some way. So far Ive been working on my ard boys a mob of shoota boys and a mob of slugga boys, which dont actually have sluggas they are a axe weilding mob. I dont know if Im going to go with a one clan theme again or do some mix and matching

The ard boys are pretty straight forward, one thing I want to do is add some leg armor to sort of beef the boys up a bit. I took a regular shoulder gaurd and cut it into sections and applied it to the thigh. Using dental floss where needed to simulate a strap for the armor. The nob Had a leg plate sculpted and some bolts from the back of an ork axe glued in place. I wanted to go a little more dramatic so I cut and hacked legs and arms so it looks like the ard boys are charging. A little extra feature, they are all going to be using dual pistols (they know gun fu). I want to make them seem as if they really are veterans and they are more skilled than the average boy. On the opposite spectrum I will have a mob of choppa boys who just charge at the opponent with nothing but choppas. The Shoota mob may end up being Bad moons but death skulls will work too, they will all have kustom shootas with chain blade attachments, I only get two chainsaws out of an ork box so this mob, like the ard boys will take time to build. Basically out of a standard box set I get 2-3 ard boys, 2 shoota boys, one tank busta, one nob and 4 boys for future projects.


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