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Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 13:08:09

Post by: MongooseMatt

Had a thought this weekend - with everyone messing around with Age of Sigmar, might it be fun if we posted what projects we are currently working on? With luck it may get some ideas passed about, and you might just get that last bit of encouragement it takes to get a model finished!

Bonus points if you back up your reports with photos of work in progress and the finished articles!

To kick off...

On the painting table I currently have a clutch of Bloodbound characters - the Aspiring Deathbringer, the alternate (with shield) Exalted Deathbringer, Slaughterpriest, Skullgrinder, Miss Valkia and Skarr Bloodwrath. The idea here is that I can put the Bloodbound to bed and get cracking with other forces. Aside from the Skarbrand, Skullreapers, Wrathmongers and Mighty Skullcrushers that have not been done yet...

Also got Festus half done, along with a couple of other Rotbringers that have only been undercoated.

Next stage - sort out the aforementioned Skullreapers and Wrathmongers, do another unit of Plaguebearers and Bloodletters (really quick and easy to do, will be the last lesser daemons I need for a while), and carry on with the long-running project, the Chaos Dreadhold. Managed to put together the gate and a few walls over the weekend;

So, what is everyone else up to?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 13:47:21

Post by: Fenrir Kitsune

Is there a codex out for vampires yet? I was thinking about updating my old army for the game, but need a codex before I start and can see the lists to build an army.

Couldn't really see anything on the GW that looked like the right book.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 14:44:51

Post by: Baron Klatz

@MongooseMatt, really nice force!

Looking forward to seeing what you do with that dreadhold wall.

@Fenrir, it would have been better to create a topic for that question rather than put it on a unrelated one.

Carrying on, Age of Sigmar doesn't use codexes anymore but allows free downloads for your armies.


As for me, I've already talked about my campaign map so I posted links to my Bretonnian army (still a WIP) where I'm currently making a knight for each realm and a link to my army's backstory on how it came to AoS. (Caution: lots of reading)



Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 14:46:38

Post by: auticus

We're knee deep in our Brimstone campaign using Azyr Comp.

www.louisvillewargaming.com -> resources for both packets

My painting focus has shifted to getting my 40k campaign army ready. Around spring I will be painting up the chaos fortress. I have the whole thing minus three towers but I'm fine with that i suspect it will take me all spring to conclude.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 14:49:57

Post by: Baron Klatz

Sigh* I wish they'd make a order version of the dreadhold.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 16:28:54

Post by: Mymearan

Currently working on a Numinous Occulum and have a primed Ophidian Archway that I'm going to start on when i have time. Also have like 50 Stormcast I should start painting.., will post pics at some point!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 16:34:55

Post by: Kenshinzo 7

Just finished painting a Baleful Realmgate. Working on Stormcasts and Bloodbound and have the archway in the assembly stage.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 16:43:16

Post by: TheCustomLime

MongooseMatt wrote:
Had a thought this weekend - with everyone messing around with Age of Sigmar, might it be fun if we posted what projects we are currently working on? With luck it may get some ideas passed about, and you might just get that last bit of encouragement it takes to get a model finished!

Bonus points if you back up your reports with photos of work in progress and the finished articles!

To kick off...

On the painting table I currently have a clutch of Bloodbound characters - the Aspiring Deathbringer, the alternate (with shield) Exalted Deathbringer, Slaughterpriest, Skullgrinder, Miss Valkia and Skarr Bloodwrath. The idea here is that I can put the Bloodbound to bed and get cracking with other forces. Aside from the Skarbrand, Skullreapers, Wrathmongers and Mighty Skullcrushers that have not been done yet...

Also got Festus half done, along with a couple of other Rotbringers that have only been undercoated.

Next stage - sort out the aforementioned Skullreapers and Wrathmongers, do another unit of Plaguebearers and Bloodletters (really quick and easy to do, will be the last lesser daemons I need for a while), and carry on with the long-running project, the Chaos Dreadhold. Managed to put together the gate and a few walls over the weekend;

So, what is everyone else up to?

How's that second mortgage coming along, mate?

Seriously, it's looking good so far. Can't wait to see it painted up. Say what you want about the Sigmarines but the new terrain GW has put out for AoS has been really good.

I myself am painting up some Warriors of Chaos. I have about 48 Warriors, ~16 Mauraders, 20 Chaos Hounds, 5 Knights, 6 Skullcrushers, a Hellcannon, a Chaos Lord and a Sorceror in need of paint. It's going to be a looooong autumn.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 16:49:53

Post by: NAVARRO

Nice thread I like the idea

I have been rebasing my stuff and adding some bits to my goblins.
This weekend I finished a count as doomdiver...

Now i need to come up with some ideas for the rock lobba and spear chukkas.

On the table I have a bully to finish up.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 01:13:22

Post by: Boss Salvage

Cool thread, I'll be watching

I do have a cardboard box of greenskins standing ready for when I want to go build crazy and put my new airbrush through some base coating exercises - Ironjaws ftw

- Salvage

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/12 18:51:24

Post by: Bottle

I have lots of projects on the go! (I was going to start 40k AdMech but Age of Sigmar came along and threw that all out the window!)

Anyway, a quick rundown of the projects on the go:

Project 1 - Death army - here are the painted troops right now:

On the painting table:
- Cairn Wraith
- Hexwraiths

My Death army picture was number 1 in the Games Workshop flickr pool a week ago:

Project 2 - Re-basing my Empire army (this was my 8th edition army)

Re-basing is a loveless task! I still have 10 Swordsmen, 5 Outriders and a cannon to rebase...

Project 3 - Duardin! Having fun finally being able to play with my old BFSP models.

Now all these projects are big, so in the meantime I am combing all the models into a single force called "Siegfried's Desperados":

And if you would like to find more out about this force, I made my own Battletome, which you can find here.

It's a great time to be in the hobby

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 09:24:25

Post by: MongooseMatt

The Celestant-Prime, after sitting half-done on my painting table for a couple of weeks now, is finally complete!

Next, those Khornate characters, hopefully done before the weekend...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 09:48:20

Post by: Mymearan

Very nice! Like the more understated swirls.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 10:38:21

Post by: Zognob Gorgoff

Ive gone terrain mad AoS has got me making terrain from materials that have sat ideal for years lol, but im pleased with them, today i will continue converting lizardmen for z misses lol.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 11:15:23

Post by: Bottle

MongooseMatt wrote:
The Celestant-Prime, after sitting half-done on my painting table for a couple of weeks now, is finally complete!

Next, those Khornate characters, hopefully done before the weekend...

Looks awesome Matt!!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 16:48:39

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Bottle wrote:

Looks awesome Matt!!


I notice you are in the UK - no where near the Southwest, perchance?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 19:59:27

Post by: ChaosxVoid

I too am currently working on my stormcast, and painting up the wifes nurgle force.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 20:04:59

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, that Prime looks badass...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 20:24:21

Post by: Bottle

MongooseMatt wrote:
 Bottle wrote:

Looks awesome Matt!!


I notice you are in the UK - no where near the Southwest, perchance?

I live near Taunton, work every day in Bristol City Centre so very much southwest! :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 21:49:55

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Bottle wrote:

I live near Taunton, work every day in Bristol City Centre so very much southwest! :-)

I'm in Swindon, not a million miles away - we should sort out a visit with your Desperadoes and see how they do against the combined forces of Chaos at some point

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/13 22:28:14

Post by: Baron Klatz

Any chance you guys will show some battle report pictures of your amazing armies when you two meet on the battlefield? I think we'd all really appreciate it.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 00:14:12

Post by: Nerm86

I'm currently painting up my Empire Army for Armies on Parade and a local Escalation League stating early November. I am also building a display board for my brother and myself. My brother is entering his Bloodbound and we are doing two separate display boards that join up into one big display. Empire are defending their fort from the Bloodbound who are pouring out of a Realm Gate. Unfortunately no pics as they are on my phone.

To date I have painted:
2 Generals (Sword and Shield)
20 Swordsman (Full Command)
20 handunners (Full Command)
8 Greatswords (Full Command)
1 Wizard (Jade)
1 Priest
1 Cannon and Crew

Currently on the painting table (to be completed by the 24th):
1 General (Standard bearer)
4 Wizards (Bright, Amethyst, Heavens, Misc)
13 Greatswords
2 2x2 display boards
1 Castle (Gatehouse and 2 towers)
1 Realm Gate

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 07:43:07

Post by: bitethythumb

No project, just loads of random minis I like, sorta waiting for new "armies" to be released, hoping for mecha steampunk things.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 13:45:47

Post by: MongooseMatt

Finished the latest Call of Archaon eshort this morning (Knight of Corruption). Got some bods in it who seem very much like Sigmar priests and flagellants of old...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 13:55:49

Post by: angelofvengeance

Mostly just trying to polish off my Stormcast Eternals from the starter set, though I did cave and buy 2 more boxes of Liberators. One box of which has them all with dual wield hammers. Not sure where to go with the other box. Suggestions? I'm thinking dual wield sword and parry blades.My painting has recently been derailed by a rather large Imperial Knight Warden kit, stomping its way to my hobby table for my birthday.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 14:43:11

Post by: str00dles1

Here is my kinda current project. I went deep when AoS came out (quiting all gw 3 years prior)

Last remaining thing to paint is 5 Paladin Protectors. My Dropzone commander kind of slipped in though and took over last week.

I also have a mass amount of khorne that is 99% bare (so many things to paint..)

And my third (god help me last) AoS project is ForestSpirit Warhost but with a twist. I use the AzyrComp ruleset for armies so I build my forces off that. It will be a mix of spirits, mostly bad. All the Dryads, treemen, and banshees, and vampire count spirit hosts. Theme is haunted woods that want vengeance. Possibly might have wood elves, but they will be painted like ghosts

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 15:47:26

Post by: MongooseMatt

 angelofvengeance wrote:
Suggestions? I'm thinking dual wield sword and parry blades.

I picked up two boxes and went dual hammers and dual blades too - I want to add the blade/shield combo at some point, but with two units (from the starter set) with shields, the dual weapons seemed to be the way to go.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/14 19:17:58

Post by: Bottle

MongooseMatt wrote:
 Bottle wrote:

I live near Taunton, work every day in Bristol City Centre so very much southwest! :-)

I'm in Swindon, not a million miles away - we should sort out a visit with your Desperadoes and see how they do against the combined forces of Chaos at some point

Let's try to set something up! I'll send a PM :-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
str00dles1 wrote:
Here is my kinda current project. I went deep when AoS came out (quiting all gw 3 years prior)

Last remaining thing to paint is 5 Paladin Protectors. My Dropzone commander kind of slipped in though and took over last week.

I also have a mass amount of khorne that is 99% bare (so many things to paint..)

And my third (god help me last) AoS project is ForestSpirit Warhost but with a twist. I use the AzyrComp ruleset for armies so I build my forces off that. It will be a mix of spirits, mostly bad. All the Dryads, treemen, and banshees, and vampire count spirit hosts. Theme is haunted woods that want vengeance. Possibly might have wood elves, but they will be painted like ghosts

Your Stormcast look amazing, but I really want to say the Haunted Forest idea is simply EPIC. I would love to see that!!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/15 01:14:09

Post by: quiestdeus

This weekend I'm actually working on the first draft primer for the Age of Sigmar event for NOVA 2016.

We got some great feedback from the last year's attendees and looking to make things even better with a multi-game nightly narrative campaign where two forces will fight for control of the realms, and a 3 game, one day tournament.

I am also working on getting a blog setup to finally get some battle reports posted, so if you have any particular mission requests you'd like to see played out by all means let me know!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/15 02:38:36

Post by: Red_Zeke

quiestdeus wrote:

I am also working on getting a blog setup to finally get some battle reports posted, so if you have any particular mission requests you'd like to see played out by all means let me know!

Slay the Beast? Seems like a pretty interesting one to me, although it almost feels like two different scenarios smashed together.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/16 09:48:27

Post by: MongooseMatt

Polished off a group of Khorne characters last night!

More piccies and painting notes here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/the-usual-khorne-spects/

Next up on the painting, and hoping to get them more or less done over the weekend (these are simple models, so not too daunted about their numbers);

5 Wrathmongers
5 Skullreapers
10 Bloodletters
10 Plaguebearers
3 Nurgling bases

Also have Festus the Leechlord half done - he may get put to one side in preference for the above units, but should be able to get at least a few more colours on him!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/16 10:30:51

Post by: angelofvengeance

Lovely work as usual

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/18 20:56:07

Post by: Bottle

Speaking of Heroes, I got a batch of Death Heroes done for my Death army:

I also got to play my Death models as a complete army for the first time this friday at the local GW. We had a 4 player game of around 35 wounds each. It was very fun :-D

Onto current projects, here's what I have been working on this weekend:

More Empire coming off the square bases!

And here's the round bases they will be moved onto.

Here are some already on the round bases. The bases are awaiting a wash, drybrush, static grass etc (and a touch up to their boots).

I really enjoyed painting the Duardin cannon from my old Battle For Skull Pass set, so I decided to paint another batch of stunties. The Grudge Pony looks sweet on an oval base, I must admit :'-)

Two High Elf characters I am working on. I hate finecast. This was my first experience with the stuff and it has been horrible. At times I am tempted to just throw these models in the bin, but I'll keep working on them and hopefully they'll polish up with more time spent on them.

Some Hexwraiths I am working on. Only the metals are finished right now. They were going to be purple/pink to match the skeletons, but they looked like the Grim Reapers of Ribena, so I decided they will be black to match the Cairn Wraith instead. Another coat of Eshin Grey (I start my blacks with grey) is needed to get rid of the pink.

So, there are all my current projects! What about you guys?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 04:02:47

Post by: toasteroven

I... think I need that grudge pony. Not for any particular army, it just looks so neat.

I'm finding painting gors to be a chore (rhyming!), even when I'm painting them in a multitude of colors. The ungors seem to have more personality.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 06:20:01

Post by: Mymearan

Loving those Empire Bottle!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 09:00:43

Post by: MongooseMatt

Awesome work as always, Bottle. You do your bases in a similar way to me, but put a lot more work into them (it shows!). Might have to revise the way I do things myself...

 Bottle wrote:

So, there are all my current projects! What about you guys?

I finished off another ten Bloodletters and Plaguebearers this weekend, along with another three Nurgling bases - with 30 of each of the lesser daemons, I think that is about all I will need in the foreseeable future as in the published campaigns, daemons tend to get used as support forces for the Bloodbound, Rotbringers and Bleak Horde. That said, I have an idea to create a brand new campaign with Valkia on one of her hunting expeditions - need to figure out who she is fighting though.

I also just about finished a unit of Skullreapers and Wrathmongers, need to do just a few details and their bases to wrap them up. Piccies should be done around the middle of the week!

Next on the table will be some Chaos Hounds and a Blood Throne, and I might have to do Skarbrand as well. Oh, and I have some Plague Toads and Pox Riders to put together as well... However, we have a group painting day coming this weekend, and I might take that opportunity to do the Malefic Gate and wall sections of the Dreadhold I put together a short while ago (top of this thread, actually - good to see the progress!).

Finally, I had a bit of 'luck' on eBay this weekend. I have been after a bunch of Chaos Warriors to act as the foot troops of both the Rotbringers and Bleak Horde (the Bloodbound do just fine with their Bloodreavers and Blood Warriors), but aside from a little unit of 12 I managed to pick up a little while ago, I kept getting outbid. So, this weekend I decided I would take no prisoners and put a bid on every Chaos Warrior lot I could find.

Yeah, you guessed it, they all came in So, now I have the best part of 100 Chaos Warriors on their way, which will more than cover what I planned to do for the Rotbringers and Bleak Horde. Not sure what to do about the remainder. Could just have more for both Nurgle and Tzeentch, I suppose. Don't think there is much point making them Slaanesh, as when that force appears once more, I am guessing it will be with a whole new miniatures range...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 11:01:44

Post by: coldgaming

^ I've recently put together a Skull Cannon myself. I took the Herald for the Throne and put him on a 40mm base to use as my Bloodletter Hero, to go along with my 20 Bloodletters, which I also switched to 32mm bases. Saved me a few bucks and I think he looks pretty good. Haven't started painting the cannon yet but sure does look like a lot of little parts.

I've been finishing up a general Khorne force, which includes the starter box, war hounds, Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers. I just put an order in for some Plague Monks and Plaguebearers to start a Nurgle force, not sure on how big I will expand that one.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 12:00:12

Post by: Bottle

My bases recipe is simple:

Mechanicus Standard Grey
Null Oil wash
Karak Stone drybrush
Screaming Skull drybrush

Mordheim tufts

Eshin Grey rim


Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 12:56:57

Post by: MongooseMatt

coldgaming wrote:

I've been finishing up a general Khorne force, which includes the starter box, war hounds, Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers.

Going to add a Bloodthirster? Fun model, both to paint and play (and it is nice to have to one side, just in case your opponent takes something silly!).

coldgaming wrote:
I just put an order in for some Plague Monks and Plaguebearers to start a Nurgle force, not sure on how big I will expand that one.

Speaking of Nurgle, last week I managed to bag the eBay deal of the year. I have been wanting a Great Unclean One for my Nurgle force for a while as the war in the Realm of Life kinda needs one (if you are following the storyline). However, the current Great Unclean One is not... completely awesome, especially when put alongside the Bloodthirster. It is too small and almost looks like Gardus could step on it! So, that meant getting the Forge World version, but there was no way I was going to lash out the £120-odd it costs.

(I had seen one of these models on a bring and buy stand at a show earlier this year for £50, and was kicking myself that I had not picked it up).

I had been looking for one on eBay but, being a cheapskate, I kept getting outbidded the few times one popped up, even when they were missing the odd part.

Until I went onto eBay Poland - last week I managed to snatch one for little more than £30, including postage, and it arrived today!

The question, I guess, is whether it is a recast - and having looked at it, I have no idea. The weight 'feels' genuine, and the seller does not have more on sale. I have therefore decided not to think too much about that, and instead concentrate on how I am going to paint it.

Moral of the Story: eBay is your friend!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 16:11:42

Post by: coldgaming

MongooseMatt wrote:
coldgaming wrote:

I've been finishing up a general Khorne force, which includes the starter box, war hounds, Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers.

Going to add a Bloodthirster? Fun model, both to paint and play (and it is nice to have to one side, just in case your opponent takes something silly!).

Bit torn... the completionist in me would love that as the perfect centrepiece, though I'm not huge on the model. But the price is hard to justify, and I don't actually like assembling and painting big models. For the same cost I could get a few boxes of regular troop types, and they bring me more hobbying joy.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/19 16:46:11

Post by: MongooseMatt

coldgaming wrote:

Bit torn... the completionist in me would love that as the perfect centrepiece, though I'm not huge on the model. But the price is hard to justify, and I don't actually like assembling and painting big models. For the same cost I could get a few boxes of regular troop types, and they bring me more hobbying joy.

In that case, for a bit of daemonic leadership, you can't really go wrong with Valkia

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/21 19:57:10

Post by: pox

I've been kicking around the idea of a "Forrest primeval" army.

It would be an army of Bacchus (using Daemon Prince rules,) with sylvaneth forces, beastman, and Forrest goblins.

pretty much treemen, dryads, spider riders, gors/ungors/bestigors, Wolves, giant spider, and will-o-the-wisps. (using spirit base rules.)

The background would be a Native entity (Bacchus) raising up forces of everything that lives in the Forrest to fight the incursion of Nurgle into the plane of living. His questionable apperance gives good reason for him and his army to fight most armies.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/21 20:01:38

Post by: Attilla

 pox wrote:
I've been kicking around the idea of a "Forrest primeval" army.

It would be an army of Bacchus (using Daemon Prince rules,) with sylvaneth forces, beastman, and Forrest goblins.

pretty much treemen, dryads, spider riders, gors/ungors/bestigors, Wolves, giant spider, and will-o-the-wisps. (using spirit base rules.)

The background would be a Native entity (Bacchus) raising up forces of everything that lives in the Forrest to fight the incursion of Nurgle into the plane of living. His questionable apperance gives good reason for him and his army to fight most armies.

This sounds like a really cool idea, please keep us posted on your progress!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/22 09:49:40

Post by: MongooseMatt

Finished off the Wrathmongers and Skullreapers last night;

More piccies and painting notes here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/skullreapers-wrathmongers/

Was going to do more of these guys, but there is not much variation in the kit (other than the Skullreaper/Wrathmonger split) and the joy of AoS is that if you don't want to do certain models, there is no gaming reason to do so!

It turns out that our group painting day is going to be next weekend, so the addition to the Dreadhold is going to have to wait a bit longer. However, I have just put together Skarbrand, a Great Unclean One, a Maggoth Lord and a bunch of Chaos Warhounds, so I have plenty to be getting on with! I have also almost completed Festus (will be done this weekend) and I have nearly 100 Chaos Warriors (don't ask...) on their way from eBay, which I might get to leapfrog over the other models if they arrive before the weekend.

Busy, busy, busy!

Oh, and everyone else see that AoS seems to be getting another release window in a couple of weeks?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/24 09:57:35

Post by: MongooseMatt

Latest Updates: Played the Watchtower scenario yesterday, continuing our Brimstone Peninsula campaign.

On the painting table (hoping to complete this weekend, may be a bit ambitious): Skarbrand, Blood Throne and ten Chaos Warhounds!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/24 15:27:09

Post by: coldgaming

Nice pics! I finished my Bloodletter Herald from the Skull Throne box and am taking a breather on all this red and lava I've been painting and switched gears to some Plague Monks. It's nice to paint green. I got a box of them with Plaguebearers, and depending on which unit I like to paint more will probably determine if this is a Pestilens-heavy army or a Nurgle-heavy army.

I must say my order got literally run over by a truck on its way to me - Canada Post gave it to me in a bag, as the box had been destroyed. Somehow the sprues all got bent out of shape and snapped but the actual bits I needed had a 95% survival rate, and it was easy enough to glue two swords back together to make it out without casualties.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/25 10:56:05

Post by: Bottle

Finished the rebasing of my first 10 Empire Swordsmen!

Nice to get pictures of them taken in good light too~

All my other projects are slowly coming along, and now that these 10 have been moved off the conveyor belt, we see a new project take it's place. Currently working on a Garden of Morr! (I have to say, wow the kit has loads of scenery for £30!)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/26 10:59:03

Post by: MongooseMatt

You know how you sometimes get that one model on your painting table that is half-done, you intend to finish it, but other projects keep overtaking it? For me, lately, that was Festus the Leechlord, and last night I finally got him done!

More piccies here, as always: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/festus-the-leechlord/

I had hoped to get more done, but if I can spare a few hours this coming week, I am hoping to also finish off a bunch of Chaos Warhounds (just need their horns and faces completing), a Blood Throne of Khorne (bigger than you might think, but also quicker to paint than you might think), and maybe, just maybe, Skarbrand as well.

I also managed to get a whole bunch of 'prep' work done for future models, mainly building and basing - a veritable horde of Chaos Warriors and Gors, along with the Glottkin, which had been sitting in its box for a long time, making me feel built every time I walked past!

This weekend, however, I have a big project planned - a substantial portion of the Chaos Dreadhold...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/26 12:20:17

Post by: angelofvengeance

Nice work there, Bottle! Those Servants of Sigmar (since Empire is dead in AoS) look fantastic

@Matt: Great work on the Leechlord! Always liked that model. Has just the right amount of Nurgle to it without being OTT.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/26 12:53:55

Post by: Bottle

 angelofvengeance wrote:
Nice work there, Bottle! Those Servants of Sigmar (since Empire is dead in AoS) look fantastic

@Matt: Great work on the Leechlord! Always liked that model. Has just the right amount of Nurgle to it without being OTT.

Actually they are misfits and sell-swords operating out of Azyrheim ;-)

As new models get painted up the Altdorf uniform will slowly get phased out.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/27 10:14:33

Post by: MongooseMatt

Wasn't going to post these, but ended up being quite pleased how they turned out - a full unit of Chaos Warhounds.

If you want to see a really quick way of painting them, full notes (and more piccies!) here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/letting-slip-the-dogs-of-war/

Also managed to get the wings done on Skarbrand, but it may be the weekend before he is complete. However, the Blood Throne had its base done last night and is just waiting for a few details - will be done tonight or tomorrow night!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/27 16:34:40

Post by: ServiceGames

I'll do my best to remember to take a photo when I get home. Working on the Starter Box Stormcast Eternals in the Celestial Vindicator paint scheme. It's turning out to be more Sotek Green than turquoise like I had hoped. But, it's looking good anyway.


EDIT: Completely forgot to take a photo last night. My bad on that one. Blame HALO 5. I'll try to remember tonight.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/27 19:06:00

Post by: Bottle

Those Chaos Warhounds look amazing Matt. You're a painting MACHINE!

And post pics ServiceGames, this thread needs more piccies:-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 02:06:53

Post by: Edgecoc

The beginning of my Dark Elf army. Big Pic

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 09:50:04

Post by: MongooseMatt

Still reaping the benefits of getting through a lot this weekend - did the final touches on the Blood Throne last night;

Next up, Skarbrand, then the Big Project this Saturday!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 10:20:17

Post by: CoreCommander

MongooseMatt wrote:
Still reaping the benefits of getting through a lot this weekend - did the final touches on the Blood Throne last night;


Next up, Skarbrand, then the Big Project this Saturday!

The Blood Throne is an awesome model. I like the skullcannon variant much more mostly because it doesn't have the two bloodletters in front of it.

@Matt: Last night I was going through the old 4th edition 40k book and the kill team rules left me with the impression that they'd not be out of place reworked for AoS. You may want to have a glance at them as your next Battleplan. Alternatively if you can't, I could do it (mainly because I want to see a battle report with them and to tell the truth I won't play it myself), but I'm sure I'll be doing a much sloppier job than you.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 11:12:03

Post by: angelofvengeance

The Chaos hounds and the Bloodletter chariot look awesome, Matt. Nice work!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 13:10:52

Post by: toasteroven

I didn't realize how much chaos warhounds look adorable rat monster dogs.

Killer shrews!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 17:05:09

Post by: Sqorgar

I'm almost finished painting my Stormcast from the starter set. I won't bother posting a picture because they look exactly like every other gold-and-blue sigmarine. I was thinking of breaking out with my next set of Liberators and going for one of the purplish-crimson ones (Astral Templars or Celestial Warbringers). Is there a place where the set of paints used to get that color is mentioned?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/28 20:00:05

Post by: monders

Just got the AoS app and I'm perusing the Lizardman warscrolls. They look a bit tasty. Used Teh warscrolls site to get a 20pt force together. Just trying to arrange my first game.

Does that count?!

Then, if I enjoy it I'll look at rebasing...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 03:26:33

Post by: Red_Zeke

I do think that scrollbuilder.com has really given me back a lot of that casual list building/thinking-about-the-game time that I enjoyed in 8th (and prior editions).

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 10:32:36

Post by: CragHack


Magnetising Liberators. Just because I can and don't feel like setting with just one option. Though hammers seem to be better than swords. Unless 2+/4+ is better than 3+/3+ while fighting multi wound creatures.

Going to paint these as Astral Templars later on.

Though I have to say I dislike this new model design in general. I mean, knife A has to be slotted on body A and will not fit on body B. :|

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 11:51:07

Post by: MongooseMatt

CragHack wrote:

Unless 2+/4+ is better than 3+/3+ while fighting multi wound creatures.

They are nearasdammit the same (3+/3+ has a slight edge, but it is tiny for most Liberator unit sizes) - sword or hammers really comes down to personal preference rather than target

Say you have a unit of 30 Liberators (because this is how large you have to get before the difference starts coming through), they rush in against Nagash and, just supposing they all get to fight, dish out 60 attacks.

With swords (2+/4+), 50 hit and, of those, half will Wound - so, 25 saves needed.

With hammers (3+/3+), 40 hit, and two thirds will wound - so, 26 saves-ish, could round up to 27.

And that is with _30_ Liberators, remember

There is only a real difference between swords and hammers if you start applying re-rolls, and then it depends on whether you re-roll hits or wounds... Basically, go with what you like best.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 12:05:54

Post by: CragHack

Thanks for math-hammering that out
I guess I'll go with the swords. To me they look so much better than hammers. Or, maybe, put those hammers on left hands just for "omg, that looks so kewl" thing.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 16:55:36

Post by: Binabik15

I've decided to start my first AoS mini! I followed Painting Buddhas tutorial video and following Ben is just great, even if you feel super deriative. I like it so far, especially since it's only my sixth mini this year after I don't know how many years of not-painting. Wait, I finished a half-done mini last year! Wooohoo, take THAT, backlog Two of those minis wre 1:72 Vikings, but hey. Painting individual blood trails from a gouged eye in 1:72 takes al ot of time, too. Still struggling with the loaded brush, but I'm starting to think that the paper on my wet pallette is crap and needs to be replaced every day to stop it from getting its coating into the paint, that might be the reason why brush loading only works when I start with a new mini. After switching it mid-painting yesterday it it began working again.

Calves are proving troublesome, sadly, despite me loving the knee which is also round and should be the same difficulty to paint?! The thigh is finished, nor are the bolts of lightning on his shoulder pad. I kept painting but I literally missed my bus because of it yesterday and *still* didn't finish that second shoulder pad

I'm having trouble with the new imgur design, I can't find a resize option anymore, so you'll have to excuse badly lit cellphone pictures scaled with paint, which makes them kinda gritty and washed out looking. So many word to say "be gentle, please"

PS: Since you can't mix NMM with normal metals I'll have to paint some of my Sigmarines in NMM and some in regular gold. Good thing then that I have a second dracoth rider and starter Prosecutors to turn into flying Spartans, eh. But then I'd like to have the Spartarines in NMM, so I might have to cut of his halo and give him a horsehair crest. Don't you just love good planining before painting, huh?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 22:39:25

Post by: Bottle

Wow, that NMM is looking great!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/29 23:29:47

Post by: Donkeyshot

Trying to complete some things I've left unfinished for way to long, such as my old grumlok orc. Also trying to finish my scratch build of a giant based on the witcher 3 ice giant. Can't decide on what he's gonna hold in his left hand though.
Sorry for the crappy pic, it was just something I took fast.

[Thumb - Pic_1.png]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/30 00:06:25

Post by: Motograter

I hope to be starting on my nurgle daemons soon. Assuming I can put my infinity stuff aside.

Sold off my mortal nurgle to get more daemons. Will hopefully be adding some FW soon

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/30 11:39:39

Post by: toasteroven

I like that scratchbuilt giant. Little bit rough, but the head and upper shoulders look great.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/30 13:50:08

Post by: Donkeyshot

Yeah it's still a bit rough. But there is still long way to go untill he's finished

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/30 20:18:26

Post by: pox

 Donkeyshot wrote:
Yeah it's still a bit rough. But there is still long way to go untill he's finished

The muscle detail and leg wraps are fantastic.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 11:41:55

Post by: MongooseMatt

Skarbrand got finished at the 11th hour...

Now I have to crack on with the Big Project...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 11:48:12

Post by: angelofvengeance

Skarbrand's looking pretty badass there Matt, nice work

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 12:50:56

Post by: MongooseMatt


Just ran out of Agrax Earthshade! Biog Project in jeopardy!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 12:57:13

Post by: Rotgut

I finished painting the khorgorath from the starter set. So I have half of half of the set finished.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 15:16:08

Post by: toasteroven

Done quickly and lazily, for my sister.

Even sigmarines need puppy dogs. No regrets.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 16:04:51

Post by: War Kitten

I'm currently painting up a unit of 30 Dwarf Warriors for my Duardin.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/10/31 17:12:30

Post by: Bottle

MongooseMatt wrote:

Just ran out of Agrax Earthshade! Biog Project in jeopardy!

They should sell it by the litre!

Skarbrand looks awesome

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/02 03:50:06

Post by: c0wb0ys7y13

I just finished painting my Stormcast Eternal army. My goal was to get a fully army table top ready using efficient batch painting techniques and as few colors as possible. Mission accomplished!

[Thumb - Stormcast army.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/02 07:27:25

Post by: Mymearan

That looks great! Mind sharing some of your speed-painting tips?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/02 22:26:21

Post by: Bottle

Finished my 2 Aelven heroes for my army that I posted on the other page. This now finishes my band of heroes that sits centre in my army and is inspired by things like Warhammer Quest and Dungeons & Dragons!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/03 03:10:56

Post by: Nerm86

Here is the finished product. The Empire are mine and the Bloodbound are my brothers. I didn't get all the models painted that I would have liked but I was very happy with the display board.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/03 07:16:16

Post by: Mymearan

Those are some great paint jobs. I especially like the grey robes on the mage to the right!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/03 12:23:30

Post by: Bottle

Nerm86 wrote:
Here is the finished product. The Empire are mine and the Bloodbound are my brothers. I didn't get all the models painted that I would have liked but I was very happy with the display board.

Your empire look great Nerm! Do you have any close-ups?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/04 22:13:56

Post by: Baron Klatz

@Cowboys7y13 & Bottle & MongooseMatt, those models are amazing! I wish I had a fraction of that painting skill.

@Nerm86, I agree with Bottle, we need close-ups of your valiant soldiers.

As for myself, I'm in the Round Table's painting contest and I'm entering a sketch for it to go with the theme of Bretonnia in a new age.

Bretonnians in the realm of life before the coming of chaos.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/05 00:18:12

Post by: Nerm86

No close ups of the Empire unfortunately, but plenty of Khorne! Unfortunately these were hurried photos taken on my phone but you still get the idea.

I was really happy with out the Realm Gate come out, I fear I wont be able to replicate it on its counterpart.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 0002/09/01 15:40:13

Post by: Bottle

Yeah the realm gate looks fantastic, especially the warp trails. In fact your whole display board is epic. How did you do in Armies on Parade?

My latest update is more rebasing of my old 8th Edition models:

My regular army that I take to the store is now fully painted! Feels good man :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/05 22:28:13

Post by: Nerm86

Khorne came 3rd and apparently the Empire was a close 4th.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 04:36:03

Post by: Red_Zeke

Love that cannon on an oval!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 09:13:52

Post by: angelofvengeance

That looks stunning Bottle! Nice work. Quite liking the little bit of parchment paper on the cannon with the twin-tailed comet on

The Outriders are looking pretty great too- the highlighting on the horses is nicely done

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 10:07:56

Post by: MongooseMatt

Really not getting much painting done this week, but I did manage to pop this one out (not that it took a great deal of work!) - a Beastman's Herdstone!

Now I just have to do some beastmen to dance around it. And a Warscroll, I suppose...

As for playing Age of Sigmar, will be heading up to Nottingham tomorrow to try out their Doubles event. I'll see if I can do a report on Monday...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 12:27:55

Post by: Bottle

Matt that looks AWESOME!

Please share your warscroll for it too.

And how did you make? From mystical styrofoam?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 12:29:48

Post by: Mymearan

That. is. awesome. Really want to make one now that I accidentally started a Beastmen army...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 12:41:40

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Bottle wrote:

And how did you make? From mystical styrofoam?

Bought it at a show!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 13:04:21

Post by: Mymearan

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/06 14:24:11

Post by: Bottle

Red_Zeke wrote:Love that cannon on an oval!

Yeah! Surprised at how well it fits!

angelofvengeance wrote:That looks stunning Bottle! Nice work. Quite liking the little bit of parchment paper on the cannon with the twin-tailed comet on

The Outriders are looking pretty great too- the highlighting on the horses is nicely done

Thanks! Did you notice it only says "Sigma"? Haha, I should be less lazy and go and change that!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
MongooseMatt wrote:
 Bottle wrote:

And how did you make? From mystical styrofoam?

Bought it at a show!

Oh wow. Well it's a super cool piece of scenery! :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/10 10:29:47

Post by: MongooseMatt

Finished off my Harbinger of Decay, to give the Rotbringers a(nother) leader!

Next up, the Glottkin, a Great Unclean One and a Maggoth Lord!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/13 14:20:46

Post by: MongooseMatt

Not technically a project update, but if anyone can get to Swindon very early, it looks like we have a space free in the car for the Rotwater Blight event at GW HQ on Jan 9-10...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/14 03:25:18

Post by: SolidOakie

FANTASTIC herdstone and Harbinger of Decay! I used the Cygors boulder as my Herdstone. It pales in comparision!

My friend got the beginner set so I took the Khorne guys and added some Chaos warriors, bloodletters, and skullcrushers.
I bought ten Blightkings, Festus, Morbidex Twiceborn, and converted some Chaos warriors with extra Blightkings parts.

I dont have any pictures of those yet but I am also working on a Tzeentch themed army. I repainted some beastmen and added Vilitch and six Screamers so far. I do have a pic of that. Lets see here...

[Thumb - 12105149_114828058878559_1595405292_n.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/14 03:25:49

Post by: SolidOakie

Heres one more close up. I was planning on repainting all my beastmen to fill out the ranks of the 4 Chaos Gods but with the synergy issues dont think this will work out on the table. Oh well, they look cooler painted this way!

[Thumb - 12144035_1708932922662758_1269118999_n.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/14 10:02:12

Post by: MongooseMatt

 SolidOakie wrote:
Morbidex Twiceborn, and converted some Chaos warriors with extra Blightkings parts

I finished Morbidex myself last night - pictures on the way!

In the mean time, I see you a Maggoth Lord, and raise you a Great Unclean One!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/16 10:41:46

Post by: MongooseMatt

Busy, busy, busy! Got a Maggoth Lord done this weekend;

Also got a very special something done as well, but need to take photos of that - piccies and report tomorrow!

Also surprised myself by also putting together six Plague Drones (not a fun job, as they are all legs and wings, but the painting should be easier), as well as making a very credible start on the Chaos Warriors and Lord of the Tzeentch Bleak Horde. Figure i can get those done this week/maybe next.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/16 14:19:53

Post by: Boss Salvage

 SolidOakie wrote:
Oh well, they look cooler painted this way!
The Tzaan beasties look fantastic! Dig that purple skin, and nice pairing with the yellow/gold metal + red bases

- Salvage

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/17 02:59:14

Post by: jazzk

I had finish painting my starter box a couple week ago. Picked up a second starter plus the Judicators and Bloodwarriors box set and will start the painting process again.

[Thumb - 20151031_132139[1].jpg]
[Thumb - 20151031_132010[1].jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/17 09:50:01

Post by: MongooseMatt

Added more bits to the Dreadhold!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/17 18:39:41

Post by: 03mark87

I don't do AOS, but I'm rebuilding my WHFB Vampire counts army. Been buying up mostly metals on ebay lately and stripping them down to make a truly massive unead horde. So far I have:

6 bases metal spirit hosts
60 metal ghouls
60 plastic skeletons
3 Vampire lordes on horses (metal)
2 metal wraiths
31 old dire wolves
40 plastic zombies
70 metal grave guard
3 metal necromancers
89 metal armored skeletons
1 metal winged nightmare
1 metal zombie dragon
6 bases of metal bat swarms
9 metal blood knights
30 cursed metal cursed company
2 metal varghulfs
2 metal banshees
4 metal wights
9 metal fell bats
20 plastic black knights
1 metal Heinrich Kemmler
1 metal vampire standard
1 metal Vlad Von Carstein
1 metal wight lord standard.

I reeeeealy like metals, as I'm sure you can tell. I'm hoping to get this whole force assembled, based, primed, and painted in the next year. Wish me luck!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/17 18:56:33

Post by: MongooseMatt

 03mark87 wrote:

I'm hoping to get this whole force assembled, based, primed, and painted in the next year. Wish me luck!

We'll want pics!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 10:13:14

Post by: MongooseMatt

Skull Keep haz lights...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 10:13:35

Post by: Mymearan

Oh man, awesome

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 15:07:48

Post by: Sqorgar

How do you find the time to do all that painting, MongooseMatt? Are you a machine? You'd tell us if you were a machine, right? You don't want to... you know... kill all humans, do you?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 15:36:21

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Sqorgar wrote:
How do you find the time to do all that painting, MongooseMatt? Are you a machine? You'd tell us if you were a machine, right? You don't want to... you know... kill all humans, do you?


There is a little trick to it. I like watching TV after work as much as the next guy - however, I find it very difficult to just sit there and veg out. Always want to do something with my hands.

Enter painting!

Give me a DVD box set or a new release on Netflix, and I'll crank out an entire army The recent Nurgle models were powered by The Following and The Last Kingdom...

The only real distraction is the xBox, but I seem to play that less these days. The key, I think, is to occupy your mind. If you can do that, you can paint for hours.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 19:27:52

Post by: Sqorgar

MongooseMatt wrote:

There is a little trick to it. I like watching TV after work as much as the next guy - however, I find it very difficult to just sit there and veg out. Always want to do something with my hands.

There's my problem. I don't watch enough TV - and the TV shows I do watch are filled with gratuitous, excessive, and sometimes obscene nudity that I wouldn't want to miss any of by dividing my attention. You know the shows I'm talking about.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 20:09:22

Post by: FeydRautha

I will post some progress pics when I get home, but I cannot for the life of me match up the Astral Templars paint scheme.

I used Rhinox Hide mixed with Xereus Purple as a basecoat, but there is no single color that will accurately create those highlights as seen in the studio scheme.

I tried lightening up the basecoat mix with some Genestealer Purple, but it was not enough to get it to stand out and was too subtle. I then mixed straight Genestealer with Xerus Purple, but the result wound up being more pink than the studio highlight.

Moreover even a straight black wash with Nuln oil is barely detectable on the model.

Granted I did this all on a test model. I'm leaning close to just scrapping the idea of Astral Templars and maybe going with Celestial Warbringers with or without the upgrade kits:

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/18 22:02:42

Post by: coldgaming

I finally settled on a scheme I like for my Stormcast. It's basically ripping off the Tampa Bay Lightning colours. So I'm repainting my Stormcast while also bolstering Chaos.

Finished Plague Monks, some Plaguebearers, Liberators and Retributors recently. Just got in the mail some more Plaguebearers and a Lord of Plagues. Can say for sure I'm painting more than ever with AoS. It encourages me to buy what I like. Even one unit from any faction can work in my armies. I'm thinking of throwing some Beastmen into my Chaos mix next, but also want Spider Riders, Ogres... There's too much. I found what used to happen with me is I'd survive a couple units into an army and just not have the will to finish 2,000 points. With this system I can dance around wherever my inspiration takes me.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 03:24:30

Post by: Red_Zeke

@Mongoose Matt: Love that lit Skull Keep!

@FeydRautha: Is that first one yours or studio?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 03:44:02

Post by: Minijack

@mongoose matt

Your creations are just insane!

I feel soo far behind as I haven't even assembled my Dreadhold pieces but your lighting certainly gives me some ideas

I do have the my Celestial Vindicator Thunderstrike brotherhood completed though--

[Thumb - 20151115122447.jpg]
[Thumb - 20151115122502.jpg]
[Thumb - 20151115122516.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 07:35:56

Post by: Mymearan

Those look great minijack!

Would love to see more pics of everyone's Stormcast, I'm at a loss as for what color scheme to pick

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 09:11:47

Post by: Meowstalker

Minijack wrote:
@mongoose matt

Your creations are just insane!

I feel soo far behind as I haven't even assembled my Dreadhold pieces but your lighting certainly gives me some ideas

I do have the my Celestial Vindicator Thunderstrike brotherhood completed though--

Celestial Vindicator brethren reporting!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 10:49:21

Post by: MongooseMatt

FeydRautha wrote:
I will post some progress pics when I get home, but I cannot for the life of me match up the Astral Templars paint scheme.

There does not seem to be any official painting guides for these guys...

I have been messing around with a deep purple Manticore of late. For the really deep base, perhaps try Naggaroth Night with Druchii Violet shading. As for the highlighting... I might start looking at the Lilac they do to begin with...

Meowstalker wrote:

Celestial Vindicator brethren reporting!

The shading you have done, particularly on the Liberator's shields and Lord-Celestant's cloak is, well, masterful!

In other news, I have a game set up for tomorrow (will do a report!), finishing the Brimstone Peninsula campaign (Battleplan: The Ritual). Just wanted to show off the table we will be using

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 10:54:19

Post by: CoreCommander

I've always found the cotton smoke/fire terrain very striking (and very easy to make). The table is very much in tone with the brimstone as I imagine it - dark from smoke clouds and the storm of sigmar, fires and barren ruins everywhere - perfect.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/19 11:03:00

Post by: Mymearan

Are those airbrushed Meowstalker?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/21 07:53:33

Post by: Meowstalker

 Mymearan wrote:
Are those airbrushed Meowstalker?

Yea, airbrush give a nice gradient to start.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/21 08:45:06

Post by: Bottle

Those look fantastic Meowstalker! Such clean bright colours. What are you adding next?

Matt, that table looks very atmospheric!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/21 10:22:55

Post by: MongooseMatt

Got the foot troops of the Bleak Horde done (36 of them!), along with another unit of Retributors;

Also got a seriously cool game of The Ritual yesterday that came right down to the wire - a great showing of what Age of Sigmar is capable of: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/11/20/battle-report-the-ritual/

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/21 12:15:57

Post by: alex87

Matt your painting table is like a production line at the moment, nice work buddy.

Like the metallic blue too, I've found that tricky in the past.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/21 13:43:53

Post by: MongooseMatt

alex87 wrote:

Like the metallic blue too, I've found that tricky in the past.

Seriously, absolutely no skill required Base coat Ironbreaker, then do two washes of Guilliman Blue.

That is honestly it - no highlighting, no little detailed brush work. Use the biggest brush you can!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/22 11:05:39

Post by: alex87

My WoC are all Khorne flavoured and Iv'e found the same technique with red washes doesnt work quite as effectively, so I've had to do more edge highlighting and 'battle damage' style chips on the armour to get some the metallic effect to show through.
I have tried tinting some of my High Elves with blue armour but haven't been happy with the results, so scrapped it.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 14:58:46

Post by: MongooseMatt

Finished off the Overlord Bastion - the Chaos Dreadhold continues to grow!

Trying to get some Plague Drones done before the weekend now, as they will be needed for battle!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 18:21:42

Post by: Meowstalker

Just finished 20 Bloodreaver of Iron Horde(?), featuring black steel and scarlet groves/gauntlets/wrist guards.

Anyone have idea, why every cannon fodder made by GW take so much work to paint!!!

Anyway, I pick Iron Horde 'cos they background sound cool, much like Celestial Vindicator.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 18:43:25

Post by: coldgaming

Nice painting work. Never thought I'd be saying this, but I'm tempted by the Helfort scenery pack. It's actually a decent savings on buying the pieces individually, and it's a heck of a cornerstone for my gaming table, which as of right now is populated by tumbled rocks and styrofoam.

For people who never thought they could justify spending money on scenery instead of more models, how did you get over that?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 21:12:07

Post by: Bottle

@Matt, the keep looks fantastic, especially the red glow of the interior. How did you accomplish that?

And Meowstalker, superb work as always. Your colours are so smoothly highlighted.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 21:33:43

Post by: Mymearan

 Bottle wrote:
@Matt, the keep looks fantastic, especially the red glow of the interior. How did you accomplish that?

And Meowstalker, superb work as always. Your colours are so smoothly highlighted.

Not to answer for him, but to me it looks like a combination of three things: proper use of an airbrush, very thin paints and a steady hand. Without those last two you can't really do clean highlights. I know I'm not good enough at doing straight lines to get that clean look for line highlighting.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/26 23:42:43

Post by: puree

Thought he said had lights in them.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/27 19:08:01

Post by: MongooseMatt

coldgaming wrote:

For people who never thought they could justify spending money on scenery instead of more models, how did you get over that?

I know where you are coming from, as I used to be exactly the same - armies before terrain.

Be careful going down this path though, as it is a sickness. Once you start collecting terrain, you may not want to stop I think the hurdle to get over is a) you may have a great looking army, but it will always seem 'less' if you don't have a great looking table to match and b) you buy a new unit for your army, it may only be used once every few games, but a good piece of terrain may pop up in nearly every game...

 Bottle wrote:
@Matt, the keep looks fantastic, especially the red glow of the interior. How did you accomplish that?

A simple lighting kit from eBay - details here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/the-light-malevolent/

In other news, I managed to get the Plague Drones done after all!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/27 19:49:59

Post by: War Kitten

I'm currently working my way through the last few units of my Dwarf army for 8th edition/AOS games. So many tiny models....

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/29 10:18:21

Post by: NAVARRO

Love those Drones I need to get some of those boxes for myself.

Heres a bunch of things I have been working on for AoS that I post on the modeling forums but I will update this thread too just with some AoS sugar.

I have been rebasing my O&G and also adding some stuff to my army.

I added a count as Doomdiver because I do not like the current stock model, so I used a FW model instead.

Then Im going to do a 2nd arachnarok and I will use a model that I sculpted a few years ago for Otherworld minis.
Size comparison pics.

The bits

All metal goodness!

Comparison pics

Then I finished up a Orc Bully to keep the Doomdiver working faster

And I just did a small tutorial on How to sculpt that Whip

Thats it for now. Im currently working on a huge Rock giant for my AoS.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 11:04:28

Post by: MongooseMatt

Getting ready to launch into the Realm of Metal campaign, and so polished off some leaders for the Tzeentch force;

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 13:05:47

Post by: Sqorgar

I ordered that big $200 paint set from GW - my most expensive mini-related purchase yet. I was just severely lacking in a variety of paint. No greens or yellows or browns, and very specific army P3 colors for Warmachine that don't work well for other models (I also like the Citadel base colors better as they don't require 7 layers to get decent coverage). I was looking at $25 worth of paint for each new figure type I wanted to paint, with a lot of it being really small things like single dots of yellow for eyes. It doesn't cover ever color I want, but for small things like sword hafts, plumes, or eyes, it should be close enough. It's basically just a combination of the four paint boxes (base/shade/layer/dry), complete with the associated brushes, stuffed in that giant, overpriced project box. I'm actually a bit excited because there's been a bunch of figures (both GW and WMH) that I've put off painting because I lacked basic colors. I also a bit eager to try out the new dry paints - I love dry brushing.

Outside of the Gulliman Blue glaze for the wings (the paint box didn't have glazes or technical paints), I should finish my Prosecutors from the starter set today. Just the Lord Cellestant and Lord Relictor to go. Then I'm going to return to WMH to finish my Khador army (7 figures). I also have done any bases yet - like at all, including the fifty or so Warmachine models I've painted - so I'm eager to try that out, honestly.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 15:15:27

Post by: DiscoKing

I've been working on my Skaven,crappy shot sorry

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 18:47:13

Post by: jasper76

So many awesome minis in this thread!

I finally ordered a copy of the AoS starter set. I'm doing a 30k 2nd Legion using Word Bearers rules, and had already picked up the Celestant Prime model for use as the Primarch. These Stormcast models are awesome IMO, and though they're meant to look angelic, they look at the same time demonic to me From the srtarter set, the Liberators I'm going to use as a Gal Vorbak squad. I'll have to see the sprues before I figure out how I'm gonna get the shooty weapons on there. The 3 Prosecutors are gonna make a Cataphracrii Command Squad for the Primarch, and I'll use the Lord Relictor for a Standard Bearer. Not sure what to do with the rest at this point.

Now realizing this is more of a 40k post than an AoS post, but I've been dreuling over the models for a while, and I'm psyched to get the box.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 21:32:32

Post by: Dreadnok89

Damn,you guys are making me jealous. I cant paint :(

Automatically Appended Next Post:
MongooseMatt wrote:
Finished off the Overlord Bastion - the Chaos Dreadhold continues to grow!

Trying to get some Plague Drones done before the weekend now, as they will be needed for battle!

Great job!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/11/30 22:33:11

Post by: coldgaming

Playing around with my Khorne and Nurgle forces in my dusty apartment. I still need to go around the bases with black and clean them up. So much hobby stuff to do. Ordered Bloab Rotspawned. Looking forward to putting that together. Great pics above, love seeing full armies on rounds.


Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/01 00:38:11

Post by: Atolyr

I've been working on the Khorne Bloodbound in the starter box. So far, I've finished the Bloodreavers, Blood Warriors, Bloodsecrator and Bloodstoker.

Khorgorath is up next!

I like this thread. So many great-looking models! It's been an inspiration.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/01 09:58:06

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Atolyr wrote:
I've been working on the Khorne Bloodbound in the starter box. So far, I've finished the Bloodreavers, Blood Warriors, Bloodsecrator and Bloodstoker..

That is very nice work.

Read your work in the other thread too - was going to say that another way of motivating yourself to paint is to set dates for playing the scenarios in the starter set - and then making sure the models for them are done on time!

For my part, managed to finish the Glottkin off, so my Nurgle guys have some proper leadership now!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Dreadnok89 wrote:
Damn,you guys are making me jealous. I cant paint :(

How interested are you in being able to paint? I ask, as I have _no_ talent for art. None. Zero. However, there are a few tricks and tips (and they don't take long!) that can give results that are at least decent, and I am sure everyone here would be happy to share.

Seriously, a trained chimp could paint as well as I do!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 16:22:59

Post by: Atolyr

Khorgorath is complete!

I had so much fun painting this monster!

MongooseMatt wrote:

That is very nice work.
Thanks, man! You do some really nice work yourself. I've checked out your blog - really inspiring stuff!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 16:29:25

Post by: coldgaming

That's a nice, smooth paint job. Went back and looked at my Khorgorath and it looks so messy in comparison!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 21:17:54

Post by: Mleander

Hello im new to the hobby, just bought myself a AoS Starter set which im painting up slowly but steady ^^

Here some pics.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 21:25:07

Post by: NAVARRO

Very nice paintjobs Mleander, very clean and sharp.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 21:43:57

Post by: Mleander

Thanks alot, rly appreciate it! These are my first models, im struggling with layering and highlighting the gold. unfortunatly the highlights doesnt rly show up on the pics.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/02 21:52:26

Post by: Mymearan

Mleander wrote:
Thanks alot, rly appreciate it! These are my first models, im struggling with layering and highlighting the gold. unfortunatly the highlights doesnt rly show up on the pics.

Gamesome paint jobs there, wow! Tar gärna en match om du är uppe i Östersund

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/03 10:53:40

Post by: casvalremdeikun

Just ordered the Stormcast Eternals side of the Starter Set, so only in the planning stage. I am going to go with Retributor Gold and gray-blue (think the blue color on Space Wolves), either with the gray-blue as the main or the accent, can't decide. The Dracoth of the Celestant is going to get colored like a timber wolf (gray top with white bottom). I think I am going to paint the wings of the Prosecutors like hawk wings (dark brown tapering to white).

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/03 22:28:11

Post by: Mymearan

Finished my third and probably final test model! I think I've got a color scheme! What do you guys think?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 01:57:42

Post by: DiscoKing

Finished my Hellpit Abomination

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 03:46:20

Post by: Atolyr

Mleander wrote:Hello im new to the hobby, just bought myself a AoS Starter set which im painting up slowly but steady ^^

Great work! Your Stormcast Eternals are coming along nicely. I hope mine come out looking as good as yours!

Mymearan wrote:Finished my third and probably final test model! I think I've got a color scheme! What do you guys think?]

I like it. Very cold and menacing, perfect for Stormcast Eternals!

DiscoKing wrote:Finished my Hellpit Abomination

That is an epic miniature! I really like the base on it too!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have my own projects to report!

The Mighty Lord of Khorne:

And a test model for my Stormcast Eternals. Nothing innovative; just the traditional gold-and-blue studio scheme:

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 04:40:17

Post by: coldgaming

Mym, nice model, almost makes me think a snow base would be real fitting though. You have way more dedication than me to do those kind of multi-highlights. I think the black/white/light blue contrast from above will look nice on the tabletop.

Atol, I really like the grey and black you did on the lord's cape.

Disco, nice Hellpit and I especially like the base.

Plague Monks proved so useful to me in-game that I've ordered another 20, along with a Plagueclaw Catapult. I'll be making 2 squads of 16 monks and then 8 censer bearers. Also ordered Blightkings, never though I would, but my Nurgle army needs more hitting power. I've loved painting these Plaguebearers but I find they do almost nothing in combat.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 05:50:10

Post by: jazzk

I've expanded the units a bit.

[Thumb - 20151130_212823[1].jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 08:21:19

Post by: Bottle

 Mymearan wrote:
Finished my third and probably final test model! I think I've got a color scheme! What do you guys think?

Looks great man! It has a Black Templars vibe that really works well with the Storm Casts! Maybe you could build upon that by adding a big cult of sigmar to follow them into battle. All in black robes too :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/04 22:38:34

Post by: DiscoKing

Thanks for the comments

Finished the Lightning Cannon the other day but was waiting for bases to come.Anyways finished it.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/05 13:59:22

Post by: coldgaming

Nice army, Jazz. I think the red and silver is a great scheme. The only reason I didn't go red on my Stormcast was because I wanted to differentiate them from my Khorne more.

Very smooth paint job again, Disco.

I've got Bloab due in the mail next week, so I'm working on my Stormcast starter box this weekend in the meantime. I've found a scheme I like decently enough for them but doing 2 Liberators probably takes as long as 10 Plaguebearers.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/05 18:22:31

Post by: Bottle

Hey guys, got a question for you all.

I'm building Grim Burloksson for my Duardin and wondering if I should base him on a 25mm or a 32mm?

Comparison pics:



Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/05 20:03:29

Post by: DiscoKing


I like to put all my characters on 32mm's just so they stand out a bit more.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/05 22:56:09

Post by: Andreas 2.0

I'm doing a vampire army atm. It is going to be 1000 points in PPC at first, and I might expand later.

Skeletons with sword and shield

Skeletons with spear and shield

Spirit hosts

A wight king

A vampire baroness (lord)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 00:53:25

Post by: Red_Zeke

LOVE those VC.

The vampire is... banshee plus haemonculous plus vamp head?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 00:58:01

Post by: Andreas 2.0

 Red_Zeke wrote:
LOVE those VC.

The vampire is... banshee plus haemonculous plus vamp head?

If I remember correctly it's Scourge (40k) legs. banshee chest and left arm. Vampire head. Wych right arm with the dagger... I think. And I did some greenstuff work there too.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 03:48:51

Post by: coldgaming

They kind of look like pirate skeletons. I love them.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 10:06:15

Post by: Bottle

Yeah man, those skeletons are incredible! Love everything from the split yellow and green to the bases. Wish I had put my Wight King on a 32mm now...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 15:17:32

Post by: DiscoKing

Skeletons look amazing....Stirland colours?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 15:34:45

Post by: Andreas 2.0

DiscoKing wrote:
Skeletons look amazing....Stirland colours?

Thanks and yes, well spotted.

It is my silent protest on the death of the old world. In my local club we are going to play on a plane that has no idea that the end times was a loss for the imperium. It's still a battle, but Karl Franz just got some help from above

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/06 22:04:30

Post by: Mymearan

I changed my Stormcast color scheme again! I THINK I'm actually, for real happy this time...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 0054/12/06 23:50:18

Post by: jazzk

coldgaming wrote:
Nice army, Jazz. I think the red and silver is a great scheme. The only reason I didn't go red on my Stormcast was because I wanted to differentiate them from my Khorne more.

Thanks I was going for a Roman legion look for my Stormcast.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/07 14:44:53

Post by: Sword Of Caliban

My first Stormcast.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sorry for that guys...

[Thumb - DSC_0029.JPG]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/07 15:07:18

Post by: coldgaming

Man, those are awesome. Love the snow jade look.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/08 01:09:10

Post by: DiscoKing

Painted my Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror again so it fits with the rest of the army.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/08 10:20:05

Post by: MongooseMatt

DiscoKing wrote:
Painted my Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror again so it fits with the rest of the army.

Nice work, I have one of these waiting for some attention when I get round to my Skaven warband!

Managed to get some more wall sections done, turning the Dreadhold from an outpost to a more substantial fortress!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/08 14:58:06

Post by: Cirronimbus

Great thread... there's loads of amazing armies and inspiration in here. Especially like the Vampire Counts and Dwarfs.

I'll echo putting Burloksson on the 32mm base. It's nice to have the characters stand out a bit.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/08 19:52:37

Post by: Bottle

Thanks man, Burloksson is glued firmly on a 32mm now. I'll start posting updates once the paint starts to go on

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 09:48:46

Post by: MongooseMatt

Got the first of my Beastmen done at last! Got some Ungors to do next, but am currently getting distracted by a Verminlord and my first unit of Seraphon...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 11:00:26

Post by: notprop

Bottle wrote:
Hey guys, got a question for you all.

I'm building Grim Burloksson for my Duardin and wondering if I should base him on a 25mm or a 32mm?

Comparison pics:



Blimey Bottle, Nice work mate!

I have never ever liked GW's plastic Dwarves despite being massive fan of GW's old metal Dwarves but your paint job really has me thinking I may have been wrong all these years. Good work fella!

Andreas 2.0 wrote:
I'm doing a vampire army atm. It is going to be 1000 points in PPC at first, and I might expand later.

Skeletons with sword and shield

Skeletons with spear and shield

Spirit hosts

A wight king

A vampire baroness (lord)

Crikey, let me just pick my jaw up from the floor!

These Skellies are just so nice. Thanks for sharing these mate.

What paints are you using for your yellows?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 11:32:19

Post by: Green Army

Got my first unit of painted up, very enjoyable to do.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 13:24:05

Post by: MongooseMatt

 notprop wrote:
Crikey, let me just pick my jaw up from the floor!

Yeah, I am getting the feeling that everyone paints better than I do

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 14:43:34

Post by: RiTides

Mongoose, I think you do a tabletop standard really well, and blimey if you're not prolific . That dreadhold in particular is absolutely ace!

Bottle - Definitely 32mm, imo!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 15:03:16

Post by: Andreas 2.0

 notprop wrote:

Crikey, let me just pick my jaw up from the floor!

These Skellies are just so nice. Thanks for sharing these mate.

What paints are you using for your yellows?

Thanks man. Appreciate it. The yellow is just averland sunset, washed twice with agrax earthshade, repainted with averland sunset again and highlighted another time with a diluted 60/40 averland sunset to white. I really didn't want anything too difficult going on there, so the whole model has two layers of agrax earthshade to speed up painting.

EDIT: I forgot to say @Mongoose - Those beastmen are look really good and thematic. Reminds me of my childhood the way I always wanted my own to look back then!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 22:45:22

Post by: Oggthrok

I just realized that I should upload my work - so far I've only had time to make up the Blood Bound from the starter set,

Here's my lads. They're nothing overly special, but I've way out of practice, so Age of Sigmar has been an opportunity to relearn how to focus on an army and get it painted up:

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/09 23:12:53

Post by: Accolade

I like the beastmen, Mongoose! I think they might be the first ones I've seen in AOS basing style.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/10 15:12:00

Post by: DiscoKing

Painted up Belagor and a Slayer.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/10 15:34:23

Post by: Mymearan

They look awesome! I would push the highlights on the slayer red hair and beard though, but that's preference.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/10 16:39:20

Post by: RiTides

Agreed, very nice although I was going to say the same about the red on the slayer. However, an easier way to increase the contrast might just be to apply a wash to darken the crevices a bit, then re-highlight the raised areas to a similar shade you have now (or maybe just a "hair" brighter ).

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/10 16:42:39

Post by: DiscoKing


Your right about the hair but I don't know what colour to to use to highlight some more. I used base mephiston red,agrax shade,mephiston highlight,slayer orange highlight.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/10 16:43:58

Post by: coldgaming

Great painting in here. Can't wait to get done work and then my weekend project will be digging into Bloab Rotspawned. Bigger box than I imagined it would be. I'm going Bloab because I like the magic ability and shooting attack. Still got a bunch of Plague Monks on the way. They're surprisingly killy.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/13 02:21:48

Post by: Andreas 2.0

Almost done with the cairne wraith. Just need to finish the base, and I'm on to painting black knights.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/13 02:38:01

Post by: DiscoKing

Sweet Wraith

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/13 18:30:55

Post by: Champion of Slaanesh

I'm starting my 2nd AoS army orcs and goblins mainly due to me getting bored of my elves. Can't wait to get a game in with them

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/14 03:48:39

Post by: Cirronimbus

Finished up my first Savage Orc for my new Savage Waaagh! He was loads of fun to paint. I plan on adding some yellow static grass to the base once it arrives in the mail.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/14 09:15:08

Post by: DiscoKing

Thats an ace looking Orc

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/14 09:30:04

Post by: Bottle

Really nice work on the Orc skin there!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/15 10:20:18

Post by: MongooseMatt

Just in time for our campaignn games, I managed to do Vermalanx...

And Celemnis, Queen of Blades:

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 09:48:29

Post by: MongooseMatt

And the start of a Seraphon horde!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 11:47:52

Post by: DanielFM

Hi, I want to share with you my Stormcast Eternals, the Gods of War.

This is my converted Lord Celestant on Gryphoth and some of my Liberators. The first one is an example of the basic Liberator, with the converted Centurion crests; the second is my version of a helmet-less Stormcast and the third is my version of a female Stormcast. Subtly different but still feminine.

[Thumb - 4.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]
[Thumb - 9.jpg]
[Thumb - 6.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 12:30:20

Post by: Sarouan

That Griffon is just awesome, DanielFM! I really like you other conversions as well, that's the kind of inspiring stuff you'll never get enough!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 13:55:59

Post by: pox

I thought a giant centerpiece would be just what I needed to kick off a new AoS army, so I shipped my Greater Chaos Dragon to myself in NOLA while visiting my sister in Arizona. (she was holding it for me.)

Instead I got a 3-D puzzle for Christmas! gonna need a bigger glue bottle.

silver lining, it will be easy to rebase onto a round base!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 15:02:09

Post by: toasteroven

Nice looking star cloak thing on the big guy, DanielFM

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 15:14:21

Post by: coldgaming

Yikes on the breakage, but good silver lining.

That zebra dracoth is awesome! It actually makes me like the model. That's the only model from the starter set that I'm not even bothering to paint...something about it I'm just not a fan of. But with that paint job it looks great.

Also really like those Seraphon and that Savage Orc. Makes me really tempted to make my next purchase some orcs. I've been hobbying so much more with AoS, it's off the chain. There are so many cool, thematic army possibilities.

I'm still finishing up the Stormcast from the starter set while assembling some reinforcements for my Nurgle army. This is the first Blightking box I've bought and I see why they're a hit. All the customization options are a joy, as are the models themselves. It's the first time I can remember I chose to forgo a standard bearer or musician because I liked the normal weapon poses so much better. If I like painting them too, I could definitely see another box in my future.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2018/04/11 19:46:23

Post by: MongooseMatt

coldgaming wrote:
This is the first Blightking box I've bought and I see why they're a hit. All the customization options are a joy, as are the models themselves. It's the first time I can remember I chose to forgo a standard bearer or musician because I liked the normal weapon poses so much better. If I like painting them too, I could definitely see another box in my future.

The Blightkings are great - though I think the big bell guy is really iconic and just had to go with him!

Wait until you actually try them in a game though - so far I have only had them used against me (my own models too!), and they are nasty!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 04:21:25

Post by: Kanluwen

Just starting to paint up Archaon.

Jeezum crow. He is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. He barely fit in my damn spray booth!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/16 17:42:01

Post by: DiscoKing

My current project,which seems popular at the moment

Plaguebearers will go on 32mm bases when painted.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 20152015/12/17 20:39:15

Post by: grumpy_newenglander

Going to start working on the Stormcast from the boxed set tonight and this weekend...finally got them all built and primed. The models are awesome, pretty excited to see them all painted up...gonna look great. Sticking with the basic gold scheme to start, I've picked up a few more liberators off eBay to test some other paint schemes on as well.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/18 01:44:44

Post by: Versatilebeats

I think I'm getting better at the photo side of the hobby.

So here are my maggot riders completed. Converted from maggoth lord kit, putrid blightking bits, chaos knight bits, warriors of chaos bits and starship trooper burrower bugs.

They will make impressive leutenuits

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/18 01:57:45

Post by: Cirronimbus

Those are amazing!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 20182018/04/25 13:20:20

Post by: Red_Zeke

Whoa, good call! That maggoth kit really does come with a lot of extra pieces.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/18 05:09:53

Post by: RiTides

That's awesome, Versatilebeats! And welcome to Dakka

If you ever need more of the Burrower Bugs, they're sold by Rebel Minis now as generic "Sand Wurms". They're actually better than the original cast, which was all metal with a large seam down the back - these have a resin body that is single piece (no seam), and then a metal head / tail:



Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/18 13:45:49

Post by: auticus

I'm getting ready to start the entire dreadhold.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 20152015/04/25 13:31:36

Post by: MongooseMatt

auticus wrote:
I'm getting ready to start the entire dreadhold.

Excellent, we'll want piccies! What colour scheme are you going for?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 20152015/12/18 17:29:17

Post by: Versatilebeats

Excellent I have another maggoth lord head.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/19 00:49:43

Post by: Red_Zeke

auticus wrote:
I'm getting ready to start the entire dreadhold.

Uhhhhh... Like how entire? Looking forward to reward to it!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/20 14:48:02

Post by: coldgaming

Nice stuff in here as usual. Going through my Khorne, Nurgle, Stormcast armies. Just put a Plagueclaw together.

[Thumb - IMG_3482.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/20 15:27:24

Post by: Bottle

I love your characterful bases, coldgaming! They really make your forces stand out!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/20 15:47:11

Post by: puree

auticus wrote:
I'm getting ready to start the entire dreadhold.

That made me chuckle, your next project is getting ready to do the dreadhold. Getting ready for that is a project in its own right.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/20 19:05:09

Post by: Bottle

Just working on my Battle For Skull Pass dwarves some more! Not the nicest miniatures ever, but they are shaping up quite nicely still. Can't wait to get some of the new Duardin/Slayers to add to these :-)

Need to finish the metal work on these, the silver, gold and bronze, which will be done NMM style.

Also need to finish off the bases, and then these guys will be done :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/20 20:13:09

Post by: thekingofkings

Bottle, I absolutely love those models. Skull pass with a box of Ironbreakers and a runesmith (new) are core of my dwarves for AoS...gonna add belegar later, but I love that paint scheme.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2018/12/21 03:18:34

Post by: Red_Zeke

That might be the best paint job I've ever seen on the BFSP kit. I generally have a low opinion of that kit, but you have salvaged it and more, sir. Well done, Bottle.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/21 08:53:15

Post by: angelofvengeance

Bottle- those dwarfs are stunning!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/21 09:02:53

Post by: Bottle

Wow, thanks guys!

Still not finished yet, need to do all the metals and the bases.

It's one of the things I love about AoS. I bought BFSP almost 10 years ago (I think) and it's been sitting unpainted as I chose Empire as my army for WHFB - now with AoS both sides are perfect sizes in their own right, giving me two extra armies!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/21 12:38:21

Post by: Sarouan

These dwarves are full of life, Bottle, nice job!

Did you put them on 32 mm bases?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/21 12:54:32

Post by: Green Army

Finally got my second unit done.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/21 15:28:09

Post by: DiscoKing

@ Bottle: Awesome dwarfs,really awesome

@Green Army: Looking good,real good and the more I look at Stormcasts the more I can't wait for Xmas morning when hopefully Santa has left me some

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I let my daughter,who's just turned 4 paint a Rat Ogre to keep her busy this afternoon

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 04:55:54

Post by: privateer4hire

Finally got the starter forces done. Took me a month from buying them fully assembled to getting finished. As promised, here's some pix:

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 09:28:53

Post by: coldgaming

I love seeing all the Stormcast models. I've just ordered some more and can see quite a large army in my future. Great dwarfs and Disco, I wasn't even painting that cleanly at age 12! Or arguably even now.

Slowly finishing off the Prosecutors from the starter. Got a bunch of Nurgle on my to-do list and thinking about making a ghoul war band at some point seeing as I have a bunch of them laying around. Some of the sub-factions have incredible synergy. The ghoul band and the spider band stand out to me.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 09:34:40

Post by: angelofvengeance

@Disco: Wow that's a great kid you got there! I'll echo coldgaming's comment! Very neat!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 16:38:32

Post by: DiscoKing

Thanks for the comments

Finished my Blightkings and decided to stick to the same base look as my Skaven just so they have a bit uniformity if the 2 armies are fielded together.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 17:11:18

Post by: puree

Very nice. Every time I see a nurgle army I want to do one myself, they have so many nice models.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 17:32:32

Post by: durecellrabbit

Painted my Chaos starter a little while ago but here they are.

Whole army pic is rather wide so spoilered.


Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 17:53:45

Post by: NAVARRO

Wow lots of great updates all.

Love the green armor on the blightkings what colours did you use DiscoKing?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 18:40:22

Post by: RiTides

Agreed, really nice work! Love those dwarfs Bottle, and your basing is really unique, coldgaming. Is that all just airbrushing effects, no added texture? A neat idea

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 21:11:14

Post by: MongooseMatt

DiscoKing wrote:

Finished my Blightkings and decided to stick to the same base look as my Skaven just so they have a bit uniformity if the 2 armies are fielded together.

How are you doing those bases? Is that Nurgle's Rot?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 21:25:02

Post by: DiscoKing

The armour is base rakarth flesh,ogryn camo,athonian camoshade,ogryn camo,screaming skull.

The base effect is kabalit green,healthy dollops of nurgles rot,amothian camoshade and ardcoat.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 22:45:25

Post by: Versatilebeats

Nurgle's rot is a great idea. I've been trying to get that look with resin and failing so thank you!!!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 23:01:28

Post by: coldgaming

 RiTides wrote:
Agreed, really nice work! Love those dwarfs Bottle, and your basing is really unique, coldgaming. Is that all just airbrushing effects, no added texture? A neat idea

Thanks, it's actually no airbrushing at all and I did use texture, stirland mud and astrogranite. I'm a pretty tabletop standard painter, but have been hooked on bright, swirly bases recently.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 23:03:57

Post by: RiTides

That's even better! Could you take a closer picture, and possibly describe how you're doing it?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 23:48:30

Post by: coldgaming

 RiTides wrote:
That's even better! Could you take a closer picture, and possibly describe how you're doing it?

Not sure if closeups will flatter the style.

For the Nurgle: Cover base in Stirland Mud, make pools and streams with Warpstone Glow, fill in those pools and streams (but not all the way) with Moot Green, and then in a corresponding smaller amount fill them in/make dots with Flayed One Flesh, finally flood the base in Waywatcher Green Glaze.

For the Stormcast: Cover base in Astrogranite, paint it all black, make lines and whatnot with Kantor Blue, fill in those lines but not all the way with Calgar Blue, and then a corresponding smaller line of Ceramic White.

For the Khorne: Cover base in Stirland Mud, make areas in it for lava to pool or flow, paint it all black, fill in spots with Khorne Red, fill in with a smaller amount with Evil Sunz Scarlet, another smaller fill in with Wild Rider Red, and then finally the correspondingly smaller Flash Gitz Yellow. Now, these are the ones I did first, and I realized partway through that I think I got the style of lava wrong, in that the yellow would be where it's hottest and the red where it's coolest, but oh well.

[Thumb - IMG_3490.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_3494.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_3505.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/22 23:56:09

Post by: RiTides

Thanks very much . Love the green and blue especially! If you want to tweak the lava there are a lot of tutorials for it out there, but your others are quite unique and the step-by-step description is really helpful.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 00:00:06

Post by: coldgaming

 RiTides wrote:
Thanks very much . Love the green and blue especially! If you want to tweak the lava there are a lot of tutorials for it out there, but your others are quite unique and the step-by-step description is really helpful.

If I did it again, I'd definitely do the whole cork board thing I've seen in others' lava armies. I'm not sure what to get for basing materials though. Unfortunately I live in an area where I cannot physically access a hobby shop of any kind, so I have to order a bit blind on the internet. "Cork board" and "polystyrene" seem like common names thrown around for basing/terrain building, so I'm thinking of getting into that.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 09:59:40

Post by: Bottle

 Sarouan wrote:
These dwarves are full of life, Bottle, nice job!

Did you put them on 32 mm bases?

Hey Sarouan, didn't see your question :-)

Just 25mms, Burlokkson is on a 32 though and it makes him look super badass. I'll post pictures once he's got a bit more paint on him.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 20:42:05

Post by: DiscoKing

@ coldgaming: love the stormcast colour scheme.Is it a knowm chamber or one you came up with?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 21:00:51

Post by: coldgaming

DiscoKing wrote:
@ coldgaming: love the stormcast colour scheme.Is it a knowm chamber or one you came up with?

Thanks, Disco, about 100 leagues beneath your painting skill! I call it the Tampa Bay Lightning colour scheme, as I pretty much copied their colours.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 21:03:41

Post by: NAVARRO

DiscoKing wrote:
The armour is base rakarth flesh,ogryn camo,athonian camoshade,ogryn camo,screaming skull.

The base effect is kabalit green,healthy dollops of nurgles rot,amothian camoshade and ardcoat.

Much appreciated, thanks a bunch!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 21:25:56

Post by: DiscoKing

coldgaming wrote:
DiscoKing wrote:
@ coldgaming: love the stormcast colour scheme.Is it a knowm chamber or one you came up with?

Thanks, Disco, about 100 leagues beneath your painting skill! I call it the Tampa Bay Lightning colour scheme, as I pretty much copied their colours.

Gee thanks,appreciate the words dude but I do just what Duncan has taught me to do thru those fanatastic How To Paint videos he does.AoS has got me wanting to paint each figure as best I can now and has me wanting to repaint all my legacy armies so they too can look as good(it'll never happen tho with all the new stuff I want).

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/23 21:46:19

Post by: coldgaming

DiscoKing wrote:

Gee thanks,appreciate the words dude but I do just what Duncan has taught me to do thru those fanatastic How To Paint videos he does.AoS has got me wanting to paint each figure as best I can now and has me wanting to repaint all my legacy armies so they too can look as good(it'll never happen tho with all the new stuff I want).

Those are great vids indeed. I didn't paint a whole lot when I was into the hobby as a teen. AoS got me back in so the last 6 months have been me re-learning everything. I've only begun exploring highlighting in the last couple of months. Lots of practice to go, and AoS has me more inspired to make all sorts of little war bands than I've ever been.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/25 10:31:16

Post by: puree

Finally caved in to my desire to do a haunted forest force. I wanted to go for a treeman army back when the big plastic treemen came out, but given I wasn't playing back then I never did. AoS readily goes for mixing stuff so the haunted forest has been beckoning and after getting bored of dino painting have found some old dryad sprues in the garage (from when they first got released as plastic). Bought a GW woods (can't be bothered making terrain) some spirit hosts and a banshee for now. Will add a treeman ancient later some more dryads and spirits and bat swarms.

Reasonable happy with the paint for the dryads, still experimenting with the bases. I'm wanting a marshy/swampy/flooded forest look but haven't done water effect type stuff before. Not sure my first batch are going to work out yet.

UHU seems to work well for spider web effects, though need to practice a bit more on that.

Like the new 32mm bases. That extra room is nice for putting some detail in.

Need to work out what model/scroll to use for the main dude(ess), Was wanting the evil sorceress in the evil forest, hag/witch/enchantress, type thing. Neferata has rules that I like and goes with the other undead, but not sure the big mount works though it would be a cool model. Isabella (drop the vlad rule) might go better. The dark elves might fit as well, looking at them I like the sound of the witch elves and cauldron of blood hidden in the 'dark forest', plus the models for the hag looks nice, though they are bit more combaty rather than magicy. Big hydra in the marsh land as well!

Obviously some goblin spider riders and the big spider are on the horizon - all haunted forests need big spiders.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/25 10:44:10

Post by: DiscoKing

man thats an awsome idea for an army

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/26 06:23:53

Post by: Red_Zeke

As is usually the case, my execution does not live up to the promise of my imagination, but I've been wanting to contribute to this thread for a while, so... Tonight was a modeling night. My Slaanesh lord on Demonic Mount and a Cygor for some wizard hate.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/26 13:01:52

Post by: DanielFM

Knight Venator of the Gods of War

[Thumb - DSCF6492 copia.jpg]
[Thumb - DSCF6493 copia.jpg]
[Thumb - DSCF6495 copia.jpg]
[Thumb - DSCF6497 copia.jpg]
[Thumb - DSCF6500 copia.jpg]
[Thumb - DSCF6501 copia.jpg]

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/26 15:03:06

Post by: puree

Start of the haunted forest force. Water effects not come out quite as I wanted, need to play around a bit more about that. Of course photos always immediately show bits I haven't done yet and forgotten about!

Also need a better selection of grass/tufts, going to get some more of those. The current stuff is a bit to 'vibrant'.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/27 18:02:04

Post by: Minijack

Sweet job on the Venator Daniel!

Those wings are a pain for me to get right,im doing Celestial Vindicators and trying to get the hue transition from the blue to the grey/white is a bisnatch,lol.

Looking good Puree

Ive been using the tufts from army painter and im not impressed with them,,they are bit on the sparse side,heh.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/27 19:13:16

Post by: puree

Its the army painter ones I'm using. As someone who hasn't done any great mini stuff in a few years, and who never did more than throw a bit of static grass on, I find them very nice. But I only have a couple of variants at the moment so don't really have the more muted colors I would prefer for my feeble attempts at a marshy/flooded ground look.

If you know of some you think are better in some way then please let me know, I just went with what I found first and could get easily.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/27 19:47:21

Post by: Minijack

Heres a couple of places Ive been looking at-



The second one are probably more realistic looking but also more geared toward model Railroading and likely don't have any real sort of "fantastic" color range.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/28 14:47:13

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Red_Zeke wrote:
As is usually the case, my execution does not live up to the promise of my imagination, but I've been wanting to contribute to this thread for a while, so... Tonight was a modeling night. My Slaanesh lord on Demonic Mount ...

Still hoping for an RZ AOS report sometime, though in the meantime I'll admit your interest in the gaming has kept me with one foot in round-base fantasy land. Have been thinking about rebasing my 6E-8E 'Skaven' army over to round bases to see how AOS handles 100+ models in an army ...

- Salvage

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/28 15:46:40

Post by: auticus

I'm getting ready to start my varanguard unit, have pulled some slaaneshi icons out to make a slaaneshi varanguard, and then archaon himself.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/28 18:08:38

Post by: AUGmaniac

I have
32 Dwarf Warriors (Duardin, whatever)
6 more Thunderers
10 Miners
1 Lord
1 Engineer
1 Thane with standard
1 Runesmith
to build and paint.
Good lord what have I done

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/28 19:22:09

Post by: coldgaming

Great pics in here. I've been building a unit of 8 Plague Censer Bearers from Plague Monk boxes. Those are great boxes and come with a load of extra censers, rats and bits and bobs. It's kind of funny how they set it up and you get like 8 sets of command sprues.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/29 15:17:41

Post by: DiscoKing

Painted up my Rotbringer Scorcerer

Just waiting on some 32mm bases for a unit of Plaguebearers I've nearly finished,so they'll be next up.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/29 16:50:46

Post by: RiTides

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Red_Zeke wrote:
As is usually the case, my execution does not live up to the promise of my imagination, but I've been wanting to contribute to this thread for a while, so... Tonight was a modeling night. My Slaanesh lord on Demonic Mount ...

Still hoping for an RZ AOS report sometime, though in the meantime I'll admit your interest in the gaming has kept me with one foot in round-base fantasy land. Have been thinking about rebasing my 6E-8E 'Skaven' army over to round bases to see how AOS handles 100+ models in an army ...

- Salvage

It's kept me watching, too (although unlikely to play - Kings of War is a very good fit for me / our group right now) hoping for that same RZ AoS report

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/29 18:59:33

Post by: Bottle

Got these 10 Duardin Thunderers finished off at last!

And I put together a quick guide on the steps I went through, as I work from White Undercoat so it's a method ever so slightly different from GW's Black Undercoat - Base - Wash - Base - Layer - Highlight approach as it cuts out half the steps (and so is great for a speed painting).


Step 1 is to paint the highlight colour straight onto the white undercoat. For example with the flesh, where I would have started with 'Bugman's Glow' I now jump straight to 'Kislev Flesh'.

The advantage of the white undercoat is layer paints get good enough coverage straight away - and if the undercoat does poke through, it's white rather than black and so adds to the highlights later.

Step 2 is to apply all the washes. For example the flesh has Reikland Fleshshade painted onto it. Because the models were so bright to begin with this stage is akin to dipping. I think if the bases were tidied up this would make a fine table top standard.

Step 3 is to highlight all the colours, using that layer paint again and then mixing it 50/50 with Pallid Wytch Flesh for the final highlight. You can see the highlights are bold and crass under scrutiny, but from table-top eye level they look great and really pop.

Step 4 was to do all the NMM and finish the bases - viola!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/29 21:16:57

Post by: Versatilebeats

Nice rot ringer sorcerer I've just started painting mine.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/30 00:14:26

Post by: thekingofkings

Bottle, those are great, I may have to get off my fat ____ and get my AoS dwarves finished now.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/30 02:02:57

Post by: Red_Zeke

@Bottle- thanks a ton for the step by step! I am definitely going to experiment with a white undercoat on the next army! Those are some incredible results.

@RiTides/Boss- Thanks for the kind words, as usual. I will be looking to get some kind of report out in 2016, haven't decided whether to make it a traditional battle report, or something else altogether.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/31 07:14:28

Post by: MongooseMatt

Don't know about you chaps, but I managed to get a lot done over Christmas. A lot. I need to finish off some bases and whatnot, but it is going to end up being the best part of 200-odd minis when I am done!

I started off with a brand new Seraphon force, kicking off with the Skinks and their supporting cast. As always, painting notes and more piccies here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2015/12/31/skink-city/

Sixty Skinks and their leaders!

Death from above!

The heavy boys.

The leaders.

I really like this guy...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/31 09:22:38

Post by: Bottle

Wow Matt, I can't believe you painted a whole new army!

They look great. Skinks are great models and I love the skink theme you have running through your force!

@Red_Zeke thanks man, and I really do recommend white undercoat. Have some fun with it!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/31 14:14:12

Post by: Boss Salvage

I love me some skinks, and your horde of them look grand. And painted so quickly too!

- Salvage

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/31 17:32:46

Post by: DiscoKing

Awesome stuff Matt

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2015/12/31 23:12:32

Post by: thekingofkings

Mongoose, that is absolutely bad@r$5 well done sir!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 13:14:09

Post by: MongooseMatt

Skinks weren't the only things I managed to get done for the Seraphon - enter the Saurus Warriors!

As well as these chaps, I have the unit of 20 Warriors I did before Christmas as a 'test' for the army, and hope to have another unit of 20 (this time carrying spears) done next week!

Just had to slide a Carnosaur in - couldn't delay it any longer!

And you always need a floating frog...

Really like the Sunblood model too!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 14:48:05

Post by: Bottle

You crazy man Matt!

Can we get a shot of the Seraphon army? I think you put this together at record pace even for yourself.

Everything looks fantastic. Love the Jungle terrain too

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 15:48:08

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Bottle wrote:

Can we get a shot of the Seraphon army? I think you put this together at record pace even for yourself.

Everything looks fantastic. Love the Jungle terrain too


Not quite finished yet - painting up two Stegadons and a Bastiladon right now, put some Saurus Guard together last night, and have just this minute re-based 18 Saurus Nights. Oh, and a Razordon too.

Think I will call it a day on the Seraphon after that, already larger than I had originally intended (eBay purchases ended up winning more Warriors and Skinks than I really wanted!).

Oh, and the jungle terrain is dead easy. Those pieces are all supplies bought from a fish shop, and then just mounted on bases flock to taste.

It only took one Saturday afternoon to do enough pieces to cover avtable very densely.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 16:49:28

Post by: NAVARRO

Nuts I tell you! I mean you finish a full army in just a few weeks to this standard, crazy!
Congrats mate.

On my side of AoS I modeled a Rock Lobber for my O&G force.

Also with one bully

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 18:08:45

Post by: thekingofkings

yeah Matt, definately want to see that dino army in full that is awesome!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 20:24:41

Post by: DiscoKing

Crazy painting Matt! Awesome

Navarro thats an impressive stone golem dude you got there.(mantic take note lol).

I've finished some Plaguebearers and they are much bigger than I imagined so I put them on 32mm bases.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/01 21:25:29

Post by: Bottle

@Navarro wow, that is amazing!! What a great take on the rock lobber!

I really like your Forest Goblin conversions too!

@DiscoKing cracking paint job, I think you're best unit yet out of everything you've posted in this thread so far. They really suit the 32mm too!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/02 01:30:24

Post by: Sqorgar

Matt, you just pushed me over the edge on getting the "Start Collecting Seraphon" box. I was tempted when the rumor came up, but money is tight... but man... those are some sweet looking lizards...

Jealousy apparently drives me more than I'd like to admit.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/02 13:04:33

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Sqorgar wrote:
Matt, you just pushed me over the edge on getting the "Start Collecting Seraphon" box. .

Pretty much the reason I started this thread - we can all encourage one another to bigger and better things!

For my part, I have some more Beastmen to show...

Ungors and leaders of the horde!

The Boss.

And someone to throw some spells about...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/02 13:15:44

Post by: puree

Seeing as lizards are in at the moment, a couple of my dinos. I am about half way through a stegadon which is looking good - but as ever I got distracted onto the evil forest theme army.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/02 13:42:06

Post by: angelofvengeance

Reinforcements from Azyr...
Got these lads assembled yesterday as well as the Dais

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 08:57:35

Post by: MongooseMatt

This may annoy some people - the Seraphon was not the only new army I managed to get done over Christmas Enter the Skaven of Clan Snikkit!

Just a small force at the moment, but already 'viable' for some games.

Pretty much used Duncan's paint scheme from Warhammer TV for these guys.

eBay provided a solid gunline for the rats...

With a Grey Seer to lead them!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 10:41:34

Post by: Bottle

Wow Matt, fantastic work again! I also have a skaven army but it's still on sprue and likely won't see daylight till well into 2016.

You must have 7 or so AoS armies now?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 12:04:20

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Bottle wrote:

You must have 7 or so AoS armies now?

Umm, let's see...

Khorne (Bloodhound and daemons, technically two different armies, though with a lot of crossover)
Bleak Horde (Tzeentch)
Stormcast Eternals

Think that is about it for now, though I have already started getting models together for Manfred's Undead Horde, as well as a tribe of Aleguzzlers. Oh, and the Everchosen...

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 18:32:46

Post by: Red_Zeke

Did you know?

Mongoose Matt is actually a collective hive-mind with 20 bodies but only one consciousness. That is why he has painted more armies in 6 months than I have in 20 years.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 22:41:57

Post by: Andreas 2.0

Got some new units done for the 1000 point ppc undead army.

Grave guard

Black knights

And whats done so far. Can't wait to get the last few models done and play some fully painted games on round bases!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/03 22:49:37

Post by: coldgaming

Beautiful collection.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/04 01:38:37

Post by: alex87

I'm almost 100% convinced that Mongoose Matt is just the name of a painting syndicate... it can't be the work of just one mere man!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/04 12:22:48

Post by: Bottle

Andreas 2.0 wrote:
Got some new units done for the 1000 point ppc undead army.

Grave guard

Black knights

And whats done so far. Can't wait to get the last few models done and play some fully painted games on round bases!

Wow, what a great looking army! Love it Andreas and think you've sold me on getting some Grave Guard for my Undead! :-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/04 13:23:52

Post by: Mymearan

Matt, I think we need to see some close-ups and tutorials from you so we can see how you achieve such great results so insanely fast!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/04 15:37:51

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Mymearan wrote:
Matt, I think we need to see some close-ups and tutorials from you so we can see how you achieve such great results so insanely fast!

Hmm, I'll take a look at that...

However, there really is no great secret. For the Skaven, for example, I simply used the guide on Warhammer TV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp_vdo0AFhI&index=18&list=PLEaPE4sLDA7s-26V0v6SepDFiznb3y6hx) and did 30-odd rats at once The only change I made was to swap the Abaddon Black cloth for Skavenblight Dinge.

Would recommend Duncan's guides on Warhammer TV to anyone - if you follow what he does, you really will get something close to what he demonstrates!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/04 16:14:38

Post by: Sqorgar

MongooseMatt wrote:

Would recommend Duncan's guides on Warhammer TV to anyone - if you follow what he does, you really will get something close to what he demonstrates!
That man is a national treasure. If you ask me, he's GW's secret weapon. Finally finished painting all my Stormcast, and they look amazing (by my standard). "Two thin coats" is my mantra now.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/05 14:22:34

Post by: DiscoKing

@ Andreas: Wow dude,they are amazing

@Puree: Fantastic dino's you got there,loving the Seraphon

I've given Gutrot Spume a touch up

And I started the Glottkin

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/05 14:50:36

Post by: Mr Morden

Andreas 2.0 wrote:
Got some new units done for the 1000 point ppc undead army.

And whats done so far. Can't wait to get the last few models done and play some fully painted games on round bases!

Very cool - where is the rather lovely Vampire lady from? Is she a conversion?

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/06 06:44:05

Post by: Andreas 2.0

She is indeed a conversion of some dark eldar+coven throne+banshee+green stuff.

On that note, I really needed a break from the undead army, so I painted a dark elf. I have a dream of owning a few different armies for AoS since it is so easy to get one done.
Here is the first test model.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/06 08:06:05

Post by: DiscoKing

Wow dude,another fantastic paintjob,The facial detail is incredible

Your bases are pretty awesome too

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@Bottle or should I say Sam James?

Well done in getting your Banshee and Spirit Hosts on todays Whats New Today!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/06 19:27:39

Post by: Bottle

DiscoKing wrote:

@Bottle or should I say Sam James?

Well done in getting your Banshee and Spirit Hosts on todays Whats New Today!

Thanks man! I am so stoked!

Next goal, Warhammer Visions! ;-)

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/07 10:22:31

Post by: MongooseMatt

Coming to the end of my Seraphon stint, and this army is way larger than I had first intended! Still, just got Saurus Guards and Knights to do now, with a few other odds and sods, and then it is back onto campaign forces!

However, managed to finish off another unit of Saurus Warriors and a Bastiladon last night!

I think I will be taking these chaps up to the Rotwater Blight event this weekend!

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/07 10:59:12

Post by: Lithlandis Stormcrow

MongooseMatt wrote:
Coming to the end of my Seraphon stint, and this army is way larger than I had first intended! Still, just got Saurus Guards and Knights to do now, with a few other odds and sods, and then it is back onto campaign forces!

However, managed to finish off another unit of Saurus Warriors and a Bastiladon last night!

I think I will be taking these chaps up to the Rotwater Blight event this weekend!

That Bastilladon is bloody brilliant!

Can I be a copycat and steal your recipe for those scales? I am in love with them and I might just use that for one of my dragons.

Report on Your AoS Projects! @ 2016/01/07 11:45:22

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Lithlandis Stormcrow wrote:

Can I be a copycat and steal your recipe for those scales? I am in love with them and I might just use that for one of my dragons.

By all means - I pinched it from the Carnosaur in the Lizardman Painting Guide, so I cannot claim originality!