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2014/12/17 20:28:08
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. 7/27 Creature Caster monsters!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
UPDATE- Obviously read the last page, cuz that's where it'll be.
Or start from the beginning and which my decent into madness as I get back into painting and completely succumb to the beast that is a never ending pile of minis to paint.
Poorly shot.
Shoddily painted.
I was playing with various washes and inks, trying to get these guys into an appropriately nasty skintone. My horrible lighting in the middle of the night is certainly not doing anyone any favors here either. Oh well.
I started painting up a Sedition Wars box for a Christmas present for a cousin who is getting in to gaming, especially miniature heavy boardgames. The nice things about Sedition Wars is that-
A) It's cheap
B) You get a lot of junk in the box
C) Most of the figures can find part time work in other games and gaming systems
D) All of the above.
If you answered D (because we never guess on multiple choice questions), then you are CORRECT.
My brother (Barzam round these here parts) has been pestering me incessantly to get started on a P&M blog.
I guess it's finally time.
With school wrapping up shortly for winter break, I shall soon have time on my hands to showcase the oddities in miniature that I continue to collect.
This message was edited 265 times. Last update was at 2020/07/27 18:59:15
2014/12/17 20:50:23
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
It is about time!
Because, you know, any excuse to get this pic back out in the wild:
Get into it!
Looking forward to seeing what you post in here...
It is high past time where we all should be HIGHLORDIN' IT UP!
2014/12/17 21:10:48
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
About time! I shouldn't be the only one posting pictures. I should note, this is the same cousin that I painted the PanO minis for. Maybe someday we'll get him on here.
2014/12/17 21:42:41
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Let me know what gets him Highlordin' (Lizardmen, Fishmen, Cthulhumen) or Barzamin' (Undead in armor, Non-Goat Beastmen, Gnolls) so I can get his pic ready!
2015/01/03 05:14:24
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
So... vacation is almost at an end.
What have I been up to?
He's Warlord Mamaro To from the Noh Empire, part of the Relic Knights line from Soda Pop. Like most of you weren't already aware of that.
He's got all his base colors on him (except for his sword scabbard I just realized), and now it's time to paint some eyes on him and start doing some shading and detailing.
I'm trying to keep the bright skin tones as they match my Mantic Ogres, and I'm thinking this guy will make a cool hero for Kings of War.
I have no idea why that picture is so large either.
2015/01/03 21:51:37
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
I'm now rather intrigued by these Mantic Ogres
"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
2015/01/09 19:39:45
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
No luck on those ogres yet. In fact, no luck on taking new photos even. I keep painting in the dead of night, and the lighting in my house is really wonky. They've got the same bright red skin tones that Mamaro To does, who seems to have had all his friends suddenly show up in my home. They'll be joining the painting party soon enough.
I'm going to try and take some photos of recent work tomorrow, since the sun will be up and I won't be at work. Perhaps I will let Barzam do the photographing, since he was going to come over and nerd it up with me while the wife is stuck "volunteering" (read as "slave labor") for the Japanese school.
In the meantime, here is a recent pick of one of the Bones Ettins I was working on a while back, and haven't ever posted.
A bunch of random Bones figures. Not sure why the barbarian dude has such milky white thighs. They don't look that bad in person!
and Ssybrios of Khthon, who was quite a pain (literally) to hold on to while painting. Unfortunately when I put an ink wash on him, it really mucked up the paint and I've been to distracted by other stuff to fix it up.
A bit closer view of Chaagmuth the Jaw- Taker, who was hanging out behind Ssybrios there. He's quite a bit larger than the average goat too. Need to get him standing next to a regular Gor to get a better effect.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/09 20:05:58
2015/01/09 21:23:42
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
Stupid Ssybrios should've fallen to my Plague Marines. That bastard's tough. I seem to recall he took several. Bolter rounds and shrug off the Marines' poisons.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/01/09 21:24:13
2015/01/10 07:33:22
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
So, I have a pile of half built models piling up in front of me.
Do I get cracking on all these Relic Knights? Nah.
The assortment of random GW stuff I keep picking up? Nope.
The various dinosaurs and dino mounts that are gathering dust? Uh uh.
The half dozen built Darklands figures waiting to get painted? Not even close.
Instead I spent my evening slopping paint on these dudes.
Not sure, but I had a hell of a lot of fun doing it. These guys are just goofy! Their elongated arms, mushy details, lego hands, weird facial experssions...
I actually kind of like them. These are the first humans I've attempted to paint in quite some time. I even tried giving them eyes, dammit!
Mind you, they aren't finished, but then again, I wasn't really trying to paint (or build them) very nicely either. Sprue marks abound and I didn't put enough paint on in certain spots.
Made me feel like I did when I was painting beakies and random Ral Partha figures back in the late 80s/ early 90s.
No matter. I'll touch them up and attempt to make them somewhat presentable.
Speaking of touch ups, I think I'm almost done with my big bad Oni guy from Relic Knights.
I like how he turned out. Then again, he's so large it's pretty hard to muck up. He has a weird glare on his nose that makes it look like the paint smudged.
After messing with those Men at Arms, I felt like building something a little higher quality from Mantic, so that's why Mr. Oni has company in that photo.
2015/01/11 06:50:56
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
How long until I get to try and kill these.... things? I think I need something suitably obnoxious to fight them though.
2015/01/13 05:26:55
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
You can try and kill them when I have more then just the 4 of them! There might be a 5th one floating around my house somewhere. Painted too.
Here's what I've been up to.
I also got the metal guy on the left in the mail today.
He's a Dragyri something or other from Dark Age. Guy is BIG. He's on a 50mm base and just hangs over it in just about every direction.
Seems vaguely reptilian, so I'm sure he'll fit in nicely with my current clutch.
Also spent homework time assembling the piles of dwarfs that I seem to have accumulated in the last few weeks. Now to get started on painting and basing them.
2015/01/16 18:35:54
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
So for some reason, I've gotten it into my head that I should start painting up a dwarf army. I'm going to blame Mantic for sticking those Kings of War rulebooks in the Deadzone wave 3 shipments. Always liked Mantic's dwarfs. So why am I painting GW ones instead?
Convenience I think. These guys were made from left over bits I'd gotten in a lot auction on Ebay a while back. I figured I'd start working on them while I wait for my Mantic ones to arrive. Not sure what they would be considered for WFB, since I don't own any army books. At least I know they'd be Ironwatch or whatever the ranged dwarfs are called for Kings of War.
Here they are in various stages of painting. There's actually enough for a 10 man unit. The other dudes just weren't handy, or had paint drying.
I tried to stick with a simple paint scheme. These guys are a pretty big deal for me though. I've never actually sat down to attempt to paint an entire unit at the same time, and I often get distracted with my borderline ADHD and never complete what I set out to start (when it's done in large batches like this).
So I'm pretty happy with myself so far. Will post a photo of them when they're actually done. Now to just figure out how I want to base them. My first thought is base them for Kings of War, but then I've had this idea boiling in the back of my head for doing a skaven vs dwarf Dwarf King's Hold type scenario. Maybe I'll keep them as individual figures for the time being.
2015/01/16 18:50:02
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
I think they look good so far. I know exactly what you mean about getting bored halfway through. That's why I usually end up doing them one at a time. It's harder to get bored painting just one guy.
2015/01/16 19:37:27
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
We need more Highlordin' in here!
If we can't get more Lizardmen, we need more Fishmen!
We need more Hadross!
2015/01/18 06:12:30
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
So I snapped some photos (or actually had Barzam do it for me) of some of the Sedition Wars stuff I painted.
I'm happy with how these guys turned out. I know my cousin especially was happy with them. He really liked that Grendlr.
I love the fact that I can still smell the gloss sealer on them, even though they got sprayed with a dull coat as well.
Nothing makes me get nostalgic for painting toxic models of my youth like the smell of gloss coats or enamel paints. Ah, the good old days!
We'll see about putting up some lizards tomorrow after we deal with attempting to get ripped off by a contractor!
2015/01/18 10:51:18
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Fixture of Dakka
Looking good really like the Sedition Wars (strain?) models.
I'm very impressed at the randomness of your blog, I thought I was bad
Helps keep it interesting though, well thats how I feel. I get bored if I'm painting the same type of minis over and over again.
Looking forward to seeing whats next, the large Skaven dude looks very interesting.
2015/01/20 16:54:35
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
I did a bunch of painting this (3 day) weekend!
None of it was hobby related unfortunately.
Stupid contractors had to patch up a huge hole in our kitchen ceiling, and supposedly matched the color. Uh, nope, that didn't happen. They went with a grey while our ceiling is most obviously white. Not sure what they color matched, but ended up having to repaint everything they did.
I did manage to do a bit more work on my Vermin Lord, and even put him together. Next up is his tail, his armor, and some highlights and details.
Still not sure what I want to do with his base.
Wrapped up all the painting on my Mantic dwarfs as well. Time to splatter a ink wash all over them and take care of their bases.
By the time that's all done, I should have my shiny new Boneripper finished being put together, and my Wrath of Kings should be here and it'll be time for fat chicks and flying babymen! Automatically Appended Next Post: Kids got done with homework somewhat quickly, giving me time to paint- things besides the house at least.
Got my first batch of Mantic dwarfs all finished up, and now it's time to glob a bunch of ink washes on them and take care of their bases.
Lo and behold, I got my Titan Forge Ancestral Guardians today (they were purchased from an overseas ebay seller, so they took a while).
First off, they were nowhere near as crisp as my undead orcs. Some serious mold slippage which meant I spent the better part of an hour whittling and chipping at things until they looked decent.
Biggest bummer is that I only got one metal/ armored head, and two regular Dwarf heads. Would have preferred to armored versions, but I'm actually kind of liking the bare headed dwarf riding in the giant suit.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/21 02:51:22
2015/01/23 17:26:15
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
Dwarfs have now been pushed aside because all my Wrath of Kings stuff came in. There's a lot of it too. It's pretty overwhelming just how many packages I've got to open and catalog. I don't think I'll be doing it all at one time.
The Dwarfs are all pretty much finished except for basing as it is. I'm going to try and sneak off to the hobby sop after lunch since I've got the time today and pick their brains on how to deal with basing them.
I've also got a gak load of metal stuff that needs to be primed. I got a few cans of primer last week, but every time I try to go out and spray stuff, the weather forgets that we're in Southern California and gets all grey and wet on me. Dumb weather.
So because I'm so impatient, I started working on my Nasier. Shock of shocks, I'm not doing the sharks up first! I guess their size just kind of got me a bit unmotivated to start on them.
Nasier were the faction that I was most interested in to begin with, so it's only fitting they are the first ones to get some paint on them.
First up is this guy, who I was playing around with dark washes on. It's hard to see it on his mask and stuff. Wasn't sure what to do with his armor plates around his waist.
As you can see, this guy had some detailing done to his armor, but hasn't had any washing done on him. Plus I didn't really prime him, and I was half asleep when I was putting the red on his spikes and mask and totally missed a few spots. Kind of a pain in the butt painting the details on the miniscule linework on the plates, but it does stand out a bit more. Plus he ends up looking similar to my Skorne Ancestral Guardian guys, who seem like they'd like to hang out with the Ashmen when we've got Song of Blades and Heroes games going on.
Here's the two Ashmen with one of their leaders, whose name escapes me since I don't have the book handy. He's also nowhere near ready to be shown off, but whatevs. I'm not sure if I like the shiny armor plating on him or not. He's supposed to be the boss of the ashmen, why not let him have a little bling, right? May go back and just use a few blacks and greys on him instead.
2015/01/24 06:37:15
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
Look at you, Highlording it up over there. I wish my shipment would come so I could taunt you with my Skorza. They're looking pretty good though. How long until we start seeing your big ladies?
2015/02/04 16:52:11
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
I have in fact been working on my ladies. Apologies for not getting pictures up sooner. Sick kids and grades means not as much time to get things painted. Apologies for the poor camera quality. Still need to finish the bases for everyone, and need to put it more in focus to show some of those details.
Been plugging away at getting things painted, but real life has considerably gotten in the way. Here's the whole Nasier gang so far, including a Longhorn and a Howl. I've got a few characters and specialists for Nasier getting painted up at the moment, and I'll probably be starting some of the Teknes piggies soon. I went ahead and actually tried to put the yellow details on all of the Ashmen, which took some time since most of my brushes are really sucky and big.
As I said, bases still need to be finished. I should have some basing materials arriving in the mail today, so that should help finish these up. The dwarfs too. They're really clogging up my table waiting to get finished!
By the way- here's those Ogres mentioned some time ago. The champion is probably the farther along at this point, and should go well with my Mamaro To, who will be leading them into battle (who was also posted some time ago).
Not a big fan of the ragtag patchwork style they've got going on, but I do like their look better than the GW ones. I might grab a few GW ones and try painting them in a similar fashion, just to see how they match up.
2015/02/04 17:58:51
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine
Your Nasier are too cool, hope that WOK is released at retail soon. The limited colour scheme really works.
As for the KOW Ogres do the metal command bits cause any balance problems?
2015/02/04 18:44:19
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
Those metal bits cause some SERIOUS balance issues. Everything has been pinned in place, but the standard has managed to come unlodged from his base already despite being pinned at the feet to the base, and having a notch for the standard to lodge in and get glued. I'm going to guess my kids had a hand at that one.
My pictures don't do the Nasier justice. I think I've got at least six different shades of grey (I don't have 50 to use unfortunately) on most of them, but my camera makes it look like one. Oh well. Some lazy Sunday afternoon when I'm not busy I'll try reshooting them to pick up the detail. Everything looks all blobby, and I'm not THAT bad of painter!
2015/02/04 19:17:06
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Terrible pictures of Ugly Models!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
That's why I've suggested using an actual camera instead of your phone. They take a higher resolution pic than your phone can.
I can attest to the quality of the Nasier paintjobs. They do look very good in person. You're really breezing through them though. By the time I actually get my stuff, you'll have finished all of yours at the rate you're going.
2015/02/04 20:20:30
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
I forgot you saw my Nasier stuff.
There's another six or seven in various states of paint as well.
Rate I'm going, I probably will end up having an adequate force painted by the time you get yours.
What I really need to do is start taking care of all the Skaven I've been accumulating lately. Those rats are multiplying like there's no tomorrow!
I've got those Chaos Cultists from Dark Vengeance showing up today as well, so I'll probably get started on them just to do something a bit more GrimDark for once.
2015/02/04 22:47:06
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine
I could tell that the photos (under artificial light?) were doing your minis a disservice. The photos earlier in your thread look better, but I still stand that the limited Red/black/grey/white metallic scheme works great (I think perhaps you thought I meant lack of shading/highlights).
I assumed that the Ogre command would be a pain, but I am still a big fan of Remy's work on those.
As for the WOK stuff is the material a little better than any past experiences that you may have had with resin plastic?
I have 30+ Cultists to do myself, hopefully yours will provide me with some motivation.
2015/02/06 17:25:45
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
I really like the ogres too. Way more bestial looking. Never been a fan of the big lummox type, although I do have a soft spot for a lot of the original GW ones, when they were more mercenary- like. If I can stop buying other stuff, I'd like to start putting together an actual army rather than just have a hodgepodge assortment to be used as allies.
In regards to the Wrath of Kings stuff, I really like it. I've had a few of them out sitting with various other restic figures, and there's a big difference in clarity of detail/ sharpness. A lot less necessary clean up as well.
My hope was to get started on those cultists this evening (so they can see some action Saturday) but alas my students have given me whatever virus they've all been passing around each other. Nasty little buggers. I've got a fever now, and unfortunately I don't think that cowbell is going to cure it.
So since I needed to start painting cultists, you know what I did? Went to the hobby shop and bought all sorts of random figures instead. Like this familiar face.
I always liked this guy, and he's got that heft to him that only lead figures seem to have. Hopefully my kids don't decide to go chew on him or anything. He's still in early stages of work, but I hope to have him finished by next week.
I felt like I was painting to many greys and blacks these last few days, so I thought I'd go back to my traditional greens, and started slopping paint on these guys.
The Mantic trolls have slowly grown on me. It didn't hurt that I snagged the 3 of them cheap. Where the 3rd one is currently, I'm not sure. Probably tucked away in a box somewhere. Their lizard pet is from Dark Sword Miniatures I believe, and it unfortunately got nailed by stray primer splatters that I have been trying to clear up (you can still see a bit on his belly) and finishing up the facial features on it.
I also have gotten back to work on trying to fix this guy up.
When I got him, it looked like they had washed him with inks, without any primer. They had also glued gemstones all over him, and it looked really ridiculous. Whatever they had used to attach those gems would not come off either, so I've had to paint over it in fear of scratching the crap out of him. I've been trying to figure out what they used to cover his base with though. I quite like it.
Speaking of basing, I tried out some of that Army Painter basing material. I guess it's made out of cork or something. Very soft and spongy. I used it on a few old figures I'd been wanting to put the finishing touches on.
And just for Alpharius
That skink is one of the very first figures I tried painting when I first started getting back into tabletop stuff.
Last up on the table, I'm trying my hand at actually painting some skin tones.
Now there's a motley assortment of random figures! An Avatars of War Slayer, a Deadzone Reb, and a WoK Teknes Union guy to be precise.
My challenge is going to be to give each one a distinct skintone after starting with a similar base. We'll see how things go!
Hopefully I can put some cultists up tomorrow or tonight, if I don't succumb to hallucinogenic fever dreams first!
2015/02/06 20:54:38
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
Your Khorne guy is looking really good. Actually, so do your orks and dwarves. I'm looking forward to seeing your cultists. Since they aren't done though, I can take a little bit of time getting my Afterlife figures finished so they can take them on in all their fully painted glory.
2015/02/10 02:18:10
Subject: Re:Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
A nice refreshing weekend of nothing does wonders for one's health!
It also gives one time to catch up on hobby stuff.
As promised, I started up on some cultists. Apologies to the heretical Menoth monolith- bearer who will now serve as an evil sorcerer/ cultist.
They have a ways to go. There's quite a few more of them where they came from too, but the plan is for the others to have different paint schemes.
Next up is a Molik Karn I picked up about a week ago when I went on a consignment case binge. He was already painted, and pretty decently I might add.
I've slowly been working on tightening up everything, adding in details, and making him more of my own look (and having him match up with all my ogres).
Later on I'll have to post up my consignment haul. It was a pretty awesome deal. Here are a few of the guys from that haul, waiting to get primed.
All those guys were new in their packages, and had for 2 bucks a pop. Yes please! That plague monk champion is probably going to be a Grey Seer stand in very soon.
That White Lion elf guy went along with a brand new box of White Lions that were had for the low low price of 5 bucks. FIVE BUCKS. NEW. ON SPRUE. SCORE!!!
Speaking of things I have to get around to...
This all just came in the mail. I won this in an auction for 30. Thought it was mostly complete. Nope. 100% complete. Nothing has been built- some of the knights were clipped off the sprues, but that's about it.
Those lizards will help to bolster our reptilian forces.
Last up are 2 guys I've been trying to finish, an Avatars of War Slayer (who showed up here earlier) and a Shieldwolf Troll. I wanted to get that troll done before the Kickstarter began. Just barely made it!
I'm really happy with the Slayer actually, despite him being out of focus. I will post some pictures better showing him- I'm still finishing up his banner pole. I'll post him when that's attached.
Or maybe I'll just post it later tonight...
2015/02/10 02:33:07
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Thermo-Optical Tuareg
Well, you're going to be busy this week, I see. Glad I got my Afterlife Republic troops finished. They'll be ready and waiting to gun down your cultist rabble.
2015/02/10 07:18:26
Subject: Highlording it up with Highlord Tamburlaine. Out of focus photos of funky figures!
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne
Some very nice painted work here - and some bloody nice hauls!