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2019/10/01 21:13:57
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and Old School Metal Necromunda - Classic Necromunda
Fixture of Dakka
Well another painting 8th for those keeping count...I like to keep armies and themes together. Although this one will have terrain and those odds and ends that do not fit in my specific army logs.
So after a move and more storage room I plan on doing more terrain. When City Fight first came out many editions ago I build an entire Cityscape (8' x 4') out of 1' x 1' tiles.
For many years these have been moved from house to house and seen a fair bit of damage (due to storage, gaming accidents, disapproving better halves). So it is time to restore or replace them.
I also want to re-build the original Necromunda game board with towers and walkways and will likely do some of each (as many pieces can fit both game systems and tables). Some of my more recent builds in this log:
The long painting (and converting) war continues...
This message was edited 59 times. Last update was at 2024/10/31 18:50:37
2019/10/01 21:19:43
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Great ruins. I think I see some of the ones that came with 3rd edition 40K. Love those.
2019/10/03 16:39:42
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Regular Dakkanaut
Looking good. Why do I feel there's a good story behind the disapproving better halves?
2019/10/04 16:41:48
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
youwashock wrote:Great ruins. I think I see some of the ones that came with 3rd edition 40K. Love those.
Yes, I used several of those to make the ruined shrine and for the T section some will go back to scatter terrain as I am eliminating the roads for new stand alone ones I am crafting below.
Flapjack wrote:Looking good. Why do I feel there's a good story behind the disapproving better halves?
Flapjack, well Mrs. Captain Brown thought my modelling and painting were cute before we got married...once we moved in together they were not so cute due to the space they took up.
So the first thing I am going to build is a road, as putting the roads on the tiles limited how they could be put together. Saw a great tutorial here.
Part way through two sections of regular road. This is the in between layer which sits over the base chipboard and below the road surface foam card.
Two sections of cratered road. Again at stage two where I have the base of chipboard and the first raised portions that will sit below the road surface.
Here are two straight road sections with the foam card added and the gutters.
Here are all six sections in progress. I did this for efficiency in construction so that as I finished a pair of roads with glue, I let it dry and moved to the next pair.
More to come.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/10/10 16:39:31
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
So here are the results of the first batch.
Only main flaw was that I was a little aggressive cutting back the ends of the foam card road ends. At some point in the future I will build some of the 6 inch lengths and a T section.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/10/10 16:58:35
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh
If you don't mind, how wide are your roads and what's your thinking behind making them that width?
2019/10/10 17:17:48
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Excommunicatus wrote:If you don't mind, how wide are your roads and what's your thinking behind making them that width?
The pieces are 6 inches wide (ease in cutting a regular piece of chip board in half to make two sections), the asphalt portion is 4 inches wide and that accommodates pretty well all 40K vehicles other than Super Heavies...there is also an extra inch of gutter for those wider vehicles and the edging on the gutters is the same height as the asphalt so a Super Heavy will stay level even if some of the track overhangs the edges.
Hope that answers your question.
2019/10/10 17:20:40
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh
Yeah it does, thanks.
It also reinforces my plans for my (eventual) city board and the roads on it. My plan is for two lanes, each 4" wide, 'cause a Chimera is 3.75" wide.
EDIT - Although, now I think about it, that translates to a 24' wide road. Modern day allowances in Ontario for regular roads is 66'...
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/10/10 17:24:58
2019/10/10 19:03:33
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
That's pretty cool. You need to get some shots with a few minis milling around.
2019/10/30 19:06:29
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Excommunicatus wrote:Yeah it does, thanks.
It also reinforces my plans for my (eventual) city board and the roads on it. My plan is for two lanes, each 4" wide, 'cause a Chimera is 3.75" wide.
EDIT - Although, now I think about it, that translates to a 24' wide road. Modern day allowances in Ontario for regular roads is 66'...
To make the roads a realistic size uses up too much real-estate on the table top. So I go with the smaller size.
youwashock wrote:That's pretty cool. You need to get some shots with a few minis milling around.
Thanks youwashock, I will do that when I build the next sections.
Now I have been trying to figure out where to post my old Necromunda that is getting a face lift for my gaming group's renewed interest in the classic version.
Here is as good a place as any. Three metal Eschers that I received in a trade that had no bases and needed a good bath in Simple Green.
In progress:
How they look with one of my originals that needed repair and some replacement weapons.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/10/30 19:43:56
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Nice looking crew you have there. I have about 20 Escher from the same period sitting in Simple Green for the last year and a half . Oh the projects we forget about .
LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13
I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 |
2019/10/30 20:18:58
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Love love LOVE it. Maybe one day I can finish painting my old Escher. I started with the ladies before moving on to Spyrers and Pit Slaves.
2019/10/30 21:16:05
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought
Lovely ladies, digging the bright blue hair!
Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way |
2019/11/01 13:55:21
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Liberated Grot Land Raida
Loving the old school look of these, excellent colour choices! Just one question: no leopard spots/tiger stripes?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/01 13:56:03
A Squeaky Waaagh!!
Camkhieri: "And another very cool thing, my phones predictive text actually gave me chicken as an option after typing robot, how cool is that."'
Meercat: "All eyes turned to the horizon and beheld, in lonely and menacing grandeur, the silhouette of a single Grot robot chicken; a portent of evil days to come."
From 'The Plucking of Gindoo Phlem' |
2019/11/01 19:28:19
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Dakka Veteran
Those Escher look great CB, nice classic paint job. That is one set of minis I wish a younger Maharg had had the foresight to buy, they still look great today and better than the current models
2019/11/04 00:29:02
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Theophony wrote:Nice looking crew you have there. I have about 20 Escher from the same period sitting in Simple Green for the last year and a half . Oh the projects we forget about .
Thanks Theophony, perhaps this might provide some renewed interest...or an opportunity?
Thanks youwashock and gobert
CommissarKhaine wrote:Loving the old school look of these, excellent colour choices! Just one question: no leopard spots/tiger stripes?
Thanks CommissarKhaine, I used up all my tiger stripe mojo on my Necromundian Imperial Guard.
Maharg wrote:Those Escher look great CB, nice classic paint job. That is one set of minis I wish a younger Maharg had had the foresight to buy, they still look great today and better than the current models
Thanks Maharg, perhaps a PM to Theophony with an inquiry about some unused Eschers in his collection gathering dust?
In the meantime, I found this great old Necromunda terrain site with a Ventilator made out of almost entirely bits you have at home and I just had to try it.
Link All credit goes to this completely made builder - Mister Sean Patten.
Now I do not have all the parts on hand, but figured I could use something similar...the hardest thing to locate was a radio cassette and case. Sourced from one of my gaming buddies.
So I am going to start building that next with what I have, for what I am missing I am going to improvise a little.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/11/04 02:51:54
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Given your intense attention to detail and wild scratchbuilding skills, I am pretty sure you will have zero trouble improvising something awesome for that terrain. Looking forward to it. And your Oldcromunda minis spurred me to finally finish a conversion I have had sitting around for over a year for my Pit Slaves. Now I just need to paint it!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/04 02:52:40
2019/11/04 23:09:53
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Thanks youwashock,
I should have taken a photo prior to building, but I was too excited to start once I paid for lunch to get some old audio cassette tapes with boxes
List of parts Listed by Mister Sean Patten
One Manufactorum building panel (I did not have this so I have used a cut-up Necromunda wall)
One intact floor panel (I did not have this so I cut a square out of 0.60 mm plastic card)
Two flying buttress from the Basilica sprue
One pipe half (I did not have this so I used an old mechanical pencil)
One bulkhead, the narrow strip with rivets on it
One globe style light
One small eagle support
One small exhaust detail
Two PVC pipe couplers size 3/4"
Two CPVC 45 degree elbows size 1/2"
One CPVC 90 degree elbow size 1/2"
Three plastic clothes pegs at least 3" long
One juice bottle Lid and the snap ring below the lid
Two pop-up water bottle tops
And of course one audio cassette tape with box
Now I started to deviate a bit from Sean's instructions almost immediately because I knew that cutting old plastic with a razor saw would be very difficult once glued together and the plastic is so old and fragile that I would not be using a clipper on it.
To make my first saw as straight as possible I used the edge of the clear screen as a guide.
As I did not have the Manufactorum building panel and could not measure I decided to maximize the amount of detail in the half of the cassette tape that was going to be perhaps mine would be a little higher, I checked and it was still lower than the cassette case. I also wanted the hole for the cassette reel to fit with the CPVC 90 degree elbow
Fixed the image tag.
Then using my Necromunda bulkhead as a bracket I glued two halves of the cassette together and used the horizontal side as my guide for the next sawing.
Again slow and steady wins the race as the plastic is so brittle.
Finished that cut.
Now I have the L of one side and the lower roof of the station.
Now looking at the lower roof that would support the two 45 degree CPVC "vents" I noticed my cassette tape inside had some extra bits that would keep parts from being flat, so I used two halves of a plastic clothes peg and cut out portions to fit snuggly and added a piece of plastic card with some spare to fit around the cassette reel holes.
Look at the lovely industrial detail the cassette case interior has at the bottom of the photo above.
Happy with the fit I glued my L to the cassette case and the 90 degree PVC pipe.
Again there is really neat detail from the inside of the cassette that will look great after painting.
The two 45 degree COVC "vents" with the reels from the inside of the cassette fitted.
More to come as the long painting and converting war continues...
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/11/06 01:09:42
2019/11/05 01:47:15
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Longtime Dakkanaut
I am always amazed with people who can scratch build terrain. Great stuff Captain, your lady gangers look amazing. Love the hair!
2019/11/05 03:29:58
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets
Nice job so far on the scratch building. I looked at the link you posted and that’s a nice little tutorial. It’s great to see a use for the old cassettes. I have a box of them still, but since they are mostly personalized mixtapes, I can’t bear to destroy them out of nostalgia. But there are some cool shapes and textures in a cassette that I never would have thought of. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.
2019/11/06 01:05:53
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you Yorkright
The Riddle of Steel wrote:Nice job so far on the scratch building. I looked at the link you posted and that’s a nice little tutorial. It’s great to see a use for the old cassettes. I have a box of them still, but since they are mostly personalized mixtapes, I can’t bear to destroy them out of nostalgia. But there are some cool shapes and textures in a cassette that I never would have thought of. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.
Thanks Riddle,
If I had not seen the build I would never have thought there were so many useful parts inside a cassette.
Now that I had a basic structure I started dry fitting some parts to see how they would fit together.
The two flying buttresses and the removal of some of the detail that will be covered by the side vents.
Side vents with the caps of the pop-up bottle tops removed.
Start of the rear vent that I used plastic card instead of the tile recommended.
Now all but the rear and angled top vents glued on. The terrain now has some weight to it.
For the angled vents I ended up adding the little parts that came out when I removed the tape.
Angled vents glued on and another clothes peg cut up for end detail and some of the Imperial icons.
Two more clothes pegs, ladder, part of a plastic pencil, lamp, old Hunter Killer Missiles hatch ends and other parts added.
Other angles, now I still have to complete the rear vents and add it for more structural strength.
More to come.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/11/06 19:07:17
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Liberated Grot Land Raida
Now that's some lovely terrain, in the the good old Necromunda tradition . And I hear ya on the tiger stripes .
A Squeaky Waaagh!!
Camkhieri: "And another very cool thing, my phones predictive text actually gave me chicken as an option after typing robot, how cool is that."'
Meercat: "All eyes turned to the horizon and beheld, in lonely and menacing grandeur, the silhouette of a single Grot robot chicken; a portent of evil days to come."
From 'The Plucking of Gindoo Phlem' |
2019/11/06 21:57:28
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Glad I saved a bunch of cassettes from when we were purging old stuff at church. I disassembled a couple dozen and kept all the parts in a box. I have some vhs tapes that need to scuttle too.
The terrain is looking great. Keep it up.
Getting back to the ladies will eventually happen, just not till they sort out the N17 mess. I don’t think Dark Uprising will do that, especially at the price point they are setting.
LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13
I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 |
2019/11/06 23:27:56
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Nice use of random trash. I totally approve.
2019/11/07 19:21:26
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you CommissarKhaine and Warboss_Waaazag
Theophony wrote:Glad I saved a bunch of cassettes from when we were purging old stuff at church. I disassembled a couple dozen and kept all the parts in a box. I have some vhs tapes that need to scuttle too.
The terrain is looking great. Keep it up.
I had to buy a lunch to get three old cassettes and cases (and one case was all cracked).
So the side vent got lots of little additions.
And the other side of the styrene square I cut, adding some Guard bits and a resin base for a more industrial look.
Added a Mark I Rhino hatch as an interior access cover.
If you look at the left of the interior I added the two small reels from the cassette tape as they look like great valve wheels.
A few more bits added above the down pipe.
With the side vent installed.
Ready for painting.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/11/08 18:27:38
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Fixture of Dakka
Now with primer.
With some old metal Ratskins on it for scale.
They all will look better when painted up.
The long painting and converting war continues...
2019/11/08 18:38:01
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
This vent thing is cool, but I really like the roads. Inspiring stuff.
2019/11/09 10:40:58
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought
The cassette vent is looking great, so much detail!
Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way |
2019/11/09 10:46:38
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Regular Dakkanaut
Love the vent terrain piece. Absolutely convincing.
2019/11/09 16:25:03
Subject: Captain Brown Builds Terrain, Old School Necromunda and other Things...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Terrain does indeed look legit. Too bad about the rodent infestation.