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2024/10/19 17:07:30
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
And that’s then done. Made for a nice change of pace this week.
Got the bits for a few more and all. Nowt fancy, but you want a range of terrain sizes, don’t you.
2024/10/19 18:46:10
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva
Space Skaven Clan moulder construct Questoris Knight:
I seem to have misplaced the rocket pods, but thankfully have more ordered this morning to replace them (though they are bound to resurface the day the new ones arrive!).
2024/10/20 11:26:07
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Very nice work Doc! That is growing into an impressive collection of terrain there, I like the finish.
and RexHavoc, a Skaven Knight? I am sure there is the coolest thing I am going to see today.
2024/10/20 11:42:43
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
My usual approach of “find a fast and easy scheme, and do it as neatly as I can”.
Suffice to say my Forever Home Hunt is now hopeful of a library (two bedroom place) and a gaming room (with a dining room).\
Because no way am I going to all this effort and not having the space and option to host games!
Which in a way, will make my home buying my most extravagant hobby purchase 🤣🤣
2024/10/20 19:47:26
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
More buildings. Using up what’s left in hopefully new and interesting ways.
That being said? The middle sized sections I’ve a fair few of. Those I think I’ll keep to a simple 2x1x1 layout, to represent Hab Blocks or similar, smaller buildings. Once done, I reckon I’ll have around enough to reasonably populate half a 6x4 Board, once you allow for roads, alleys and other such spaces.
2024/10/20 20:28:19
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Reckon I can squeeze out another low building, and two or three middle height. This is a very flexible kit, as the low and medium sized panels can be stacked, with only the large ones (due to a larger footprint) being strictly for the bottom.
The spires can also be done as stand alone pieces, but I feel they work best as part of a larger complex to really get that Titan obscuring height, without using up loads of bits.
Yup. Three smallish buildings, and a third low level one.
So out of a single Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector, I’ve squeezed a total of 11 large buildings, and 6 small. Which should comfortably populate around half a board I reckon, without looking too sparse. But of course all to your own tastes. The bigger you build, the fewer individual pieces you’ll get. The lower you build, the more you’ll get, but the more repetitive your board will look.
And because I have so many floor pieces left over? If building high, do use them to internal brace your building. My two larger ones are a bit wonky, because I didn’t do that, fearing I’d be left with too few.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/20 21:09:48
2024/10/21 08:53:19
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols
@mad doc love that terrain more than what GF9 came out with. i really liked the stuff vanguard used to carry in 3 and 6 mm but i have not seen it in ages it was made for epic 40K. i have one of the sets with a radar tower/multi-level building complex.
GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear |
2024/10/21 09:23:57
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Not familiar with GF9’s terrain, so can’t comment.
Currently completely stymied on further progress until Wednesday, as I conspired to run out of Plastic Glue and Zandri Dust spray last night.
But, I’ve got Thursday to Sunday off work, so should be able to get all this painted, and some ruins, by the end of the week.
I would buy more terrain, but I need to get an idea of what I can do with the two ruins sets I have first. Whilst it’s true you can never have enough terrain? Having too much of the same terrain is very possible.
And I do want some classic “flocked polystyrene hills” type stuff.
Anyways, work continues apace, as I managed to squeeze out the very last of the Zandri Dust, completing the two buildings. They’ve since had their Wraithbone zenithal, and MSG on the roofs and slating.
From here, it’s silver and copper greeblies, wash and done.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/21 15:41:04
2024/10/21 15:43:12
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Executing Exarch
I finished up my Warlord Titan for games of LI and let's face it, mostly Titanicus (the better game) and I'm fairly pleased overall, especially with the crashed Lightning, as it matches my SA scheme and the white weathered up really well.
Picked up the Titan Battlegroup Box that went on preorder so I'm keen to wrap up my Legio Atarus with the Warlord and Reaver, while the two warhounds will likely end up being a traitor legio of some description (Audax maybe?)
Claiomh Solais (Sword of Light), Atarus Warlord
2024/10/21 15:44:48
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
That’s a lovely red you’ve achieved.
2024/10/21 18:07:03
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Pulsating Possessed Space Marine of Slaanesh
@TyranidHorde: lovely work. The oil washed off white and the blends and overall look of the crashed Lightning is great!
2024/10/22 11:12:06
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
2024/10/22 11:13:35
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
I’ve just noticed that incredibly smooth gold.
How on earth did you achieve that?
2024/10/22 18:37:39
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
That’s the last two large buildings done.
Will do a group shot once these are dry.
2024/10/22 18:57:14
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
Tyranid Horde wrote:I finished up my Warlord Titan for games of LI and let's face it, mostly Titanicus (the better game) and I'm fairly pleased overall, especially with the crashed Lightning, as it matches my SA scheme and the white weathered up really well.
Picked up the Titan Battlegroup Box that went on preorder so I'm keen to wrap up my Legio Atarus with the Warlord and Reaver, while the two warhounds will likely end up being a traitor legio of some description (Audax maybe?)
Claiomh Solais (Sword of Light), Atarus Warlord
Glorious! Big fat Gallery votes for you!
2024/10/22 19:17:59
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Two group shots. First a “glamour shot”. The second is it artfully arranged atop the Magic Box O’Stuff, which measures around 4’ x 2’. That should give you some idea of the coverage a single set can achieve.
You could get more if you don’t build as high, and of course less if you build high.
2024/10/23 15:07:02
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Reverent Tech-Adept
That warlord is fantastic @TyranidHorde!
Buildings look great Doc - and really helpful to get a sense of what you can do with a whole box too.
I've gone down a different terrain related tangent since the weekend - luckily I checked my pile of shame before putting a pre-order in on Saturday and realised I already had two of the regular sized Manufactorum sets (one from the original AT release!). I also had my Mundus Imperialis pre-order arrive!
I've got a couple of different painting projects on the go atm, this Ignatum Dire Wolf and a test Warhound for a small Legio Solaria force I'm planning to do next.
Bit of gaming ADHD though, so have had a bit of a go building some of the Manufactorum kit and also setting up a table with that alongside a few 3d prints and the new Mundus Imperialis buildings. This is just a 3x3 so plonked it all down just to see what it looked like rather than as a actual game or anything but though you might like to see!
I'll put the rest in spoiler tags, but hopefully gives you a sense of the size of the Mundus stuff in comparison. I quite like them, particularly the big factory (a Warlord can - just - see over the top of it). Slightly disappointing that the actual paint job doesn't look as good as that was advertised or on the book - which I think is a first, for me anyway, with GF9 pre-paints? Really just missing the wash over the metal parts I think which won't be hard to add though.
On the manufactorum, thats all the big bits from two boxes but not all the small bits yet. I hadn't really seen much point with the pipeline bits for Titanicus, other than decoration but for Legions Imperialis/Epic they actually will provide cover/obstruction for infantry and small vehicles which is neat - I built the first box worth as per the instructions and been playing around a bit more with the second set, only annoying thing with it really is there is no "T" junction piece for the piping which is a shame.
Just realised I didn't photograph the other end of the big Mundus factory - has the large doors one end and a window on the other which would also arguably benefit from having the window details actually painted in.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/10/23 15:20:05
2024/10/23 15:13:46
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Now I think about it? My photo may be slightly misleading.
See, I had the same set when AT came out, but I only built two or three buildings.
Now. Footprint on the board? I’m confident it’s an accurate representation. But, knock off the second floors and it should be about nice.
2024/10/23 18:14:50
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
Got this off eBay and really like. Easy to paint and no building to be done. Planning on getting more from the seller. Automatically Appended Next Post: Mad Doc Grotsnick like your buildings and the colour scheme, through am going for a standard dark/mid grey colour.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/23 18:17:16
2024/10/23 18:41:22
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Oooh, that is cool!
Got a link to the seller my Hooman Fren?
2024/10/23 20:12:44
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
They are solid resin buildings but easy to paint with a dry brush style.
2024/10/23 20:20:48
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Well poop. Seller not found :(
2024/10/23 21:34:59
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
Try searching for clnmcdn as a seller
If that’s doesn’t work I’ll see if I can send another link to them
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/24 04:49:03
2024/10/24 16:33:32
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot
@Dok, nice buidings also they have some body to hide behind
full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
2024/10/27 12:30:02
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Longtime Dakkanaut
Tragedy in three acts: 3k NetEA Imperial Fists vs. the Machine Church, Reinforce the Right ( GT scenario with three waves of troops and randomised deployment areas). The central firebase of the cog-boys proved too tough to crack for the astartes who arrived far from their main objectives and though the battle hung in balance until the very end, eventually the grand magos led their taxi-deprived and thus slowly stretching column of servitors and priests deep into the enemy rear.
Do note the Fists' Devastators' laudable camouflage exercise "Operation Atlas".
More pictures in the spoiler!
2024/10/27 20:36:07
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Anyone fancy helping me in a, currently hypothetical, how to get geared up to play Legions Imperialis?
Only given its dinky scale, most will need a new set of terrain just for that. I’ll be showing off GW’s kits, and explaining how many of each went into my collection.
Figure it will help folk get an idea of preferred/useful density and variety, and potentially cost.
2024/10/28 10:10:54
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
These retro wave serpents are awaiting bases. But other than that they are done.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/10/28 10:20:38
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Still got a soft spot for that design and background. When the shield was the weapon.
Though somehow my brother and I never really grasped Infantry boarded. We always had the stands following behind.
Which to be honest, was a valid tactic, just should’ve realised we could do both for maximum protectyness
2024/10/29 10:03:36
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Some stuff finished for the turn of the month ^^
Crewmembers for the vostroyan infantry detail:
Armor elements with a winter camo for an extra LR company, transports, and the other half of the second super heavy company:
IMPERIUS DICTATIO, God-Machine of Legio Tempestus, and homage to both the graphic novels and the old Epic 40k Lucius Warlord's paint scheme, which I always loved ^^
Mini paintjob of mini Horus:
...which is not quite that mini, them primarch fethers are BIG XD
Next I'll be painting another full vostroyan infantry company and a buch of sentinels:
2024/10/29 18:09:06
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols
I love that version of the warlord titan. nuclear shrimp used to make it in 28mm (at 1/4 the cost of forgeworld) and well as epic
GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear |