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2024/10/09 01:06:47
Subject: Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
A classic piece from the Outlanders set...with all the cardboard replaced by plastic card painted and details added. I added an extra level to make this one even taller and the elevator a little more useful.
Adding some more backlog minis painted:
A dreadknight
Immolator, OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants
Backlog minis painted:
2 OOP broadsides, 3 OOP Crisis Suits, 1 OG Farsight, 20 OOP Kroot, 2 OOP Krootox
1 Magister on Disc, 1 Magister, 1 Gaunt Summoner, 1 Ogroid Thaumaturge, 20 Kairic Acolytes, 6 Tzaangor Enlightened on Foot, 12 enlightened, Shaman,
24 Inquisitorial Agents, OOP Coteaz, Inq. Greyfax
10 Purifiers, 5 Strike Marines, 2 GK Librarians, 1 Chaplain, 1 BC Stern, 1 GM Voldus, 1 dreadknight
1 Immolator, 1 OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants
Models added to the Backlog this year
Warcry Terrain from talaxis, plus the mawpit and idol
3 Fronteris Bunkers, One Vox, two landing pads
KT Termination Plasma Generators
Blood brothers, Brood coven
Storm speeder, Invictor,
Wave Serpent
Warcry terrain from Sundered Fate, Nightmare Quest, and Blood Hunt, plus 6 extra spures of meat trees
three sets of leviathan Tyranids and two of Space Marines
30 Scions, 2 Taurox, 3 Bullgryn, 2 rogal Dorns, and 10 Kasrkin
A fairly substantial Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest (sigh).
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/09 23:03:57
2024/10/17 17:09:29
Subject: Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
A Seigebreaker Behemoth and a High Clone Executor.
The end of my City States and Dweghom are supposed to arrive this week, so that'll set me back several days while I get things assembled and base coated, but that should be the end of the new stuff until next spring.
And a second set of Clockwork Hoplites. At this rate I'll get to make the "and CS is finished again" wisecrack before I get the remainder of that order.
Got a lot of painting done, maintained discipline pretty well until I saw some used orks on my local dischord...
Adding some more backlog minis painted:
3 Field Ordnance Batteries
3 Armored Sentinels
1 Ursala Creed Proxy
1 converted OOP creed
5 Praetorian command
1 Mortar Team, 6 oop mortar guns only
6 Munitorum Armored Containers
Painted minis from 2023
25 Tempestus Scions
3 Bullgryn
1 Taurox Prime
Minis bought and painted:
Tempestus Aquilons
Hivestorm Terrain
Added to Backlog:
Vespid Kill Team
2 Battlewagons, 2 Trukks, Squigboss
Backlog minis painted this year:
2 OOP broadsides, 3 OOP Crisis Suits, 1 OG Farsight, 20 OOP Kroot, 2 OOP Krootox
1 Magister on Disc, 1 Magister, 1 Gaunt Summoner, 1 Ogroid Thaumaturge, 20 Kairic Acolytes, 6 Tzaangor Enlightened on Foot, 12 enlightened, Shaman,
24 Inquisitorial Agents, OOP Coteaz, Inq. Greyfax
10 Purifiers, 5 Strike Marines, 2 GK Librarians, 1 Chaplain, 1 BC Stern, 1 GM Voldus, 1 dreadknight
1 Immolator, 1 OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants
A dreadknight
Immolator, OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants
Models added to the Backlog this year
Warcry Terrain from talaxis, plus the mawpit and idol
3 Fronteris Bunkers, One Vox, two landing pads
KT Termination Plasma Generators
Blood brothers, Brood coven
Storm speeder, Invictor,
Wave Serpent
Warcry terrain from Sundered Fate, Nightmare Quest, and Blood Hunt, plus 6 extra spures of meat trees
three sets of leviathan Tyranids and two of Space Marines
2 rogal Dorns, and 10 Kasrkin
A fairly substantial Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest (sigh).
2024/11/18 00:17:28
Subject: Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
Finished several things. Six Centaur Avatara, some Sacred Band and Clockwork Hoplites. I've actually lost track a little bit because I keep expecting some things to show up at my LGS and those things keep failing to arrive.
I've now added 1 Squig riding grot (I think he's from a Warcry/Underworlds team), 1 D&D Cleric, & 1 Wizkids D&D character sized Minotaur to my painted minis tally.
2024/12/27 13:58:25
Subject: Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
Three stands Desolation Drones and three stands of Stryx.
I've removed the "Things I Know I Will Buy" section of my first post, if something I had on order hasn't shown up already I'm not going to have it this year.
There's still a chance of knocking one more thing out before the end of the year since I have a few monsters in the pile and they're fairly quick, but I'm also probably looking at adding one more regiment since I still have a holiday party to get through and I didn't ask for anything else.
I'm pretty pleased with my progress for the year even so, I cleared out everything I started the year with and I ended the year with quite a bit less than I started with on The Pile.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/27 15:39:00
What I would like to build and paint:
x1 Calladius - nope
x30 Custodian Guard - built like 10.
x2 Armigers - nope
x1 Vanilla Questoris - haven't even bought it x1 Warhound - Legs are on jb weld right now.
What's built and needs painting:
x1 Cerastus Acheron - lol, nope
If I manage to squeeze everything in this year, I will be one very happy person.
What I did though, is that I got sidetracked and painted a 6x4 worth of Necromunda Ash Wastes table
Yeah my pile of shame swelled a lot, with very little actually making it all the way across the bench.
My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote: You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
2024/12/29 16:53:10
Subject: Re:Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
Some really fun stuff in there Lord Blackfang! Love the Space Battleship Yamato and Dystopian Wars stuff.
However, that first Turnip28 thing will haunt me!
I ended the year at 265 models painted, with over 100+ coming from Heroquest boxes. The rest were some Kill Teams, a 6mm Hittite army, and some Ancients.
Easy E wrote: I ended the year at 265 models painted, with over 100+ coming from Heroquest boxes.l
Very nicely done, dude! Congrats. I promised I would do my Pile of Shame by the end of this year but failed miserably, lol. Oh well, always next year. Keep up the good work!
"The best way to lie is to tell the truth." Attelus Kaltos.
My story! Secret War
After his organisation is hired to hunt down an influential gang leader on the Hive world, Omnartus. Attelus Kaltos is embroiled deeper into the complex world of the Assassin. This is the job which will change him, for better or for worse. Forevermore. Chapter 1.
The Angaran Chronicles: Hamar Noir. After coming back from a dangerous mission which left his friend and partner, the werewolf: Emilia in a coma. Anargrin is sent on another mission: to hunt down a rogue vampire. A rogue vampire with no consistent modus operandi and who is exceedingly good at hiding its tracks. So much so even the veteran Anargrin is forced into desperate speculation. But worst of all: drive him into desperate measures. Measures which drives Anargrin to wonder; does the ends, justify the means?
2024/12/31 13:46:39
Subject: Re:Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
I guess it's time for the final accounting. I hope to get a group picture of everything today or tomorrow when I'm off work. I finally broke my discipline and not only bought more minis, but bought the dumbest possible sort of minis: a big box of first born stuff. I'm still stripping and rebuilding stuff, so nothing has seen paint. The good news is that I have a fun little project cooking up for all the loose firstborn dudes for the winter.
I was able to get a few more backlog minis painted:
2 rogal Dorns
3 Taurox
10 Kasrkin
3 FW Vindicator turrets, one FW exterminator turret, one metal demolisher turret
there were a few Minis I bought and painted this year:
Tempestus Aquilons
Hivestorm Terrain
Vespid Kill Team
Added to Backlog:
Lord Solar
Scout Sentinel
2 Land Raiders
5 Rhinos Mk2, 1 Rhino MK1
3 Dreadnoughts (plastic), one metal
2 Landspeeders
6 bikers
12 Terminators (mixed plastic and metal)
~40 Firstborn power armored models
Warcry terrain from Sundered Fate, Nightmare Quest, and Blood Hunt, plus 6 extra spures of meat trees
three sets of leviathan Tyranids and two of Space Marines
A fairly substantial Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest (sigh).
It looks like I painted 373 backlog models this year, bought and painted 238 more, and added 107 models to the backlog. So a pretty good net reduction. I was able to paint all complete units for multiple armies: votann, 1k Sons, Disciples of Tzeentch, Tau, Grey Knights, and Sisters. My Guard are whittled down to a few units, but I'm also adding oil washes and weather to my currently painted stuff, so that project will never end...
2024/12/31 15:33:15
Subject: Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard
Okay, how the hell does anyone find time to paint over 500(!?) models in a single year? Are you just independently wealthy and so don't have to work, freeing up plenty of time for painting? I'm not sure I could bang that many out even if I didn't need to work.
It is cool to see it all laid out like that. My hat is off to you for getting all that done.
My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote: You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
2025/01/02 23:14:00
Subject: 2024 Year in Review - Blockade finished TWO armies (eek!)
Legions Imperalis (Prospero Defense Force Completed!)
2 Warhound Titans (Just missing the one Reaver under construction)
1 Cohort (61 bases) Space Marines Thousand Sons including 2 Sicarans and 4 Predators
4 Cohorts Auxilia (58 bases) including 4 Leman Russes and 2 Malcadors
3 Random Medieval Peasants and 1 Knight
Blood Pact Army (Complete)
6 Person Command Squad w/ two different standard bearers
3 additional Blood Pact Squad members
Blood Pact Tank Commander
Two Ordinance Artillery Pieces
Iyanden Characters
Two new Warlocks
One Farseer
One Autarch
So many tiny minis!
3 Commissions (Large sets)
Medieval Town & Keep
Goals for 2025
Build and finish...
LI Reaver Titan (January, this is for you!)
Warhammer the Old World Bretonnian Army
Starter Box Contents
Lord on Pegasus
3 Pegasus Knights
12 Knights
24 Peasant Bowmen
36 Men at Arms
Additional Army Components Bretonnian Lord on Foot (The Old New Unreleased Mini)
Trebuchet (3D printed)
16 Foot Knights
2 Damsels (One on foot, on riding)
1 Army Standard Bearer (on horse)
6 Mounted Yeomen Conversions (may need to rebase them)
20 Braganza's Besiegers (Crossbowmen, can use in an Exile Army or if they ever bring back Dogs of War)