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2021/08/22 18:01:37
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/22: moving forward!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Are you aware you now have a {YouTube} block at the start of pg1?
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven. |
2021/08/23 13:27:39
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/22: moving forward!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Fixed. Thanks graven.
2021/08/23 14:53:25
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (7/31: Skitarii Hoplites by Nerdfest09!)
Never Forget Isstvan!
Gitsplitta wrote:Gave a thought to upcoming projects and I have a plan...
Project #1: Paint bad moon decorations & decal storm boyz & ork characters and vehicles that I just got back.
Project #2: Build and paint 10 AdMech infiltrators to fill out my two squads and effectively finish my AdMech army.
Project #3: Build and paint 2 Armiger Moirax, completing my knight 2k build. I do have 2 Helvorins and one "spare" knight chassy that I'll eventually use to add either a third Moirax or Helvorin.
Project #4: Order 40mm bases for my 10 old-school wraith guard and get them re-based and painted... officially beginning the Iyanden project.
#4.. Looking forward to this.. bout time!
2021/08/23 16:00:11
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/22: moving forward!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Thanks SL. Yeah... project #4 has been a long time coming. Slightly Amended: 1. Decorations on ork infantry only. 2. Build 10 skitarii rangers and a few remaining old, metal, really cool orks & send to Damo for painting. 3. Build and paint 10 skitarii infiltrators. 4. Re-base & paint 10 wraithguard. The Moirax project is unfortunately on hold until I can get the weapons I want for them. Time will tell (or I can just magnetize, but I'm dropping this from the list for now). The idea is to finish one project per week (on average). So in the next month I hope to have all of this completed.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/08/23 16:01:03
2021/08/25 15:57:01
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/22: moving forward!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Apparently over the years... I've managed to collect a lot of blue orks. Not sure how or why... it just happened. Recently, an old friend of mine gave me his ork army, also blue... along with some scattered eldar. I thought then, that I'd show them off by way of saying thanks to Ryan for his generosity. I'm calling these my "Blue Moons" indicating their membership in the Bad Moon clan. The models with the light blue checkers and white bases are from Ryan. Others I've bought or painted myself to fit a theme. I have the following... 4x 10 boyz w/ PK nobs (20 of which have red skulls painted on their faces so are occasionally used as kommandos) 1 battle wagon 1 trukk 2 deff dreads 2x 5 bikes w/ PK nob 8 nob bikers 8 lootas warboss on bike big mek w/ SAG wierdboy I'll probably run the nob bikers as just regular bikers for the time being. I'll re-base the white based models so they fit in with the rest. Sorry for the low-quality pic... just wanted to give you an idea of what I had. Also a quick shot of a couple of classic orks that I'll be sending to Nerdy for special treatment! Have a Crusade game tonight that I'm really looking forward to. Made a really odd but fun AdMech list that I'm looking forward to trotting out. Different crusade from the last one so no special abilities for anyone yet.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/08/25 16:02:40
2021/08/26 06:49:55
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/25: "Blue Moon Group"!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
That's a surprisingly big waaagh by accident. Love the classic orks!
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven. |
2021/08/26 07:15:15
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/25: "Blue Moon Group"!)
Calculating Commissar
That's a really nice looking waaagh there. Those classic orks were always ones I wanted to own, but never got around to before they vanished. I am Jealous!
2021/08/30 11:31:14
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/25: "Blue Moon Group"!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
2021/08/30 13:23:54
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/30: Progress on orks!)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Nice to see the Orks back in rotation.
2021/08/30 15:17:58
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/30: Progress on orks!)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Nice looking force Gitz, dont think I have ever seen that nob/boss bike before. Is it a conversion?
2021/08/30 16:49:35
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/30: Progress on orks!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Thanks Yorkright. Nope. Forge World.
2021/08/31 22:29:01
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/30: Progress on orks!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/09/01 11:58:25
2021/09/01 05:48:04
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/31: painboy and meks complete!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
There's an impressive, subtle variety there. They look top notch.
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven. |
2021/09/01 09:08:44
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/31: painboy and meks complete!)
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth
Orks, orks, orks, orks! Orks, orks, orks, orks! Beautiful orkses! They all look beautiful.
Look like they need a Morkanaut to me! Or you could ask Nerdy if he still has the motor pool I sent him years ago.
2021/09/01 17:56:52
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (8/31: painboy and meks complete!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
You know how things sometimes backfire?? Well my latest little project kind of backfired. I had some plastic ork nobs lying around that I got in a bulk purchase years ago. Probably only used them a few times and that was a looooong time ago. So I thought I might sell them. They were decently painted, but very simply and very darkly... so none of the details of the model stood out and they were pretty unremarkable. So I figured I'd just add a few simple details to make them pop and hopefully get a better price for them.
Now that I'm done... I'm not sure I want to let them go! However, if I was going to keep them I'd have to yellow up their armor. The biggest draw-back is that I really don't like the dark green ork skin. It just hides too much detail (and I refuse to do an entire skin re-paint)... which is probably what will be the deciding factor in the end.
2021/09/02 22:37:33
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/1: ork nobs partial re-paint!)
Liche Priest Hierophant
I mean, the dark green will give better contrast with the yellow, and it also sort of fits the idea of them being older and 'greener' than non-nobs.
GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment.
If yer an Ork, why dont ya WAAAGH!!
M.A.V.- if you liked ChromeHounds, drop by the site and give it a go. Or check out my M.A.V. Oneshots videos on YouTube! |
2021/09/02 22:51:23
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/1: ork nobs partial re-paint!)
Fixture of Dakka
Nice Gitsplitta.
2021/09/03 00:16:07
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/1: ork nobs partial re-paint!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Thanks guys! Here's something a little higher quality. Some stormboyz painted by Nerdfest09, then "decorated" by me! This is all one squad. The distortion from the camera (obvious on the right side of the photos) is pretty wild.
2021/09/03 03:30:52
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/2: stormboyz!)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Old Skool one is looking a bit weedy amongst his newer brethren. All looking good though.
2021/09/05 00:14:11
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/2: stormboyz!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
2021/09/06 11:59:53
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/4: random Imperials by Nerdfest09!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
2021/09/06 12:30:18
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Regular Dakkanaut
love that bike thin king of getting one as in stock again
2021/09/07 16:01:46
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Dakka Veteran
You make painting with yellow look easy. Still one of the best threads on the net.
2021/09/07 20:13:36
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
@MeatShield: Well, keep in mind it was Nerdfest09 who actually did the real work, I just added a few details over the top. But yeah... I can paint yellow... as can Nerdy!
2021/09/07 21:41:01
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Lovely looking yellows and overall dingyness, they look very orky. I like the green cloak on the inquisitor it looks like nerdy used dots of paint to build up the highlights.
2021/09/08 12:11:34
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
I've seen that technique used before by another professional painter... also on a green cloak. Very effective.
2021/09/08 20:58:27
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Of all the awesome that I just saw (didn't dig too far back), what caught my attention was the dirt on the floor at the wall edge.
Honestly at first I thought I was looking at a 1:1 scale Ork and then duhhhh realized it was 28mm (32? GW Heroic?) but then even more amazed at the weathering. I know, terrain guy, I can't help it. Did you use weathering powders? Very high quality results regardless of technique.
And the Ork is ok I guess.
2021/09/08 21:23:10
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Never Forget Isstvan!
Nice job on the new additions. Ready to get Stuck in.
2021/09/09 01:36:41
Subject: Re:Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Skalk Bloodaxe wrote:Of all the awesome that I just saw (didn't dig too far back), what caught my attention was the dirt on the floor at the wall edge.
Honestly at first I thought I was looking at a 1:1 scale Ork and then duhhhh realized it was 28mm (32? GW Heroic?) but then even more amazed at the weathering. I know, terrain guy, I can't help it. Did you use weathering powders? Very high quality results regardless of technique.
And the Ork is ok I guess.
That's.... dirt... Skalk. Actual dust. I used my finger to wipe the dust off the terrain piece and must have missed the edges along the walls. I'm glad you like it though!
2021/09/09 15:52:21
Subject: Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory (9/6: FW ork warboss on bike!)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
You were just using RealTime (tm) weathering techniques with all natural weathering powders.
All the stuff is looking great.