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2024/11/11 16:18:47
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I've found some success with 2 bricks of 8 Hogs with a Squigosaur each (not Moz). They're really durable, and so they generally either kill what they charge, or draw enough firepower to allow my Snagga Boy units to get into combat reasonably unscathed. Granted, it's a massive points investment that would probably be better used elsewhere, but they seem to work best as a "go hard or go home" unit.
In other news, Orks won 3 events over the weekend. One each for War Horde, Green Tide and Bully Boyz. There were a few top spots for us as well, but with only a 47% win rate overall. We're officially back in the Goldilocks zone.
2024/11/11 19:45:59
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Tomsug wrote: Regarding the Jidmahs “there is never enough trukks…
That's a solid list. Not sure if I'd take the Flash Gitz personally, in favour of more MANz (assuming they're walking up the board), but it's a good list otherwise.
@beardeddragon I've toyed with the idea of using a lone Squigosaur as a missile unit/distraction carnifex due to it's fairly decent speed and decent durability, but ultimately scrapped the idea. I've not thought about Moz though as he's more expensive for not that much more benefit. My main issue against it was speed and base size. It's too slow to be like the bikerboss missile of old, and its based size stops it from squeezing into those gaps the bikerboss loved to take advantage of. It's certainly worth a try as a distraction unit though, it's big, scary and durable enough to at least draw some firepower.
Having the Flashgitz in the Trukk with the Nobz is a pretty solid little piece of tech. I ran 10 Nobz and a Warboss for a while, but mostly found it overkill. Letting the Gitz clear screens either from the firing deck or disembarked is very useful, and makes the trukk a lot scarier after its dropped its main payload. Their melee is also not to be underestimated.
As for Squighogs, I think they're fine, but are definitely a little unweildy. I can't image running an 8 man as the 4 takes up so much table space. I find them pretty comparable to a Trukk delivered unit in terms of output, but they don't benefit as much from the Waaagh or either character. I have found Moz to be pretty worthwhile. Much better than the generic, even with a Headwhoppa. His leadership is kind of trash, and his unit is mostly ablative wounds, but it overall gets the job done. You can probably get something similar from a Trukk with 10 BSB and a Beastboss for a good deal less though. I'm not sure how cheap the unit would have to be to be spammed, but its definitely a unit where you'd be happy to take a lesser version to get the character in cheaper.
2024/11/11 22:07:31
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I didn't even consider firing deck. I have so little shooting in my list I forgot it was a thing. In that case, I like the Flash Gitz
8 Hogs and a Boss is a huge footprint, especially when you're taking 2 of said unit. But they do their job well for me. They either kill stuff or draw so much firepower away that my trukks and Hunta Rig get all my Snaggas up the board safely. I'll definitely be trying out 3x4 with bosses/Moz as soon as I find room in the carry case.
2024/11/12 15:54:34
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I have seen some of the winners of tournaments using the half flashgit half nobz trick, i think there is some merit. I am fortunate enough or not depending on the point of view to not handle a lot of screening, so i generally don't need on my local.
What i am testing is big mek with shock gun, i have seen great results for the weapon, AP 4 is nothing to scoff at. I am looking at this further and i am consistently doing damage with him at range.. adding some lootas makes for a potent mix where it might receive full rerolls, with heavy being key here, I see a lot of damage potential. Going to plot and test a bit more but hey i think he is auto include at 65pts for me at least.
As for squighogs, their a great damage sponge.. but too expensive, they work fine in any combination.. i am not sure it's worth adding characters, there are just better options that do the same and are cheaper, that's my take. A truck does the same role but it's way cheaper. Also for the people saying they do great damage, i don't agree, they bounce of almost everything, sure you can say that nobz bounce of the targets they chase, but we have other units and tools for that, and they are cheaper and more efficient.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/12 15:58:03
2024/11/12 21:35:15
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Flash gitz or even burna boys in a trukk helps us defeat some of the most annoying match ups we have, in like tyranids, or other factions blocking us out with cheap trash.
Because we can actually shoot them now with burna boys/flash gitz.
Though for 20 points more you get a much better hitting platform too, i think id go for flash gitz over burnaboys.
Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.
- About Dawn of War 3
2024/11/14 06:48:00
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I'm still bitter about them reducing the battlewagon's firing deck. Being able to relive the days of the burna wagon was awesome.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/14 14:02:41
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2024/11/15 20:55:08
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
What makes me wonder is a wrecking ball. It is the only piece of plastic, that is in the rule but not in the box. There is no wrecking ball in the battlewagon box nor in the upgrade set…
It makes me afraid about the BW. That feels like a relic of the past…and they do not sell an upgrade pack anymore…
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/15 20:56:10
They might refresh it. I have 2 of the old model, and 2 3d printed i guess they might refresh it.
The lacking upgrades is a loss for GW, we are mostly a kitbash faction in my opinion. Although i admit i still need to do my own. I guess painting is enough for me for now.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/18 15:34:02
2024/11/18 15:41:15
Subject: Re:Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Forceride wrote: They might refresh it. I have 2 of the old model, and 2 3d printed i guess they might refresh it.
The lacking upgrades is a loss for GW, we are mostly a kitbash faction in my opinion. Although i admit i still need to do my own. I guess painting is enough for me for now.
Well I converting and kitbashing another Battlewagon right now and I found for me impossible to build an ork model as was designed. I 'm simply not able to do that But GW is not us…
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Lathe Biosas wrote: Due to my love of all things big and stompy, is it feasible to build an ork stompa army as an opponent to imperial knights?
I have actually a better idea - this is my secret plan for the second army I gonna make as soon as all orks will be finished - build the knights army but convert them to “ork knights” and than play them both as chaos and imperial knights
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/11/19 11:46:27
Does anyone still have the PDF with the grotmas gitz rules? GW has pulled it from its website.
I'm planning to play the new xmas mission with all four red gobbo variants on the table, but I somehow missed the chance to secure the rules.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2024/11/22 11:48:29
Subject: Re:Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Thanks, but I'm looking for the actual PDF to have a high resolution source to print a card for it.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2024/11/22 20:34:10
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Jidmah wrote:Thanks, but I'm looking for the actual PDF to have a high resolution source to print a card for it.
Ah, I can't help you then unfortunately.
Forceride wrote:We are getting a new detach. Any christmas wishes? Great day to be an ork.
We've kind of got most of the Ork klans covered. Assuming it's not a fixed Kult of Speed, maybe a Blood Axe type detachment as it's the only one not really covered? Emphasising use of Kommandos and the new tankbustas, perhaps using a crossfire-type mechanic to improve odds to hit/wound if you're targeting units with multiple of yours?
I don't know really, I'd be happy with a fixed KoS to be honest
2024/11/23 09:25:23
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I wish Speed Mob 2.0 but I 'm afraid we get Demolishing explosives specialist Infantry riding in Trukks with the new Tankbustas models.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Well I give a try to big blob of Squigriders in War Horde = 8 riders + Beastboss on Robosaur.
They are a great target of ´Ard as nails. With T7 a lot of weapons trying to anyhilate them shifted on wounding from 5+ to 6+ or 4+ to 5+. Which we all know is the most effective range to make a modification reducing the chance to wound to 50% or 66,6%. and because a lot of riders needs to be killed, you defacto reduce the effectivity of majority of enemy attacks in the whole turn to 50 or 66%. And multi wound models with FNP crippled the wound distribution even further. Especially when you can choose between W3 rider or W4 Nob to alocate to make the bigger mess. Most of the weapons will be D3? Let' s start with the W4 Nobz..
Leman Russes, bulgryns and artylery of all kind had a fun with them for 5 turns.
They did a few damage but wasted enormous amount of fire and attention.
If we drink less beer, they would die faster I guess and 450p is a masive price but it worked very well! Blocked him one way out of deployment for the whole game.
But their weapons are stupid. 27 different weapon profiles on a single unit or how much… who we are? Space Marines?
+ WARLORD: Char3: Beastboss on Squigosaur
+ ENHANCEMENT: Follow Me Ladz (on Char3: Beastboss on Squigosaur)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (2x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 6 Characters
Char1: 1x Beastboss (80 pts): Beast Snagga klaw, Beastchoppa, Shoota
Char2: 1x Beastboss (80 pts): Beast Snagga klaw, Beastchoppa, Shoota
Char3: 1x Beastboss on Squigosaur (155 pts): Warlord, Beastchoppa, Slugga, Squigosaur’s jaws
Enhancement: Follow Me Ladz (+25 pts)
Char4: 1x Big Mek in Mega Armour (90 pts): Grot oiler, Kustom force field, Kustom mega-blasta, Power klaw
Char5: 1x Warboss (65 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Power klaw
Char6: 1x Warboss (65 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Power klaw
5x Burna Boyz (60 pts)
• 4x Burna Boy: 4 with Burna, Cuttin’ flames
• 1x Spanner: Close combat weapon, Kustom mega-blasta
5x Flash Gitz (80 pts): Ammo Runt
• 1x Kaptin: Choppa, Snazzgun
• 4x Flash Gitz: 4 with Choppa, Snazzgun
11x Gretchin (40 pts)
• 10x Gretchin: 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd: Grot-smacka, Slugga
11x Gretchin (40 pts)
• 10x Gretchin: 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta
• 1x Runtherd: Grot-smacka, Slugga
3x Meganobz (105 pts): 3 with Killsaw, Power klaw
5x Nobz (105 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga
• 4x Nob: 4 with Power klaw, Slugga
5x Nobz (105 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga
• 4x Nob: 4 with Power klaw, Slugga
5x Stormboyz (65 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw
• 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga
5x Stormboyz (65 pts)
• 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw
• 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga
8x Squighog Boyz (320 pts): 2x Bomb squig
• 2x Nob on Smasha Squig: 2 with Big choppa, Slugga, Squig jaws
• 6x Squighog Boy: 6 with Saddlegit weapons, Squig jaws, Stikka
1x Battlewagon (160 pts): ’Ard Case, 4x Big shoota, Grabbin' klaw, Lobba, Wreckin' ball, Kannon, Deff rolla
1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin' ball
1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin' ball
Automatically Appended Next Post: Aaaand here we go…… last CI, TLM x Layton November GT, Bryce Bennett goes second with the big blob of Squigriders. Obviously the point there is go big on Beast Snagga with the double Killrig etc
+ WARLORD: Char5: Beastboss on Squigosaur
+ ENHANCEMENT: Follow Me Ladz (on Char1: Beastboss)
& Kunnin’ But Brutal (on Char4: Beastboss on Squigosaur)
& Supa-Cybork Body (on Char5: Deffkilla Wartrike)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (2x4) - Assassination: 6 Characters - Cull The Horde: 1x5
Automatically Appended Next Post: And the second one! Sean Lengenfelder On GUTI Majestic Beasties IV also big squad of Hogriders. This time with the Mozrog
I've done some playing recently and have also moved on from multiple Hogs in favour of the brick. I've also added some shooting because my opponents are getting better at kiting and using screens
List in spoilers for anyone interested.
Xenos - Orks - [1990pts]
# ++ Army Roster ++ [1990pts]
## Configuration
Battle Size: Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
Detachment: War Horde
Tomsug wrote: Hunta rig vs. Kill rig = boyz over toyz?
Mozrog vs Beastboss = krumpin over moving?
That's the way I look at it. Mozzie giving you free fight on death in a 4+ is super useful as well.
As for Hunta Vs Kill, I think it's down to what you value more; the transport itself or the things it's carrying. Personally, I want the sudden board presence of 20 snagga boys and a boss spilling out of it and the benefits they bring over some lascannon shots from a wurr tower.
2024/11/27 09:03:33
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Tomsug wrote: Hunta rig vs. Kill rig = boyz over toyz?
Mozrog vs Beastboss = krumpin over moving?
That's the way I look at it. Mozzie giving you free fight on death in a 4+ is super useful as well.
As for Hunta Vs Kill, I think it's down to what you value more; the transport itself or the things it's carrying. Personally, I want the sudden board presence of 20 snagga boys and a boss spilling out of it and the benefits they bring over some lascannon shots from a wurr tower.
I was thinking more about +1S ability shifting Snaggas from S5 to S6 which comes with effect againts all T3, Bulgryns, Outriders, Terminators, most of the Custodes, etc…
Tomsug wrote: Hunta rig vs. Kill rig = boyz over toyz?
Mozrog vs Beastboss = krumpin over moving?
That's the way I look at it. Mozzie giving you free fight on death in a 4+ is super useful as well.
As for Hunta Vs Kill, I think it's down to what you value more; the transport itself or the things it's carrying. Personally, I want the sudden board presence of 20 snagga boys and a boss spilling out of it and the benefits they bring over some lascannon shots from a wurr tower.
I was thinking more about +1S ability shifting Snaggas from S5 to S6 which comes with effect againts all T3, Bulgryns, Outriders, Terminators, most of the Custodes, etc…
Oh yeah, that's really good as well. Admittedly I haven't used it much as a lot of my earlier lists already had a decent amount of S6 and up through the various squigs in the list.
2024/11/27 16:49:56
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Afrodactyl wrote: Am I right in saying the KMB is the best weapon for spannas? Is it ever worthwhile taking the rokkit outside of not being hazardous?
Outside of dreads in dreadmob, I see little reason to use rokkits over KMB. If you ever need extra rokkits, there are tons of units which can bring them, but the KMB is mostly limited to squad leaders and characters.
Hazardous is no factor whatsoever. The number of times a KMB model could have shot at another valuable target after it blew itself up is tiny compared to the number of times a KMB scored 2d6 damage against a vehicle or character.
Orks in general do not struggle against hordes at all, and even if your particular list does, rokkits aren't going to solve that problem. Rokkits - just like PKs - are really nice jack of all trades weapons that shines most against durable squads of 10 like LoV or various flavors of chaos marines. But it's not like three shots of KMBs are terrible against those targets either, and we don't get a lot of other weapons which can threaten high wound models.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.