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Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

This was going to be my entry into the painting contest but sadly I posted a pic of it on Dakka a while back and it's DQ'd now. I had fun painting it, hope you enjoy it!
[Thumb - 100_1201.jpg]
before chains and paint

[Thumb - 100_1232.jpg]

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

Looks better painted than I thought it would after seeing the first pic.

Can you explain how you did the bone?
I'm loving the bull skull.

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Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

Waaagh_Gonads wrote:Looks better painted than I thought it would after seeing the first pic.

Can you explain how you did the bone?
I'm loving the bull skull.

First off Thanks, coming from someone of your skill the complement is quite taken to heart. The bone was done in these steps over a black base coat

#1 Dry brush white on the upper most surfaces of the bone.
#2 Dry brush bleached bone on shadowed areas still leaving a little black in the deepest recesses and white on the upper most surfaces
#3 Apply an ink of flesh wash and a dark brown 9-1 mix watered down a bit
#4 And finally after the ink is completely dry, a light dry brush of bleached bone.

There you have it, my weathered bone look...

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in de
Rampaging Carnifex


I am pretty sure Gork and Mork will appreciate your work .

I know when it is closing time. - Rascal Mod

"Some people measure common sense with a ruler others with a potato."- Making Money Terry Pratchett
"what's with all the hate go paint something you lazy bastards" - NAVARRO
"You don't need pants for the victory dance." -BAWTRM
Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

Thanks joe, wishI could getabetter pic of it....any suggestions?

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

Bear with me i'm trying to learn how to get better picts of my miniatures. I've read the "how to photograph" thread but i'm having a problem with the picts turning out too dark when I use a white piece of paper between the fig and the light source. Any help with this would be much appreciated! Here are a few examples...
[Thumb - 100_1235.jpg]

[Thumb - 100_1239.jpg]

[Thumb - 100_1241.jpg]

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in us

North Carolina

Your photos are getting better composition, but your light source is really really lacking. That's what's killing your photos. You need to get a light setup specifically so you can take better photos. Or at least modify your current lighting to better direct the light onto your miniature. Failing that, wait until a nice sunny day and bring this outside for a photoshoot. Be sure to bring the paper with you still.

Call For Fire

Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

grey_death wrote: Or at least modify your current lighting to better direct the light onto your miniature.

How? Is it the paper being to close to the light source (1 to 2 in. away) or the 3 light sources not being close enough to the model? 1 is 2 ft. away, 1 is 4 ft. away and 1 is overhead.

What wattage of bulb do you recommend?

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

Ok think I got a little better pic this is the start of the next banna....
[Thumb - 100_1254.jpg]

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Ogden, UT

So is this pic better or do I still need more light?

Da fastest Orks get to da fight firstest!!! Waaaaagh!!!!!

- Garbash Grimtoof  
Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

Mayhem Comics in Des Moines, Iowa

Looks a tad dark. I just use a desk lamp for my lighting and it seems to come out fine.

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