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Made in us

North Carolina

I'm sure most of us have pets! I know I enjoy seeing what kind of little guys people hold dear. So lets see em!

Leonidas and Molly

Leo is a full blood Boxer and Molly is a Pitbull mix of some kind.

So what do your little dudes look like?

Call For Fire

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


I live in a Flat, so no pets for me.

PS-does your Boxer fart badly? I heard that was a well known fact about the breed, but it could be an 'Urban myth'..

Molly looks like a Pit-bull terrier cross, methinks.

In Australia, it is hard to raise pets, as the Snakes and Crocodiles take them.(Ridiculous exaggeration)

We lost a 6-week ond Alsation to a Carpet snake when I was a Kid. Mom tried to scare it off with a shovel, but it just kept dragging the pup away into the bushes.

I will never forget the sound.(True story)


"Dakkanaut" not "Dakkaite"
Only with Minatures, does size matter...
"Only the living collect a pension"Johannes VII
"If the ork codex and 5th were developed near the same time, any possible nerf will be pre-planned."-malfred
"I'd do it but the GW Website makes my eyes hurt. "Gwar
"That would be page 7 and a half. You find it by turning your rulebook on its side and slamming your head against it..." insaniak
MeanGreenStompa - The only chatbot I ever tried talking to insisted I take a stress pill and kept referring to me as Dave, despite my protestations.
insaniak "So, by 'serious question' you actually meant something entirely different? "
Frazzled[Mod] On Rule #1- No it literally means: be polite. If we wanted less work there would be no OT section.
Chowderhead - God no. If I said Pirates Honor, I would have had to kill him whether he won or lost. 
Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

Henry the pug.

My wife has been obsessed with pug dogs for years and we had planned on getting one next year but we had some extra money (rather she did) saved and I finally relented and let her buy him.

His hobbies include:
Biting soft body parts.
Attacking shoes and socks.
Being spoilt by my wife.

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2012-15: Games Played:412/Models Bought: 1163/Sold:730/Painted:436 
Made in pt
Sinewy Scourge


I'll see if I can get pics of my guinea pigs, Curte and Palhoça (read, Payl-o-sa).
Well, probably not so soon; both are males and Palhoça is trying to give Curte some jail love. It can be funny sometimes, when the big guy goes after the other one's tail and he just runs (not so much run, more like THROW EVERYTHING OUT OF THE DAMN CAGE) and his teeth start making the kind of noises you'd expect from a human when he's scared shitl€ss. Oh well. Apart from that, they're quite adorable, and nowhere as smelly as I thought they would be.

anonymous @ best Warhammer Miniature wrote:i vote the choas dwarf lord as they are the greatest dwarfs n should get there own codex

Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

NCRP - Humboldt County

lol that's funny! Aren't guinea pigs a delicacy in Colombia?

GD, did you have to crop your boxer's ears, or am I thinking of another breed? Great looking dogs though, I bet they guard your castle well.

Gonads, I've always liked pugs! Somehow they're like the underdog of dogs, or maybe it was because I saw Milo and Otis about 878932847 times as a kid? Who knows

Here's my extended family first are the ones who live with me, but they are all my sisters animals.
[Thumb - familyanimals 004.jpg]
Knight, part Siamese, enjoys hunting birds

[Thumb - familyanimals 008.jpg]
Skeeter, she is 16 years old! sweet old kitty

[Thumb - familyanimals 007.jpg]
Annabelle, sweet cat, but dumb as a post

[Thumb - familyanimals 006.jpg]
Ghillie, second fattest cat

[Thumb - familyanimals 005.jpg]
Angus, fattest cat of them all as witnessed here by his girth. Sweet, but dumb as a post, likes to pick on Annabelle

[Thumb - familyanimals 003.jpg]
Gunny, the newest addition, he's a Brittany Spaniel.

[Thumb - familyanimals 001.jpg]
Fiona, aka the Mao Dog, my mom and dad's dog.

[Thumb - familyanimals 002.jpg]
Ailin, my parents couldn't stand having one Golden after Aspen passed away, so my mom got another golden.

Jean-luke Pee-card, of thee YOU ES ES Enter-prize

Make it so!

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

My dog, Belle. She's a purebred Dachschund, but a mix between miniature and standard sizings at 17 lbs. The female in the picture is my fiance(we're getting married on the 26th).

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Congrats on the coming nuptuals Platuan
Cute pup too.

- Salvage

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/04/16 15:15:55

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

Thanks, Boss!

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in pt
Sinewy Scourge


(Still no pics, but, Congratulations Platuan4th! Best of luck!)

anonymous @ best Warhammer Miniature wrote:i vote the choas dwarf lord as they are the greatest dwarfs n should get there own codex

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