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Event Dec 3rd Sealion  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Merrimack NH USA


Employing fast-moving tanks backed up with air support, Germany defeated Poland in four weeks. This victory was followed by the occupation of Norway (four weeks), Netherlands (five days), Belgium (three weeks) and France (six weeks). The German Army was amazed at how quickly they defeated these countries and they became convinced that Adolf Hitler was a military genius.

The English Channel meant that these Blitzkrieg tactics could not be continued against Britain. Hitler had great respect for Britain's navy and air force and feared that his forces would suffer heavy casualties in any invasion attempt. Hitler, who had not seen the sea until he was over forty, lacked confidence when it came to naval warfare. As he told his naval
Commander-in-chief: "On land I am a hero. At sea I am a coward."

At this stage Hitler still hoped that Britain would change sides or at least accept German domination of Europe. His dreams of a large German empire were based on the empire created by the British during the nineteenth century. Although Hitler was often guilty of extreme arrogance he lacked confidence and tended to hesitate when dealing with Britain.

Immediately after the defeat of France in June 1940, Adolf Hitler ordered his generals to organize the invasion of Britain. The invasion plan was given the code name Operation Sea lion. The objective was to land 160,000 German soldiers along a forty-mile coastal stretch of south-east England.

Within a few weeks the Germans had assembled a large armada of vessels, including 2,000 barges in German, Belgian and French harbors. However, Hitler's generals were very worried about the damage that the Royal Air Force could inflict on the German Army during the invasion. Hitler therefore agreed to their request that the invasion should be postponed until the British air force had been destroyed.

On the 12th August the German air force began its mass bomber attacks on British radar stations, aircraft factories and fighter airfields. During these raids radar stations and airfields were badly damaged and twenty-two RAF planes were destroyed. This attack was followed by daily raids on Britain. This was the beginning of what became known as the Battle of Britain.

Although plans for an invasion of Britain were drawn up Adolf Hitler was never very enthusiastic about them and they were eventually abandoned on October 12, 1940. Instead, Hitler attempted to batter Britain into submission by organizing a sustained night-bombing campaign.

That was history but what if the invasion plans were redone?
And Hitler ordered the invasion of Britain in early 1942.
Stop by Empire games to find out what happens in our special Flames of War ?what if? Battle OPERATION SEA LION.


Operation Sea lion
Germany invades England

1650 point army build total

Special rules
All army?s get 100 points of free air support*
Upgrades to air support* over 100 points deduct from build total X 2 the cost.
You must have models for the planes!

December 3rd 2005

Registration 11:00 am to 11:25 am

Begins at 12:30 am SHARP!

There will be a pre-battle team meeting to orginise your teams forces before the battle begins, your encouraged to arrive as early has you can.

Mega Battle
Min. 10 Turns with breaks.

$15.95 includes a pizza lunch!
Great Prizes for the winners team.

Empire Games & Hobby
865 second st.
Manchester N.H. 03049
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Merrimack NH USA

Check out this 20 foot long six foot deep table being built for this event.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Merrimack NH USA

Check out that thread for some battle reports on the event and pics of the day.
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