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2008/11/19 03:28:12
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench - All good things must come to an end...
Making Stuff
Thought it was time to chuck up another 'Here's what I'm working on at the moment' thread... and just for a change, thought I might even put it in the right forum...
A couple of these have been posted in earlier stages before...
Wazdakka, now with 75% more hand (still needs a thumb):
Added a little more detail on these guys:
And started a new one...
Also working on a couple of commission projects, including this one:
...and this one:
Hopefully, more soon...
This message was edited 189 times. Last update was at 2019/01/01 08:12:19
2008/11/19 03:32:12
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Bane Knight
I am almost afraid to ask what the scout/termie reverse cod piece wearers are going to be....but what the heck are they?
2008/11/19 03:33:55
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Nasty Nob
I am interested to see what becomes of those Termintors with the added...harnesses?
As always your work rules
Current Project: Random quaratine models!
Most Recently Completed: Stormcast Nightvault Warband
On the Desk: Looking into 3D Printing!
Instagram Updates: @joyous_oblivion |
2008/11/19 04:41:27
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy
Wellington, New Zealand
Always such awesome conversions coming out of you mate.
Those big termie backs becoming like rear head guards remind me a lot of the serpent guard Jaffa in Stargate
Blogger over at and occasional annoying New Zealand accent on |
2008/11/19 11:18:51
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Been Around the Block
Wazzdaka look too small. But I always like your work, so I will wait for end results...
2008/11/19 13:47:39
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
burb1996 wrote:I am almost afraid to ask what the scout/termie reverse cod piece wearers are going to be....but what the heck are they?
insaniak's site is all kinds of awesome...
Check here for what's going on with the Scout/Terminator work:
2008/11/19 16:23:58
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos
Very cool stuff as always Ins... those Scout Termies are truly unique Your sculpted Ork looks great as well... I'm always amazed by people who can really work with green stuff... 'Hmm, It'd be a pain to convert an arm to fit this odd angle... I know! I'll just sculpt a new one.'
2008/11/21 21:48:31
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
burb1996 wrote:I am almost afraid to ask what the scout/termie reverse cod piece wearers are going to be....but what the heck are they?
They will eventually be counts-as Terminators for a Scout-themed army.
Holycrusader wrote:Wazzdaka look too small. But I always like your work, so I will wait for end results...
He's smaller than a Warboss, as he's modelled off a Nob Torso... but that feels about right to me. He's a Mek, not a Warboss... and that Battle Cannon has to be compensating for something
2008/11/21 21:48:54
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
Pew Pew!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:09:03
2008/11/22 15:20:25
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Lethal Lhamean
some good stuff on that page.. Thanx for the link alph. I think the concept of scout termies is awesome. Cant wait to see finished product. The pre hersery dread should be awesome also.
2008/11/22 15:31:24
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Intruiging stuff you got there man!
2008/11/26 04:59:52
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
Legs taking shape...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:09:22
2008/11/26 08:19:45
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Junior Officer with Laspistol
Ultimate win. That's totally cool.
2008/11/26 08:28:01
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
I agree, except for the croth belt.
That looks, at least at the moment, a bit awkward.
2008/11/26 08:33:10
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot
I think it has pads for the jewels as seen in the right pic... at least I hope so heh. Insaniak.. pretty damn good man! I like how you actually thought out making pistons for leg assist. AWW-SOME could attach some hydraulic lines to em?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/11/26 08:34:11
2008/11/26 13:58:41
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Hmm, sort of "Imperial battlesuits"? Are those lascannon likes weapons you made from plasticcard going to be on those suits?
2008/11/27 20:25:58
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
Malika2 wrote: Are those lascannon likes weapons you made from plasticcard going to be on those suits?
Nope, the lascannon is for the Dreadnought...
2008/11/27 20:44:50
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Are you going to scratchbuilt that thing like those cannons?
2008/12/01 02:15:10
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
The Dread's based on a standard Dreadnought Chassis, but is otherwise getting a lot of scratchbuilt parts, yes.
Here's a progress shot on the lascannon, with a regular dread lascannon for comparison:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:09:52
2008/12/03 01:27:01
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
Yesterday, the house was ridiculously hot... so today I'm working in the 'air conditioned' office:
Here's the Dreadnought's upper arms taking shape:
The twin autocannon 'hand':
And the twin heavy flamer 'hand':
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:11:00
2008/12/03 02:12:10
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress
Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.
Baby terminators in nappies?
n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.
It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. |
2008/12/08 05:32:54
Subject: Re:What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:14:41
2008/12/08 05:39:15
Subject: Re:What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Making Stuff
Exo-scouts: Added ends to the inner leg hydraulics, and started adding the padding in the hoods:
And a rough mock-up for the arms:
The scout's hand will be strapped to the inside of the 'elbow' on a rotating pivot to give him full movement. I'm thinking at this point that the 'forearm' is a little too long, making it look a little ungainly and unbalanced. I'll try shortening it up a little, and maybe add another upper arm hydraulic, running along the outside from shoulder to elbow, to aid in sideways lift.
The slide piece on the 'hand' could possibly stand to be a little longer, as well...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/29 21:15:32
2008/12/08 05:40:22
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Slippery Ultramarine Scout Biker
Awesome! Can't wait for more updates!
2008/12/08 06:20:05
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Basecoated Black
Gresham, OR
Amazing stuff! I am loving the look of the terminator scouts. Really remind me of the end of aliens :p And the dread naught pics you put up have my interest. I am looking forward to more updates.
~Romantic Gunslinger~ |
2008/12/08 07:18:44
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Regular Dakkanaut
This is some really outstanding work!
2008/12/08 07:21:40
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Dakka Veteran
This is the work of a madman. Well done.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." |
2008/12/08 07:58:14
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Oh that Pre-Heresy dread is going to be totally awesome!
2008/12/08 14:07:23
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Junior Officer with Laspistol
Very nice. I agree the arms need to be much shorter though, they're out of proportion to the bodies.
2008/12/08 16:31:48
Subject: What's on Insaniak's workbench...
Bounding Black Templar Assault Marine
the recoil on that ork bike gun must be terrible.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. |