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Necron Flayed One clawed hand tutorial  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Necron Flayed One clawed hand tutorial

Materials and tools:
Necron Warrior
.080 x .125” styrene strip
3/64” styrene rod
.030 styrene sheet cut into 1/16” wide strips
Metal ruler
X-acto knife
Metal files
Pin vice with 1/64 and 1/16” drill bits
1/16” hole punch

I start out with the styrene strip; it is to square looking for the hand so I file the corners to round them off.

I then drill a small pilot hole in the middle with the 1/64” drill bit. I then use the 1/16” bit to enlarge the hole. This is where the hand will attach to the Flayed Ones wrist. It is a lot easier to drill the hole before you clip the hand off the styrene strip.

I then clip the hand section off. It should be about a 1/8” long.

I glue a small piece of styrene rod to the end of the hand (the side without the hole drilled in it). This will create the knuckles for the blades to attach. I use a piece of rod a little bigger than needed. I then clip off the excess and file it flush with the side of the hand.

For the thumb I file the end of the styrene rod to a dome, then cut it about 1/16” long. I make the cut at a slight angle so it just is not sticking out the side of the hand. I then glue the thumb to the hand, and the hand to the Flayed Ones wrist.

For the blades I start with some .30 styrene sheet that I cut into a 1/16” wide strip. I use the clippers to roughly cut the shape of the curved blade. I then use the file to round off the top, and file the bottom edge at an angle on both sides to create a razors edge. This step is easier if you shape the blade first before cutting it from the strip to length.

I then use a pencil to mark the length of the blade. I make the first one (pointer) about ¾” long with the next blade about a 1/8” shorter than the one before it. I then use the hole punch to make a cut for the blade to attach to the knuckle on the hand. I then cut the blade from the rest of the strip with an X-acto knife.

Here you can see the finished blade attached to the hand.

The finished squad.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/02/24 19:20:47

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

Not too shabby... you should do a complete conversion tutorial outlining the rest of your process.

I'd add that you can use a slice of sprue for the hands as well, as shown on my own tutorial.

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Guessing for the styrene for the claws it is suppose to say .03" instead of .3". I was getting ready to build some of these and just wanted to make sure.

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/02/16 17:56:23

Made in dk
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


Isn't this threadomancy? Or am I just picky? Nice tutorial anyway.

"Not only is life a bitch, but it is always having puppies." --Adrienne Gusoff
"Put enough ranks in it, and you don't NEED combat skill" 
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Malicious Mandrake

Linked wrote:Isn't this threadomancy? Or am I just picky? Nice tutorial anyway.
It isn't, because the pseudo-necromancer had a relevant concern that added to the thread.

Nids - 1500 Points - 1000 Points In progress
TheLinguist wrote:
bella lin wrote:hello friends,
I'm a new comer here.I'm bella. nice to meet you and join you.
But are you a heretic?
Made in dk
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


Fine enough

"Not only is life a bitch, but it is always having puppies." --Adrienne Gusoff
"Put enough ranks in it, and you don't NEED combat skill" 
Made in us
Satyxis Raider

In your head, screwing with your thoughts...

I personally don't think a tutorial thread should ever be considered 'dead', because they will ALWAYS be relevant. The only circumstance where it could possibly lose relevance is if it's to recreate an expensive metal model, and said model gets a cheaper plastic kit. Even then it's still not useless, because some may prefer the conversion to the kit. (and it may still be cheaper too)

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


disposable24 wrote:Guessing for the styrene for the claws it is suppose to say .03" instead of .3". I was getting ready to build some of these and just wanted to make sure.

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yes, the size should be .030. I have found evergreen scale models makes a pre made strip that will work if you do not want to cut the strips yourself. it is product number 134, .030 x .080" strip.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/02/24 19:23:26

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