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Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Las Vegas

OKay, This thread is for all IG players that would like to have an obscure regiment that no one has ever heard about but can't figure how to convert it.

The regiments being taken are from here

I have been able to make a tutorial for one regiment I would like to make, though has no fluff, the Narmenian third, here

Now as you can see, other Narmenian regiments are armoured ones, so I thought I would make the Third an Infantry/ Grenadier army.

Now, fluff is still being developed, but I do have the fact that the Narmenians have learned infantry warfare due to an Orbital strike destroying all their armour. Being used to the Air Conditioning of Tanks, they aren't used to any environ other than Temperate areas

So without further ado, Winter Narmenians

You will need:
Catachan squads
cadian arms
cadian helms (optional)
Warriors of Chaos fur capes
Putty shaper
sanding paper/ nail file

1.glue together the Catachan Legs, torso, and head.
2. begin by taking the greenstuff, and cover up all the exposed areas on the Catachan's chest
3. Model a coat by taking four seperate squares of Greenstuff, each should be able to fit over half the chest and/or back of the catachan.
4. take the four squares and put them on the catachan. you should have lines where the clay meets on the shoulders, sides, front and back. only remove the line that shows up on the BACK!!
5. (optional) to make a hood, take a ball of Greenstuff and press it against where the back of the neck and the head, then take your putty shaper and press it into the top of the ball, bring it out a little, then make U shapes, this will be the Hood to the jacket (agian, its optional)
6. take a small amount of greenstuff and wrap it around the top of the boots, then press a fur pattern into it using your putty sculptor.
7.take the cadian arms and shave off the Shoulderpads.
8. put some fur lining (just like on the boots) onto the cuffs of the arms.
9. if you did not make the hood, then glue on the Warriors of Chaos fur cape.

Now, if you would like a Tutorial done on your DIY/ Obscure regiment, then just reply putting down its name, what it looks like, and what you want done.

Cheers! alex

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/06 20:54:47

If I had a dollar for every dollar I spent I'd have all my money back.
Made in ca
Calculating Commissar

Kamloops, B.C.

Very nice tutorial

According to the image on Lexicanum, 28mm Napoleonic-era minis make for excellent Volpone minis for anyone interested in other Gaunt's Ghosts regiments

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Made in gb
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

Sounds nice but I reaally think we need pics.

On-Dakka Deathwatch Blog


[TYRANIDS] - Recycle, the posibilities are endless.

Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Las Vegas

Yeah, I just can't get hold of a camera. Thats why I made these so simple.

If I had a dollar for every dollar I spent I'd have all my money back.
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