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Hello guys and gals. Im new here but im a good friend of Les at I have just started up doing How 2 paint vids and I figured I would share them with you to get your feedback. They are not true pro vids...(you can hear my kids in some of the vids but I put every thing I have into them. There is 15 of them and I take you from start to finsh on the figure. Im going to be doing alot more vids with the same format and diffrent a farseer, lizardman, and some IG stuff. So take a look and tell me what you think and again thanks!
While the model turned out great and I love the work, Imo the tutorial is just far too long stretching well over an hour. Me thinks if you try to sumerize it a tad more and not video the entire painting process it would be alot better... enough of my ranting though Nice work!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/16 23:39:40
The tutorial is really useful, but the fact that it takes a little over 133 minutes, that is about two hours and 13 minutes I don't know if someone will be awaken to see the end of it...
WOW! Very detailed, bit too much to take in for me, i dont have much imagination or skill in painting...
Orkses never lose a battle!
If we win we win
If we dies we die fightin' so it dun count
If we runs for it we don't die neither
cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
whilst the model does end up looking very good what i think you need to do is condense it into 1-3 videos (without audio) and add subtitles to show what colours your using (and maybe the stage/technique aswell) remember to use a different font for the subtitles so that people can recognise that its one of your videos.
As a green painter what I would really like to see as video turorials are priming and basing, choice of primers and base paints, mixing paints and the effects of different washes / paint mixes etc.
but very cool tutorials!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/24 09:36:19
You know I thought so as well. but it seems that people like it that lenght. I have gotten a lot of feed back saying keep it long. SO im going to see what I can do to shorten it down just a little on my next one.
Hi Natakue, Great tute, I can see why some guys might think it too long, for me though the length was fine. Really allowed for in depth explanation of your techniques which is sometimes lacking in other tutorials. Like you already mention sometimes the model goes outta shot but for me personally didn't really effect the quality of the demonstration.
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