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How to make scenic bases  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


In this post I'm gonna show you how to make a trench scenic base.

You will need PVA glue, a popsicle stick, sand, a pair if scissors or a pair of cutters and your base.

Cut up the popsicle stick with the cutters.

Add some PVA to the base.

Spread out the PVA with a piece of the popsicle stick.

Add your popsicle stick pieces to the base.

Add sand.

Shake of the excess.

Let it dry and you're done!

I play Ultramarines and IG

Let the good times roll!

Made in ca
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


How does the mini stay on without falling off constantly?

           ◂◂  ►  ▐ ▌  ◼  ▸▸
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Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


LunaHound wrote:How does the mini stay on without falling off constantly?

I've tried it on my models and they don't fall of. But its best to let the base dry overnight and then glue on the mini. But I guess it depends on what type of mini you have.

I play Ultramarines and IG

Let the good times roll!

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

Give us pictures of the finished product as well, we wantz it yezzzz!

God Jul!
Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman



I play Ultramarines and IG

Let the good times roll!

Made in nz
Grovelin' Grot

Christchurch, New Zealand

Most bases look kinda wierd, my friend glues tiny stones on his, i prefer not to at all, but these look great!! this makes me want to try it out!

Orkses never lose a battle!
If we win we win
If we dies we die fightin' so it dun count
If we runs for it we don't die neither
cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Nice way to simulate guard fighting on duckboarded trench environments. Something else to think about for my own models.
Made in au
Monstrously Massive Big Mutant

An unknown location in the Warp

nice, but what's with the sergeant's head?

Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


r3n3g8b0y wrote:nice, but what's with the sergeant's head?

He wasn't really finished yet.

I play Ultramarines and IG

Let the good times roll!

Made in us
Screamin' Stormboy


If you do have problems with the model coming off the base you can always pin the base through the foot of the model for added strength.

It could be worse, you could be on fire.  
Made in gb
Never-Miss Nightwing Pilot

In the Webway.

Have you got a tutorial for that but bigger, so that it gives the model elevated height (something like it standing on a big rock)??. I will be converting a SM dread into a deff dread soon, and i wanted to make it look bigger, since a SM dread isn't that much bigger than a kan, and i dont want to buy a venerable one!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/29 19:30:45

"The stars themselves once lived and died at our command yet you still dare oppose our will. "-Farseer Mirehn Biellann

Armies at 'The Stand-still Point':

Cap'n Waaagggh's warband (Fantasy Orcs) 2250pts. Waaagghhh! in full flow... W-D-L=10-3-3

Hive Fleet Leviathan Strand 1500pts. W-D-L=7-1-2 Nom.

Eldar armies of various sizes W-D-L 26-6-3

Made in us
Tough Tyrant Guard

Sacramento, ca

Those are cool bases , but i like the way i make mine... but im going too add ur style into them now..

Here how i make mine.... Get some Joint compound, and a food storage contian( from glad or something that can be used again)

I put down a nice layer of compound down( about 3/4 inche).. let it dry for a few days. Then i throw it on the ground to break it up to large pieces.
Then i take a set of Dikes( or you pylers) and break it up too smaller chunks.)
Then i add a mixture of gravel/ fine flocking / ballast that i mixed up in a huge containter.
spray paint it black( the only time i like using black primer.) let it dry.

I use apple barrel paints here ,

Dark brown ( hvy dry brushed), then a light brown( meduim to light dryed brushed), then a light grey lighlty dryed brushed)

Then i flock the bases with a gras mixture I made up....

I usually just bases in a day( and i do all my bases at the same time its a day process to make paint to flock)
[Thumb - bases 001.JPG]
the begining

[Thumb - bases 002.JPG]
end product

[Thumb - bases2 001.JPG]
container full of grass flocking

[Thumb - bases2 002.JPG]
my mixture of grass flocking

[Thumb - bases2 003.JPG]
simple paint

[Thumb - bases2 004.JPG]
Joint compound after the first breakage

[Thumb - bases2 005.JPG]
bulk containers( cheaper to buy this way if you do alot of modeling

[Thumb - bases2 006.JPG]
ballast, fine turf, and other modeling sands( color doesnt matter its going to be painted later)

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

nice stuff
Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos


You should put that tutorial in the article section, very good.

Veteran Sergeant wrote:Oh wait. His fluff, at this point, has him coming to blows with Lionel, Angryon, Magnus, and The Emprah. One can only assume he went into the Eye of Terror because he still hadn't had a chance to punch enough Primarchs yet.

Albatross wrote:I guess we'll never know. That is, until Frazzled releases his long-awaited solo album 'Touch My Weiner'. Then we'll know.

warboss wrote:I marvel at their ability to shoot the entire foot off with a shotgun instead of pistol shooting individual toes off like most businesses would.

Mr Nobody wrote:Going to war naked always seems like a good idea until someone trips on gravel.

Ghidorah wrote: You need to quit hating and trying to control other haters hating on other people's hobbies that they are trying to control.

ShumaGorath wrote:Posting in a thread where fat nerds who play with toys make fun of fat nerds who wear costumes outdoors.

Marshal2Crusaders wrote:Good thing it wasn't attacked by the EC, or it would be the assault on Magnir's Crack.
Made in nl
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

the netherlands

wow good tutorial stargate
i am going to try that
it is really nice

brothers war calls will we answer
-space marine captain cato sicarius-
750 points (more coming soon)
Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


Lint wrote:You should put that tutorial in the article section, very good.

I've done it now it's here http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/How_to_make_trench_scenic_bases

I play Ultramarines and IG

Let the good times roll!

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