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Hammer 40k H2P Weather Pigments "Rust Effect"  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Alguacile Paramedic


Hey guys hows it going? I hope you all had a great christmas and a great new year. I did another H2P vid...this one is a short one and shows how to use weathering pigments to get a "Rust Effect". I used the pigments from awsomepaintjob.com but you can get them from mig as well. Tell me what you think and take care guys!

Natakue, MidKnight Heroes
YouTube Channel:
Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

Grand Rapids, MI

Thanks for this video. I've been interested in buying some of those weathering powders, but was always a little unsure as to the steps involved in applying them. This sums it all up nice and easily.

A forum site set up for West Michigan players to share hobby ideas and organize games. 
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Hey thanks for the Tut. It was just what I was looking for to rust effects.

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DIY 3450pts 1000pts 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Are you putting on a powder or is it a liquid??

Made in us
Alguacile Paramedic


genghis khan wrote:Are you putting on a powder or is it a liquid??

Its a powder... Once im done I set the powder with rubbing alcohol

Natakue, MidKnight Heroes
YouTube Channel:
Made in au

Australia : SA

You called the dread naught a predator at 1:12

Kreig - 2850 pts
Skaven - 3450 pts
Orks - 1950 (pro painted)

Made in us
Alguacile Paramedic


-=Scar=- wrote:You called the dread naught a predator at 1:12

opps my bad.

Natakue, MidKnight Heroes
YouTube Channel:
Made in us
Reverent Tech-Adept

Iowa City/ Iowa

Thanks a bunch for the tutorial, alot easier than i thought it would be

I miss the good old days when a man would build a skyscraper with his bare hands just so you would stop hitting him with a shovel.

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Made in de
Adolescent Youth with Potential


Here are some more pigment guides:

Pigment guide 1

Pigment guide 2 (fantasy and scifi)

Articles for Rainmarks and co:

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/01/31 20:18:56

Made in ca
Charging Wild Rider


Not a bad tut really. Nothing I haven't seen before. One crit though. Rust sticks to none moving parts. Moving parts rub and grind off rust. For a more realistic effect take this into consideration.

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LunaHound wrote:Woo thats a good looking Pedo


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