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2010/01/04 21:07:00
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 02/12/2010)
Been Around the Block
Aloha everyone!
Below, you'll find links to our latest free videos on how to paint tyranids. I'll be updating this regularly until we complete the model, so be sure to check back every few days.
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 1
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 2
UPDATE 01/06/2010
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 3
UPDATE 01/08/2010
Painting the skin
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 4
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 5
UPDATE 01/13/10
Painting the Back Plates
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 6
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 7
UPDATE 01/28/10
Painting the Leg Plates and Tail Spines
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 8
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 9
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 10
UPDATE 02/12/10
Painting the Claws, Clean Up Mistakes, Fleshborer, Details, and Slime
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 11
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 12
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 13
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 14
How to Paint Tyranids: Part 15
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2010/02/12 15:01:59
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/05 18:16:44
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Longtime Dakkanaut
Ah, good stuff! I'll be keeping a beady eye on this series... And it's FREE! Cheers Chris & AGProductions! EDIT: These tutorials are very in-depth! At first I thought "Nah, what else is there to know about assembling a Termagaunt?" I mean, I've never done so before, but still; I learnt something new - Termagaunts and Hormagaunts actually look different? I knew that Termies had more spines, although... Where's the WD gone!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/05 18:38:18
2010/01/06 01:10:13
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
I was very impressed. I have a bucket full on unassembled tyranids and this made me want to get them out and work on them.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2010/01/06 13:43:04
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant
Really cool stuff -- there are some superb tips in there. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
My one note of caution is that I was wincing whenever Chris used the craft knife to cut towards his thumb, and stopped the cut with the ball of his thumb! Does he have extra-tough thumbs, or a very blunt knife... or does he just get cut a lot?
2010/01/06 14:51:10
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Been Around the Block
Ian Sturrock wrote:Really cool stuff -- there are some superb tips in there. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
My one note of caution is that I was wincing whenever Chris used the craft knife to cut towards his thumb, and stopped the cut with the ball of his thumb! Does he have extra-tough thumbs, or a very blunt knife... or does he just get cut a lot?
Actually I do it that way because that's how I learned to whittle wood when I was a kid. I occasionally get cut, but it's very, very rare as the pressure I'm using to move the knife comes only my index finger, so it's very slight.
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/06 17:13:30
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant
Oh, yeah, I could see there wasn't much pressure -- it just goes against all the rules of knife use I've ever been taught, in whittling, woodcarving, bowmaking, etc.! So I was a bit surprised you weren't deliberately emphasising safe knife use (especially given the USA's litigious society -- but, you know, even without that, it's not that hard to always be cutting away from yourself rather than towards it).
2010/01/06 18:37:54
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Soul Token
Ian Sturrock wrote:Really cool stuff -- there are some superb tips in there. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
My one note of caution is that I was wincing whenever Chris used the craft knife to cut towards his thumb, and stopped the cut with the ball of his thumb! Does he have extra-tough thumbs, or a very blunt knife... or does he just get cut a lot?
I kind of do it that way too, and have been for years.
Just dont use a super fresh knife.
Doesnt require tough thumbs at all, The blade is really good at slicing, but not chopping.
Of course you could, potentially slice yourself..
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2010/01/06 19:32:23
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Longtime Dakkanaut
If you don't cut yourself at least once putting a model together you aren't doing it right.
--The whole concept of government granted and government regulated 'permits' and the accompanying government mandate for government approved firearms 'training' prior to being blessed by government with the privilege to carry arms in a government approved and regulated manner, flies directly in the face of the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”
2010/01/07 03:35:19
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Been Around the Block
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/08 20:06:21
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/07 07:07:08
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Servoarm Flailing Magos
Fateweaver wrote:If you don't cut yourself at least once putting a model together you aren't doing it right.
Too true. My stitches came out two days ago from such an incident...
Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel |
2010/01/07 13:22:34
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Longtime Dakkanaut
AGProductions wrote:UPDATE 01/06/2009
Now that was something different - Good show Sir!
P.S. I'd advise you to also update your original post as you go along. Yes, that does means that people could be lazy and not read through the thread, but... It's up to you!
2010/01/08 09:02:51
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
In the third video, there was a little too much time when the camera showed nothing while you talked about doing something or did something just outside of what the camera shows.
Another tip for keeping sand/ballast on a base is to apply it before the miniature is primed. The primer then seals the sand onto the base. Also, tacky glue or a painting medium will stick the sand onto the base far more effectively than using white glue.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2010/01/08 20:06:02
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids
Been Around the Block
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/08 21:23:35
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Longtime Dakkanaut
The suspense!
Seriously, though, drybrushing never fails to amaze me. This is awesome so far - Keep 'em coming!
2010/01/09 15:16:44
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant
Aye -- more really nice work, guys. Really looking forward to seeing Part 6.
2010/01/10 08:07:45
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
Probably the best demonstration of drybrushing as an overall highlighting method I have ever seen. It's the method I've used to paint large groups of miniatures quickly but I've never been able to explain or even show it to my friends in a way that let them replicate it.
I think your video will be far more effective than I was at communicating this technique.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2010/01/13 17:10:00
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
I have quite a number of Tyranids to paint, so I am sure I will be using some of these methods in the future
2010/01/13 17:24:07
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Storm Trooper with Maglight
Nice! I'm gonna use this, but that means i have to start a new army..... So many projects, so little time....
2010/01/14 05:14:34
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/08/2010)
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
I was talking with a friend to whom I emailed the links to your videos. You convinced him to go bright! Instead of olive drab, he's going with orange. I think it'll improve the overall quality of the visual experience.
Another reason why brighter is better is that exaggerating the contrast between the recesses and the raised parts of a miniature can fool our brains into perceiving it in it's scale. Dark miniatures with even darker recesses and not a huge difference between the brightest and darkest parts end up looking indistinct and blobby. The ironic thing is that our brains will perceive the more unrealistic brighter paint scheme as more realistic because the contrast is so easily apparent. A model lacking the contrast ends up looking fake and out of "real scale" to our eyes.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2010/01/15 14:59:09
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/13/2010)
Been Around the Block
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/29 02:24:36
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/28/2010)
Been Around the Block
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |
2010/01/29 08:26:59
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/28/2010)
Slippery Scout Biker
Could you write down the script because i can't access you tube atm my system crashes when i enter it so please write the script
2010/01/29 17:53:59
Subject: AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 01/28/2010)
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
Transcribing a video is a lot of work. It'd probably be better for you to fix your computer.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2010/02/12 15:02:24
Subject: Re:AG Productions Tutorial: How to Paint Tyranids (UPDATED 02/12/2010)
Been Around the Block
Check our "How to Paint" tutorials on Youtube at:
God bless you! |