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Magnetize Banners on Sisters of Battle Vehicles  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bay Area

Here's a simple way of magnetizing banners on top of Sisters of Battle Vehicles for ease of transport.

Start out with a strong small magnet, piece of sheet metal, banner, and Immolator Top. I used 6mm neodymium disc magnets.

Cut out a small square out of sheet metal. I used metals shears. Filing edges is recommended. If the small square sheet metal is bent then use large pliers to flatten it.

File the bottom of the banner so that its flat. Glue square piece of sheet metal bottom to it.

Glue magnet underneath Immolator top. If the magnet is weak, then use multiple of them. Here I used three magnet discs stacked on top of each other.

You should by now have a magnetized banner, which you can stick on top of the Immolator sprue and take off for ease of transporting your vehicles.

This method can be applied to other tanks as long as there's room to fit in a magnet underneath. Another alternative is simply drilling a hole and sticking a magnet rod or using a non-discrete flat magnet and gluing it on top of a vehicle's surface for anchorage.

Made in us
Revving Ravenwing Biker

I have actually been thinking of doing exactly this for my leman russes, and have the banner say pask so i can move the banner if i want pask to be in a different tank.

-Any terrain containing Sly Marbo is dangerous terrain.
-Sly Marbo once played an objective mission just to see what it was like to not meet every victory condition on his own.
-Sly Marbo bought a third edition rulebook just to play meat grinder as the attacker.
-Marbo doesn't need an Eldar farseer as an ally; his enemies are already doomed
-Sly Marbo was originally armed with a power weapon, but he dropped it while assaulting a space marine command squad just so his enemies could feel pain
-Sly Marbo still attacks the front armor value in assault, for pity's sake.  
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Volkov wrote:I have actually been thinking of doing exactly this for my leman russes, and have the banner say pask so i can move the banner if i want pask to be in a different tank.

Exactly what I'm doing, believe it or not.


2800pts Dark Angels
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Armored Iron Breaker


Good stuff. I'm trying to get that on my SM standard bearer but haven't decided on a method yet.

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