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HOW TO PAINT LEVIATHAN COLOUR SCHEME (Master Paint Tutorial)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au

Australia : SA

Painting The leviathan Tyranid colour sceme!

You will need:
A Spraygun
Bleached Bone
Chaos Black
Mechrite Red
Scab Red
Warlock Purple
Blood Red
Skull White
Blazing Orange
Liche Purple
Khemri Brown
Fortress Grey
Baal Red
Gloss Varnish ('ard Coat)
Lyaden Darksun
Dwarf Flesh
Fine Detail Brush
Base Brush
A Cup
Base Flora (Depending on what type of place they are EG: Desert, Artic, Bushland.
and last but not least Bestial Brown.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
I will edit i have to go now T___T

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/01/28 06:09:35

Kreig - 2850 pts
Skaven - 3450 pts
Orks - 1950 (pro painted)

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Lol, did it take longer than expected?

I bailed the Leviathan paint scheme b/c they looked to clean with white instead doing old school purple and blue. But.. found out i cant blend blues to save my life so.. lookign foward to this.
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