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[[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Tyranids Hive Fleet Behemoth :Carnifex  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Had fun with this model! Enjoy! The other 2 main Hive Fleets will follow.

Made in us
Alguacile Paramedic


WOW! Looks good dude! Love the scale plates

Natakue, MidKnight Heroes
YouTube Channel:
Made in us
Shas'o Commanding the Hunter Kadre


I like it, I think your video convinced me to go with Behemoth for my own budding 'nid army. I really like how the plates turned out and I like that trick you used on the claws.

 Desubot wrote:
Why isnt Slut Wars: The Sexpocalypse a real game dammit.

"It's easier to change the rules than to get good at the game." 
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