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2010/02/22 23:55:48
Subject: Look Familiar?
Masculine Male Wych
Wow, so I was going through some old things and look what I found!!!
2010/02/23 00:07:12
Subject: Look Familiar?
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine
In a Toyota, plotting revenge.
Ah, the bbb. I remember my father showing me that.
metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
2010/02/23 00:15:25
Subject: Look Familiar?
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot
Um, no, this is probably older than me! (I'm 13)
2010/02/23 00:37:39
Subject: Look Familiar?
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor
Wow that thing is old in a good way
Deff Gearz 2,000+pts. (50% painted), Retribution 57pt.(70% painted), FOW British Armoured Squadron 1660pts. (15% painted)
2010/02/23 00:41:17
Subject: Look Familiar?
Masculine Male Wych
yeah, I found it and I was looking for Tau and Necrons... Then I remembered! This book was out before the necrons and tau were even launched.
I have had it for 11years... =x
2010/02/23 00:42:40
Subject: Look Familiar?
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot
Is it really that old didn't think I've been in the hobby that long?
My Blog
Ozymandias wrote:
Pro-painted is the ebay modeling equivalent of "curvy" in the personal ads...
H.B.M.C. wrote:
Taco Bell is like carefully distilled Warseer - you get what you need with none of the usual crap. And, best of all, it's like being a tourist who only looks at the brochure - you don't even have to go, let alone stay.
DR:90S+GMB+I+Pw40k01-D++A++/areWD 250R+T(M)DM+ |
2010/02/23 00:44:44
Subject: Look Familiar?
Master Sergeant
yeah, that's on my book shelf right now... I use their missions instead of the current ones!
2010/02/23 00:45:28
Subject: Look Familiar?
Mounted Kroot Tracker
Nice! I have one of those, for $2 courtesy of GoodWill.
They have a little concept sketch-like pic in there with kroot, necrons, "Nocturnal warriors of Hrud", "Dorovian Fiends" and two "Unknowns", one of them appearing to be a spiky octopus.
Night Watch SM
Kroot Mercenaries W 2 - D 3 - L 1
Manchu wrote: This is simply a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone says, "it won't change so why should I bother to try?" and then it doesn't change so people feel validated in their bad behavior.
Nightwatch's Kroot Blog
2010/02/23 00:49:19
Subject: Look Familiar?
Mighty Brass Scorpion of Khorne
Deminyn wrote:yeah, that's on my book shelf right now... I use their missions instead of the current ones!
Same here breakouts are amazing! I miss using this book
2010/02/23 01:25:59
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Masculine Male Wych
2010/02/23 01:30:14
Subject: Look Familiar?
Executing Exarch
Lol. I must be getting old, the first thing I thought when I saw the pic was "so.... I have 3 of them sitting in a box."
Good find, I love the necron gun in there LOL.
2010/02/23 01:34:21
Subject: Look Familiar?
Making Stuff
Mine started falling apart after a week, so I sliced it up and put it in a ring binder.
Ah, GW's Crappy Binding Age...
2010/02/23 01:42:20
Subject: Look Familiar?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Misery. Missouri. Who can tell the difference.
I have one sitting on my shelf also. I still remember playing against the first Necron Lists and the warriors looked just like that picture. Oh how they phased so quiclkly to three Vindies and a pissed off chaplin with a jump pack back then.
251 point Khador Army
245 points Ret Army
Warmachine League Record: 85 Wins 29 Losses
A proud member of the "I won with Zerkova" club with and without Sylss.
2010/02/23 01:52:00
Subject: Look Familiar?
Frightening Flamer of Tzeentch
I have that and the classic space marine codex...ahhh memories.
2010/02/23 02:15:29
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Deranged Necron Destroyer
Look in the front. There is a picture of the emperor on the throne and he has barely rotted. Now, check the beginning of your 5th ed book.
malfred wrote:Buy what you like.
Paint what you love. |
2010/02/23 02:19:07
Subject: Look Familiar?
Making Stuff
Sort of a 'then and now' thing going on...
2010/02/23 02:36:41
Subject: Look Familiar?
Masculine Male Wych
LoL, I lost my thread... I went back to where it was suppose to be and it was gone... I was like, "NOOOOooooooooooo *cough* ooooooooo"
I remember getting that book with my battle set, with the 1 piece space marines, and my dark eldar.... lol
2010/02/23 04:19:51
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Fixture of Dakka
Isn't the BBB a fairly new rule book? When I think of the old one, I think of this cover:
Still worth a read, even after all these years...
It almost makes me want to make figures for some of the old Rogue Trader monsters. Anyone remember the Carnivorous Sand Clams or Catachan Face-Eaters?
The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.
I build IG...lots and lots of IG. |
2010/02/23 06:11:21
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Fixture of Dakka
drinking ale on the ground like russ intended
Yep there is nothing like a marine using a ork head as a close combat weapon or the development crew drawn up on the inside with crazy mutations.
Logan's Great Company Oh yeah kickin' and not even bothering to take names. 2nd company 3rd company ravenguard House Navaros Forge world Lucious & Titan legion void runners 314th pie guard warboss 'ed krunchas waaaaaargh This thred needs more cow bell. Raised to acolyte of the children of the church of turtle pie by chaplain shrike 3/06/09 Help stop thread necro do not post in a thread more than a month old. "Dakkanaut" not "Dakkaite"
Join the Church of the Children of Turtle Pie To become a member pm me or another member of the Church |
2010/02/23 06:29:59
Subject: Look Familiar?
Fixture of Dakka
Yes I remember the pretty well. Never played but loved reading the book. Was sad when I got back that they were not around anymore. I loved the catachan Sundevil.
Agies Grimm:The "Learn to play, bro" mentality is mostly just a way for someone to try to shame you by implying that their metaphorical nerd-wiener is bigger than yours. Which, ironically, I think nerds do even more vehemently than jocks.
Everything is made up and the points don't matter. 40K or Who's Line is it Anyway?
Auticus wrote: Or in summation: its ok to exploit shoddy points because those are rules and gamers exist to find rules loopholes (they are still "legal"), but if the same force can be composed without structure, it emotionally feels "wrong". |
2010/02/23 06:32:38
Subject: Look Familiar?
Lurking Gaunt
San Fernando Valley, Ca
The BBB has had many a beer or 2 spilled on it. Brings back memories seeing that. i may have to dig mine up and give it a read again sometime.
2010/02/23 06:38:52
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator
Portland, OR
My friend still has his copy, saw it earlier when I went over to his house.
2000 points |
2010/02/23 06:41:51
Subject: Look Familiar?
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu
Pennsylvania, USA
Nightwatch wrote:Nice! I have one of those, for $2 courtesy of GoodWill.
They have a little concept sketch-like pic in there with kroot, necrons, "Nocturnal warriors of Hrud", "Dorovian Fiends" and two "Unknowns", one of them appearing to be a spiky octopus.
Aren't those the enslavers?
In the embrace of the great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once most feared: Death.
-Kulvain Hestarius, Death Guard |
2010/02/23 06:55:20
Subject: Look Familiar?
Masculine Male Wych
I want a Chuffian Power Maul!!!
2010/02/23 07:01:09
Subject: Re:Look Familiar?
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine
In The depths of a Tomb World, placing demo charges.
That was the book that launched my addiction, a friend gave me his old and battered copy and i spent a year just reading and re-reading it, absorbing the rules and background.... ahhh the memories.
2010/02/23 08:54:13
Subject: Look Familiar?
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout
Thanks to a friend of the family who stopped playing i have 2 of both these and the 3rd ed marine codex, my ones (battered but loved) and his ones which are absolutely pristine, and yeah missions then were much better, now where's Capt Cortez ;-)
Emperor's Faithful wrote
- I would rather the Blood Angels have gone down the darker path of the Flesh Tearers than this new "Awesome Codex McBatnipples". *blegh*
6 Marine Armies and counting... Why do I do it to myself ? Someone help me I'm an addict |
2010/02/23 09:00:28
Subject: Look Familiar?
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard
It's only a 3rd ed rulebook.
Still have mine - apart from it being a softcover, it has more in it than the 5th ed book does.
It was also the reboot of 40k version.
Dump the shooting and armour save mods and replace with a new system and newer issues.
I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.
That is not dead which can eternal lie ...
... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
2010/02/23 09:00:54
Subject: Look Familiar?
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend
I'm with JB on this one. The rulebook with black templars on the cover will always be "the new edition with the simplified rules" in my mind. The 1st ed book still sits on my close-to-the-computer bookshelf and I read from every second month or so, often when planning pen and paper RPG sessions.
2010/02/23 09:41:32
Subject: Look Familiar?
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
I don't see this as being an "old" book because it's the last edition of the game I bought and the simplified rules put me off playing. I stuck to 2nd edition. I hated the fact the vehicles had no turn radius rules and could turn as much as they wanted, I hated that all figures now moved 6" instead of having their own movement stats, I hated the fact that the psychology had mostly been dumped, I hated that all vehicles had the same simplfied damage table and were only differentiated by three stats, I hated what they did to the bikes, bikes were no longer vehicles but simply made you move further and gave +1 toughness, I hated the way that the majority of the wargear and psychic rules had been discarded. It was so dumbed down I was angry that I'd wasted the money on it.
What's even more scary is that some people on here were in nappies when this book was released which makes me feel old even though I'm not.
2010/02/23 10:00:33
Subject: Look Familiar?
Heroic Senior Officer
OK, now I feel old................
Something to do with the bookshelf at home that has every rulebook and codex from 2nd ed (when I started) on sitting on it. And I've picked up a few of what I consider the older books as well, and intend to complete the collection eventually.
Northern VA/Southern MD |