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How to convert two HE foot mages.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Paramount Plague Censer Bearer

Prince George BC Canada

Ok first off for this conversion to work you will need the following;

Tim Horton's Canadian Coffee

High Elf Lord on Dragon Sprue. (For the conversions to be cost effective, you have to have this kit and use a Prince on Dragon instead of a Mage or Archmage on Dragon.)

High Elf Archer sprue x 2

Fantasy square base x 2

Alright now onto the modelling.

Left Mage

Step 1: Glue a set of archer legs onto a base. (this can be step 1 or your final step, if you perfer building without a base)
Step 2: Add the Dragon Mage's chest onto the archer legs.
Step 3: Add the Dragon Mage's arm holding a staff for his left arm. (you facing him) (the model's right arm for him facing you)
Step 4: Add the Dragon Mage's arm holding a sword for his right arm. (you facing him) (the model's left arm for him facing you)
Step 5: Add the Dragon Mage's head.
Step 6: Glue the Dragon Mage's top staff piece to his staff.
Step 7: Add the Archer's cape to the back of the Mage.

Right Mage

Step 1: Glue a set of archer legs onto a base (this can be step 1 or your final step, if you perfer building without a base)
Step 2: Add the Dragon Mage's chest onto the archer legs
Step 3: Add the Prince's arm holding a sword for his left arm. (you facing him) Have the sword facing strait out. (the model's right arm for him facing you)
Step 4: Add the Dragon Mage's arm holding a spell tome (book) for his right arm (you facing him). (the model's left arm for him facing you)
Step 5: Add the Dragon Mage's head. His hair is rather in the way to get a cool pose of him looking at the book, you could invest into finding a way to make that happen if you wish!
Step 6: Add the Archer's cape to the back of the Mage.

Sorry for any blurry or bad pictures, my camera is not high quality. Sorry I didnt have pics of each step as well. Thanks for taking the time to view this and hope it helps! -Cal

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/12 06:19:02

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