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2010/03/15 07:07:34
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Flesh Tearers Space Marine by LBursley
Nice tutorial, but I feel that your style of painting has become a bit too airbrush oriented for those of us that don't have or need one. Just my 2 cents.
EDIT: What chapter is next? Do you know?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/18 10:51:06
2010/03/18 11:09:17
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Flesh Tearers Space Marine by LBursley
DarkAngelsRK wrote:Nice tutorial, but I feel that your style of painting has become a bit too airbrush oriented for those of us that don't have or need one. Just my 2 cents.
EDIT: What chapter is next? Do you know?
I asked my youtube subscribers not too long ago if they want me to keep the tutorials "brush only" or if I should use all my tools.. And there was about 12 people that said they wanted "brush only" tutorials VS 198 votes saying they want to see everything.
An airbrush saves lots of time and I think people need to see how useful they are in our hobby.
The next chapter? hmmmm. You'll just have to wait and see
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/18 11:09:40
2010/03/18 11:14:29
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Flesh Tearers Space Marine by LBursley
I must agree on the airbrush thing. While not cheap to get started (provided one doesn't already have a compressor) the airbrush makes painting so much easier.
You still need to know how to use the good old hairy stick but basecoating is so much faster and easier than using traditional brush.
People shouldn't be afraid to jump into it. Not to mention for a one time investment of around $200 the airbrush will probably outlast the hobby if taken care of and properly maintained.
--The whole concept of government granted and government regulated 'permits' and the accompanying government mandate for government approved firearms 'training' prior to being blessed by government with the privilege to carry arms in a government approved and regulated manner, flies directly in the face of the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”
2010/03/21 12:00:48
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Flesh Tearers Space Marine by LBursley
^I recently started the hobby, though, and while I really like it, I'm not sure if I'll stick with it for long enough to invest 200 dollars in something I don't really need with the tools I have. Thanks for those words, though.