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2010/03/24 00:46:17
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
So I've been struggling for a few months with how to represent psychic battle squads in my Krieg lists. I've considered a box of those flagellants, which seem to be a popular choice, and I have an old squad of cultists armed with pistols and knives that could easily function as psykers if I file the chaosy symbols off. Unfortunately, neither unit looks quite right when standing side-by-side with DKoK models. So I'm starting to consider a different approach, like just taking regular DKoK troopers, and simply painting them a different color and adding various markings to designate them as psykers (for example, the planned scheme for the grunts is white, and the psykers could be black along with the commissars). Problem is, I now need about 20 swords and pistols to arm them with. Buying the Krieg close combat weapons is madness, as it averages out to $10 to arm one single guy. I've searched on eBay, but didn't come up with anything. What 40K kits have a lot of these weapons I could convert for the task?
2010/03/25 15:05:07
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Krielstone Bearer
What I did is like this
(you can zoom cuz I upload really big one)
These pistol is all from Lasgun conversion.
Cut them like half,cut off stocks and attach nozzle.
And psyker have close combat wepon but not sword I assume. What about rod for them?
Ongoing Project:
Spartan Army for WarGods
Retribution of Scyrah |
2010/03/25 17:28:18
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Servoarm Flailing Magos
Huh. back in the old days I probably could have recommended a half-dozen sprues to give them something interesting... There was a fantasy sprue with a bunch of hammers that might have made for a neat look for a squad of spykers, or even the venerable 'mordheim accessory sprue.'
Working on someting you'll either love or hate. Hopefully to be revealed by November.
Play the games that make you happy. |
2010/03/25 18:29:25
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Bitz order them from
2010/03/25 19:56:07
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Dispassionate Imperial Judge
If you're going for Krieg-themed, maybe you'd be better of using some of the gasmasked Pig Iron heads. You could have basic Krieg greatcoat bodies with those heads and staffs.
As far as laspistols go, I wouldn't bother modelling them at all. At most, put some holstered pistols on their belts, which you can get REALLY cheap from online bits suppliers. They're not meant to be shooting their laspistols, their meant to be throwing bolts of psychic force....
I just finished these for my Suicide Legion - I wanted to go for really bedraggled sub-human slave psykers, so used the Ghoul and Flagellant boxes
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/25 19:56:38
2010/03/25 22:04:50
Subject: Where to get a bunch of laspistols and
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Well, in the final analysis, I ended up picking up a whole bunch of Necromunda-era bits of a silenced machine pistol, so I got that part covered:
With stubborn from Chenkov or fearless from Creed they make decent speed-bumps, it's just a shame about the S2.