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Does anyone know/play any card games  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Grim Forgotten Nihilist Forest.

I play Magic, poker sequence, texas hold em!

I play lots of card games actually even more then wargames.

I've sold so many armies. :(
Aeldari 3kpts
Slaves to Darkness.3k
Word Bearers 2500k
Daemons of Chaos

Made in ca
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Owen Sound, ON. Canada

Try Yetisberg! Lots of fun

Waaagh! Skarshak - 18,500pts
CSM - Cult of Ezmirr - 3000pts  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Manchester UK

I used to be a Croupier. True story.

It was fairly crap.

 Cheesecat wrote:
 purplefood wrote:
I find myself agreeing with Albatross far too often these days...

I almost always agree with Albatross, I can't see why anyone wouldn't.

 Crazy_Carnifex wrote:

Okay, so the male version of "Cougar" is now officially "Albatross".
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