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Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

I love the Scourge Hiruko Boarding Cutter, but I'm not sure about the Resistance Seneca Detonator - for a faction with limited resources we sure do like blowing up our own ships!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


From the blurb it sounded like maybe the cargo ship could detach the explosive containers and remote-pilot them in...but it sure wasn’t clear. The rules will hopefully go up on Friday.

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Yeah - it might just launch fire ships rather than ram stuff & blow up, but it's a bit ambiguous.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Lysander & Hiruko preview
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Harpocrates & Helium preview

(Does anyone want me to copy the previews over to here?)
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I enjoy reading Dave’s design thoughts, but the pictures and stat tables would be a pain to copy over, which is why I don’t copy it over. If you want to bring it over, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for posting up the links.

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Lysander & Hiruko


With Lighters on the way, let’s find out a bit more!

This Friday sees the release of a new class of ship for each faction! The Lighters are small vessels, just a little larger than a Corvette. Each of them is pretty unique though, and fill very different roles in your fleets.

Today we’re going to have a sneak peek at some rules for the UCM Lysander and the Scourge Hiruko, and find out a little more about the design process from Dropfleet master David Lewis!


UCM Lysander Stealth Lighter
The Lysander should be familiar to Dropzone and Dropfleet veteran players, and Hope’s Spark plays a prominent role in Battle for Earth! For more information, over to Dave!

The UCM’s Lysander has been a crucial element of their background since early on – it was the very first named ship class, way back in Reconquest: Phase One. The class was instrumental in the emerging Reconquest and allowed the UCM to explore without immediately getting vaporised, not to mention a hook for good old subterfuge. I’d always pictured them having a place in Dropfleet and this spurred me on to design sub-frigate tonnage ships for every faction that fought differently from corvettes, which already covered their niche.

Intended role in-game always informs my sculpting (and leads most projects), so stealthy capability would be central to the design, though it had to belong with the UCM’s regular ships. I’d always pictured the Lysander as a sleeker strike carrier, so I went for a dagger-like feel. It carries much the same payload as a New Orleans, so needed the familiar in-scale doors to tie those two classes together (I’m regrettably familiar with those, after making and painting 100 of them in 10mm for the Avenger project!) As an infiltration ship, it forgoes the turret amidships – if you’re firing weapons with this, things have probably gone awry!

I usually sculpt the UCM ship first in any new line, creating a scale reference. Lighters needed to be smaller than frigates (generally), but larger than corvettes, with a standard 2 Hull Points (since they can’t be crippled, ships with 3 HP are often tougher than those with 4!) I went for something slightly more substantial than 2HP would suggest to make the miniature more satisfying and to give me space to work detail – their fragility in-game and background comes from light armour and superstructure, not just from small size.

Thanks Dave! Honestly, he’s been asking to make the Lysander for going on three years now.


The Rules
But what does it do? Well as a Stealth Lighter, that should be pretty obvious.


Actually, what it doesn’t do is have Stealth! Surprise!

The Lysander indeed doesn’t have the Stealth special rule, but it does have a Signature of 0″ and Full Cloak. That means it’s never getting any Spikes and with 0″ Sig will never need to go on Silent Running. It’s basically always Silent Running!

It’s pretty fast, and as Dave mentioned, comes with 2 Hull. Although as one of the more esoteric ships in the UCMF, it is indeed Rare.

That’s a pretty decent statline for a little ship! It’s got weapons of course, and Dropships too. Plus a little extra that I’m not spoiling for you right now.


Scourge Hiruko Boarding Cutter
This little leech is a real departure for Dropfleet, doing something only really done on a tiny counter basis before: boarding! And it doesn’t take no for an answer. Dave?

We’ve always had a ‘conflicted’ relationship with ramming in Dropfleet – being Sci-fi nuts we love the imagery while knowing in our cold brains how bonkers it is from a physics and accuracy perspective. Every gamer who’s every played with ships wants to shout ‘GIVE ME RAMMING SPEED!’ at some point, even just to purge it (temporarily) from the psyche. As such, we built ramming into the rules late in Dropfleet’s writing, but with a caveat: it isn’t really ramming, but getting close enough for a drive detonation or point-blank fire to do disproportionate damage. Being certifiably insane, it’s restricted to a last-ditch play for a doomed ship wanting to go down in a blaze of glory.

Still, if any faction might design a perfectly healthy ship around the concept, it would have to be the Scourge. The notion wormed its way into my brain (there’s the right metaphor) and refused to crawl out. As a faction with hordes of living killing machines (that aren’t afraid to die for the race), it fits their ethos while conjuring all kinds of Xenomorphically nasty visuals aboard the suddenly treacherous corridors of the doomed victim. So, how would this work? Point defence and hulls meters thick made small boarding craft less likely to make it, and what could be more cinematic that a octopus-like monstrosity latching on and injecting its living payload? With that and the faction’s usual style in mind, an aggressively brutal, unsubtle, front-heavy design quickly fell into place. Looking at it, there’s little doubt on how it does its killing!

Alright, that’s enough from him. Back in the box, Dave! Shoo!


The Rules
So how exactly does a ship like that attack the enemy?


The Hiruko has a Plasma Torch, which although only Close Action, is always going to get through Point Defence thanks to the Beam special rule. With D3 shots (oh and they come in squads of 1-3 by the way) and a 4+ lock, a squad of these can do a fair amount of damage before they collide.

And the Ramming Ship special rule makes that collision a worthy attack! Acting as a much larger ship for ramming, your opponent will struggle to prioritise targets, especially considering just how many of these little leeches you can afford in your fleet. Disgorging a whole cargo bay full of Eviscerators and other such nasty opponents comes with its own problems too, as all the ramming hits have Corruptor. You can’t fight off those invaders easily! Yes, it’s a one-way trip, but to deal a bunch of damage and rack up those Corruptor hits it’s definitely worth the sacrifice.


So that’s a little info about the brand new Lighters for the UCM and Scourge -we’ll be back with more info on the rest later in the week, and of course all of these rules will be free to access on Friday in the Dropfleet list builder (we’ll also have some fancy looking stat sheets for download too).

Are you looking forward to adding some stealth to your UCM or some aggression to your Scourge? Let us know what you think of these new ships!

Harpocrates & Helium


It’s the PHR and Shaltari’s turn for a close up look.

We’re back to have an in depth look at the design process and a little teaser of the rules for the new Lighters, which will be hitting the webstore this Friday!

Lighters are a brand new class of ship, bigger than a Corvette, smaller than a Frigate, and are all unique. We’ve had a look at the stealthy UCM Lysander and a bonkers ramming ship with the Scourge Hiruko, so we already know each is a bit different!

Today we’re heading out to the Abandonists of the Post-Human Republic, and the utterly alien Shaltari.


PHR Harpocrates Guerrilla Lighter
You may recognise the energy plates on these Lighters. They’re a new sort of design for Fleet, but owe their looks to Zone! Here’s designer David Lewis with some more info.

The Erebos strike walker has been a part of Dropzone since Reconquest: Phase One, with electronic warfare always core to the PHR’s feel. I’d imagined its Dropfleet equivalent for some time, most usefully in the form of a small ship with the potential to be massive backside irritant for opponents! As in many wargames, it isn’t always the monstrosities that shape and change the game competitively, but the small, handy units that can easily slot into existing fleets. This makes them a fun challenge for rules writers!

Physically, I wanted large panels distinct from previous PHR structures in Dropfleet, while clearly belonging to the faction and harking back to the Erebos. Since this is the heart and soul of the rules for this ship, I sculpted the whole model around these projector structures. With small ships especially, it’s crucial to suggest a function visually from the other end of the table, so this one’s distinct from regular PHR vessels while being part of the family. Any PHR ship wants to look sleek and advanced – hopefully you’ll agree I’ve held on to that!

Personally this is one of my favourite looking Lighters. The sleek look echoes the PHR Destroyers, and those big energy plates really show its role even from a distance!


The Rules
Yeah yeah, we know what you’re after – you want rules, right? Well you’re not getting the full statline today, or the points (you’ll have to wait for them on the Fleet Builder tomorrow). However, I will show you the biggest draw for the Harpocrates: the weapon.


On first glance a single shot weapon with a 5+ Lock and absolutely zero damage doesn’t look great.

But the EM Sabotage rule. Holy moly! If you want to annoy your opponent, this is the ship to do it with. Forcing an enemy ship onto Silent Running means you’re knocking its maneuverability right down and also crippling its damage output.

Bearing in mind this works on ANY ship (yes, including Dreadnoughts) and suddenly one of the smallest ships in the game becomes one of the biggest threats. Make no mistake: the Harpocrates is to be feared.


Speaking of things to be feared, how about a shiny new yellow and orange Shaltari ship? It might not look scary, but just you wait. What did you do here, Dave?

Early in Dropfleet’s development, we decided to limit the Shaltari’s teleportation tech to their deployment of ground forces (besides the occasional command card and special rule). With the new mechanics of shield tech, this made the faction play differently in Fleet rather than simply being a port of the ground game. This made sense with the background too (the mothership is the end of the chain – there’s no mother-mothership for one to teleport through, not yet anyway!) Still, the tech was there and we made the decision to bring it into Dropfleet in a limited way, for specialised ships. This was a natural and plausible fit for smaller ships, so it found a home in the Lighters project.

Of all factions in Dropfleet, the Shaltari are physically the most eldritch and unknowable – they can take many forms and every structure shouldn’t necessarily ‘say’ what it does in a way that a 2020 human can understand! As with all sculpts, it should be readily identifiable from others, so I went for a new, horseshoe-type superstructure with the intention of suggesting manoeuvrability, lightness, aggression and speed. It certainly belongs to Shaltari, but there’s a new shape there to go with this new and unpredictable tactical option!

The Helium definitely says “aggression” to me! That forward facing look definitely says that you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it (and that’s definitely the front).

Alright, thanks Dave! That was very nice writing, I’ll ask the warden for extra rations for you tonight.


The Rules
This little ship utilises the Voidgate network in a way that we haven’t seen in Dropfleet, and it’s something that Shaltari opponents are probably never going to get used to!


The Helium has fairly standard Shaltari stats, and is super mobile thanks to the Vectored special rule. Almost undetectable with its shields down, it’s hard to hit, and a massive 16″ move will keep it out of harm’s way. However, that’s not all.


The Void Skip special rule means it’s equally good at getting out of combat as it is at getting into it. Moving it all the way down a Voidgate Network means these ships can get all the way across the table easily (and don’t forget you can be more aggressive thanks to the Selenium Heavy Voidgate), and position your ships in the most opportune place to make best use of their short ranged Pulse Blasters. The battlefield is never going to be the same!


So when we said “unique” we really meant it. The Lighters (or Cutters or Voidflyers) were all designed around niche roles in their respective Fleets, bringing ideas together that are worlds apart. They’re only small, but we foresee them having a big impact on your games!

What’s more, they’re going up on the webstore tomorrow! We’ll be back in the morning to have a look at the remaining Seneca Detonator, so if you’re a Resistance player (or want to know what your oppponents are going to be bringing against you), stop back then!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Wow, that was pretty fast. Thanks for posting all that!

Each of those ships seems to add something new and interesting to me, not something I really felt about all of the destroyers and monitors. The UCM and Resistance Lighters are the most conventional of them in terms of effects, but at least they play strongly to the factions’ background flavor.

Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon


The UCM one looks like a alternate for your strike carriers, faster and with zero signature so they can more easily run to the opponents backfield without having to double thrust. However the other 3 types are significant game changers.

1. Shaltari can now first strike swarms via teleportation and cross the map easily.
2. PHR and Scourge have serious anti-battleship/dreadnought capability. Their lighters can either continuously shut down larger ships (PHR) or stack a bleed effect on a ship (scourge), add the small sig and high movement, and these will be tough for a fleet to stop.
3. No rules yet for the Remnant fire ships, but they probably explode like a ship having a fusion drive overload. Which will make them dangerous over crowded drop zones.

I think the UCM and the Scourge have good defense, with lots of forward firing independent guns to target multiple lighters at a time.

PHR and the Resistance ships will suffer a bit due to lack of forward weapon systems.

Shaltari won't care, as they have plenty of tools to deal with these ships. if anything the teleport power will be abused for more first strike issues.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


What I like is that these ships are really tying to do new things for each fleet rather than refining already existing roles or concepts, perhaps with a few modifications or tweaks. Monitors for some struck me as cheaper specialists for specific roles that already exist but that you might want to back up with some additional support.

These ships are going to new places with some fresh or reworked ideas. They bring something new, whilst also being on the small end so they fit into fleets quite nicely.

I'm also glad to see new ideas appearing in the game, I think that DFC needs that to help build more and more interest into each race. Giving fleets like scourge an actual ramming and infestation ship really brings the lore into the battlefield.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Seneca Detonator

Seneca Detonator


Sounds pretty ominous, doesn’t it?

We’ve seen the UCM, Scourge, PHR, and Shaltari’s offerings for the new Lighters (on the webstore later today!), and now it’s the Resistance’s turn!

This is a pretty exciting release for us, as it’s the first time (and not the last) that the Resistance are getting a simultaneous release with the rest of the factions! The fleet is still missing a couple of classes (Monitors & Destroyers come to mind) which I’m sure we’ll see for them at some point, but for now, let’s find out a little more about this chunky boi.


Resistance Seneca Detonator
We know that it explodes (the clue is in the name), but what else? I’m going to hand it over to Dave to talk about designing the Seneca Detonator.

Improvised explosives have been a part of asymmetric warfare since mankind first discovered how to make things go boom. It’s basic technology that can turn the innocuous into a weapon – something any hard pressed Resistance commander would surely do! Remote operated fire ships were already in the rules for the Resistance fleet – previously limited to ships that can carry bulk landers – it made total sense for the faction, was fun thematically and gave a twist to Resistance ‘meat crates’.

I’d wanted to bring overtly civilian ships into the Resistance fleet, something which fits thematically while enriching the universe – what does a cargo hauler look like exactly? Well, it looks like… a cargo hauler! We’ve all seen container ships, and row upon row of blocks screams ‘cargo’. Still, I wanted something more technological and visually modular, so settled on a regimented row of mechanical armatures, clasping their blocky cargo, which could open up or detach, moving to a docking port (or target!) under its own power – as a result, the miniature is twice the weight of all the other lighters, though it’s no longer. The prow was intended to tie the ship in with the rest of the fleet, which it clearly stands out by way of ‘brickishness’.

Thanks Dave! The iconic Resistance style prow really helps to tie it in with the others in the fleet. Between that and the bridge on top, it should also fit perfectly in with a Kalium fleet too.


The Rules
Enough design talk! Let’s rules talk! The modular look of the Seneca’s cargo bay lends itself very well to launching things, but unlike its larger brothers and sisters, there aren’t any people inside here!


The Seneca is the most heavily armoured of the Lighters, with a great 4+ save. What more would you expect from super bulky over the top pre-war designs?

The Seneca can launch 3 Fire Ships a turn (each!) which means a nice amount of launch damage on your opponent, especially considering how survivable these little ships are. Fire Ships don’t count towards your Launch cap either, so take as many of these as you like!

The Seneca also explodes a lot for a ship of its size, but as usual, I’m not giving everything away yet!
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Le Resistance suicide ship scratches my itch for flying boxes. Going to need some just because.

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

New Lighter Releases!


Zipping into the webstore today!

It’s new release time, and the Dropfleet Lighters are taking centre stage this week.

We’ve spent all week looking at their design and their rules, and now they’re ready for you to pick up!

UCM Lysander Stealth Lighter
The OG that started it all off, the UCM Lysander is finally here, realised in lovely resin for you.


The stealthiest of stealth ships (maybe even stealthier than Scourge), the Lysander is an all-rounder, able to get in quickly and without detection, shoot up a little bit of interference with its Close Action weapons, and launch Dropships. It can also scan clusters like a much larger battlegroup – surveillance is what it’s good at!

You get 6 in a pack and they’re available now for £20.

Scourge Hiruko Boarding Cutter
If you like weird leeches and getting caught onto the side of enemy space ships, this one is for you!


The Hiruko does one thing, and it does it well: ramming. If you want to shout “RAMMING SPEED” at your opponent, then invest in some Hiruko! This little ship blasts enemies from close range and counts as double its Hull value when ramming, opening up the side of the enemy ship and expelling its Scourge fighters into the ship, causing it to take more damage as they rampage through!

The Hiruko also comes in a pack of 6 for £20.

PHR Harpocrates Guerrilla Lighter
This devious ship is the embodiment of David and Goliath.


Able to do no damage at all, the Harpocrates is nonetheless surely going to become a staple in PHR players’ fleets. Armed with EM tech, this little thing can completely shut down an enemy ship for a turn, forcing them onto Silent Running. PHR opponents: target priority number one.

6 Harpocrates Guerilla Lighters (that’s got to be the hardest name to type repeatedly, thanks Dave) are available now for £20.

Shaltari Helium Voidflyer
Speaking of deviousness, how about a Shaltari ship that is more Shaltari than any Shaltari ship?


The Helium Voidflyer can be pretty devastating if applied to the right place. Indicative of the Shaltari way of war, it’s all about a little pressure on a vulnerable part. And the Helium is excellent at getting to those vulnerable parts, thanks to its ability to teleport down a Voidgate network and appear across the board in an instant.

The perfect ship for protecting your Voidgates, 6 Helium Voidflyers are £20.

Resistance Seneca Detonator
Save the biggest for last, and this thicc ship is definitely biggest!


The Seneca Detonator is what you use if you want to be absolutely sure to blow up everything within range. Covered with individual remote-controlled cargo pods filled with explosives, the Seneca adds loads of Fire Ships to your arsenal. Oh and if it’s destroyed it makes a really big explosion too! That could be good or bad depending on how aggressively you use it!

The Seneca Detonator is available now for – you guessed it – £20 for 6!

All of our Lighters are now on pre-order, to be shipped out next Friday. If you’re looking to expand your fleet in new and interesting ways, look no further! They come in groups of 1-3, meaning £20 will get you a decent addition to your fleet, and leave you with plenty of money spare for whatever other massive miniatures releases you might be ordering this weekend.

As always, you can find the full rules for the Lighters on the Dropfleet Fleet Builder. Although we know you like the fancy stat sheets with all the extra background lore, so we’ve made those available in the Resources section of the webstore too. As always, rules are subject to change, so pick up some Lighters, get some games in, and let us know what you think.

Dropfleet Fleet Builder


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/07/10 16:40:35

Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

Think I might have to pull the trigger on Dropfleet soon. Spaceship games have been really appealing to me lately and the models are pretty great.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Dropfleet is probably the best out there at present. Battlefleet Gothic is lost somewhere in a Warpstorm whilst Firestorm Armada is trapped beyond delays to Dystopian Wars and is likely more than a year away at best right now.

One neat thing is that Dropfleet isn't pure space battles; its competing for ground landing sites and such. So it introduces a whole rafter of unique elements that makes it quite refreshing alongside other space games which tend to focus purely on ship to ship combat in space.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


That cargo hauler is pretty sweet. I wonder what one would look like if it were rigged for torpedoes or a Close Attack death blossom.

They are atmospheric and outliers, so they should be able to pull a Djinn-style pounce attack. And if they are close enough to each other and their target, then any enemy who blows one up risks taking out their own vessel(s) at the same time.

These lighters seem surprisingly dangerous for their size.

Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

 Overread wrote:
Dropfleet is probably the best out there at present. Battlefleet Gothic is lost somewhere in a Warpstorm whilst Firestorm Armada is trapped beyond delays to Dystopian Wars and is likely more than a year away at best right now.

One neat thing is that Dropfleet isn't pure space battles; its competing for ground landing sites and such. So it introduces a whole rafter of unique elements that makes it quite refreshing alongside other space games which tend to focus purely on ship to ship combat in space.

Battlefleet Gothic would be the dream but I imagine it’s a while off still.
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Le Resistance suicide ship scratches my itch for flying boxes. Going to need some just because.

No idea why but when I see that I think of Bruce Willis from the Fifth Element . Big Badda Boom!

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
The New Miss Macross!


 Theophony wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Le Resistance suicide ship scratches my itch for flying boxes. Going to need some just because.


No idea why but when I see that I think of Bruce Willis from the Fifth Element . Big Badda Boom!

I get the first impression of that Star Trek Voyager Anti-matter waste Malon freighter and I don't mean that as an insult. I think that was the point!
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

The Shaltari Helium Voidflyer's gun has gotten a buff -

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Sounded like it needed it, I saw a lot of comments in the FB group that the ship was far too weak with its gun to make it worthwhile taking. Glad to see such a fast turn around adjustment!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in ca
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I love them all except the PHR one... unfortunately that's the fleet I have!

Love the ships for this game, and always wish they'd make an open space combat system for them... the "dropfleet" gameplay just didn't work for me. Both in execution, and concept... my capital ships do not need to directly hover over a city to claim it (or obliterate it). Breaks the great hard scifi theme they have going, and just wasn't fun...

If anyone has Dave's ear at TTCombat, open space combat system and I'll buy all the fleets!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/07/17 15:10:52

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Good lord but those are sexy ships.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

 RiTides wrote:
Love the ships for this game, and always wish they'd make an open space combat system for them... the "dropfleet" gameplay just didn't work for me. Both in execution, and concept... my capital ships do not need to directly hover over a city to claim it (or obliterate it). Breaks the great hard scifi theme they have going, and just wasn't fun...

If anyone has Dave's ear at TTCombat, open space combat system and I'll buy all the fleets!

The original reason given was that space is huge, and therefor the ships would need a reason to meet / engage each other. Some groups do play it as a pure space battle game, and there are some 'official' scenarios for deep-space engagements (ambush the dreadnought or something like that).
Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

I actually bought the starter for Dropfleet because of this thread, it arrived this morning. Haven’t had a proper look because of work but initial impressions were good, so I guess thanks Dakka!
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I've been slowly getting scourge models and thinking on getting a starter one day - though I'd likely end up trading the humans away eventually (don't get me wrong they look utterly fantastic but - scourge!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 RiTides wrote:
I love them all except the PHR one... unfortunately that's the fleet I have!

What would you prefer them to look like?

Looks like one could convert a PHR lighter proxy from one Calypso ECM wing and some cruiser optional prow bits. If you’re looking for something more like the monitors, two of the frigate launch hoods could make a “shroom-slice” prow for you to glue the Calypso bit on, along with a spare Grav-fin or two. Or you could just take a Medea but and smooth it down or something. There’s an unfortunate shortage of spare fins in the PHR plastic range, so that might limit your options.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 ImAGeek wrote:
I actually bought the starter for Dropfleet because of this thread, it arrived this morning. Haven’t had a proper look because of work but initial impressions were good, so I guess thanks Dakka!

Welcome! Glad to hear you’ve had a good first impression.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/07/17 20:35:20

Made in gb
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

North-East UK

Love TTCombat. Love the new starters, just wished the Resistance one came plastic too for DZC

Black Templars: WIP
Night Lords (30/40k): WIP
Red Corsairs: WIP
Iron Warriors: WIP
Orks: 6000pts
Batman Miniatures Game: Mr.Freeze, Joker
Ever wanted a better 5th ed. 40k? Take a look at 5th ed. Reforged! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/794253.page 
Made in ca
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

beast_gts wrote:
Some groups do play it as a pure space battle game, and there are some 'official' scenarios for deep-space engagements (ambush the dreadnought or something like that).

Oh, nice!! Do you know what system they use / how they are playing it as a pure space battle, or where I could find out? I haven't been able to figure out how you'd rebalance troop carrier type ships to focus on space combat.

Bob - Not sure, just feels liked it needs some fins or something to give it a better profile / shape. The others are just awesome, though!
Made in us
Snivelling Workbot


I've got a whole UCM fleet stashed away and this is giving me the itch to pull it out again. I love the lighters, but need to put some paint on my Kievs first.

The hiruko has to be one of my favorite Scourge ships so far too. It looks brutal.
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