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2024/09/23 14:27:28
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (WIP Inquisition preacher)
Regular Dakkanaut
Lovely updates, the eldar stuff looks cool.
2024/09/23 17:44:25
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (WIP Inquisition preacher)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! There's way more hacked apart Eldar in the queue
2024/09/24 17:59:35
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (WIP Inquisition preacher)
Calculating Commissar
A bit more progress on the Wraitcubi for the painting challenge
I tried to do some freehand on the loincloth (not in the photo), but messed up, so I need to redo that whole piece, which is a shame as it was really smooth shading *doh*
No painting for a few days as I'm in the office; but I have Friday off, so I can have a good go at finishing it off.
2024/09/25 16:54:48
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (WIP Inquisition preacher)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Wraithcubi is looking great. Can't wait (can wait, obviously, I have no choice) to see it completed!
2024/09/28 17:36:51
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (WIP Inquisition preacher)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! Well the wait is now over!
2024/09/28 20:30:03
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Oh, it's beautiful! Well done!
2024/09/30 09:36:04
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished)
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
Love that! The horns are incredible
2024/10/01 06:01:45
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished)
Calculating Commissar
Thank you! Now I need to replicate that scheme onto the actual incubi when I get around to them!
2024/10/01 10:54:43
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished)
Fighter Ace
Dude, that looks awesome! Also, great to see you posting
2024/10/01 11:04:02
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished)
Calculating Commissar
thanks, it's good to have hobby mojo again and be back posting! I think this working on one model at a time thing is the way to go as it avoids a lot of the burnout trying to get a full squad finished and giving up.
I've started prepping for the October painting challenge, which is traditionally horror themed.
Other than genestealers, what could be more terrifying wandering through the underhive sumps than a giant mutated rat? Maybe one that has some form of radio collar and no known owner? What is it doing down there? Why is it doing whatever it is doing down there? Who is it... let's stop there shall we?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/01 11:18:46
2024/10/02 03:06:33
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished / Halloween challenge prep)
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
I love the action and motion in that wraithlord pose. Wish I had been brave enough to try that with my Iyanden one!
2024/10/02 08:18:17
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished / Halloween challenge prep)
Calculating Commissar
It was certainly nerve wracking cutting up the leg to get the new pose! I'm relieved it worked and that people are liking it!
The Sump Abomination is coming along. A bit more green stuff to do on it to smooth out some of the joins, and add some more fur... but it's getting there!
2024/10/03 18:07:11
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Ynnari Wraith Lord finished / Halloween challenge prep)
Calculating Commissar
Been off ill today, but managed to do a bit of painting in the Awake times. Turns out Deathwatch are getting quite quick to paint... We have two more intercessors an one assault intercessor
A little bit more green stuff work got done on the challenge beasty, but not enough that it warranted a new photo. I have, however, hit a problem. I'm out of black undercoat! :O
2024/10/07 14:00:27
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (new Deathwatch)
Calculating Commissar
Sump Beast is now all done with green stuff, is undercoated and shaded. Now I can start on colours!
In the mean time, I also managed to finish the details on Ivvan, the dreadnought. I wasn't planning on him being a space wolf until it came to paint the shoulderpad... otherwise there would be pelts and suchlike on him. The arms aren't stuck on, so I can always get a replacement and swap chapters in the future if I want to do a proper SW one
2024/10/08 12:42:01
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Dreadnought and sump beast)
Calculating Commissar
Apparently focussing on one thing at a time doesn't really last long
I started fiddling with a heavy intercessor gunner for the new Primaris Kill Team structure and, weirdly, finished it in one sitting... start to finish!
The team can be seen on
This means all that is left to fill holes is a sniper (for now). to finish that one I need to get my. printer back up and running properly, as I need some Phobos deathwatch pads. This process will involve a lot of swearing as it's been an utter pain recently. The rafts stay attached nicely, but everything rips off the supports. Even things that previously printed nicely...
This is also awkward as I started a conversion in a call earlier (busy hands keep me focussed in calls). I'm converting one of the Stormcast from the recent AoS box into a Judicar and I need to swap the *very* sigmarite axe for a judicar blade instead.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/08 12:50:41
2024/10/10 08:30:09
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Deathwatch KT Heavy Gunner)
Calculating Commissar
A little bit more work and the Judicar is pretty much done and ready for painting. The only thing left is to make a base that gives him the raised position he needs for the sword and cape
I had a lucky delivery yesterday that I'd forgotten all about. The Combat Patrol magazines finally turned up, and as I already have the terminator captain with sword, I decided that the second one could donate his blade to the Judicar instead.
I'm not sure what colours yet as Judicars seem to be black armour, or chapter. I was wondering if actually he might be seconded to the Deathwatch from the Dark Angels as part of his path to Chaplain, to give him the hunting skills required to look for Fallen... so potentially giving him bone coloured robes to stand out and intimidate amongst the wall of black
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/10 08:30:51
2024/10/14 06:19:35
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Deathwatch custom Judicar WIP)
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
I saw your rat abomination over in the painting challenge thread. I love me a stinky rat monster!
2024/10/14 07:29:43
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Deathwatch custom Judicar WIP)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! I need to try and spend some more time on stinky rat this week
2024/10/15 07:49:41
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Deathwatch custom Judicar WIP)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Judicar looks great; very menacing.
2024/10/15 16:25:49
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Deathwatch custom Judicar WIP)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! the Judicar is next on the painting queue now the Sump Beast and Preacher are done!
The Sump Beast is for the October/halloween painting challenge here on Dakka. It's the giant rat from the recent AoS box. I have no intention of playing it as a game, but there are so many nice models to convert in there
The Preacher that I started a while back was originally supposed to be for a Cawdor force, but she can do double duty as a Preacher-type character in an inquisition force somewhere...
I didn't really fancy painting white, so she's pale grey and turquoise for a switch up from the usual black, black and more black of the Deathwatch
2024/10/18 16:37:00
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Sump Beast)
Calculating Commissar
Managed to put some final touches to three terminators, and had a play with the photo backdrop from the latest WD to see if it was any better than the blue to white gradient. Let me know which looks better to you
I also managed to paint up the Judicar and a C.A.T as a little extra bit of fun
2024/10/28 13:24:54
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Judicar and terminators)
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver
Judicar looks amazing! Love the green cloak.
2024/10/28 15:26:35
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Judicar and terminators)
Regular Dakkanaut
Sump beast really looks the part. The judicar is also wel done!
2024/10/29 09:52:05
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Judicar and terminators)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! The entire model was done with multiple layers of dry brushing greys, and then contrast over the top. I think that green is the ork green Automatically Appended Next Post: Flapjack wrote:Sump beast really looks the part. The judicar is also wel done!
Thanks! I am pleased with both. Not batch painting seems to have made me feel a little happier about each model coming out and gets me to focus on them properly
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/29 09:53:03
2024/10/30 16:48:20
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Judicar and terminators)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Wow, the Judiciar came out great! He looks very ominous. I second the green cloak looking awesome.
2024/10/31 12:46:48
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Judicar and terminators)
Calculating Commissar
This last week has been spent undertaking a new side challenge, and falling into a new rabbit hole of modelling despair...
First the challenge! Our local FLGS decided to do an Orctober challence. they sold little boxes with three random paints, an orc figure, a nice brush and some other little bits and pieces like some fresh coffee grounds and stickers. You had October to paint the Orc... the only problem was that you could only use the three colours provided, plus black and white... and there had to be as much of the colours in there as possible.
I got a weird light green, a pink and a dark blue. So on the plus side, I got a green... just not one I'd want to be using for skin in it's original form. For the skin I mixed in a bit of the blue and pink to the green to get a darker shade that worked more effectively. I'm *mostly* happy with how he came out.
On the flip side, I may... thanks to some excellent work from Mad Dok Grotsnik on his 30k bits and pieces... have caved after all these years and bought some bits and pieces. The starter box hasn't turned up yet, but will become some Word Bearers as I love the Gal Vorbak... so while I'm waiting for that I may have also caved and bought the mechanicus battle group box for some Dark Mechanicus to accompany them.
The intention is to try and make them all look like they are starting to stray from the norm... either through lots of votive strips on the infantry, or minor mutations starting to appear; through to spare demon parts stitched onto the tech thralls as the experiments start to go... awry. Turns out I also have all the older marine models from the two board games, way back when.
The MKIII armour will probably be used as that's not too different size wise, but much as I love the MKIV from my Red Scorpion playing days... they don't look great in pictures next to the new MKVI armour so those will probably go.
Automatically Appended Next Post: So it looks like in the old pile I have actually started to build a bunch of the MKIIIs
I have what looks like 5 Tartaros, 5 heavy bolters, 5 bolters, 13 that have no attached weapons yet... and 2 officer-types. One with plasma pistol and power fist, the other with bolt pistol and hammer. Looks like I was just playing at that point...
I could turn it into 10 heavy bolters with a little surgery, and 13 bolters for a half strength tactical... not having played or read the rules yet I'm not 100% sure on that one, so we'll start with the things that already have weapons attached and go from there! Automatically Appended Next Post: And we're on a roll this afternoon!
Here's a very quick colour test for the Word Bearers.
- Black undercoat
- heavy drybrush of silver so it's nearly all covered, with some shading
- Flesh Tearer Red contrast over the silver
- Black contrast over the silver
- Aggrax over it all
- Garaghak's sewer contraast in the deep areas of the red
- Silver chips
final models would *hopefully* also include mutations, iconography and the runes/votive strips... but for a test I'm good with that
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/10/31 16:49:19
2024/11/01 14:19:57
Subject: A New Dawn - An =I= blog (Orktober & starting 30k)
Calculating Commissar
And so we hit November, and the new painting challenge... Ancients. for this one I've picked another dreadnought for active service in the Deathwatch.
This venerable warrior is from the Space Wolves, and clearly used to be someone very special, given his intricate totem covered body and shoulders. These are all stls from Greytide Studios.
Oh, on the 30k front, GW are out of Gal Vorbak, but I managed to grab some that were painted on ebay for way less than retail price. The paintjob is basic, but smooth, so should be easy to fix up as an interesting side challenge when they turn up.
2024/11/01 18:06:03
Subject: Endtransmission's =I= blog (Nov Challenge & starting 30k)
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Your Word Bearer test model looks great. Looking forward to seeing what you do with that chonky dreadnought.
2024/11/03 18:03:21
Subject: Endtransmission's =I= blog (Nov Challenge & starting 30k)
Calculating Commissar
Thanks! I got some time today to do a bit on the dreadnought, but this is likely the last update for a week as we're off on holiday
2024/11/04 11:20:06
Subject: Endtransmission's =I= blog (Nov Challenge & starting 30k)
Using Inks and Washes
Nice job on the competition Orc, that doesn't sound like an easy trio of colours to work with.