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2024/12/02 23:02:16
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Lord Damocles wrote:I guess there are advantages to having a little guy who can only shoot backwards instead of a mechadendrite or servo-arm mounted weapon...
Looks like it's easier to find a mutie to lobotomize and wear as rucksack.
2024/12/02 23:54:56
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Regular Dakkanaut
Brickfix wrote:Just finished painting the HH tech thralls, this guy makes an excellent addition.
My wallet will hate me when all the recent minis get released
I'm girding my wallet for the release of the next book, and the new Squats.
F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... |
2024/12/03 14:29:02
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
The New Miss Macross!
How long does it typically take for GW to go from the preview article first showing a Necro mini to the time it's actually available for purchase?
2024/12/03 14:35:25
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Decrepit Dakkanaut
warboss wrote:How long does it typically take for GW to go from the preview article first showing a Necro mini to the time it's actually available for purchase?
As long as a piece of string is short.
Basically its hard to say. Sometimes its the very next release window; sometimes its a few weeks later; might even be a month later. The Knight Bundle packs for AI took several months (though that was abnormal).
You can roughly say that GW operates in 3 month windows from preview events that they hold whilst on the webstore I'd normally kind of expect 1-2 months for anything previewed there with a skew toward the shorter end.
2024/12/03 18:02:20
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
The New Miss Macross!
So basically what you're saying is keep following the thread here then... I almost got out my sewing kit! Thanks for the info in all seriousness.
2024/12/09 13:05:30
Subject: Re:[Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Moustache-twirling Princeps
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/09 13:05:46
2024/12/09 13:08:22
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Infiltrating Broodlord
If GW were a sensible company they would want me to buy loads of these to stuff into an Inquisitorial Retinue or Rogue Trader bodyguard for 40k.
(A boltgun does feel like a slightly odd weapon for the Null though, even if Cyberpunk-esque enhanced.)
2024/12/09 13:12:17
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Very funky! Automatically Appended Next Post: Also of interest? A collar which can suppress a Psyker, and one that can suppress a Blank?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/09 13:22:16
2024/12/09 13:31:19
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
We already know blank-suppression exists; Culexus wear a supercharged version to prevent their mere presence breaking the warp drive of their transports. That one can also be reversed to amplify their abilities, to power the animus speculum doom beams.
From that I don’t think psychic suppression is too far-fetched even if it’s really crude like implanting relays between the psykers mind and the mutant brain lobe that powers the ability.
"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran |
2024/12/09 13:51:50
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
The New Miss Macross!
The Phazer wrote:If GW were a sensible company they would want me to buy loads of these to stuff into an Inquisitorial Retinue or Rogue Trader bodyguard for 40k.
(A boltgun does feel like a slightly odd weapon for the Null though, even if Cyberpunk-esque enhanced.)
Or... hear me out... they could put a half dozen of the most wanted models in an expensive boxed set packed with many more minis almost no one wants for a one shot game that will see little to no support after release and it'll sell out in seconds! I think my scenario is more likely.
2024/12/09 13:52:47
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Longtime Dakkanaut
Don't like the masks on either of those at all. Both look very weird in not a good way.
2024/12/09 13:56:33
Subject: Re:[Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Dakka Veteran
I like the models, though I wish they'd stuck closer to the original artwork for the masks. Nice to see that they might finally be getting round to some more of their backlog of Noble/Guild Allied parties. House Ty was the last one to get rules and that was 3 years ago now.
2024/12/09 14:33:57
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
these are both fantastic, as usual
she/her |
2024/12/09 15:14:31
Subject: Re:[Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Looks like the new Necromonday is more reliable than the Heresy Thursday.
Well, those ladies are... special.
2024/12/09 15:25:58
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Also some potential for a Farseer conversion. Perhaps as a Ynnari?
2024/12/09 15:40:30
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Leader of the Sept
If you snip the sword pipes off then the bolter lady is awesome.
Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!
Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 |
2024/12/09 16:17:40
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook
Those are extraordinarily pretty miniatures
2024/12/09 16:20:17
Subject: Re:[Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
Love the artwork for them, the silhouettes and designs of both models, but the way their faces are painted isn't doing a whole lot for me.
Not to say I'd paint them better, but something isn't clicking there for me.
2024/12/09 16:24:13
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Fixture of Dakka
The Phazer wrote:If GW were a sensible company they would want me to buy loads of these to stuff into an Inquisitorial Retinue or Rogue Trader bodyguard for 40k.
Of these specific models, or of similar ones?
After all, there'll be nothing stopping you buying multiple sets once they're released - well, aside from GW's ability to keep them in stock, anyway.
2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG
My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...
Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.
Kanluwen wrote:This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...
tneva82 wrote:You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling. - No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... |
2024/12/09 18:15:18
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader
It looks like the psyker has buck teeth, or is attempting to go for a Bugs Bunny look at the very least.
2024/12/09 18:32:42
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Lathe Biosas wrote:
It looks like the psyker has buck teeth, or is attempting to go for a Bugs Bunny look at the very least.
I would paint the whole face as a mask, with a disturbing Heath Ledgers Joker smile.
2024/12/09 18:38:40
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
I don't care for the House Ty models. Something in the art did not carry over, especially the face/masks. Also, the Nihon/Dragon Isle "inspiration" is too strongly realworld. It makes them feel like Cyberpunk ported into Necromunda. It doesn't feel like a natural growth of those ideas mixed with 40k.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/09 18:38:59
Bam, said the lady!
Dakka, what is good in life?
To crush other websites,
See their user posts driven before you,
And hear the lamentation of the newbs.
-Frazzled-10/22/09 |
2024/12/10 01:27:36
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba
The Great State of New Jersey
Agreed w skrulnik, a bit hamfisted way of folding them in
2024/12/10 10:23:21
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Longtime Dakkanaut
skrulnik wrote:I don't care for the House Ty models.
Something in the art did not carry over, especially the face/masks.
Also, the Nihon/Dragon Isle "inspiration" is too strongly realworld.
It makes them feel like Cyberpunk ported into Necromunda.
It doesn't feel like a natural growth of those ideas mixed with 40k.
That's my one gripe with them too. The art made them look way less overtly aggressive and I prefer that. Similar to how the House Greim models are posed.
That said, I really want the Ran Lo Auditors to drop now.
2024/12/10 15:17:53
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors, Narker and Cadaver Merchant pg 101
Violent Enforcer
I would have preferred something with less strong (but still visable) japanese vibes, such as my Hannya:
2024/12/21 22:08:32
Subject: Re:[Necromunda] News & Rumors
The New Miss Macross!
Has GW's webstore update timing changed over the past couple years? I figured I'd see if the beefcake hireling was up for preorder and I seem to get a blank page for pre-orders regardless of region (tested US and GB). Didn't they use to update around lunchtime/early afternoon on Saturdays in years past? Admittedly I haven't followed new releases in years so things may have changed.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/21 22:08:45
2024/12/21 22:10:30
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors
Decrepit Dakkanaut
It's normally around 10am localtime for the stores region that it updates. It is close to Christmas so it might just be that something got delayed or such.
2024/12/21 22:19:15
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors
The New Miss Macross!
Thanks. I just didn't know if the schedule changed permanently in years past and I was looking on the wrong day for example.
2024/12/22 01:33:57
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors
Dakka Veteran
warboss wrote:Thanks. I just didn't know if the schedule changed permanently in years past and I was looking on the wrong day for example.
"Christmas is just around the corner, so there are no Saturday pre-orders this week."
That place is the harsh dark future far left with only war left. |
2024/12/22 03:08:20
Subject: [Necromunda] News & Rumors. Ty Onmyodo Coven. p.103
The New Miss Macross!
Thanks! I guess I chose the exact wrong week to start looking, lol.