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2010/08/02 21:42:55
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log (Fink - Winged Mutant)
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
This log is hopefully going to keep me on track…but I have a feeling I'll get distracted by other little projects.
Wint and Our Kidd, Nieder, Coleman and Mocco
When Necromunda came out I played as Orlocks and Cawdor. Outlanders came along and Spyrers it was. A few years gap and in 2006 a campaign was going to run, over the winter, in my local GW store… my old Cawdor took a visit to a pot of paint stripper and a quick mail order... I love the Cawdor models but they are a little limited in pose so I had to convert a few to give them some combat gear, but really that is half the fun right?
Forgive the poor pics of these chaps
Anyway they served me well since, winning the 1st campaign and doing reasonably well in the next three. While I still love these chaps they are getting a bit chipped and I fancied a change. (give em a few more years and I imagine they will see the paint stripper again)
So I decided that a bunch of no good Scavvies would be the way to go, after the redemption dabbling Cawdor, but the models are just not up to it. So my plans were put on hold until I came across the baneblade commander’s gas mask head, when my mate Chris gave me the command sprue, and I thought Guardsman Dante from the Inquisitor rule book. A quick trip up to town for some Zombies but I came home with some Ghouls… PDF Trooper Brandhof was born and a way forward for my Scavvies. A quick diversion via =I= 28 (well Brandhof needed to be in someone’s retinue).
Anyway enough of my ramblings I’ve built six of the buggers. Three painted, three in the process of being painted. I’ll take some better pics once I have a something better than my Nokia 6700. Oh and I know the weapons load out is er ‘probably’ not allowed but in my defence I was looking at the front cover of the Outlanders book for inspiration and just assumed. Enjoy.
Comments are welcome
Cheers Peter
edited to add a somewhat better initial picture
This message was edited 23 times. Last update was at 2014/05/27 15:48:30
2010/08/02 21:51:56
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
The Hammer of Witches
These are super cool. the two headed guy - the hunchback with the dirty white lasgun - favourites.
You know your green stuff well. When i was converting they only had pale blue stuff in the shop
2010/08/02 23:42:32
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Fixture of Dakka
Nice stuff. Really like Brandhof, will be watching this space.
2010/08/03 12:46:14
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Looking good, lets see them all painted
30K Blog:
Bran Redmaws Great Company - 5500pts
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2010/08/03 14:39:08
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot
Excellent stuff, the scaly with speargun really looks huge compared to the rest. Nice painting too.
Back on the path of the Imperial Citizen
Still rolling ones...
Krieg: More wins than Losses. |
2010/08/03 15:00:10
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Longtime Dakkanaut
I love these guys, very clever way to make big scavvy scalies.
2010/08/03 17:09:22
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster
Brandhof Kicks ass mate
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.
2010/08/03 18:28:50
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator
Some very nice stuff here, good painting skills. I just finished Lasgun Wedding the novel and I'm now on the hunt for Necromunda threads.
I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
2010/08/03 18:49:02
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos
That's some great stuff I can't wait to see higher quality pictures.
2010/08/04 21:15:41
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Thanks guys
Well there is more paint on them… in fact the two headed mutant is now finished. Now I’m hoping to get my grubby mints on a reasonable camera at the weekend.
This morning I had a break through. I’ve been thinking about the winged mutant for my gang and Proiteus’s Bringing Back The Rebellion: The Grots Rebuild! Log (lovely squig walkers in there) really helped me out. I’d never considered the plastic grot sprue before.
Anyway popped into GW today and I’ve now got the grots. The big ol PLASTIC grot pistols are perfect for my scavvies. For the winged mutant I want him to be perched on a wall so plastic everything for balance. Will make him taller and an easy target but sod it I’m going for cool.
Weetyskemian44 – never seen pale blue stuff. Was it any good? I find green stuff a bit of a nightmare sometimes but Clay Shapers are the way of the future.
Xanthos – Speargun scally is big…but I think he looks bigger because he is stepping up. Also his spear gun is MASSIVEly cool (The whole reason for using the nobs in the first place)
Abhorsen950 – Never read any of the Necromunda books. Tempted….might have to pop into the local library. If you want to read a good 40k book try Soul Hunter by Arron Dembski-Bowden. I’m going to have to paint a Night Lord after reading that book. All his books are bloody good.
Thanks again for the comments really motivating me.
2010/08/04 23:29:22
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Using Inks and Washes
These are awesome! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread. My favourite is the PDF guy ;D
2010/08/08 10:55:09
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Hi Guys
Well I got my hands on a better camera Kodak Easy Share MD1063. Then I had a look on cool mini to see how to take pictures with just one light source and then adjust them in irfanview. I think I need a bit more practice or photoshop.
Anyway my two headed mutant is finished. I’m really happy with how he has turned out, especially how his spine splits at the top for his two heads and his two navels. I feel it is important to have a grounding in reality !
I’ve named him Wint and Our Kidd. Bit of a homage to the homosexual assassins from James Bond – Diamonds are Forever. When I was building this one I really didn’t consider how camp he’d look in his crop top. He also looks a bit sadistic like them too.
Wint and Our Kidd
Group Shot
Seeing the pictures in preview mode they don't look great. They look much better in the gallery.
2010/08/08 11:49:16
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Fixture of Dakka
Wint and Our Kidd is pure quality Excellent modelling and very nice painting.
2010/08/08 12:52:18
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Another idea that tends to work pretty good is to use an Ork head, but cover the top up with a piece of plasticcard or a Space Marine shoulderpad, making the mutant look blind but armoured at the same time. It has a pretty twisted look to it!
2010/08/08 13:18:57
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot
These are coming together great! Creepy and slimy, just like they should be!
I like your color choices, they are more earthy than the colors that people used around Necromunda´s release time.
Back on the path of the Imperial Citizen
Still rolling ones...
Krieg: More wins than Losses. |
2010/08/12 12:26:06
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster
Wint is another awesome addition, the colour and the theme of your minis make me miss the good old days when necromunda was released and we where still awaiting the releases of the scavvy gang and what they would look like
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.
2010/08/12 21:26:58
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Little to update really. I started a little modelling on the next two Scavvies. One will be made from a plastic grot (who will be standing on a pile of rubble to make him gangerish height) and the other from the runtherd because I love his belly (think he is going to be my gangs chef…he needs a meat cleaver).
I started painting the Blunderbuss armed Scavvy’s skin the other night and was really unhappy that the barrel wasn’t drilled….I’m now the proud owner of a cheap dremmel substitute from a car boot sale. The barrel has been drilled out as much as possible without damaging the rest of the model.
Malika – I’ve thought about using Ork heads but I feel the Ork jaw is a little too distinctive. I’m thinking of giving my eye stalk mutant armoured bionic eye stalks.
Xanthos– Thanks. Slimy is a good term for these guys. I’ve wanted a gang where I can do whatever I like without feeling guilty; for example eating that captured Juve and not ransoming/selling it back (Mmmm Esher juve tastes good, it’s in the sauce book!) really bad joke
In the last few years I’ve been avoiding bright colours because I think that in the grim darkness of the far flung future only Eldar can get away with prancing about in bright colours. (oh and 2nd edition Blood Angels but I don’t think they prance, that reminds me Space Hulk yet another project to do (having recently gone trawling through Dakka I would love to see Migsula’s finished Space Hulk Terminators but I’m not holding my breath)).
Ferrum – Yeah I know what you mean about the Outlander Scavvies. Having seen the awesomeness that was the Confrontation Scavvies* I really thought the Outlander ones were going to be better… but they turned out to be caricatures of the Blanche artwork.
* for younger enthusiasts Confrontation was the White Dwarf released precursor to Necromunda and here is a Scavvy and Brat Gang member I painted a few years ago for =I= 28.
Haha little update and I’ve written loads again oops
2010/08/12 23:16:27
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Massive Knarloc Rider
Aha! Though the ork face is very distinctive of orkishness, if you slap on a hooked nose and a top hat, it makes something all the more characterful. Now to look for the link. Automatically Appended Next Post: Here it is:
Sadly the user who did this dissipated (yes i meant what i said) shortly after MW2 came out, mores the pity as it was the best scavvy gang iv'e seen.
Prove that yours is better.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/08/12 23:20:57
2010/08/13 00:29:37
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Fixture of Dakka
Liking the classic minis, looking really nice
2010/08/13 07:44:51
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Ghosty - Seeing that thread I wish Threadomancy wasn't so frowned upon. They look awesome. I take back my comments to Malika, an Ork jaw can be very distinctive buy really can be camouflaged with a top hat and hook nose.
I cannot promise that my Scavvies will be better than Shockwave's but I can promise I won't dissipate when a computer game comes out.
I pledge my Scavvies will be finished, painted and posing for Dakka Dakka at some point in the future (I’ve got an image of Wint posing naked for FHM magazine now and that’s minging )
Monkeytroll - Thanks dude.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/08/13 07:45:56
2010/08/13 07:52:22
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Longtime Dakkanaut
This is awesome - and obviously very close to my heart.
Of extra merit is your ability to make them such individuals, while still building a strong group identity.
If only you lived closer, our =I=munda gang would so induct your gang Reminds me that I should upload my whole =I=munda gang to dakka galleries sooner than later.
Looking forwards to more!!
“Of the fabulous hydra it is said, cut off one head and two will grow in its place”
- antique proverb
2010/08/15 11:56:07
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Had such a great day Saturday, went to the Manchester Museum and saw a T Rex . Even at 29 I still felt like a big kid whilst gawping. Anyway on to today….
I’ve run into a little problem with Blunderbuss. The ghoul head I used it is dribbling/drooling, I think it’s meant to be blood. Anyway my problem; what colour do you paint drool? it’s meant to be clear, right. I’ve got far enough to know I’ll give it a gloss varnish afterwards. But I’m stumped on the base colour at the moment.
With Necro I think it is really important to show they are just a bunch of guys not a crack military unit. With the Cawdor it was random coloured trousers from jeans to combats with the red and bone tabards (gang colours) to link them. This time round: the bases all have random mechanicum red machinery/sheet metal and on the Scavvies I’ve been putting Graveyard Earth or Khemri Brown in almost all the other colours.
Migsula – Thank you. As I stated in my Dakka introduction post…
“Back in 95 GW released my favourite game Necromunda, which is the main reason I’ve joined Dakka Dakka. A little google search for Necromunda odds and sods and a few links later my mouth hits the desk as the Jade Vessel appeared in alls its glory. Thanks Migsula, Col Hammer and Northern. A few other beautiful logs later I signed up yesterday. Thanks guys.”
The Jade Vessel was the main reason I joined Dakka, shame I didn’t get to enjoyed it as you were doing it. So after reading your offer I really wish I live closer. Tell you what, next time you run a finale game of =I=munda PM me quite a bit before hand and I’ll send you something cool in the post (I doubt it will be as good as Jakob Rune Nielsen Hive Guardian though, but I’ll give it a bloody good go).
2010/08/15 12:12:50
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Fixture of Dakka
Nothing wrong with gawping at dinos
As to the drool, I'd probably go for a very pale yellow or green.
2010/08/15 12:34:16
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Regular Dakkanaut
Damn those are some cool scavvys! i especially like the big ork fella with the ghoulhead, he really does look alot like the guy on the outlandersbook and the speargun you made looks really brutal and the other ones are great to.
I also saw that someone linked to my thread, and i can say that it wasnt because of mw2 that i stopped updating, it was because all my friends that i played with moved so i kinda lost interrest in the hobby, but now im back and since as you say threadomancy is so frowned upon ill be starting a new log for all my various projects including my scavvies =) And i will be keeping a close eye on this thread for some inspiration
"So face the dark and ill teach you about fire in the blink of an eye" |
2010/08/15 12:52:27
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva
This is a really inspirational thread! I've just started working on an out of context scaly (I just had an idea of how to make one so I thought I'd give it a go) but I'm tempted to make a gang and put him into context.
2010/08/15 14:27:25
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Monkeytroll – I like the yellow idea. I’ll mix up the flesh base colour and mix in some yellow. Cheers
Shockwave – The reason I bought and thought of using the Nobs was for the spear gun bionic arm. As for your Scavvies I love the top hat boss and the tentacle mutant. Just sweet. Looking forward to seeing them painted. Just in case I insinuated MK2 was responsible I didn’t mean it. I was commenting on his idea for using Ork heads.
I had the same problem with finding opponents a few years back. This years winter Necro campaign looks a bit dicey too. My local GW now only has one games night per week and apparently GW policy is one games night = just core games (which I can understand).
Jackanory – Build it! Build it! Build it! Paint it! Show us your Scaly! Nice grots in your gallery btw the flamer armed one is my fav (are they for Gorka Morka?).
2010/08/15 15:07:05
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster
Seeing your amazing work with the classic minis and modern plastic kits makes me want to dig deep in my bits boxes as I'm sure I have like 20 of the Brat Gangers around somewhere... my 1st ever necromunda gang
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.
2010/08/15 15:29:15
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva
Hehe cheers! Mostly I just take inspiration from the GW universes and then build models. The idea behind the grots was just any skirmish game really but yeah I guess Gorkamorka would suit them best. I don't really play any of the games since I never have anyone to play with, especially since I moved out to Japan! (originally from Britain too).
The only geeky game I've properly played is DnD, which I'm really missing!
2010/08/15 19:14:30
Subject: Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
wow this does seem very nice. My Scavies are nothing compared to you.
2010/08/15 20:57:37
Subject: Re:Necromunda - Scavvy Gang - Painting and Modelling Log
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Scazza - Did you enjoy making your Scavvies? Do you like them? If you were to do them again what would you do differently next time?
The most important thing about any hobby is doing it to the best of your ability, trying to improve your skills and learning. For example the Dire Avenger Exarch in your Necro and random stuff log. Brilliant you’re 15 and trying out free hand. I didn’t try it until I was… well a few years ago because I was scared of ruining a model (Empire Great Swords banner was my first time). I’m still not good at it because I don’t practice it enough. The Delaque you have made the green stuff are great and that takes guts even just starting something that complicated.
My painting and modelling ability started to improve the most when I asked for help or when I just practiced and learnt from my mistakes. As the saying goes “Practice makes perfect.” The first model I painted I used enamel paints ( GW ape man) looks awful but I learnt not to use enamel paints. The first time I tried dry brushing (it was more like over brushing) on a model (Zombie with a meat cleaver) looked awful but I learnt from it.
Anyway Scazza they are the thoughts that came to mind after reading your comment. Sorry if any of the above comes across as patronising, none of it was meant that way.
Keep on truckin