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Paranoia_Agent's City of Death !  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Im currently building a 40k city using GW terrain.

So far i have built a Manufactorum, Cathedral, administratum building and a large landing pad plus a few home made foam buildings (Ill be adding more pics soon)

Im looking for more inspiration so any comments or ideas are welcome.

Is any one else on DAKKA DAKKA involved in making a battlefield/terrain if so wat is it and why ???
[Thumb - Manufactorum.jpg]

[Thumb - Manufactorum (2).jpg]

[Thumb - Manufactorum (3).jpg]

[Thumb - Cathedral.jpg]

[Thumb - 01032011639.jpg]

[Thumb - 01032011640.jpg]

[Thumb - 01032011641.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/07/12 12:08:42

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Looking good. I like the big bridges over the streets.

Made in gb
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp

Nice work matey! building a manufactorum myself , but its still in the develepoment stages
in regards to your question. Madmartykmf has a great cities of death blog as does terraformer.
good luck with the rest of the build. And can i ask how many kits for the manufactorum
Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia


Im planning 2 add a few catwalks in the city but im probly gonna paint and base them next.

Any suggestions on paint scheme ?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yea i was just told bout Madmartykmf and terraformers blog looking forward 2 checking them out.

Cool let me know how your Manufactorum works out.

And it's 7 kits

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/02/28 14:41:45

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in gb
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp

i would try a unified paintscheme instead of induvidual colours for each building , the red on the manufactorum looks great just needs some depth imo, the admin building is pretty cool gotta admit, that would look great painted up.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
so as to my question , i am guessing about 4-6 kits?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/02/28 14:44:26

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

baltimore md

Looking good Paranoia_Agent! I will be checking in on your thread. As for color I think the red you have is really nice and stick with the Codex Gray. Let the little details do all the talking rather then a paint scheme that does not fit the overall feel or fluff.


@Neil, Thanks for the plug buddy. Your dollar is in the mail!

Come visit my Cities of Death Terrain thread! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/259854.page

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Thanks guys yea i thought the red suited it good old mechanicum red!

At the moment the paints more of a base coat i gotta go back and finish it.

The admin building/cathedral, is probly gonna be painted with lots of gold a silver trim.

Unfortunately it doesent look like that anymore im in the process of completly rebuilding it, ill be adding updated pics on thursday along with pics of my almost finished landing pad and administratum building.

Thanks for the positive feedback

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/02/28 14:54:04

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

My Cathedral
[Thumb - Cathedral front.jpg]

[Thumb - 07032011645.jpg]

[Thumb - 07032011656.jpg]

[Thumb - Front.jpg]

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in gb
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp

Wow thats pretty epic . looks like lots of fun to play with.
Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Very nice indeed. It is good to see buildings on this sort of scale - they are usually fairly small, which is a shame.

Made in us
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

LaLa Land

+1 on the scale and I applaud your storage capacity. I like the use of the GF9 pillers. Great work keep it up (and get some paint on those bad boys!).

Team Zero Comp
5th edition tourny record 85-32-16 (2010-12) 6th 18-16-4
check out my Orky City of Death http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/skipread/336388.page 
Made in be
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

In the Wasteland

It's looking good

I am currently doing the same thing, building a city. That because my main army, guard, is Urban themed.

For inspiration on on what buildings to create, just look into the stratagems in the cities of death book.


-PDF barracks
-Power generator
-The governor's palace
-Arbites Office
-Garage/tanking station
-Train station (?)
- much and much more...

Hope this helped

Made in gb
Spawn of Chaos

for the paint schem i have used a white, black and silver sprays and just apply them randomly but i suppose you can do it with any colours
i looks great by the way i would deffinatly add stuff like shrines they look great in the middle of squares
Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws


wow this is looking tasty.

Made in gb
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Kent, UK, Terra, The Milky Way

very nice. that's got the dollar sign written all over it though lol

Tau mate 
Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Haha yea ''Kingoftheswords'' is has got a big doller sign on it already and its no were near done.

Just so you guys now its currently got:

3 Shrine of the Aquila sets
4 Basilica Administratum kits
1 Sanctum Imperialis kit
A set of pillers and a crashed shuttle, so alot of kits already.

Unfortuanatly "neil101" i havent had the chance too play many games on it yet.

I have made every building in my city fit with this big scale im currently working on another building a large Basilica Administratum i will post pics of that soon.

My biggest problem with it at the moment is trying too make the crashed shuttle work well with the building ill probly use lots of modeling clay so it looks like its hit the building and skidded across the floor.

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut


Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

My new Administratum building's.

I was thinking bout adding a crashed landspeeder in the courtyard of the smaller building any ideas or suggestions ???...........
[Thumb - DSCF1655.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF1644.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF1651.JPG]

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Oklahoma City, Ok.

That is a truely awesome display of Terrain! i'm inspired!

"But i'm more than just a little curious, how you're planning to go about making your amends, to the dead?" -The Noose-APC

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say" Weak and Powerless - APC

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Thanks "alarmingrick" i still have a long way to go on the city as a whole and a little work left to do on this project like paint the sandbags etc...

Glad i could inspire some one!

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

A few more photos of the buildings.
[Thumb - DSCF1649.JPG]

[Thumb - DSCF1646.JPG]

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in be
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

In the Wasteland

It's looking great!

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

I am really enjoying the scale of some of these buildings!

I was super impressed witht he GW building kits when I picked them up! so nice that they are so modular!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/13 11:05:48

23,000pts Black Legion including all cults
3500pts Bugs
4000pts Aurora Chapter
1850pts Traitor Guard
Check out My Store Thunder Games and Gifts!

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


You're building the city I always dreamed of. Curse your greater disposable income!


FW Epic Bunker: £97,871.35. Overpriced at all?

Black Legion 8th Grand Company
Cadian XV Airborne "Flying Fifteens"
Order of the Ebon Chalice
Relictors 3rd Company 
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


Awesome, great work so far

Just the sort of inspiration i need to get me pumped for my city building and painting!

I agree with you 100% on the scale so far, i always felt the piddly buildings the GW studio (and most people) make were completely at odds with the fluff.
Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Thanks for the comments guys i really need the feedback to keep this huge project going.

Yea i always thought that if i was gonna build a 40k hive city i was gonna build it big!!!

I will be putting up a few pics of the city as a whole soon, the bourd im currently using is 48" wide by 96" long but i dont think it's big enough wat do you guys think make it bigger ?????

And i want to add a crashed landspeeder in the courtyard of the smaller building any suggestions on how to model the dead marine pilots ???

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in be
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

In the Wasteland

Well, dead SM don't have any real expressions with their helmets on. So, just model them limp, and with some scorchmarks, as a landspeeder is open topped. Hope this helped.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/13 13:08:04

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

Yea it does help thanks.

My origional idea is, Having one marine partially decapitated with a piece of metal sticking out his neck limp and gorified.

The other guy crawled away from the wreckage with half of one leg missing proped up against the side of the speeder bolter in hand and other arm holding a gaping hole in his chest.

Scorch mark idea for the win!!!

And blood everywere completly gorified for your wargaming needs.

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

Made in be
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

In the Wasteland

haha, your visualisation sounds more interesting than mine. Mabye bahe the crawling man half in and half out of the landspeeder, to suggest his wounds were too much?

Made in au
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

NSW Australia

I like it problem is SM usually have chemicals pumping through there system when wounded to help them get that little further or fight that bit longer.

Its a good idea though i think ill have to crash a Valkyrie or something into my manafactorum and do it using guard models.

Thanks for the idea.

Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !

Check out my Blog "Cities of Death"

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