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Question Sculpting from scaratch  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Which is better 1 staight wir or to wires twisted together?
i've been making mine from 2 twist wires
opinions antip are helpful
[Thumb - P1010079.JPG]
female clay sculpture

[Thumb - P1010084.JPG]
female clay sculpture in dress

[Thumb - P1010085.JPG]
female clay sculpture in dress

[Thumb - P1010082.JPG]
female Angel clay sculpture in dress

Made in gb
Bryan Ansell

Birmingham, UK

IMHO twisted wires seem to work better. It gives the clay something to cling onto, not sliding around as it is worked on.
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

Binghamton, NY

+1 for twisted wire keeping soft clay/putty a bit more stable while sculpting. Just keep it thin enough that the armature doesn't get in the way of your final form (looking at the wire peeking through the arms in your first picture, your only option is to bulk them up, whether you were planning to or not).

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