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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 08:31:59
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Fixture of Dakka
filbert wrote:The model is a meh for me but what i find more irritating is that it is a poster boy for the scale arms race that GW are engaged in. Its annoying because GW seem more concerned with thinking up ways and means to get people to buy large, expensive kits and therefore cooking up ways to get these large, expensive kits on the tabletop. So we end up with rules to squeeze in Knights and Stompers and Wraithknights or what have you, none of which works at 28mm level. So everything else starts getting larger to compensate and the scale bloats further. It is cart before horse; the models are driving the game rules, not the other way round.
I can't exalt this enough. 110% dead on, boss.
As a matter of fact, GW is !#@$ed up to the point where we are using them as an example of !@##$ed.
Point on target- who does this sound like?
Product and Service Planning-
Short Term Focus
Reactionary Management
Management by objective planning process
Measure of Performance-
Bottom line Financial Reports
Quick return on Investment-
Attitude towards customer
Hostile and Careless
Take it or Leave it attitude
...... It continues, but we are using GW as a very good example of modern day business failure.
At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 08:55:31
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Foolproof Falcon Pilot
Livingston, United Kingdom
Azreal13 wrote: Kanluwen wrote:None of those look particularly "scary". They just look like skeletons with funny hats.
Kan, will you just stop it?
I mean, is disagreeing with everything everyone else says all of the time a deliberate thing you do when posting, or just your nature?
Well he isn't wrong. Take away the cool green lighting effects and you basically have a skeleton holding a staff, wearing a hat, and breaking out some sweet dance moves.
New model is silly, though.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 13:46:20
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Battleship Captain
Charles Rampant wrote: Azreal13 wrote: Kanluwen wrote:None of those look particularly "scary". They just look like skeletons with funny hats.
Kan, will you just stop it?
I mean, is disagreeing with everything everyone else says all of the time a deliberate thing you do when posting, or just your nature?
Well he isn't wrong. Take away the cool green lighting effects and you basically have a skeleton holding a staff, wearing a hat, and breaking out some sweet dance moves.
New model is silly, though.
And that second picture looks like he's throwing a big baby tantrum.
"No Nagash, you can't rule the world"
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 13:58:13
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Plaguelord Titan Princeps of Nurgle
So this is still legal, right?
Death Guard 5100 pts.
Daemons 3000 pts.
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 14:16:45
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Confessor Of Sins
It probably won't get you arrested, no.
Cratfworld Alaitoc (Gallery)
Order of the Red Mantle (Gallery)
Grand (little) Army of Chaos, now painting! (Blog) |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 14:19:24
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf
I feel like it's against the laws of decency, but other than that...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 14:20:58
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Sinister Shapeshifter
The Lair of Vengeance....Poole.
Just to point out, this entire release makes me want to listen to:
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 21:00:00
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook
God, the old Nagash model. I mean, everyone remembers the hat, but there are so many other crimes against all that is in scale on that thing that I'd forgotten about. The staff bat. The sausage fingers. The sword seventeen times larger than the scabbard.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 22:25:36
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Dakka Veteran
It's the cheeks I could never get over.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/17 22:28:51
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Innocent SDF-1 Bridge Bunny
Soooo I heard this might come with a campaign book with alternate army lists ala. Storm of Chaos.
If so... yes. Want. <3
If it's just gonna be another fething dataslate thing, though. No. Such a fail.
So many games, so little time.
So many models, even less time.
Screw it, Netflix and chill. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 08:08:27
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces
Graphite wrote:God, the old Nagash model. I mean, everyone remembers the hat, but there are so many other crimes against all that is in scale on that thing that I'd forgotten about. The staff bat. The sausage fingers. The sword seventeen times larger than the scabbard.
Banana pauldrons?
Error 404: Interesting signature not found
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 08:38:58
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Regular Dakkanaut
Call me insane, but i would have rather had an updated (ie not rubbish) version of the old Nagash than the ridicucrap that we ended up with.
Although the execution is laughable i still think Morley's effort is closer to the source material and concept of the almighty Necromancer.
Still i havent seen detailed pics of the new model yet so i am happy to have my preconceptions changed....
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 08:45:19
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
The old one looks horrible but the concept is better, it's just the execution is awful. The new one looks like a toy, like some kids action figure. That's the level GW are at now and while the new one is technically a higher quality of sculpt, it doesn't work at all for me.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 09:06:15
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller
Down Under
May I ask how is the old one better conceptually?
As far as I can see it is a skeleton in a killer bathrobe, holding a sword and a staff and wearing a big hat. We both agree the execution is terrible and it suffers for it.
Is ditching the killer bathrobe and having spirits floating around him instead (as well as seemingly growing massively large) really breaking your suspension of disbelief so much that you believe it to be lesser concept of undead powerhouse?
I ask this as I often see the argument "It looks like a toy" and other than obvious answer of "Well, duh it is a toy for a game of man-dollies" all I can think of that this one seems to have a metric butt-load of detail, cool thematic parts like the floating spirits etc.
Or on the other side, what makes this look more like an action figure as opposed to some other parts of the WFB range?
Glory is fleeting. Obscurity is forever.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 09:15:28
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Where is the image? Seems to have bee removed. :(
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 09:46:03
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/18 09:46:34
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 09:52:47
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Regular Dakkanaut
Couldn't agree more. GW have no idea what subtlety is these days....
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 10:12:57
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller
Down Under
Gotta agree that the first pic is pretty sweet (the right hand is a bit of a miss for me but the rest of it is awesome) looks like some nice conversions of the TK Sphinx.
The second one I can't agree is "better" in my opinion, but that is cool. I am just not a fan of the Chinese Vampire look is all.
The Skeletor comparison is pretty farcical so lets skip that entirely.
The last one is the Lich King from WoW apparently? Small picture but seems to jive with the intention of an undead warlord/sorcerer.
The main differences I am seeing in concept here is that the first two you can't see the legs and they have less bling or general "busy-ness" in the model themselves compared to Nu-Gash or Lich King.
Concept wise I think I like the Lich King one the best, but I can understand why the new Nagash has less armour and more flash due to being the magic man that he is.
Glory is fleeting. Obscurity is forever.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 10:32:35
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
The only thing I dislike about the second conversion is the shoulder pads, it's an odd choice to keep that look.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 10:57:50
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Shas'o Commanding the Hunter Kadre
Howard A Treesong wrote:The old one looks horrible but the concept is better, it's just the execution is awful. The new one looks like a toy, like some kids action figure. That's the level GW are at now and while the new one is technically a higher quality of sculpt, it doesn't work at all for me.
Honestly, I've seen better action figures than some of the model kits GW is putting out lately. I personally feel less childish buying action figures than I do buying a GW kit.
Nagash pic in the OP doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Desubot wrote:Why isnt Slut Wars: The Sexpocalypse a real game dammit.
"It's easier to change the rules than to get good at the game." |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 10:59:24
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 11:09:57
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
In a van down by the river
I'd like better pictures before I decide. By that I mean that even the original seems to be using forced perspective to make Nagash look HUGE (Riptide size+) when it could be he's just "big" and the camera trick is exaggerating it. I might be interested in big but it's doubtful I'd care for huge, especially for WHFB.
Of course, knowing GW they will price this far beyond what I'd pay for the sake of nostalgia, so it'll likely be moot anyway. Time will tell, as always.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 12:11:17
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Dangerous Outrider
I've been trying to get more and more on these leaks and current releases, but it tends to be more difficult than I had thought which makes me think that they are trying their very hardest to keep things under wraps. A big declaration like "the end is nigh" and only a couple photos of one unit, well that's pretty hush hush, seeing that the rumors say it's going to be about 2-3 weeks of Fantasy releases. Automatically Appended Next Post: Hey all! Just got this from my FLGS!
Warhammer Fantasy players! Death is upon you! Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead will be unleashed next Friday (the 29th)! Also coming is a massive WHF Boxed kit named Nemesis Vanguard, as well as Lore of Undeath battle magic cards and a special 2 book set for Nagash with rules and lore!
Here are your ghoulish 25% preorder discounts for this week!
Nagash $78.75
Nemesis Vanguard $161.25
End Times: Nagash $63.75
WBM: Lore of Undeath $5.63
(Prices listed are after discount, tax not included)
These deals are good till Sunday, August 24th, so don't end up haunted for letting them slip away!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/18 20:01:27
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:21:27
Subject: Re:Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Regular Dakkanaut
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/08/19 17:27:17
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:23:38
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Badass "Sister Sin"
Wow! Those are cool.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:23:52
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Nagash, or: holycrapfalloveronceandbreakapart And what's up with that skeleton beard? O_o
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/18 20:24:24
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:25:13
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body
Wow, flying horses made of skulls?
I mean, they do look really cool, especially Arkhan The Black, but, wow.
Some nice tattered wings I'll be grabbing when they filter through to the bits sellers on the Morghasts too.
We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark
The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.
The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox
Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:25:17
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Regular Dakkanaut
My apologies for the sideways pictures... they are unsideways in my phone and on the bucket... hmmm
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:25:50
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Badass "Sister Sin"
stormboy wrote:My apologies for the sideways pictures... they are unsideways in my phone and on the bucket... hmmm
They're unsideways for me as well.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/08/18 20:26:19
Subject: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: The End is 1st post.
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor
Gathering the Informations.
Holy crap. WANT.