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2011/04/24 16:03:24
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
I want to build a large super heavy tank for my imperial guard armoured company, im going to be using one banblade kit and one shadowsword kit. My idea is to put both the kits togather and have one huge tank with a massive cannon preferably a large vulcano cannon so i can count it as i warlord titan vulcano cannon, im also planning to have a large command centre built at the rear of the tank with the cannon sticking out of it. Im picking up my kits on thursday problem is i havent been able to find any decent photos or blogs about other people's similar projects so im looking for insperation! If anyone knows of a good blog or of any good photo's please post them here, otherwise suggestions or advice would be great!!!! Just so you know my apocalypse armoured company currently has: 10 leman russ battle tanks including all variants in the imperial guard codex. 2 basilisks 1 banblade 1 shadowsword 1 banewolf 3 chimaira's 1 valkyrie 3 armoured sentinels and a soon to be converted hydra flak tank.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/06/10 15:12:01
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/04/24 16:10:37
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
The problem with your proposal is that you will either get a very long or a very wide tank that will look wrong.
What you ideally want to do is split the original tank and insert panels to widen and lengthen the vehicle.
Check out the Thor superheavy in this thread.
I have made something similar using 2 land raiders bolted together with the rear sections cut off, extra midsection pieces inserted, and then the rear sections put back into place.
If you did something similar for the 2 baneblade kits, I think it would look awesome.
2011/04/24 16:15:37
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
Photo of a kit bash super heavy tank on dakka. 10/10 fantastic looking model !!! Not my pic, the owner is "shaft" he has many amazing conversions and scratch build projects in the modeling and painting forum check it out ! Thanks "SilverMK2" for posting the link. Automatically Appended Next Post: Thanks for the advice and the link.
Thats my main problem at the moment i really want a huge tank but lack of good inperation and photo's has left me with nothing more than an idea and spare cash.
Good point with the tank being to long or wide i was thinking the same thing, "Thor" has completly changed my idea, now if only my tank could look half as good.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/04/24 16:22:38
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/04/24 19:03:26
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Osprey Reader
Poland, Masovian Voivodeship, Otwock
Damn, that is a small town on two legs, almost! I suspect you'd need to stock up on plasticard if you want to top that thing. Also, the turret and upper hull is transplanted from a 1:35 British Challenger II, probably made by Trumpeter, since it's about three time as cheap as its direct competitor from Tamiya.
As for inspiration, perhaps you should look up some German and Soviet experimental designs from World War II? There are pretty nice drawings of Ratte giant tank floating all over the Internet, done for "My Tank is Fight" book. The thing was supposed to be a monster, with a pair of 28 cm naval guns used on battleships, and a plethora of smaller weapons. You could go to town on autocannons for air defense. Also, if you are not familiar with "Legacy of the Aldenata" books by John Ringo, I'd suggest you find a copy of "Hell's Faire" for a real good description of a realistic superheavy vehicle - main gun taken off an Iowa class battleship, and a ton of Metal Storm grenade launcher turrets.
"It's twenty six kilometers to Warsaw, I've got a box full of putty, half a cup of tools, it's dark, and I'm wearing a head magnifier. Hit it."
My blog: |
2011/05/26 15:28:32
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
My super heavy tank so far....
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/05/26 15:30:19
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
That is mildly insane
2011/05/26 15:47:21
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
Heres a few pieces i picked up from "Sciborminitures" ill be using them 2 create the command centre on the rear of the tank also the large area across the hull with be supporting the warlord titan vulcano cannon for those who were wondering why it was so void of weapons or detail
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/06/12 15:07:32
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/05/26 18:24:52
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Eh, I've seen bigger
Great work so far, looking forward to seeing the progress.
ChrisWWII wrote:
My reaction to this thread is still 'Why, Flying Spaghetti Monster, why?"
asimo77 wrote
Then we're all going down in a blaze of glory and ork milk
Sir Pseudonymous wrote
A pasty, barrel shaped, acid-drooling, balding mutant wearing the jumpsuit version of an Abrams. |
2011/05/26 18:40:27
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
machinator has a ton of superheavy tank parts too including turret adaptors for baneblades (you can check my blog too)
Godforge custom 3d printing / professional level casting masters and design: |
2011/05/26 19:32:28
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot
2011/06/10 11:06:30
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
The tank so far, i still need to finish the comand centre and build the cannon properly then put it in place.
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/06/10 20:46:21
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator
The roof of the command center looks too flat. Literally.
MrDwhitey wrote:My 40k group drove a tank through an Orphanage. I felt it was a charitable cause.
purplefood wrote:I saw a tree eat a man once... after it cooked him with lightning... damn man eating lightning trees... |
2011/06/11 15:19:42
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
Its not finished yet still a work in progress im building another command centre on top of the current level the second one will be smaller, then the rest of the deck will get railings from the cities of death kit.
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/06/12 14:34:09
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
2011/06/12 14:54:45
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Monstrously Massive Big Mutant
I think you should try and use some plasticard to join the two tanks together rather than just sticking them together, this would allow you to join the tracks together. At the moment it looks like 2 tanks rammed together. Apart from that it looks great. The command centre looks great. If your worried about it looking flat you could add another level. A lot of people add some of GW's city terrain to make it look like a cathedral, that always looks good.
2011/06/12 14:57:07
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Some excellent work here so far! I'm quite interested to see some more full model shots! I only wish I could offer more insparation.
What do you plan on using for the Volcano Cannon?
2011/06/12 15:05:32
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
Only a quick update for now.
Just a few photos to show scale, and that brass pipe is going to be the valcano cannon, at the moment its just placed on the tank i still need to build it properly and finish the weapon mount section, it wont by lying flat on the hull it will be proped up and finished ' work in progress' for now.
Sorry about the tyranids in the back ground.
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/06/12 15:19:00
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Lord of the Fleet
That is one massive tank. Now all we need is a kitchen sink on it!
2011/06/12 17:21:11
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine
looks nothing short of amazing! ofcourse you need the detail work done and it still needs a lot of work before its finished, but everybody can see that this is gonna be an amazing project!
2011/06/29 12:24:45
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp
"Bloody hell I didnt realise it was THAT big" . Thats what she said
I like it a lot mate , are you gonna leave the volcano cannon housing squared like a building atop it. or do you have more plans for that ?
2011/06/29 12:43:08
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
I'm going to be building a smaller command centre on the top of the tank probably taking up the top left 4 corners of the current command centre then a railing going around the rest of the area, ill most likely be using parts from a "Cities of Death" manafactorium kit and a few of those smaller reaper parts from "Scibor miniatures"
As for the turret im not sure what im doing with it any suggestions ????
Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward whoever cannot live without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant if i live i will kill you if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honour !
Check out my Blog "Cities of Death" |
2011/06/29 14:12:33
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Regular Dakkanaut
it reminds me to another project here, The Ordinatus!
whit some patient work, you can do an amazing big tank!
2015/01/29 16:02:12
Subject: Building a huge super heavy tank!
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!
You know what they say kids, drive it like its a rental.
2015/01/29 16:26:17
Subject: Re:Building a huge super heavy tank!
Death-Dealing Devastator
[/img] Automatically Appended Next Post: I like the idea. I made this Leviathan on a Baneblade chassis to lead my Brigade. Check my gallery for more pics.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/29 16:28:03