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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/02 05:15:48
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012: Results with W/L/D records up, wrap-up Podcast pg 1
Awesome Autarch
Wrap-up Podcast:
40k Singles Championships Tickets:
40K Narrative Event Tickets:
40K Team Tournament Tickets:
Warmachine Friday Tickets:
Warmachine Saturday Tickets:
Warmachine Sunday Tickets:
Warmachine Friday/Saturday/Sunday Pass:
Warmachine Saturday/Sunday Pass:
Firestorm Armada Tickets:
Warhammer Fantasy Championships Ticekts:
Malifaux Championships Tickets:
Flames of War Championships Tickets:
40K Championships:
40K Team Tournament:
40K Narrative Event:
Warmachine Hordes:
Firestorm Armada:
Warhammer Fantasy:
Flames of War Championships Rules:
Malifaux Championships Information:
Follow the links above for the associated info. We're working on the rules and details for the other events as we speak, and should have it all up and ready next week.
We are super excited for the BAO 2012 this year! This is the event that made it all happen for us, and we want to make this year the biggest, best event in the Western United States.
We anticipate this event selling out, so be sure to grab your tickets once they go up for sale, which should be in the next few days.
And, as for prize support, it will be very generous, but the grand prize for the 40K Championships:
First Place 40K Champion: A PAINTED 1750 army of the winner's choice!
That's right, a PAINTED army by Frontline Gaming's paint service!
Best of Army Prize!
This is a great idea introduced to us by Kasil, one of our blog readers. This is a prize given to the person who performs best with their army. So, the best Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolf, Space Marine, Black Templar, Tau, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines, Grey Knights, Chaos Daemons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons and Tyranid player will receive a prize and the knowledge that they were the best player of that army at the Bay Area Open!
Prize: A trophy proclaiming their accomplishment and a Battleforce of their choice!
If this player wins another prize, they will still get the trophy, but will receive the larger prize of the two they win, not both.
First Place for the Team Tournament:
Two complete "Table in a Box" tables of terrain of their choice!
That's right, two complete tables of terrain, painted up for them! Click here for more info on this:
(This can be exchanged for an equal dollar amount ( $400) of prize support in GW product!!)
Warmahordes Prize Support for EVERY Day of the Event!
Trophies for placing!
First Place: $200 in Privateer Press product of your choice! One model of your choice in your prize support painted by Golden Daemon winning painter, Tyson Koch!
Second Place: $100 in Privateer Press product of your choice!
Third Place: $75 in Privateer Press product of your choice!
Best Painted: $50 in Privateer Press product of your choice!
Fastest Caster Kill: $35 in Privateer Press product of your choice!
Wooden Spoon (worst record): $30 in Privateer Press product of your choice!
Door Prizes!
More information to follow!
Tickets will be up for sale next week.
And if you guys see any loop holes in the rules, etc. please let me know! Thanks.
This message was edited 34 times. Last update was at 2012/03/09 23:34:56
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/04 06:09:16
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (40K Championships, Team Tournament and Firestorm Armada rules up)
Awesome Autarch
Rules updated in first post.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/05 22:35:52
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (40K Championships, Team Tournament and Firestorm Armada rules up)
Awesome Autarch
Warmachine info up.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/07 19:51:21
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential
sign ups will be posted by the end of the week.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/07 21:20:51
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Sinewy Scourge
Looking forward to attending this again. Me and the crew will be there. I got to talk Paul into bringing his IG instead of Tau this time lol.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/07 23:42:41
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Hückleberry wrote:Looking forward to attending this again. Me and the crew will be there. I got to talk Paul into bringing his IG instead of Tau this time lol. Poor Tau, I enjoyed the one (?) Tau army that was at BAO last year. It was really well done. Reece, do you foresee this selling out quickly? I need to convince my wife to make the trip again and that may take a little while!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/07 23:43:10
Las Vegas Open Head Judge
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings or pride, but your credentials matter. Even on the internet.
"If you do not have the knowledge, you do not have the right to the opinion." -Plato
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/08 00:51:16
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Awesome Autarch
With the new missions this year, I think Tau will do just fine, actually!
We think it will, but honestly, no way to tell. I would start working on the convincing sooner than later!
Hope you can make it!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/08 16:21:51
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Sinewy Scourge
@Reecius Yeah after reading the new missions I'd have to agree. Makes my DE have a chance against 8 KP armies lol.
@OverwatchCNC My buddy Paul's Tau were at the top tables for awhile till he ran into Blackmoors Greyknights.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/08 17:53:05
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Regular Dakkanaut
What about Fantasy? Let's get a fully painted army for Fantasy going too!
Team USA ETC Dark Elves 2010, 2011
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/08 18:19:10
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Hückleberry wrote:
@OverwatchCNC My buddy Paul's Tau were at the top tables for awhile till he ran into Blackmoors Greyknights.
Ya, that'll do it.
Las Vegas Open Head Judge
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings or pride, but your credentials matter. Even on the internet.
"If you do not have the knowledge, you do not have the right to the opinion." -Plato
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/08 19:56:26
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Fixture of Dakka
Hey Reece - the painting rubric has vanished from BoK's site; do you have it mirrored somewhere?
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/09 14:10:54
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
OverwatchCNC wrote:Hückleberry wrote:Looking forward to attending this again. Me and the crew will be there. I got to talk Paul into bringing his IG instead of Tau this time lol.
Poor Tau, I enjoyed the one (?) Tau army that was at BAO last year. It was really well done. Reece, do you foresee this selling out quickly? I need to convince my wife to make the trip again and that may take a little while!
Well, perhaps I will commit to bringing the Tau heat.
I don't see how these missions really give them any fighting chance though. If anything there are even MORE objectives than normal for them to contest/capture which is always the most difficult thing.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/09 16:34:18
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Waaagh! Warbiker
Painted!? Does Frontline have a photo Gallery of their "Skillz"? Maybe some résumés of the painters and their training? Automatically Appended Next Post: Is the SouthWest invitational tournament not happening?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/09 16:36:10
Warboss of Team TableWar Team Zero Comp RankingsHQ Rank
12,000+ Evil Sunz ... and a whole lotta WAAAGH!!! 4,000+ Space Marines 3,500+ Chaos Space Marines 3,000+ Imperial Guard
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/09 17:06:28
Subject: Re:Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Hacking Interventor
Hoping to be able to make it, had a GREAT time last year and would definitely recommend it.
Damnant quod non intelegunt
"Sometimes at the most basic level, to be alive you must stop other people being alive. This is what we do. We are extremely good at it"
"It takes a vast amount of self control to be this dangerous."
-from Prospero Burns
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/09 18:41:16
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
I am saying now that I will be there! I need to get some tourney practice with my Deathwing before Adepticon and I heard great things about BAO from Christian and Stave Stiff.
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look on My works, Ye Mighty, and despair.
Chris Gohlinghorst wrote:Holy Space Marine on a Stick.
This conversation has even begun to boggle my internet-hardened mind.
A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/09 19:04:43
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Will the new "Warhammer 40,000" units from Apoc 2 be allowed at BAO? Obviously not the Apocalypse units but the "regular" ones?
Las Vegas Open Head Judge
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings or pride, but your credentials matter. Even on the internet.
"If you do not have the knowledge, you do not have the right to the opinion." -Plato
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/10 04:15:34
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
OverwatchCNC wrote:Will the new "Warhammer 40,000" units from Apoc 2 be allowed at BAO? Obviously not the Apocalypse units but the "regular" ones?
It doesn't seem to be posted, but I can tell you already that Reece and the crew don't allow these rules in their events.
But yeah, they really should list exactly what codexes/rules are allowed!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/10 17:39:16
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential
yakface wrote:OverwatchCNC wrote:Will the new "Warhammer 40,000" units from Apoc 2 be allowed at BAO? Obviously not the Apocalypse units but the "regular" ones?
It doesn't seem to be posted, but I can tell you already that Reece and the crew don't allow these rules in their events.
But yeah, they really should list exactly what codexes/rules are allowed!
Yes, the legal Apoc. 2 units will be allowed. We'll make sure to make that clear for everyone else. Thanks for bringing that up. Automatically Appended Next Post: Dugg wrote:Painted!? Does Frontline have a photo Gallery of their "Skillz"? Maybe some résumés of the painters and their training?
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Is the SouthWest invitational tournament not happening?
answer your email haha. We're trying to buy stuff from you. You know, give you money
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/10 17:40:17
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/10 20:21:50
Subject: Re:Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Battlefield Professional
The listing on the website says that the Saturday event for Warmachine is 50 points, but uses Casual 35 point time limits.
So... the 50 point tournament uses the round time limits of a casual 35-point tournament, which is... the round time limit of a 50 point tournament?
In all seriousness, why are you using casual time limits for any of the events? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have what amounts to an eternity to conduct my turn, but that only widens the gap between players who are experienced with timed turns and those who are not.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/10 23:13:21
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
italiaplaya wrote:
Yes, the legal Apoc. 2 units will be allowed. We'll make sure to make that clear for everyone else. Thanks for bringing that up.
 Color me shocked (and impressed)!
But just from IA Apoc 2? Why is that? Why can't the 40K units from other IA books be used?
I desperately would love to bring Tetras with my Tau. In fact, if I can play with my Tetras, I will totally commit to rocking up with some Tau.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 00:59:22
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Getting my broom incase there is shenanigans.
italiaplaya wrote:
Yes, the legal Apoc. 2 units will be allowed. We'll make sure to make that clear for everyone else. Thanks for bringing that up.
Well that is good to hear!
Now I do not have to bother spending the money to travel to the Bay Area and I can just stay at home.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 01:07:23
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Terminator with Assault Cannon
italiaplaya wrote:Yes, the legal Apoc. 2 units will be allowed. We'll make sure to make that clear for everyone else. Thanks for bringing that up.
Welp, I'm out.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 03:06:42
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Sinewy Scourge
Anything in the Apoc 2 book that is game changing?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 03:48:17
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Getting my broom incase there is shenanigans.
Hückleberry wrote:Anything in the Apoc 2 book that is game changing?
I have no idea.
That is the point, because I have not idea what is in the book.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 04:38:16
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Terminator with Assault Cannon
Hückleberry wrote:Anything in the Apoc 2 book that is game changing?
Unfortunately so. Lucius pattern Dreadnought drop pods (drop pod with no storm bolter but Assault Vehicle, only carries Dreadnoughts), Deathstorm drop pods (heavy support Drop Pod that fires d3 Whirlwind missiles against every unit within 12" when it lands and can be upgraded to fire d3 assault cannon volleys at every unit instead), and Hades Breaching Drills are all legal in this book.
Perhaps even worse, IG can take stationary Manticore platforms for 100 points each, and can take 1-3 of those per slot. Further, these have 7" templates with Strength 9 AP 2 (and can upgrade to standard missiles as per Codex).
All game balance issues aside, allowing FW special units IMO starts us down a dangerous path where more and more special materials are needed for players to know what forces are out there. Further, a lot of this stuff is really expensive in terms of money-- the Lucius-pattern Drop Pods in particular-- and it opens the door to IMO justifiable questions as to whether people are "buying an advantage."
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 06:16:56
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Sinewy Scourge
Fetterkey wrote:Hückleberry wrote:Anything in the Apoc 2 book that is game changing?
Unfortunately so. Lucius pattern Dreadnought drop pods (drop pod with no storm bolter but Assault Vehicle, only carries Dreadnoughts), Deathstorm drop pods (heavy support Drop Pod that fires d3 Whirlwind missiles against every unit within 12" when it lands and can be upgraded to fire d3 assault cannon volleys at every unit instead), and Hades Breaching Drills are all legal in this book.
Perhaps even worse, IG can take stationary Manticore platforms for 100 points each, and can take 1-3 of those per slot. Further, these have 7" templates with Strength 9 AP 2 (and can upgrade to standard missiles as per Codex).
All game balance issues aside, allowing FW special units IMO starts us down a dangerous path where more and more special materials are needed for players to know what forces are out there. Further, a lot of this stuff is really expensive in terms of money-- the Lucius-pattern Drop Pods in particular-- and it opens the door to IMO justifiable questions as to whether people are "buying an advantage."
Wow. I wouldn't even unpack my army if the guy across from me had the 9 manticore platforms.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 06:29:38
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Fresh-Faced New User
Hey everyone, sorry for the delayed response, been crazy busy.
Fantasy rules are going up tonight, won't be fully done (we are implementing a very simple comp system for Fantasy by popular request) but the main idea will be there.
We're making a new Rubric this year. I'll have it up shortly, sorry for the broken link.
I'll check with the Warmachine TO to see if that is a typo. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Well, we can't make the missions perfect for everyone, but we are trying to balance them out as much as possible.
And as Will said, we will be allowing units from imperial Armor Apocalypse Second Edition. Let me clarify what that means as some of what people are saying here is not accurate.
We are only allowing this one book because the units therein have been marked as cleared for normal 40K use. The others have not (unfortunately, would have loved to see tetras and Hazard suits).
We'll be very sorry to miss you this year if you don't make it buddy, but honestly, not much to fear in the IA book that we are specifically talking about.
The book adds units to armies that mostly needed the help. There is nothing in there that is game breaking.
You must be talking about a different book(s). The Hades Breaching drill is not in this one. The Manticore platform is not in it, The Deathstorm is not in it either. The Lucius is, but it is nerfed quite a bit (higher cost, fast attack slot, chance the unit coming out of it immobilizes itself). I think you are talking about something different. I have played against the Lucious several times, it honestly isn't as good as people think it will be. It is good, but hardly game breaking. There are many ways to play around it.
Imperial Armor Apocalypse Second Edition is the newest 40K supplement. In it, there are specific units that are marked as Warhammer 40,00 approved. We are ONLY talking about this book, not any of the other IA books.
Before anyone goes too crazy and jumps to conclusions, let me say that the entire Frontling Gaming crew (all avid tournament goers/competitive gamers) believes these will IMPROVE the game as almost to a unit, they are appropriately costed (far more so than many codex units), with good rules and mostly boost armies that were lagging behind.
For example, IG got 3 units, 1 of which you will NEVER see in competitive play, the other 2 compete with Vendettas for space and are cool, but not very powerful. IG effectively got nothing that grants an advantage. Neither did Grey Knights. Space Wolves did, but the units in their Codex are better than damn near anything in the IA book.
Eldar got a lot of very good stuff. Good. They needed it. Tyrnaids got some good units as well. Bravo, I would like to see more bug armies at our event.
Orks also got some good units, but again, the standard Battlewagon list that is dominant won't change. The units they already have are better than what they gain access to.
Space Marines got some good stuff, and great, they were lagging behind as well.
My point being, we value game balance and we think this book IMPROVES it, not the opposite, and I feel very confident in saying that our opinions on the matter are solid.
We are requiring that the player have the models, no substitutions.
And as for buying an advantage? Sure, you can look at it that way, but you can make the same argument for someone buying a mechanized army. That is subjective.
Players will be required to have the rules for the unit they are using.
Quite frankly, we don't see this impacting the tournament meta very much. We anticipate seeing a few units here and there. I will bet money, right now, that the army that wins, will be the same type of army we see winning at most events. I hope to be wrong as variety is the spice of life! But, I think a good player, with a list he knows out of the codexes, will come out on top.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 06:30:40
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Awesome Autarch
Sorry, that last post was from me, Luis was logged into the work computer.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hückleberry wrote:Fetterkey wrote:Hückleberry wrote:Anything in the Apoc 2 book that is game changing?
Unfortunately so. Lucius pattern Dreadnought drop pods (drop pod with no storm bolter but Assault Vehicle, only carries Dreadnoughts), Deathstorm drop pods (heavy support Drop Pod that fires d3 Whirlwind missiles against every unit within 12" when it lands and can be upgraded to fire d3 assault cannon volleys at every unit instead), and Hades Breaching Drills are all legal in this book.
Perhaps even worse, IG can take stationary Manticore platforms for 100 points each, and can take 1-3 of those per slot. Further, these have 7" templates with Strength 9 AP 2 (and can upgrade to standard missiles as per Codex).
All game balance issues aside, allowing FW special units IMO starts us down a dangerous path where more and more special materials are needed for players to know what forces are out there. Further, a lot of this stuff is really expensive in terms of money-- the Lucius-pattern Drop Pods in particular-- and it opens the door to IMO justifiable questions as to whether people are "buying an advantage."
Wow. I wouldn't even unpack my army if the guy across from me had the 9 manticore platforms.
Hahaha, there won't be!
This is different than Imperial Armor Apocalypse FIRST edition. VERY< VERY DIFFERENT
Research the book before jumping to conclusions. It is very well put together.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2011/12/11 07:34:02
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 06:36:23
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Sinewy Scourge
I will check it out Reece. Are XV-9s in there?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/12/11 07:03:13
Subject: Bay Area Open 2012 (Warmachine / Hordes Rules Up)
Awesome Autarch
Here is a complete list of units in the book:
Tauros (Scout buggie)
Venator (big scout buggie)
Valkyrie Sky Talon (carries buggies and sentinels)
Aquila Lander
Arvus Lighter (No weapons! haha)
Space Marines (note, a lot of this is Codex Marines/Dark Angels ONLY)
Contemptor Dreads (Very expensive, fleeting av13 dreads with improved guns. Psyfilmen are better at shooting and cheaper, Ironclads are about as good in combat and cheaper)
Conemptor mortis (very expensive shooting dread, psyfilmen is better, predators put out same/close firepower for less points) in action here:
Seige Dread (normal dread with flamestorm cannon)
Achiles Land Raider (not as good as it was. 325 points, holds 6 models, no assault ramps, -1 on the damage chart for penetrating hits only.)
Caestus assault ram (275 pt, flying av13 transport, pretty damn good unit, but very expensive and dies like a Predator)
Lucius Dread Drop Pod (65pts, fast attack slot, dread can assault out of it but 1/6 chance to immobilize. No deathwind upgrades)
Squigoth (cheap monstrous creature that carries orks, Necron Spider is better, Battlewagon is better)
Warkopta (fast, open topped av10 ork skimmer, and it's a big model. Again, cool, but battlewagon is better)
Kustom Meka dread (expensive ork dread with KFF)
Lifta Wagon (Expensive ork tank with gun that can blow itself up. Probably won't see it.)
Grot Tank Mob (awesome unit, not ultra competitive, little tanks with a single gun.)
Grot Mega-Tank (Bigger grot tank, av12, not that awesome)
Grot Bomb Launcha (twin linked, single shot battle cannon)
Wraithseer ( HQ, psyker wriathlord. Really helps a Footdar list...and we all know how OP Footdar are! haha)
Fire Storm (Falcon chasis with twinlinked 6 shot str6 gun)
Hornet Squadron (very good, fast skimmer, like more expensive war walkers)
Warp Hunter (falcon chasis powerful, short ranged weapon, like wraith guard but bigger)
Malathrope (fleeting, synapse, MC HQ brood, pretty good)
Meiotic Spore (floating bomb, nothing special)
Stone Crusher Carni (over priced 2+ sv carnie)
Piranha TX-42 (fast, open topped skimmer with melta weapon)
DX-6 Remora drone (big drone, fast skimmer, seeker missiles, burst cannon)
Battlesuit Commander R-Alai (cool character with some special guns)
Tomb Stalker (good assault monster, scarabs are better)
Dark Eldar
Reaper (Big haywire cannon skimmer, Ravager is better)
Tantalus (Giant skimmer, lots of str 5, ap2 shots. Ravager is better)
Raven (good flyer with twin dark lance and lots of poisoned shots)
Chaos Contemptor (very expensive, fleeting, av13 dread. Cool unit, but costs a boat load, Oblits are a better buy)
Giant Spawn spined beast (decent assault monster)
Hell Blade (fast skimmer with a reaper auto cannon)
Dreadclaw (drop pod that can move again after landing at the same speed and type as a devilfish)
That's it. Nothing too crazy.
And, we aren't married to this idea. We are building an event we want people to enjoy. We think these units make it MORE enjoyable, not less.
If the majority of people out there are truly opposed to it, we'll change it, but after a lot of deliberation we felt it would be better to include them.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/12/11 07:39:39