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2012/03/23 20:44:15
Subject: The Papa-Nid Project: WIP Tyrannocyte Giving Birth. [06.02.15]
Hello one and all, I am back from a serious hiatus of considerable time...
The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, I passed my Regeneration rolls
So onto the grand plan:
I currently have two whfb armies on the go, one has been going a tad longer than the other, info to be found in their spoilers.
These are my first full fantasy army, for which I have a lot of love for them. They are the Slavetaker tribe, It's slaughter-tyrant a ruthless bugger,
cursed by a daemon during a binding ritual in a Dawi Zhar stronghold, and now is half ogre, half stone, and imbued with traces of daemonhood.
There isnt much painted or touched on these guys in quite some time tbh, as I'd either been sidetracked by 40k or on a hobby break. Hoping to
rectify that soon though!!!
Undead Legions:
Having taken me probably over a decade to decide on my second whfb army, the coming of the End Times helped me decide once and for all.
I'd always loved Vampire Counts, but when their army book stopped allowing the bloodlines, I lost a bit of interest for them. Then with the Tomb
Kings return, I became more interested again, but never fully in either army. The End Times: Nagash book amalgamated all I loved of both books
into a single amazing army, and now I'm hooked well and truly.
Gotta love a skellybob afterall! (blame Harryhausen)
I've always loved Nagash's story, along with that of Arkhan the Black's and Krell, whose loyalty to him have always been unwavering. With that, my
list has become based upon that relationship within the fluff. I've also keyed my list towards the sections of the End Times: Nagash story that I loved most.
None is currently painted, mainly as I've been focusing on collecting enough of a force to do the list justice, but again, hope to change that soon.
WARHAMMER: 40,000:
As for 40k, I have expanded... a lot...
These guys are a labor of love... since roughly 2nd ed I've loved these guys, during the heady era of red, and the bucktoothed tyranid warriors
(might by why I dated my ex lol). I started this army during 5th ed and haven't looked back. I know what your all saying, "why on earth did I start them
in 5th?", well it was on purpose tbh, as I knew the list was gak. But we got some of the coolest mini's I'd seen in a while, and so it began...
The fluff for my Hive Fleet is one of them pursuing Biomass from a Imperial Ordos Xenos planet, which catalogues and stocks samples of Xenos
genetic data from all over the cosmos. Set during the time of Leviathan, my fleet has specialised its genetic talents towards a shared vision through
blindness, being able to see the battlefield as one entity by using a highly developed hive sense, the fleet also specifically camouflages its creations
for each prey world, gaining the data from vanguard organisms ahead of planetfall.
The following is also a link to a long forgotten short story about my hive fleet.
Firstly I'll point out that I only see the Eldar race as a whole, not its constituent parts, as such, what follows is the plans for my beloved Eldar.
I've loved eldar since I first saw a gw miniature, which as it happens was an eldar model! Its taken me some time to getting around to starting them,
but during my hiatus I did just that, and have acquired a sizeable collection as well. It's a craftworld of my own design and making, called Yggdrannithar.
They were one of the last to leave the core systems during the Fall, and bore a sizeable portion of the backlash of she who thirsts birth. This
wiped out nearly all of their aspect warrior hosts, and as they were reeling from this, further more of their number fled into the void as the remaining
members succumbed to a torpor like plague, which forced the host into being trapped in their own bodies with no chance of escape other than the
infinity circuits of the craftworld. If matters weren't bad enough, the vast ship spiralled out to the very edges of the galaxy uncontrolled. Now, with their
ship moored forever on the edge of the universal void, they have recovered enough to wage war on the galaxy which almost forgot them. They
descend on worlds wreathed in shadow and mist, the dead reborn in Wraithbone constructs, while their living kin play on the natural fear of all races.
My dark eldar are much the same, being the wych cult of strife, they strike from the webway on unsuspecting worlds to hone their deadly skills, lead
by their mistress, Lelith Hesperax. A chance encounter between Yggdrannithar and the Cult of Strife has led them to fight along side one another on
many an occasion. Neither the Triumverate council of Yggdrannithar or Lelith see that the differences of their divergent lines should split their race
any longer, it has been over 10,000 years after all. Together the council and Lelith see the galaxy needs reminding of its place in the grand scheme
of things.
As for the rest of my armies, Necrons, Iron Warriors, Protectorate of Calliope etc. Well they are all on deep sleep and pretty much retired for now.
Sorry... Like James Bond, they will return however
Jan 2015:
This message was edited 103 times. Last update was at 2015/02/07 21:07:04
Thinking you muchly... Just awaiting (impatiently) my Tervigon order... Only bought the one so far as I'm trying to not buy too much and over face myself, as for once, I actually want a fully painted army
ok... i have to say...i one wanted to start a nid army too...but than the prospect of the limited possibilities individual minis put me off... but reading your fluff... the oncoming raid of the xenolab... i think there is a huge potential to have lots of different looking minis...
hopefully you are receiving your mini soon...
and you have no other minis for now? well i call that restrained...which i am not able to hat is off to you sir!^^
Viktor von Domm wrote:ok... i have to say...i one wanted to start a nid army too...but than the prospect of the limited possibilities individual minis put me off... but reading your fluff... the oncoming raid of the xenolab... i think there is a huge potential to have lots of different looking minis...
hopefully you are receiving your mini soon...
and you have no other minis for now? well i call that restrained...which i am not able to hat is off to you sir!^^
It isn't restrained Vik when you have no money and have to limit your purchases otherwise you'll starve...
Wayland are out of stock so I'm waiting for them to get their collective @$$ in order and send me the damnedable thing :facepalm
I'm still attempting to figure out what I'm actually going to do for conversions, I usually go subtle with stuff like this.
You say you go subtle with conversions. What kind of conversions would you want in your swarm, is there a running theme you want to impart or would it just be conversions for the sake of fun.
High toxicity is the main theme. which is why the colour scheme is going to be natural but sickly greens.
I like my armies to be set apart from everyone else's, so I do a lot of conversions within then, usually on the big models. and especially on the characters.
Perhaps you could do green poison slime with some water effects with green ink in it. Also the acid maw heads for the Carnifex and Genestealers would be good ones to use. Save up all the Genestealer acid heads and put them in one brood.
You could also do some toxic stuff on their bases, toxic waste warning, barrels etc. Snake fangs and stings on the Tyranids themselves will help to imply they are poisonous. You could try a cobra-like hood on a Hive Tyrant, a rattlesnake's tail may help too.
I don't like to over complicate things either, most conversions I do, to me at least, are relatively simple. For the armies shrikes and Flyrant, I'm having their tails as LW's as well as Scytal-BS hybrid weapons. because I'm considering having ravener's as the basis of the Shrikes, that way I can have the devourers mounted in the chest cavity, and still be able to have flexibility of taking scytals and LW&BS or Scytals and Devourer combi.
The flyrant will have a similar idea, but without a Devourer cavity in his chest.
The Mawloc is planned to be converted to match the corresponding image in the Codex.
The Trygons will be varied so they don't match.
Termagants and Gargoyles will be basic.
Everything in the army willl have TS's even if they aren't paid for, to represent their toxicity.
That sounds good. I have been in the process of converting Raveners into Shrikes and they look good. One thing I think you should change is using Shrikes with devourers. Termagants can carry that weapon for a tiny fraction of the price and Shrikes are very pricey. Put the Shrikes speed to the best use by giving them boneswords and or lashwhips.
Leech wrote:That sounds good. I have been in the process of converting Raveners into Shrikes and they look good. One thing I think you should change is using Shrikes with devourers. Termagants can carry that weapon for a tiny fraction of the price and Shrikes are very pricey. Put the Shrikes speed to the best use by giving them boneswords and or lashwhips.
I'm not having Deilgants as it just doesnt feel right in my list, its all about termi-spamming for the nature of this army.
As you know the Raveners come with a chest piece for the devourer, so i'll be modeling it with them. but most likely I'll set them up with with LW & BS as standard run, but as I said above, they will be modelled to be flexible.
It isn't restrained Vik when you have no money and have to limit your purchases otherwise you'll starve...
been there, done that...and saved for extra money with empty bottles to get me something to eat^^ now with family of course i have way more control over myself..
Hell, I've been doing this hobby since '93, I don't owe GW anything after the money I've pumped into them. So now I show with Waylandgames. 20% off isn't to be sniffed at
ohoh... hopefully the nid doesn´t get lost inbetween flathopping
and who´s owning GW anything^^ i only use lots of their stuff because i think it is quite handy for my own needs... but i never stepped into a shop of theirs and came with more than a pot of paint from them... the rest i own is all ebay... i had a quite succesfull run last year on lots of stuff... hunting for bitzboxes still is a hobby of mine^^
oh...that is not that hard... i have done so before... nid terrain... dne with a hot glue gun... quite easy... or for that matter i have used air dry clay and shaped these:
Lol understandable, My plan is spore chimneys of vast proportions as well as buildings being (re)claimed by tendrils a la "Red-Weed" (war of the worlds)