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WarPaint on Google Play NOW! (iOS coming soon)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine


- Free
- Successor to "Paint Converter"
- Unique color preview for every color so you can gauge for yourself if the colors match well enough to meet your specification
- Automatically detects paint type-- it won't try to match a new Citadel "Drybrush" color with a "Layer" type paint
- Always tries to find the closest color, although I'm constantly updating the database with more appropriate colors.
- Alphabetical sorting OR sorting via model number

The WarPaint upgrade key app

- Essentially a donate key if you like the app
- Unlocks quantity tracking for your own personal paint stock
- Does not include any trademark sensitive data-- all paint data is included in the free version
- WarPaint automatically senses if the key is present and updates your UI accordingly!

(Edit: WarEdit has been removed from my post, I'll be giving it its own thread soon when it's further along).

This message was edited 26 times. Last update was at 2012/06/16 22:45:26

Made in au
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

Down Under

The paint is useful, but the second one....

Love it, need it!

Glory is fleeting. Obscurity is forever.

Made in us
Mechanized Halqa

Pacific Northwest

WarEdit+ sounds like a very creative take on list building and I am 100% for it. I caution you to be very careful how you craft the UI for this app.

As for WarPaint, let us know when it hits the app stores! I for one will definitely buy the pro or plus version if the free version is well designed.
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

Yeah, I'm trying really hard to make it an intuitive and fun user experience-- while retaining features that'd set it above the rest. It's not easy, but I'm confident I'll arrive at something that people will like!
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

What about the Kindle Fire?
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

You need Vallejo game color in here too, quite popular... Good job on the app though!

Made in us
Bounding Dark Angels Assault Marine

South East USA

P3 would be very nice to have too

Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

MajorTom11 wrote:You need Vallejo game color in here too, quite popular... Good job on the app though!

Hm? It's included the regular WarPaint app =)

What about the Kindle Fire?

Not sure. As far as I know, it uses some form of Android which means that anything is possible! Since the Blackberry OS can run the android java VM now, I may even release a version on their app store as well. Eventually.

P3 would be very nice to have too

Reaper and P3 are in WarPaint+. Not sure what VMA is xD
Made in us
Lord of the Fleet


Seems a pretty neat idea, especially with the new citadel range

I think people are getting confused about the types of paint covered since the image you posted doesnt include the other brands

Hmm I do not know how many people use it but I think having Army Painter on there would be a nice touch too

Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

kenshin620 wrote:
I think people are getting confused about the types of paint covered since the image you posted doesnt include the other brands

I've edited my original post a bit to be less verbose, hopefully it's easier for people to tell which app has what now xD
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I remember you posting about this before, cool to see it close to release!

If I had a smart phone (hopefully will get out of the stone age at some point soon) I'd totally pay 99 cents... and the free version comparing old citadel / new citadel / vallejo is great
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

Thanks RiTides! Yeah I haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and work on it until recently. And I hope you are able to get a smartphone sometime soon too =D

Also, I've updated the original post with more up-to-date screen shots of WarPaint and WarPaint+.

I took WarEdit's SS down because it was pretty old and I'm no where near done with it's UI to be honest! Soon though =)
Made in us
Lurking Gaunt

The new paint app looks pretty sweet. I really like being able to track what paints I currently have, I am getting the app when it come out. I just counted and I have at lest 4 Dark Greens. The WarEdit also sounds really impressive. I have been looking for an Army Building app that is more user friendly than all of the others currently out. I also would greatly appreciate Tablet support! Thanks for the hard work!
Made in us
Irradiated Baal Scavanger

That is awsome. I can never remember what paints I have.
Made in eu
Regular Dakkanaut

Germany / Switzerland

Hi there,

I do concur - great idea with the converter. I already use the old converter and really love the product.
Let me chime in with the request for VMA (Vallejo Model Air), for all us users of Airbrushs. I for one would definitely be willing to pay for a conclusive comparison chart for Model Air .

Please add tablet support - it yould help a lot.
Thank you for all the work and effort

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Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I really like this app. Are you going to add other ranges such as army painter. Didn't know there was a + version will pick it up.

Made in au
Nimble Glade Rider

Adelaide, Australia


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Ulthwe Eldar
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Perfect! Just what I need.

Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

Ashrag wrote:Hi there,

I do concur - great idea with the converter. I already use the old converter and really love the product.
Let me chime in with the request for VMA (Vallejo Model Air), for all us users of Airbrushs. I for one would definitely be willing to pay for a conclusive comparison chart for Model Air .

Please add tablet support - it yould help a lot.
Thank you for all the work and effort

Ah, vallejo model air... Never used the stuff, but heard good things. I should probably invest in a few bottles; I do actually use an airbrush from time to time. The free version isn't likely to change... It covers the "big three"-- the old and new citadel ranges + VGC-- at no cost. The paid version contains more specialized ranges, and I have every intent to keep adding new ranges, VMA included. I'm probably also going to create a separate tablet UI.
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

Hey guys! I've got kind of side-tracked lately (damn you, Diablo 3) but I'm about ready to release WarPaint for Android. I won't be able to put the Apple version up until I get enough money back from app sales to resubscribe to the Apple developer connection.

Anyhoo, is anyone interested in perhaps doing some testing for me?
Made in us
Lurking Gaunt

I would be up for testing! Thanks!
Made in us
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Plainfield, IL, USA

I loved your old app. This new one looks amazing and exactly what I'm looking for. Especially with Model Air and the quantities thing. I can't wait for it to release!!
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

Thanks =D It's nearly there, hope to have it out in the next couple days.

If you're interested in helping me do a bit of QA, send me a PM (or an e-mail, via the e-mail address shown below) with your phone's OS version (minimum requirement is Eclair), model (IE, HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Galaxy SII, etc), and optionally a contact e-mail address.

You can send bug reports and suggestions to hexxusdev@gmail.com or just tweet them to @HexxusDev . I'm particularly looking for improper color matches and unexpected errors/behavior at this point. Once that's sorted out, we can move on to implementing more features!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/06/02 05:22:00

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Looks good but as soon as you charge money and the GW paint names are there it's going to get hit by the ip hammer especially as the new colours are so IP centric. What if you made it so it can compare any paint range and you let 'fans' submit lists in a similar way to quartermaster or army builder. That way we get your excellent idea (which you can charge for and not need a 'free' version) and it doesn't ship with IP sensitive information.
Made in us
Hard-Wired Sentinel Pilot


Cannot wait for this App!!!

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Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

WarPaint is now a full, standalone app-- All paint data is included in the free version. The donate key unlocks paint stock tracking, that's all (for now).

They're up on the Google Play market now, and an iPod/iPhone version will follow as soon as the Android version generates enough to cover my developer subscription to Apple xD

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/06/09 04:51:06

Made in gb
Ferocious Blood Claw


Awesome app!
I have even purchased the donate key, nice and easy to use, thank you!

Walk softly and carry a big gun! 
Made in us
Hard-Wired Sentinel Pilot


I had the old app and loved it, I picked up Warpaint+ since its such a good tool to have. Keep up the good work.

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Knights of Titan 500 points Primary Knights of Titan WIP Blog
Warp Angels 750 points Primary Warp Angels WIP Blog
The Eternal Crusade XXXX points Primary

Made in us
Lurking Gaunt

Great app. I am really enjoying it. Thanks!
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

I will have to ry this out when I get back out from behind this firewall....

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