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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/25 11:25:22
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
Hey fox in a box here
I recently got challenged by my local store manager to actually finish an army as I often just paint single miniatures
but after painting a squad of cultists I may have changed my mind...
I am afraid that the cultists are in the store cabinet although hopefully I can get some pics soon...
in the mean time here is a pic of the chaos lord from DV tell me what you think
It is only a very early WIP
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/26 14:03:42
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
still working on the lord pretty much finished base coats and i have started the cape as well, though on the colour would be much appreciated
also any one have any ideas on how i could paint a purple flesh colour? if not I have a few different ideas that I could try.
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/28 09:18:45
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
So yesterday I thought that I would give a go at some sculpting, it is always something that I wanted to try
so I gave it ago on the new aspiring champion model to make him look a bit more lordly so I have two lords for different lists that I am planning to run.
this one will be equipped with the black mace, hence the mace
but the actual sculpting comes in the cloak on his back and the fur,
I think that I could definitely improve the sculpting but i suppose more can cure that
thoughts on every thing so far
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 11:29:12
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
soo continuing work on the Lord of late
still have a lot of for to do i am also contemplating doing some nmm on the cape which should be fun...
I have also been starting work on my heldrake I will gets some pics of that up later today.
enjoy the pics,
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 12:35:10
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Longtime Dakkanaut
The sculpted cloak seems to be a bit "rough", but the flow & movement look really natural !
Where did you get the Black Mace from ?
As for the Lord, the colour scheme should be great, once it's over !!!
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 12:45:30
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
I got the black mace from the empire general plastic kit and then the rest of it was the handle from the axe in the aspiring champion kit
I also have gone over and smoothed out the clock as well, should really put a pic up...
thanks a lot for your input
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 13:16:17
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Longtime Dakkanaut
Another pic would be nice, as it's hard to tell from the pic you've taken (it's a bit small, and dark)...
Also, what's the additional GS thing on the right shoulder ?
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 15:18:44
Subject: Re:A Touch Of Chaos
Sinister Chaos Marine
Bristol UK
Im liking it so far..... Painting is a hard gig to break into but with a steady hand a keen eye and an imagination will crack it. *nods*
"Ooh, a big flashy lighty thing! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time. And a crayon!" ...
1 inquisitor, not even a inquisitor lord, and the other 2955pts went into orbital bombardment lance strikes.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 16:32:23
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
the GS thing is just the top of the cloak i was hoping to make it look like an old matted fur cloak and the then a band at the top to tie it togeter
hopefully this pic shows it a bit better...
and the pic does make it look a bit rough, i am not quite sure why as it isn't :/
as well here is a pic of my major WIP of my heldrake body
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 17:43:47
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Longtime Dakkanaut
Ok, that's what I thought (the fur) but wasn't sure of it... Looks good !
Same for the Heldrake
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 17:48:48
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Horrific Howling Banshee
Im really liking the scheme you are working with, the purple and blue really complement the grey and gold, keep it up!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/30 18:36:38
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
thanks i am glad you guys like it
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/21 15:11:05
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos-finished lord
Spawn of Chaos
sorry i haven't been able to post for i have had no computer, but i got one recently so all is good
here is some photos of my 1st finished chaos lord, which was from DV
tell me what you think, one of my main aims was to practice painting gems, and try a bit of nmm, as i have never really done either of these before.
so some feed back on those would be brilliant.
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/21 16:41:36
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Fixture of Dakka
He's looking really good I like the gems and the eyes. The NMM on the cloak is fantastic which colours did you use?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/21 18:08:35
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
thanks!, i used the the old colours as i still have a lot of them,
but the modern equivelents are (in order):
abbadon black
rhinox hide
balor brown
zamsei desert
white scar
and they all have stages in between, to do it mix in the previous colour with the next but never so it becomes the next colour, eg so it would get to 1:5 thinox hide, balor brown
glad you liked it
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/21 21:56:21
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Executing Exarch
that's a pretty sweet lord you have there Can't wait to see the other lord painted up.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/22 20:26:12
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
Started work on the 2nd lord I will put photos up tommorow,a s I am afraid that it is night here now, so the photos will be terrible
Tell me you thoughts
Fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/24 11:24:58
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Spawn of Chaos
So as promised I have started the 2nd lord! (the one with black mace)
these are the wip pictures, if you haven't al ready guessed these are very early on in the painting process.
I would love to here what you think of it and the 1st lord!
fox in a box
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/24 13:18:13
Subject: A Touch Of Chaos
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
Nice paintjob  I'm subscribed.