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2024/11/17 15:31:03
Subject: Nevelon’s Workbench: Sormhawk, terminator done, More TDA WIP, ancients.
Dread needs a little more details, and a lot of clean up. Plus all the other parts. Might not make it by the end of the month. I’ll be AFK next week, so just have the rest of this one to polish it off. Pressing to get the RTB01s done, which shouldn’t be an issue, as they just need some touch ups and bases/decals.
Sisters are actually progressing nicely. Need a little cleanup and some washes. Hooded robes means minimal face work, which helps a lot.
Random marine gets random colors when the right pot is open. He’ll get there.
Not shown but one varghest done being built. Not a bad model, but the head just is not the best connection. Two more to go. After that, blood knights.
Tommygun1918 wrote: Your sisters are looking good. I was not familiar with the Vargheist, needed to do a search.
It does looks interesting to paint.
They are a little off my vision of the army. For the most part, we have the noble vampire lord leading his loyal troops in a well organized fashion. Just a normal human army. They just happen to be already dead. I try to keep the inhuman oddities to a minimum. These guys I think are going to fill the niche that my old carrion did. Hang out on the fringes of the army, and let loose in the enemies’s backfield to wreck havok.
I suspect they are going to be painted like the meat-head thug version of these:
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Beakies down, ready to base. Second vamp clipped. Making progress.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/20 18:20:45
Thanks guys. I’ve made some good progress, will try to get some WIP shots later.
So if you missed out on the preview, it was probably one of the better ones they have done.
Krieg look awesome, but not my jam.
Old World Empire would probably hit me solid in the nostalgia if that was my thing. They were never popular in my area in the 5-6th WHFB, but one of my friends collected them, so some familiarity there.
Orruks are a minimal codex type release. Nice for those who need them, which is not me.
Gloomspite GIts. These guys are just awesome. My friend Phil played a (almost) pure gobbo army back in the day, so I have a lot of fondness for them. Not just the night goblins, but wolf riders. These guys look like a lot of fun. Not enough to get me to pick up another AoS army, but I might grab one as a painting project. Just to see Ublick ride again...
HH stuff is fine I guess. Never a fan of the dorito dread. More tanks and the shuttle.
And then just one more thing...
like all of it.
After the 9th dump of new kits I was honestly just expecting maybe one squad of aspects and a PL. Really just a codex+character phone it in. And would have been OK with that. But this should be the last of the finecast out of the line. Barring a few named characters who I think are range-rotated out. And Karandras who’s absence is notable since we just got plastic scorps.
We suspected new FD as we had the leaked PL.
But hawks and their lord, Spiders and theirs, and Asurmen as well? Our cup runneth over!
Now, I have squads of hawks, spider, and dragons already. I don’t need another squad of each. But I would like them. And all the PLs. If there was a discount box with a 5 man squad of each of the new kits I’d be hard pressed not to grab it. All of these kits look to be faithful modern plastic versions of the classics we love. Ironically, the new Spider PL is a bit of the odd one out, as she never had a flat, mostly static 2nd ed metal model to be based off of. So she’s got a lot of the modern swirly gak and dynamic posing. Which is not a bad thing. They still did a great job.
Depending on how things are boxed and bundled, we are probably going to see some or all of these eventually. But as I suspect GW is going to price them stupidly, it might be a slow trickle in. Rumors of a new CP might see the spiders, and we can keep our fingers crossed for a megaforce at the end of next year.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Flappy feral vampires done being spawned
Paint going down
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/22 23:40:27
I’m AFK right now, but due to the miracle of snapping some WIP pics before I left, here is an update:
Inks are down on the dread. He needs his edge highlights, another coat of white on the knee, and a gloss coat on his lenses. Plus base and decals.
Intercessor is at the cleanup blue stage.
Sisters are probably ready for washes, but will need a bit of cleanup after.
Random bits need cleanup blue then inks, and the MM needs to be heat weathered and some details picked out. Knife and shoulder pad need a lot more colors based.
Better pic of the RTB01’s. Still need decals and base. If I die on the highway driving home, this will be my final entry pic.
If everything goes to schedule, I’ll be home late Sat, and be able to polish off as much as I can on Sunday. Getting the bases and decals done doesn’t take a lot of time. I’d like to get the dread done at the same time, which is why I put it off. He may or may not get done in time.
I have successfully made it home. Barely. Had to detour around some lake effect weather that shut down part of the highway. And got stuck on some ice on the bottom of the driveway pulling into it, needed help to get unstuck. Need to clear that out today. But first, it’s December, and time for the return of the Advent calendar! This time we will be covering the last 3 years of painting. It was a bit of a stretch to get the 2 dozen entries, I think next time I might wait for 4 years of content to choose from.
Day one:
So this guy might be my favorite captain out of all the ones I’ve painted. I should photoshop him a santa hat so he can go back to being my avatar for December. He’ll be back in Jan regardless. The fist/plasma gear option is a classic, but first came to the primaris world via a limited edition mini. Which I missed out on getting. But I’m fully capable of kit bashing, and have a pretty good bits box. Not that it took a lot for him. He’s mostly from the bladeguard vet kit. Few spare shoulderpads, fist from the assault intercessor kit. Head from somewhere. Might be more, I forget. I could go back and check, his build should be in the blog somewhere. I really like the pose on him. He’s braced to pop something with the pistol, but ready to crush some skulls. Healthy amount of bling for a marine of his rank. Pleased by the paintjob. Last time I looked at the rules, I think it might be better to go with other gear options these days, but that’s a fickle chimera to chase. He’s on the company shelf, and has replaced my prior primaris captain to lead the reborn 3rd.
As I need to spend a chunk of the day dealing with the driveway I don’t think the dread is going to get done, so I’ll just finish off the RTB01s for the month. And start in on the Barbgaunts for December. I’ll get a proof pic in a few.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/01 12:42:09
So when the 9th ed Eldar codex dropped with all the cool new sculps, I grabbed a few. One of the big things keeping me from expanding my army was the lack of plastics. The autarch was the first of those I got around to painting. Pretty happy with how he turned out, especially the edge highlights. He might also be the first infantry in the craftworld to get magnets. Some of the seers can swap blades and spears, but those are just dry-fit. Weapon platforms and vehicles do have mags.
My Eldar were largely supplanted as my secondary army by the Tyranids, but the have not been forgoten. The still plug along in the background, getting a few models a year.
Time is fake. Also, I like the advent calendar idea, but I don't feel like stealing it. You've got a solid history of cool paintjobs to draw on, and I look forward to seeing which you choose to feature each day.
My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
Mr_Rose wrote: Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
I'm really liking the red and black color scheme on that Eldar, it has a very feudal Japanese feel to it.
Also, I don't remember the RTB01s having such skinny legs.
I think I have one Sargent left somewhere.
ZergSmasher wrote:Time is fake. Also, I like the advent calendar idea, but I don't feel like stealing it. You've got a solid history of cool paintjobs to draw on, and I look forward to seeing which you choose to feature each day.
I forget where I got the idea from. Advent calendars are not a new thing, but the idea to use them as a retrospective tool kind of is. The first one is easy, as you can pull from your entire collection and not worry about duplicates. I’m doin a 3 year period here, so about a third for each. And want to hit each of my projects with at least one mini. The rest is just ones with cool stories and interesting history. You should give it a try sometime, it’s kinda fun. Easier if you plan it out ahead of time.
youwashock wrote:I love that mini. The warp pack + reaper launcher is a great look.
I feel the same. It’s not like the other options look bad, but I think that combo works best. Visually at least. My Eldar have not hit the table in a bit.
Tommygun1918 wrote:I'm really liking the red and black color scheme on that Eldar, it has a very feudal Japanese feel to it.
Also, I don't remember the RTB01s having such skinny legs.
I think I have one Sargent left somewhere.
Not every Eldar has the Japanese vibe, but the ones that do have it in the right way. It’s a cool look. RTB01s have chunky calves and pencil thighs. They average out to normal legs.
Day 3:
When shall we three meet again? My nids are composed of 3 main waves. There is some crazy old lead that was in a collection that came to me via my old BiL. There are new purchases started when I kicked the army off as a lockdown project, and there is the stuff from my friend Ben who gave me his army before moving to Colorado. These gals are from that last batch. Probably. The modern plastic might have been from the old CP I bought right before I got them, but there was also a NOS tyrant in the drop. I also have a RT unbuilt in the stuff from my BIL (but she still slumbers in parts). The RT sister is no stranger to my workbench. Back sometime around 4-5th edition he needed help getting her together. I don’t recall if I used pins, or just GS and glue. Whatever I did it worked, as she’s still in one piece. The middle sister is hard to photograph, very all over the place. And made of metal (and a chunk of it) the 3rd ed Nids had an odd look about them. They broke from some of the early design elements, but I feel that the overall army look hadn’t been finalized yet. Much prefer the look of the new bugs. Although I should amend that, as they are pushing things out again with 10th, and some things I’m still not sure on.
So I picked this guy up at the store opening of the local GW. He might be the first limited edition mini I’ve been able to get. Prior to the new GW opening (which is a quick walk from my old apartment, and opened shortly after I moved. Grumble) the nearest one was like 4 hours away. He is also the first “modern” terminator for my 40k Ultras. I did get some of the 30k sets, but my normal terminators are all old and metal. He’s got a lot going on. Being the modern redo of the classic sculpt, I wanted to have some callbacks. Such as the RT marking on the shoulder, and an attempt to freehand the old heraldry on his tilting shield. Overall pretty happy with how he turned out. While not quite up to scale with the new modern terminators, he’s a lot closer then the old metal, and will serve when I need a captain for the elite vets. At some point the whole 1st company is going to come together, and he’ll be at the head.
youwashock wrote: I thought it was pretty cool that they did that modern update for the original Terminator Captain. Bummer that it was limited.
Same. I always love it when they hit the old nostalgia mine and re-do classic models. Especially ones I own. I’ve got quite a few side-by-side glow up pics kicking around my gallery.
Like this one:
I suspect that he’ll probably never make it back i to print. He’s a little underscale to the modern guys, and there are other TDA captains out there. Maybe a MTO. I’m just glad I got him.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Day 5:
The Parasite of Mortrex I think is the fist “new” mini in my nid collection. Not in the sense that I purchased it first, as even from the start it’s been a mix of old lead and new on sprue plastic bought at the FLGS. But the parasite was a new mini released with the first codex that dropped since I started the army. So not just picking up old boxes with minis from 4-5th edition. It also nicely filled a gap in my army structure. The goal is to have a small/medium/large nid for all the roles. The PoM nicely slotted between the flyrant and the gargoyles for the winged beasities. Of ccourse, we also now have the winged prime, but that came later.
From a painting PoV nothing too groundbreaking here. Just my stock ‘Nid scheme banged out on another mini. I do like the wings. It’s a good example of what you can do just with more layers of contrast paints. The membrane is the same paint as the rest of the skin, just 2 coats instead of one.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/05 12:12:03
Assault intercessors. Kind of a niche unit. While there have been times I fielded assault marines on foot, it was rare. And these guys are in the same boat, but without the flamers. Of course, I don’t have the jump version, and they are aggressively priced with built in wound re-rolls. Not that I get much time on the table these days, which is another thing I need to work on. Still, very cool models that are a nice expression of my basic Ultra’s scheme. And an important part of a balanced battle company.
I'm enjoying seeing your advent. The Autarch looks great, I've quite often looked at the 2 Autarch sets available to try and work out what can be bashed together. I think the new Eldar models will tempt me quite significantly.
Zambro wrote: I'm enjoying seeing your advent. The Autarch looks great, I've quite often looked at the 2 Autarch sets available to try and work out what can be bashed together. I think the new Eldar models will tempt me quite significantly.
Great to see you again, welcome back. What are you painting these days? You getting into the Old World? Going to resurrect your blog? It’s been napping for ~6 years? Should be well reseted.
Looking at the sprue pics the autarchs should be fully compatible? The arms at least are all flat to torso connections and the head is the same look as the rest of the range. I only have the new guy to verify, not the winged one. Who, while I would not mind owning, will probably never pick up unless he’s in a bundle. Mechanically he’s got the same rules as the guy with the spider pack. Which was nice. GW was pulling their “No Model, No rules” BS when the new guy dropped, but the cover art of the codex was showing an illegal loadout, and the WarCom guys were talking about kit compatibility. And as much as I like the level of detail that differentiates the spider pack and hawk wings, realistically they boil down to “DS and move fast” so for the sake of reducing datasheet bloat and redundancy, I’m OK with them being rolled together.
I do still need to make a bike autarch. Looking forward to all the new shinny knife-ears on the horizon.
Day 7:
So done with the 2022 part of the advent-retrospective, and on to ’23. This chonky lad is the first thing from the Leviathan box to cross the bench. And actually did it in short order, considering the normal lag between when I buy, build, and paint models. While some of the 10th ed pushfits were fussy to build, he went together real easy. I had no idea how big the new dreads were until I built him. They are massive. I prefer TAC dread builds with a gun and fist, but do occasionally enjoy the missile arm. So this guy’s gear is something I can get behind. None of those random stubbers they are trying to cram on things. He fills a vital role of adding dread support to the new company. At some point I’ll need to get him a brother or 2.