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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 youwashock wrote:
I agree that stubbers look out of place on Space Marine kits. Leave those for the mere humans and heretics. Again, nice Dread!

One thing I like about the simplification of 10th is that the Repulsor’s little guns were all wadded into “Repulsor defensive array” so I don’t need to feel bad about not putting on the free stubber. But the mandatory inclusion on the brutalis dread for the top mount will probably prevent me from ever picking it up. Despite my general desire to have 3 dreads for the company, one CC, one shooty, and one TAC. The basic redemptor dread can at least have the AA missile mount, which bothers me less.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 8:

The Swarmlord
With the supply dump from my friend Ben, after I had just picked up the Nid CP at the time, I ended up with far more tyrants than I needed. Both my plastic winged/foot ones were magnetized. I’d not the kind of person who’s going to spam flyrants just because they are the only thing holding the army up (was that 6th? 7th? I know it was a time before I joined the swarm). I could have just maged up 4 bonesabers and called it a day. But I had a spare, so why not just glue one together? One major advantage of glue is you can get the angle just right. With magnets you need to worry about compatibility and mount points and stuff. Here I was more able to worry about the flow of the model.
The swarmlord is not the top of the food chain any more. Not that he ever really was, as there were FW titans, but he was the big dog in the codex. Not that I’m likely to get the new guys, as I don’t like how they look. So he gets to head up my swarm. At least the foot part.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 9:

I’m quite fond of contrast paints. They are replacing my old inks as they dry out. One of those is the old chestnut ink, which I used to warm up my golds. Now I use Guiliman flesh. Which I aslo use on parchment, skin, bone, robes, and many more things. So this guy was particularly interesting because all the elements on the reliquary/robes used it. And I didn’t just want him to be a uniform lump of brown. So I probably spent a bit more time on highlighting then I normally do. It was worth it. Quite happy with how he turned out. While not Dark Angels, I do like the occasional robed marine.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 10:

While the Nids have largely pushed the Eldar to the back of the painting queue, a few still manage to sneak across the bench each year. These rangers were painted for the 100th monthly painting challenge. Damn, we’ve been doing this for a long time. I wanted to do something that matched an entry from the first year, and the rangers were one of the options with a direct update in the pile of shame. They hold up their side of the scout exchange program, wearing the colors of the Ultra’s bases, where the Imperials have stopped holding up their side. Which is actually a good thing for the rangers here, as they benefited from advances in arctic camo gained from painting phobos marines. They are a mix of desaturated tones and bright colors. Grey armor not black, and pale leathers. But also still bright red helmets, shining golds and silvers, and orange cables. One of my running jokes is that I do camo like Hollywood makes movies based on real-life events. You can tell what it’s supposed to be, but with more car crashes and explosions. At the end of the day these are game pieces, so need to look cool and be functional. And camo when it works makes minis look like random undefined lumps. Who get lost on the table and forgotten about. Even with spots of color to help them stand out over the years I’ve missed shooting phases aplenty due to forgetting about scouts tucked away in a corner somewhere.

In painting news the first barbgaunt is just about done with paint. I need to grab a new pic as I put in a little extra work since the last one I posted in the comp thread. The other 4 are done with their base grey seer coat, awaiting purple.

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

That Ranger unit turned out really cool.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 youwashock wrote:
That Ranger unit turned out really cool.

Given the time I’ve been at this I should be a lot better then I am, but have made progress in my painting quality.

Day 11:

So these feral vamp things are the first of the Cursed City box to get paint. Since they were already hopping vampires I went with a white haired witch theme for the hair, which I think I’ll keep with for all the vamps in my rebooted soulblight. Given the edition cycle and how quick I paint, it might not be ready this edition, but undead has always been my fantasy army of choice, and the soulblight are more to my liking then the nighthaunt. Nothing against the spooks, but it’s hard to say “no” to the leeches. Undead Bretonians was my theme for 5th ed WHFB, and they will ride again.
As models these were OK. The CC pushfits were surprisingly good, but there are a few places where the details blends a bit. Armor? Strap? Skin? Who knows! Looking at the picture here again I could not tell you what or where, but I remember the thought from when I was painting them.
I should get more undead across the bench. As other projects start to wind down, I should do more with them. We’ll see what the future holds.

Paint progress was just getting the purple on one more nid last night. Slow week painting; I’m flexing an extra half hour onto each of my days so I can bail early Friday to go pick up The Boy from college, and it’s playing havoc with my energy levels.

Edit: got purple down on another one over lunch.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/11 17:31:04

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Deep in the Outer Boroughs of NYC

You are making incredible progress, Nev. Proud of you. Also, lol at "hopping vampires". That's the best description of these models I've seen.

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign. 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
You are making incredible progress, Nev. Proud of you. Also, lol at "hopping vampires". That's the best description of these models I've seen.

I don’t know how much credit I should put in it, but there is a card from the Shadowfist CCG called “Hopping Vampire”. Which implies that it’s a common for of getting around for the vampires in the far east, which play by a different set of rules as western vampires.

I’ve also seen these vamps referred to as parkour vamps, which also fits.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 12:

So my 30k project just kinda lost steam and died. A big part of that is with 10th a lot of the units lost their 40k rules to legends. Which I totally get. The marine range is already bloated, and did not need all the extra units. Not that they were all broken or anything, but you toss that many things together, you will get broken combos, and the percent of things at the top end of the power curve gets larger in absolute terms. But part of what motivates me to paint is the hypothetical battlefield at the end, where minis see play. The thought of me getting a 30k game in was sketchy at best, and removing the 40k option just put a stake in it. (Yes I know legends units are still legal, but I generally build lists for blind pickup games, so want to keep it open)
These guys were some of the oldest things in the primed pile, so got tagged for paint as part of an effort to cull the old out of it. They are the back half of the squad, nothing fancy. I did freehand the destroyer symbol, which I did a better job on then the fist 5.
Eventually I’ll finish up the 30k stuff. It might just take a few editions.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Some paint progress. Put the brown wash on the sisters. And while I had the pot open, did up the two barbs who where at that stage.

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

W00t for more Sisters. The Triumph gets ever closer to completion.

I have had a hard time resisting all the vampire stuff that has been released, especially the crazy Strigoi guys (my bloodline of choice back in the day). But, my fantasy days are behind me, and there's just too much else to do. Good job on the parkour gang.
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Excellent work!

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I’m slowly getting more enamored by fantasy. GW’s come a long way since I was last into WHFB in 5th. I’ve been slowly dabbling, but might start to devote more time to it.

I’m doubting my ability to get the Triumph done by the end of the year, but would like to. But I also don’t want to rush it. 2 more gals after these two, who admitadly are getting close to finished.

Day 13:

Hungry? Nom nom nom..
One thing about big bugs, is that they bother me a lot less than vehicles to paint. Same as the little guys, just use a bigger brush. Not a bad ETB kit, only shows in a few places. Although IIRC I did have to break out the GS a little for some gaps. The smoke on the vents pushes me to 13 paints used for the army. If I count base details that might go up another one or two pots. But the vast bulk of them are 9 pots, no mixing. I should really do a “How Nev paints ‘Nids” write up. This guy has almost as many paints used on the base, but that’s partly down to the Ultramarine arm he’s eating and the rebar/concrete rubble. First use of the blue contrast paint on a marine here.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 14:

This guy might be my favorite mini from the last 3 years. Probably the top of his year. (note to self: don’t forget to pick out the top 3 of this year when doing the year-end summery) Fairly simple conversion from the push-fit TDA captain. Head swap, hand swap for the weapon, re-angled one arm (which required cutting off a tilting shield) The hard part was finding a good staff topper for the crozius. Even in a world where GW is downplaying the modeling side of the hobby we can still make things our own. I was kind of “meh” on the captain I used as a base. He was just standing around yelling. Defiantly not a fan of the new official TDA chaplain. He’s just so bland and basic; feels like a sarge with a special paintjob. But this guy? Love him.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Sisters need some edge work on the black and whites, but only a little bit. Besides that, basically done. Barbs got their reds. Still 2 more that are just sitting in their basecoat grey seer, but getting there. Month is only like half over. Decent progress!

Glued grips on the last 2 sisters. Lot of details on these two. But it will get done, as long as I keep putting layers down.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/14 15:14:11

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Completely agree on the Chaplain. A standout mini for you and a vast improvement on the original.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York


Calling these ladies done.

2 to go...

Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Wow, that took a lot of patience to complete! It came out great.

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Lathe Biosas wrote:
Wow, that took a lot of patience to complete! It came out great.

Not done yet! Been plugging away at this since June as a background project. I should be able to do the last 2 sisters in 2 weeks. Would really like to get it done in time. But also want to do it right.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

United Kingdom

Nevelon wrote:
 Zambro wrote:
I'm enjoying seeing your advent. The Autarch looks great, I've quite often looked at the 2 Autarch sets available to try and work out what can be bashed together. I think the new Eldar models will tempt me quite significantly.

Great to see you again, welcome back. What are you painting these days? You getting into the Old World? Going to resurrect your blog? It’s been napping for ~6 years? Should be well reseted.

Looking at the sprue pics the autarchs should be fully compatible? ...

It's good to be back - seeing you still chugging away is reassuring and comforting. It hits me right in the nostalgia of my peak forum use time, and height of my hobbying (I started that blog over 11 years ago!). I have been increasingly tempted to resurrect that blog over the past few weeks...

I'm still playing The Ninth Age. I really enjoy it, RnF Fantasy Battles are great. TOW has tempted me (I have bought some Warriors, but yet to put them together...), but the game doesn't tempt me. It's not a great rules system, and compared to T9A it doesn't even compete. I've been playing T9A for years, I'm on Team Wales for the ETC and have gone to it twice before. Monday we should find out where next years' ETC is hosted - it's looking like Spain, where I'll get my 3rd cap for Wales. The game is fun to play, but the people bring me back every time. They are more than just 'gaming friends'. I play a faction called Saurian Ancients, which are essentially Lizardmen. Big dinos and very magical - monsters and magic, the best part of fantasy! I do dabble with Kill Team on the side. I find it quite fun and non-committal.

I'm sure the description on the GW website says the two Autarch boxes are fully compatible. I just checked, it does.

Your Eldar Rangers are really striking. I really like them - thanks for resharing, they're awesome!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Zambro wrote:

It's good to be back - seeing you still chugging away is reassuring and comforting. It hits me right in the nostalgia of my peak forum use time, and height of my hobbying (I started that blog over 11 years ago!). I have been increasingly tempted to resurrect that blog over the past few weeks...

I'm still playing The Ninth Age. I really enjoy it, RnF Fantasy Battles are great. TOW has tempted me (I have bought some Warriors, but yet to put them together...), but the game doesn't tempt me. It's not a great rules system, and compared to T9A it doesn't even compete. I've been playing T9A for years, I'm on Team Wales for the ETC and have gone to it twice before. Monday we should find out where next years' ETC is hosted - it's looking like Spain, where I'll get my 3rd cap for Wales. The game is fun to play, but the people bring me back every time. They are more than just 'gaming friends'. I play a faction called Saurian Ancients, which are essentially Lizardmen. Big dinos and very magical - monsters and magic, the best part of fantasy! I do dabble with Kill Team on the side. I find it quite fun and non-committal.

I'm sure the description on the GW website says the two Autarch boxes are fully compatible. I just checked, it does.

Your Eldar Rangers are really striking. I really like them - thanks for resharing, they're awesome!

A solid community does make a huge difference. Back in the late 90s, early 00’s I was one of the core regulars at the FLGS. Helped grow the games, community, store, etc. Sadly those days are behind me. I’ve become so intermittent that I don’t really feel like I belong at any of the local stores now. I know that would change if I just started showing up. Just so much going on these days, and so little energy.

I remember when AoS first dropped and the schism it caused. It’s not a bad game, but it wasn’t WHFB. More of a fantasy skirmish, not a rank and flank. It just feels different to be wheeling blocks of troops around. GW’s strength has always been it’s minis and its presence, not its rules. T9A is more based on the last WHFB 8th edition, while TOW is more like retorhammer older editions IIRC. Just by getting away from GW’s forced rules cycle should do a game wonders.


Where did this month go?
Day 15:

So the lictor came to me a little broken, not that you would know it was missing the flesh hooks at a glance. A closer examination reveals the slots on the chest where they should be. But with everything going on, you don’t miss them. He is also the first of the line of stealth vanguard nids, with an alternate camo paint scheme that differs from the rest of the hivefleet. Same paints, just a different application. Thinned them way down with water and encouraged splotchy pooling. Which is something I normally try to avoid with washes. Claws, eyes, and maw are all done with the normal intensity. Because real camo is boring. I like the effect, but it takes a lot more time and effort to do. For an army that’s intended to be painted quick and dirty to a tabletop standard, it’s a bit much. Still, not a lot of minis in the range need the treatment. I might grab some of the new plastic lictors some day, who knows.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 16:

The command squad is dead, long live the command squad! (not pictured is the ancient, who was done previously). So one of my issue when putting together a primaris battle company was the lack of the command squad. Elements of it had crossed the rubicon in the form of a few characters, but the squad had not. This vexed my codex-adherent Ultramarine nature. Thankfully, these guys dropped. Well, not these guys specifically, but a new box of minis, so we got the rules back. (Nothing against the kit, I just had most of it already) The champion is a push-fit! MTO I had picked up not that long before the new champ dropped. The other two were poached from sternguard. (Who needed to be replanced, one with the free mini of the month, the other with a kitbashed intercessor).
These guys finished the character/command element of the company. Although I’d like to replace at least one of the Lts, as they are both the 8th ed starter ones. I should be less then 20 models away from finishing the company. As odd as it sounds, I’m kinda willing to wait until 11th to see what we get before buying more boxes. Although I do need a JP assault squad at the very least.

In painting news, the last 2 are ready for reds. I also put the base grey on the sisters.

Not sure I’ll get much painting done tonight, as we got a bunch of snow dumped on us I’ll need to clear after work. But I might be able to get some layers down over lunch.

Edit: got the black on the sister’s robes on my morning break.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/16 15:41:50

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 17:

So these guys were kind of fun to paint. One of the reasons I got the CC box was just to add a lot of different stuff to the primed pile. Most of which could find it’s way into a soulblight list, but a lot that’s just there for the variety. I spend a lot of time just executing paint schemes. It’s one thing about painting armies; lot of same-ness. It’s good to mix things up, either with side projects, or units in your army that break the pattern. These guys are a bit of both.
With the nighthaunt winding down, the soulblight are on the rise. Expect to see more of them over the next few years.

In painting progress the barbs have their reds and are ready for the black wash. Sisters got their golds down. Sloppy progress but another step done. I also decided these two are wearing red robes under their overcoats, little hint peeking out to give them a plash of color. I’ll grab a pic next time at the bench.


FInished off painting the barbs, off the handles and ready for flocks and rocks. Moved 4 termagants down to take their place, basedcoated 2 with Grey Seer.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/17 17:29:11

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 18:

Can you ever have enough chaplains? I think not. They are a friendly reminder that marines are not just sci-fi taccticool operators, but hypnoindoctrinated warrior monk zealots. Welcome to the Grimdark, where enough anger and hatred will give combat buffs to you and your squad. Bikes are always finicky. While not vehicles, they are pretty big, and it’s easy to get worn out just with painting everything. The modern bikes also have the build issue. Leave in parts so you can get a brush everywhere? Or fully assemble to deal with the gaps and mold lines? The old bikes you could leave the rider off, and that solved like 95% of the issue. This one, less so. Anyway, despite knowing there are parts that need more paint (which you can't see, but I know are there) this guy turned out pretty good. While I’ll probably never get the full matrix of HQ options like I did for the firstborn, I enjoy having a biker in my collection. When this model first came out I knew I’d get him eventually. He’s just that cool. And while no White Scar, he does have a group of outriders to hang with.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
 Zambro wrote:

It's good to be back - seeing you still chugging away is reassuring and comforting. It hits me right in the nostalgia of my peak forum use time, and height of my hobbying (I started that blog over 11 years ago!). I have been increasingly tempted to resurrect that blog over the past few weeks...

I'm still playing The Ninth Age. I really enjoy it, RnF Fantasy Battles are great. TOW has tempted me (I have bought some Warriors, but yet to put them together...), but the game doesn't tempt me. It's not a great rules system, and compared to T9A it doesn't even compete. I've been playing T9A for years, I'm on Team Wales for the ETC and have gone to it twice before. Monday we should find out where next years' ETC is hosted - it's looking like Spain, where I'll get my 3rd cap for Wales. The game is fun to play, but the people bring me back every time. They are more than just 'gaming friends'. I play a faction called Saurian Ancients, which are essentially Lizardmen. Big dinos and very magical - monsters and magic, the best part of fantasy! I do dabble with Kill Team on the side. I find it quite fun and non-committal.

I'm sure the description on the GW website says the two Autarch boxes are fully compatible. I just checked, it does.

Your Eldar Rangers are really striking. I really like them - thanks for resharing, they're awesome!

A solid community does make a huge difference. Back in the late 90s, early 00’s I was one of the core regulars at the FLGS. Helped grow the games, community, store, etc. Sadly those days are behind me. I’ve become so intermittent that I don’t really feel like I belong at any of the local stores now. I know that would change if I just started showing up. Just so much going on these days, and so little energy.

I remember when AoS first dropped and the schism it caused. It’s not a bad game, but it wasn’t WHFB. More of a fantasy skirmish, not a rank and flank. It just feels different to be wheeling blocks of troops around. GW’s strength has always been it’s minis and its presence, not its rules. T9A is more based on the last WHFB 8th edition, while TOW is more like retorhammer older editions IIRC. Just by getting away from GW’s forced rules cycle should do a game wonders.

Yeah, I feel that. I have a similar situation here where I was very involved with a LGS and part of the club, but then moved away and bounced around for a while with no fixed gaming club. In the last 6 months I've settled, and there are a few clubs near me. I just need to go to them, instead of lurking in their chats...

Solid dedication to plugging away at the advent. The Primaris bikes (and Chaplain model in particular) are cool. If only my White Scars still existed...

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Did you get rid of your scars? Shame, they were pretty cool. I remember you switching over to Fists, but didn’t remember is you just kept the WS on ice while you built up the new guys. Those were the days when how you were painted made a difference.

Quick WIP. Glued some rocks and tufts down over lunch, and did the browns on the sisters.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Done. These guys check a lot of boxes. Monthly comp. Combat patrol. More Nids. On a larger scale, they are small artillery bugs, so fill that slot in the hive fleet.

They should be the last guys needed for the CP. I should get new termagants done, but the old guys can fill in for now.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/19 02:30:51

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Day 19:

These boots are made for walking...
Not a huge fan of war walkers, but I got 2 as part of bundles. They are a massive PITA to paint. If you ever need to, leave them in parts. He was languishing in the primed pile, and got painted as part of my “Do the 3 oldest minis this year” initiative. I should probably do the math for that for 2025, as that’s a decent goal to have. Once I flaten the curve and get rid of the really old stuff I might drop it. Outside the painting part, it’s not a bad model. Fun to build, easy to mag. I didn’t paint a lot of Eldar this year, just it and some spare arms. I suspect next year will be a lot better for them. Lots of new kits dropping. And as the nids are winding down, they may spin up to take the secondary army spot back. Or the soulblight might. It will be interesting to see what actually happens.

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Deep in the Outer Boroughs of NYC

Wow, just chugging along, Nev. Making great progress. Knowinng nothing about the Triumph model, I thought the sister carrying the platter of rose petals was actually carrying a pizza into battle. Which I thought was pretty hardcore to begin with. The close up did worlds of good for my brains.

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign. 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Wow, just chugging along, Nev. Making great progress. Knowinng nothing about the Triumph model, I thought the sister carrying the platter of rose petals was actually carrying a pizza into battle. Which I thought was pretty hardcore to begin with. The close up did worlds of good for my brains.

Hahaha. Well they say an army marches on it’s stomach. Now I kinda want to convert a sister victular, delivering the holy pie to the needy…

And because I was thinking about combat patrols, here are all the once I can field. Although I should check and see if they added more when I wasn’t looking.

Edit: They did add one:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/19 16:56:50

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

That's a cool spread of pics. Lots of good work on display. The War Walker is real good, too.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 youwashock wrote:
That's a cool spread of pics. Lots of good work on display. The War Walker is real good, too.

I think I did a better job on my older one, although there is not that much difference. Better pose on the old guy IMHO.


Got a few layers down before it got too late. Sisters got their blue hoses and brown washes. Probably touch up the black and then do the armor wash. Got the purple down on the new nids. Marines need to get a move on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Day 20:

Some days it’s good to be the poster boys. Here we have a marine slathered in nid bits. While most chapters these day have an excuse to be fighting the bugs, it’s going to look out of place on a lot of them. But Ultramarines? Particularly those who paint and collect the 3rd company: Scourge of Xenos? It’s just another day in the office. I do feel a little bad for the other guys. At least it’s not the 6/7th starters where the marines were chapter locked to DA. But it’s also not 9th, where all the necron bits were optional on bases.
He does stand out a little, as most of my marines are parade ground clean, and he’s obviously been in the field a while. I do enjoy how he turned out. Some of the push fir shows up, as he’s a pretty complex model. Lot of fun details on him.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/20 11:08:18

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