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2015/02/23 16:41:18
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
DarkLink wrote: Well, obviously it doesn'tmatter how good a list is in practice, only how it looks on paper . In fact, really we shouldn't even bother playing tournament games, the players should just post their lists online and have the victor determined by commitee.
You tell 'em brother... [heavy sarcasm] I'm sure #Lictorshame just drew 9 easy matches in a row, including all the undefeated players he beat, and any old net list could just "beat him easy..." [/heavy sarcasm]
To be fair Sean wasn't undefeated.
He lost to Tyler's eldar list in the qualifier.
Nick self imposed some minor restrictions on himself when he decided to not use fatewaeavers reroll. That game was tied on points with Sean winning by killing summoned units. It could of gone either way.
He tabled Tyler's eldar in the top 4.
And beat nick#2 undefeated blood Angels in the top championship round
IMHO this tournament could of easily been won by either tyranids, eldar or demons. Those games were that close and no one at this tournament went undefeated.
Personally the hardest loss I saw was the draigo star who was winning in the final 8 table and mishapping and rolling a 1 on the mishap table on turn 5 when he gated to clear some scouts from nicks bloodangles list off an objective.
This tournament was close multiple armies had a chance to win lost by a single die roll.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/23 16:42:46
2015/02/23 16:47:32
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
MVBrandt wrote:Good live cast, also good to see other TOs starting to carry the torch of classing up the attire in our hobby. Sharply dressed. Very positive stuff already flying around about how fun it was.
I bought a vest for begins
Breazeal wrote:
Tomb King wrote: Really not that impressed with lictors. Have faced them and wiped them out as soon as they showed up. Will have to watch the games but that winning list does not scare me in the least...
Strictly Some of parts just like any other MSU list. I'm not scared of Scouts either. Doesn't matter how hard you hit if you can't hold all the objectives. Using 100+ points to clear 1 50 point lictor a turn is not getting your points back, and they can go to ground for 2+ cover save in ruins. Not to mention, you have to clear all his bombs even thought hey don't provide kps.
Lictors also have synergies with Mawlocs. It runs counter meta to serpents. Opponent bunches even two serpents and that's 4 Str 6 ap 2 hits that ignore cover to each serpent. He can also put all of his bombs in the blast range to get more hits per serpent. Not to mention, lictors glance serpent back armor on 4s. There is meta, and then there is counter meta.
I've seen several comments like this, You don't win out in a field of 265 of nasty lists without bringing a nasty list.
They are alot of fun when you ds them behind a serpent or skyray, then ask your opponent. ..if you want to jink
Automatically Appended Next Post:
easysauce wrote: Petre and afew others were asking what my SW army was in the other thread but it got locked for some reason...
, it was
rune priest lvl1
rune priest lvl1
10 grey hunters 2 meltas, pack leader with combi melta, guy with axe has CCW in addition to rest
drop pod storm bolter 12/12/12
10 grey hunters 2 meltas, pack leader with combi melta,
We will also be posting round by round pairings and results over the entire event on the FLG homepage so you all can keep up with who is playing who and the outcomes!
2015/02/23 16:59:38
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
DarkLink wrote: Well, obviously it doesn'tmatter how good a list is in practice, only how it looks on paper . In fact, really we shouldn't even bother playing tournament games, the players should just post their lists online and have the victor determined by commitee.
Byte wrote: To bad the "update" thread was locked. It had a lot of list info and dialog pertaining to feedback external from the event.
Woh dude. You need to check your privilege - You're not allowed to have any of that information. You're lucky the tournament even acknowledges the idea that there is an internet.
Your sense of entitlement is amusing...
And your lack of understanding for sarcasm is quite amusing as well:p
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/23 17:03:03
2015/02/23 17:04:22
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
I yearn for a year where literally everybody goes and attends, AT LEAST, LVO, AdeptiCon, *AND* NOVA, and not one person gets all snarky and silly on the internets.
That's my Christmas wish.
2015/02/23 17:09:44
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
Darkwynn wrote: Keep asking for world peace while your at it Mike!! Meanwhile, I will attend all three
That's b/c you're awesome. As per text message, awesome job this weekend, broski!
It should be telling to all you doucheytrolls out there pickin' fights with one major GT or another that the idea of everyone just getting along and supporting major 40K cons countrywide is considered on par with World Peace in terms of likelihood.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/23 17:17:28
2015/02/23 17:17:22
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
Thanks very much appreciated. Wanted to see how far I could take a list like this. Was very happy with the results even playing against Sean who is a great player. I beat him in the qualifier but he got me in the end.
Good game bud! Only if it was relic : p
2015/02/23 18:20:36
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
DarkLink wrote: Well, obviously it doesn'tmatter how good a list is in practice, only how it looks on paper . In fact, really we shouldn't even bother playing tournament games, the players should just post their lists online and have the victor determined by commitee.
Byte wrote: To bad the "update" thread was locked. It had a lot of list info and dialog pertaining to feedback external from the event.
Woh dude. You need to check your privilege - You're not allowed to have any of that information. You're lucky the tournament even acknowledges the idea that there is an internet.
Your sense of entitlement is amusing...
And your lack of understanding for sarcasm is quite amusing as well:p
Oh, I got the sarcasm. Maaksel was still being super whiny about stuff he though he deserved for reasons.
I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.
2015/02/23 18:28:17
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: post-tourney coverage starts bottom of pg 18
Okay, this is not on-topic at all. I am going to close this thread so-as not to duplicate discussion, and re-open and make the "Updates" thread the official thread for discussing the LVO now that it is finished.
Quick feedback on the poll - some of the questions (main one I noticed was the rules change one):
Would you like to see any 40k Championships ITC rules changes remain or be overturned such as our change to the 2+ reroll saves and Invisibility? Leave this blank if you did not participate in the 40k Championship event.
-I would like to keep the ITC rules changes in place.
-I would like to see the ITC 2+ reroll save nerf (1/12 chance of failure) overturned to play as it reads in the book (1/36 chance of failure).
-I would like to see the Invisibility nerf (hit on 5's in melee, BS 1 in shooting) overturned to play as it reads in the book (hit on 6's in melee, only Snap Fire in shooting).
-I don't care.
It only selectable as pick one. I'd prefer to pick "get rid of both changes (options 2 and 3). Any way to turn this into a multi-selection entry?
Other than that hope you're winding down from a long event, and thanks again for putting it on.
2015/02/27 21:46:43
Subject: Las Vegas Open 2015: And that's a wrap, folks! Pg1 for Details. (Exit Poll is Out!)
MVBrandt wrote:Good live cast, also good to see other TOs starting to carry the torch of classing up the attire in our hobby. Sharply dressed. Very positive stuff already flying around about how fun it was.
I bought a vest for begins
Breazeal wrote:
Tomb King wrote: Really not that impressed with lictors. Have faced them and wiped them out as soon as they showed up. Will have to watch the games but that winning list does not scare me in the least...
Strictly Some of parts just like any other MSU list. I'm not scared of Scouts either. Doesn't matter how hard you hit if you can't hold all the objectives. Using 100+ points to clear 1 50 point lictor a turn is not getting your points back, and they can go to ground for 2+ cover save in ruins. Not to mention, you have to clear all his bombs even thought hey don't provide kps.
Lictors also have synergies with Mawlocs. It runs counter meta to serpents. Opponent bunches even two serpents and that's 4 Str 6 ap 2 hits that ignore cover to each serpent. He can also put all of his bombs in the blast range to get more hits per serpent. Not to mention, lictors glance serpent back armor on 4s. There is meta, and then there is counter meta.
I've seen several comments like this, You don't win out in a field of 265 of nasty lists without bringing a nasty list.
They are alot of fun when you ds them behind a serpent or skyray, then ask your opponent. ..if you want to jink
Automatically Appended Next Post:
easysauce wrote: Petre and afew others were asking what my SW army was in the other thread but it got locked for some reason...
, it was
rune priest lvl1
rune priest lvl1
10 grey hunters 2 meltas, pack leader with combi melta, guy with axe has CCW in addition to rest
drop pod storm bolter 12/12/12
10 grey hunters 2 meltas, pack leader with combi melta,
vet squad 3 melta, meltabombs demo charge
vet squad 3 melta, meltabombs demo charge
3x atrillary carridges + 8 crew
It was great playing you man, you played a great list well, and I have a new idea for a pod list thanks to you.
Thanks to you as well, you gave my buddy who plays eldar some good ideas as well. Was a pleasure to play you as well, you are a very tough opponent, we both played our hardest that game, and you deserved that win 100% with your brilliant null deploy and strategy throughout the game.
I loved how during the game you were a tough opponent, and after the game you were a good guy to talk with, many people take their man dollies too seriously, but I feel like you would have been just as good a sport had you lost.
2015/03/06 18:17:49
Subject: Re: Las Vegas Open 2015: And that's a wrap, folks! Pg1 for Details. (Exit Poll is Out!)
Thanks for the feedback, and yeah, that would have been a better way to put it, I agree. I also forgot to add in the "Do you want to keep CtA allies or Not" question. I was in a bit of a rush as I was preparing to move.
I just added in the comments that I didnt want CtA allies instead Or CtA detachments/formations, ergh.
Also one concept I was recently presente dwith that seemed more fair was something called "solo blood"
IE: if for a given game turn one person kills something and the other doesnt they get that point. Both players could achive this over the course of the game.
Definitely helps mute alpha strike type capabilities, null pod deployments, random 6's on a D roll, etc.
However, since it would further boost 2nd player turns it might require making maelstrom to be on player turn to be more fair. Dunno.