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Space Marine Color Scheme help  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

i am about to start painting some Space Marines, but cant decide on a color scheme. I like the Morifactors helmet variant, so to help me decide i made this collection of possible color scheme (thanks to Bolter&Chainsword).

Unfortunately it am now even less ready to decide.
The only thing i know for sure is that R-3 looks like Santa Claus.

I havent decided on chapter name and symbol yet. It is likely to be a Ultramarine decendent chapter (yes, generic to the max...).
Shoulder badged would follow the Codex Astartes and be white/light grey with black numbers. Same colors for the (yet unknown) chapter symbol.
Company colors would be marked by the color of the left kneepad (not in the pics yet).

I guess i am just looking for some input and suggestions before painting up a first miniature.
[Thumb - spacemarinescheme_4x4.jpg]
potential color schemes

Made in gb


Personaly I like o2 but in my opinion with white helmet it would be better.

Flesh forge here. A Model designer for hire!
3D print and modelling of all kinds.
Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

The two-colord helmet was what i liked about the Mortifactors color scheme.
But now i am not even sure about that anymore.
[Thumb - spacemarine(16).jpg]

Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

I'm liking the G-2.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

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Enginseer with a Wrench


Q4 is exactly what im doing, Ive changed the hands to grey though and the helmet.

Imperial Fist-6k
Dark elves-4k
Dark eldar 2.5k
Warriors of chaos-4k
Dakka swap shop trades.....12 
Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Liverpool, England

I quite like R4, looks sweet
Made in ar
Fresh-Faced New User

I used B4 as reference to save a miniature from my very first painting attempt.
[Thumb - IMG_5073.jpg]
1st try

[Thumb - IMG_5227.jpg]

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