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EPA finds way to make military pay 1600% more for bullets.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fate-Controlling Farseer

Fort Campbell


Thanks to EPA regulations, state regulations, and military goals, traditional lead ammo is on its way out and "green bullets" are on their way in.
As Breitbart News reported on December 1, EPA regulations led to the closing of the Herculaneam lead smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri, which is expected to push up prices for traditional lead ammo.
On top of this are regulations like the recent statewide lead ammo ban in California. Signed by Governor Jerry Brown (D) on October 11, this ban forces hunters to seek out nontraditional alternatives for their ammunition. In this way, the ban mandates "green bullets" by default.
Moreover, as Fox News reports, the military has set 2018 as its target date to have troops operating lead-ammo-free. "Green bullets" have been under testing at Picatinny Arsenal since 2010, and the Army plans to issue "a lead-free version of the 7.62 mm rounds fired from M-14 rifles... in 2014." The Army already switched to a greener 5.56 mm "enhanced performance round" in 2010.
With the military committing to the switch, the EPA making smelting a tougher business, and governors passing state-level lead ammo bans, experts say "lead bullets will be all but phased out within a few years in favor of so-called green bullets."

All I've gotta say is that I'm sure that the 25,000 Airmen who will be walking out the door next year due to budget cuts, are glad we're doing so much for the environment.

Full Frontal Nerdity 
Made in us

Probably work

What are the new bullets actually made from?

Assume all my mathhammer comes from here: https://github.com/daed/mathhammer 
Made in us
Fate-Controlling Farseer

Fort Campbell

I haven't found anything yet that says that, but I have seen that the price of lead bullets was .5 cents per bullet, while these new "green" bullets are 8 cents a bullet.

Full Frontal Nerdity 
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

While on the one hand it's great that they are pushing environmental issues, what kind of impact does the lead really have?

Seems a bit mad.

Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

 Medium of Death wrote:
what kind of impact does the lead really have?

Pretty significant actually. In fact, the whole point of a bullet is the impact.

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Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

5000pts 6000pts 3000pts
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

 hotsauceman1 wrote:
Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

Considering that not everyone in the area where we are currently holding offensive operations is a terrorist...

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
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Probably work

 pretre wrote:
 hotsauceman1 wrote:
Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

Considering that not everyone in the area where we are currently holding offensive operations is a terrorist...

The way people keep going on about them, you'd think we had them jumping out from behind every corner.

Assume all my mathhammer comes from here: https://github.com/daed/mathhammer 
Made in us
Fate-Controlling Farseer

Fort Campbell

 pretre wrote:
 hotsauceman1 wrote:
Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

Considering that not everyone in the area where we are currently holding offensive operations is a terrorist...

The only credible risk of lead poisoning that I've seen is from subsistence hunters who on a daily basis eat animals they have shot, and even that is rare.

Unless Afghani's are doing nightly BBQ's with the latest Jimmy Jihad we lit up, the risk is statistically negligible to them.

Full Frontal Nerdity 
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

So, where does the 1600% more come into play?

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Member of the Ethereal Council

I was being sarcastic, It was mean t as a joke that we dont want to poison the terrorists we shot with lead.

5000pts 6000pts 3000pts
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I figured as much, either that or djones was practicing to become a journalist ;P

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

 djones520 wrote:
The only credible risk of lead poisoning that I've seen is from subsistence hunters who on a daily basis eat animals they have shot, and even that is rare.

I imagine handling them as well could be an issue and if they get into the water supply. I imagine there are also environmental issues surrounding lead production, but yeah...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh hey look, more information that didn't come to breitbart... How bad do you have to be when FOX is more factual... Geeze.

It has little to do with EPA:


The bid to ban lead bullets, seen by some as harmful to the environment, started slowly more than a decade ago. But with two dozen states, including California, banning bullets made of the soft, heavy metal, the lead bullet's epitaph was already being written when the federal government finished it off.

First, the military announced plans to phase out lead bullets by 2018.

Then the federal Environmental Protection Agency, citing emissions, ordered the shutdown of the Doe Run company's lead smelter in Herculaneum, Mo., by year's end.

So the military was already planning to get rid of them before EPA stepped in and EPA is acting because of environmental issues at the manufacturer.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/19 20:56:14

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
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Fate-Controlling Farseer

Fort Campbell

chaos0xomega wrote:
So, where does the 1600% more come into play?

The fact that a led bullet cost .5 cents to make, and these green ones cost 8 cents to make. And we're just talking the actual projectile here, not the whole thing, with casing, powder, etc...

Full Frontal Nerdity 
Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

 djones520 wrote:
 pretre wrote:
 hotsauceman1 wrote:
Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

Considering that not everyone in the area where we are currently holding offensive operations is a terrorist...

The only credible risk of lead poisoning that I've seen is from subsistence hunters who on a daily basis eat animals they have shot, and even that is rare.

Unless Afghani's are doing nightly BBQ's with the latest Jimmy Jihad we lit up, the risk is statistically negligible to them.

Is Jimmy Jihad a competitor of Jack Link's Jerky?


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
Made in ca
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

Toronto, Canada

 daedalus wrote:
What are the new bullets actually made from?


Made in de
Shrieking Traitor Sentinel Pilot

 daedalus wrote:
What are the new bullets actually made from?

Ground-up unicorn horn and wishful thinking.

 gossipmeng wrote:


Or, you know, this.

War Kitten- Nothing evens the odds like a reaper chainsword to the naughty bits
Sgt. Vanden- And now I'm a whale with panties. Can't see how this day can get any better.

Fiction: God-Fang (Beastmen) / The Flayed Legion (CSM)

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Medium of Death wrote:
While on the one hand it's great that they are pushing environmental issues, what kind of impact does the lead really have?

Seems a bit mad.

I'm going to say that it has a zero impact on the surrounding envrionment.

How much lead do you think was droped all across europe during ww2,

Hell more lead was probably used during one large scale Air raid with B17s than one year in Iraq

"It exist because it needs to. Because its not the tank the imperium deserve but the one it needs right now . So it wont complain because it can take it. Because they're not our normal tank. It is a silent guardian, a watchful protector . A leman russ!" - Ilove40k
/ 1k
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Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

I suspect the B17s dropped a lot more steel than lead...

As for the smelting issue, almost all lead ammo in the US is made from recycled lead vice newly smelted lead.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Secret Squirrel

Leerstetten, Germany

 djones520 wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
So, where does the 1600% more come into play?

The fact that a led bullet cost .5 cents to make, and these green ones cost 8 cents to make. And we're just talking the actual projectile here, not the whole thing, with casing, powder, etc...

So either the casing is going up 1600%, the powder is going up 1600%, the labor is going up 1600% and the etc is going up 1600% as well...making the thread title true.

Or the thread title is sensationalist bullcrap.

A casual Google search seems to indicate that the military seems to pay aorund $0.40 per round. So if the quoted number for the cost increase is correct and the military gets no discount in prices for their giant bulk purchases it would put the new cost at $.0475 per round.

Considering that this would be a 20% increase in cost instead of a 1600% increase in cost I think it is safe to say that the thread title is a lie.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 CptJake wrote:
I suspect the B17s dropped a lot more steel than lead...

As for the smelting issue, almost all lead ammo in the US is made from recycled lead vice newly smelted lead.

Wasn't the one place that was shut down pretty much a new lead only operation, so the impact was going to be pretty minimal?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/19 21:48:13

Made in us
Last Remaining Whole C'Tan

Pleasant Valley, Iowa

 d-usa wrote:
Considering that this would be a 20% increase in cost instead of a 1600% increase in cost I think it is safe to say that the thread title is a lie.

Well, you don't stuff facts into the Right Wing Outrage MachineĀ©. My friend, you load it with derp and sensationalism, and then crank that wheel.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Respect to the guy who subscribed just to post a massive ASCII dong in the chat and immediately get banned.

 Flinty wrote:
The benefit of slate is that its.actually a.rock with rock like properties. The downside is that it's a rock
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5th God of Chaos! (Ho-hum)

Curb stomping in the Eye of Terror!

 Ouze wrote:
 d-usa wrote:
Considering that this would be a 20% increase in cost instead of a 1600% increase in cost I think it is safe to say that the thread title is a lie.

Well, you don't stuff facts into the Right Wing Outrage MachineĀ©. My friend, you load it with derp and sensationalism, and then crank that wheel.

Don't forget to add Liquid Schwatz to that too!

Live Ork, Be Ork. or D'Ork!

Made in us
Master Tormentor

St. Louis

Given the sort of bs Doe Run is infamous for... good?
Made in us
Last Remaining Whole C'Tan

Pleasant Valley, Iowa

 djones520 wrote:
I haven't found anything yet that says that, but I have seen that the price of lead bullets was .5 cents per bullet, while these new "green" bullets are 8 cents a bullet.

Where DID that 1600% figure come from? It's not in the source article at all. I'm pretty terrible at math but I think a 1600% increase would be an $8 dollar round, not an 80 cent one... right?

 daedalus wrote:
What are the new bullets actually made from?

Shredded paper from the constitution, soaked in Obama urine.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/12/19 22:59:05

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Respect to the guy who subscribed just to post a massive ASCII dong in the chat and immediately get banned.

 Flinty wrote:
The benefit of slate is that its.actually a.rock with rock like properties. The downside is that it's a rock
Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Ho-hum)

Curb stomping in the Eye of Terror!

 Ouze wrote:

 daedalus wrote:
What are the new bullets actually made from?

Shredded paper from the constitution, soaked in Obama urine.

And the tears of Republicans during the aftermath of the '08/'12 election.

Live Ork, Be Ork. or D'Ork!

Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

 daedalus wrote:
What are the new bullets actually made from?

Copper and the armpit sweat saved from Chester E Puller.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Sniping Reverend Moira

Cincinnati, Ohio

Have any of you geniuses considered that $.05 a round to &.08 cents a round is a 60% increase in cost, meaning they're paying 160% of what they were, and that the extra zero might simply be a typo?

But you know, don't let logic and rationale get in the way of demonizing anything slightly right.

Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

 Medium of Death wrote:
While on the one hand it's great that they are pushing environmental issues, what kind of impact does the lead really have?

It makes the person on the receiving end fall over

Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

 djones520 wrote:
 pretre wrote:
 hotsauceman1 wrote:
Well they dont want to give lead poisoning to the terrorists, we have to be humane

Considering that not everyone in the area where we are currently holding offensive operations is a terrorist...

The only credible risk of lead poisoning that I've seen is from subsistence hunters who on a daily basis eat animals they have shot, and even that is rare.

Unless Afghani's are doing nightly BBQ's with the latest Jimmy Jihad we lit up, the risk is statistically negligible to them.

Also, people who shoot indoors a lot. I have elevated lead levels. I blame the Crimean War...

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles

 cincydooley wrote:
Have any of you geniuses considered that $.05 a round to &.08 cents a round is a 60% increase in cost, meaning they're paying 160% of what they were, and that the extra zero might simply be a typo?

But you know, don't let logic and rationale get in the way of demonizing anything slightly right.

Or it might be a false figure used to scare people. But just to be clear you are saying it is the readers fault for not interpreting the article correctly? Do I have that right?

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