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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:03:52
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Dakka Veteran
These 5 mechs were randomly included in a purchase I made from eBay a couple years ago. I purchased the Battletech introductory box set recently, so now have an interest in figuring out what mech they actually represent. I know I've seen the one on the left missing an arm before, pretty recently on Dakka Dakka in fact, but it's been a hard slog trying to find pictures online to match up to what I have. Hoping the combined knowledge here might come through.
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:19:53
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Anti-piracy Officer
Somewhere in south-central England.
From left to right; A variation on the Marauder (Tactical Pod Glaug in Macross.) It has an arm missing. Shadowhawk medium mech. Originally from Dougram Fang of the Sun. It should have a long barrel cannon on its shoulder. Crusader heavy mech, based on Stinger light mech (from the Robotech / Macross variable fighters). In Macross you could put a load of extra armour and missiles on a VF. Wolverine (original also from Dougram.) Some new thing I don't know.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/06/05 14:24:13
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:31:43
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Dakka Veteran
Awesome, thanks. 4 out of 5 is great.
Yep, there's an empty slot on the Shadowhawks shoulder and the Marauder (after a quick google search) is also missing the cannon behind the cockpit in addition to the arm.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:36:05
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Anti-piracy Officer
Somewhere in south-central England.
I forgot about the roof top cannon on the Marauder. It shouldn't have those wings. However you can fairly easily modify these models and add new guns.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:36:50
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Longtime Dakkanaut
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:48:12
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Dakka Veteran
Nice, thanks to both of you.
Of course just inspecting the Marauder wings I managed to drop it and knock it off its base as well as a knock a leg off.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 14:51:06
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
The shadowhawk should also have a missile launcher on it’s shoulder.
The wings designate a Marauder 2 IIRC.
And the guns never want to stay on those old battletech minis. I’ve got a small pile of loose guns sitting next to my collection of mechs. I’m a better modeler these days, but there are limets to what can be done with those tiny contact points on long metal bits.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 15:08:58
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Anti-piracy Officer
Somewhere in south-central England.
Metal pins and epoxy cement. It isn't perfect but it's a lot better.
These days I would use E-6000 cement on Battletech models. The cement has a degree of flex when set that helps reduce snapping off.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 15:20:33
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Kilkrazy wrote:Metal pins and epoxy cement. It isn't perfect but it's a lot better.
These days I would use E-6000 cement on Battletech models. The cement has a degree of flex when set that helps reduce snapping off.
The first model I ever pinned was a Thunderbolt. Not a pretty job, but the arm is still attached, so I must have done something right.
Those minis also came with some very thin, stiff wire for antennas. Some of mine are still in, the others lost to time. I didn’t have a drill bit small enough at the time to deepen the sockets for them. They just got super glued into little dimples.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/05 16:11:51
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Nervous Accuser
South Carolina
The left is a 100 ton maurauder II, it's missing the dorsal cannon. Built by wolfs dragoons. Awesome assault mech. The rest are shadow hawk, crusader, wolverine, and wasp. All great mechs. I loved played 3025.
The MAD II has wing because it also jumps. Armed with twin PPCs, twin medium lasers. And dorsal AC10. Have fun getting though it's armor.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/05 16:14:02
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/06 00:38:01
Subject: Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Stubborn Temple Guard
Indeed, as others have said:
Marauder II, Shadow Hawk, Crusader, Wolverine, and Wasp.
Find the authentic parts is going to be hard, they are in high demand and quite rare at this point.
And in pure Battletech nerdiness, the Mad II, doesn't have an AC/10, it has a large laser.
27th Member of D.O.O.M.F.A.R.T.
Resident Battletech Guru. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2014/06/06 00:48:49
Subject: Re:Ral Partha Battletech Mechs Identification help
Longtime Dakkanaut
If you do want to search for replacement parts, check out Their trade section is one of the best for Battletech items.