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Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

When it comes to everything officially published Exodite has us covered but for everything else it's a bit of a wild west. As time goes on it's increasingly hard to find - lots of the stuff was on GeoCities, for example.

Being the resident crazy person I've decided to try to hunt down whatever I can and try to make it available again. The problem here is I'm trying to do it legally. That means no copying their work without permission. Wherever possible I'm trying to arrange to license things under Creative Commons (this sort of thing). That would mean they could both be freely distributed and also that anyone could build on them. (That probably sounds a bit scary but it's actually pretty straight forward)

Once we're sure about the legal stuff the rules will be given a lick of paint and laid out in the modern tUGS template (as seen in Depiff's Sumfink In Da Sand rules). Oh and released on tUGS and wherever else is interested.

At the moment things are split into four categories: relicensed rules, rules we're still trying to reach the author/s of, orphan works, and lost works. The goal is to get everything into the first category!


Trying to contact author

Orphan works

Lost works
  • Cheesie's Games Workshop: "Dis is a gret zite fur gubbinz, noo troopz, and a right gud campain called Invashun. Itz prety gud, yuz nuw."
    (linked to here)

So what can I do to help?
Firstly, do you know any of the people we're trying to reach? Are you one of them? I can be reached by PM or you can post here.

Secondly - what have I missed? I'd already got a folder of this stuff when I started writing this topic and found out about Cheesie's now inactive site before I even finished compiling the list. There's bound to be other stuff out there!

Thirdly - Do you know of any Gorkamorka stuff that isn't in English? Adding that to the collection would be rather fun!

Fourthly (is that a thing?) - Yes, this topic is fairly old, but I've loved Gorkamorka since I was eleven years old back in the late 1990s and I'm not planning to stop any time soon. Go ahead and contact me about this stuff!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/12/10 21:30:57

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

There use to be some GM stuff int he old GFirebase Online mag as well. Something about Klans and the Deff Islands.

I'm pretty sure you already have Da Deff Islandz stuff though.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

It'd be good to track the authors of those down and relicense them. I'll edit the topic to add them. Thanks for the suggestion

Do you know specifically who wrote the Deff Islands rules? I seem to recall you were part of the campaign but I can't remember if you were the author, it's been a while I'm afraid :(

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Yeah, I did. Feel free to distribute them far and wide.

However, somethings may need a tweak/edit or two for balance.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

 Easy E wrote:
Yeah, I did. Feel free to distribute them far and wide.

However, somethings may need a tweak/edit or two for balance.

Would you be okay with licensing the document under Creative Commons?
It's the license we usually go with (well, the link is the shiny and new 4.0 version of it ).

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

 Flamekebab wrote:
 Easy E wrote:
Yeah, I did. Feel free to distribute them far and wide.

However, somethings may need a tweak/edit or two for balance.

Would you be okay with licensing the document under Creative Commons?
It's the license we usually go with (well, the link is the shiny and new 4.0 version of it ).

Yes. Let me know via PM if I need to electronically/physically sign off on something.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

 Easy E wrote:
Yes. Let me know via PM if I need to electronically/physically sign off on something.

Your word is all that's needed

Made in gb
Wrathful Warlord Titan Commander

Ramsden Heath, Essex

I'm not sure if it's relevant by Yaktribe Gaming (formerly Yakromunda) is looking for someone to lead their Gorkamorka section. They host a vault of OOP Rulebooks, articles and scenarios for Gorkamorka, Necromunda and Mordhiem.

It could dovetail nicely with this project.

How do you promote your Hobby? - Legoburner "I run some crappy wargaming website " 
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

 notprop wrote:
I'm not sure if it's relevant by Yaktribe Gaming (formerly Yakromunda) is looking for someone to lead their Gorkamorka section.

I've not really been briefed on specific expectations of the role but as far as I know I'm already that person
It's part of the reason I wanted to embark on this initiative - it's easier to build the Yakromunda equivalent for Gorkamorka if the rulebase is thoroughly understood and catalogued.
The other reason being that when it comes to Gorkamorka I'm an obsessive loony

 notprop wrote:
They host a vault of OOP Rulebooks, articles and scenarios for Gorkamorka, Necromunda and Mordhiem.

That they do. I'll be adding things from this project to the vault as they're released. Beer Run! and Da Bridge are up already

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 Flamekebab wrote:
 notprop wrote:
I'm not sure if it's relevant by Yaktribe Gaming (formerly Yakromunda) is looking for someone to lead their Gorkamorka section.

I've not really been briefed on specific expectations of the role but as far as I know I'm already that person
It's part of the reason I wanted to embark on this initiative - it's easier to build the Yakromunda equivalent for Gorkamorka if the rulebase is thoroughly understood and catalogued.
The other reason being that when it comes to Gorkamorka I'm an obsessive loony

Yes indeed Flamekebab is one of the Gorkamorka leads on YakTribe. Great reply

gaming.yaktribe.org - Dedicated to Necromunda, Gorkamorka and Mordheim 
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Here are a couple more resources I found that Ihad created and put out into the Interwebz at one point for Gorkamorka. Feel free to add them to the prject using the Creative Commons license.

These were some Klan rules that were published in the Firebase E-zine. They weren't really play tested much so you will probably want to tweak them a bit as some of the stuff can be unbaanced.

The next is rules for adding PDF Trooper gangs for Da Deff Island Skirmish rules. Essentially adding a gang above and beyond pirates, human gangsters, and Orks.

Finally, here is a doc that was adding a newHuman gang for a specific campaign setting called te Battle for Ammoriss. If you want to learn more about all the fun stuff I built for that PM me. However, these rules are just a new Human Gang called Rovers that fit the campaign setting.

Let me know if yu have any questions. Also, is there a place I can go to to see where all of this stuff is going to be housed online?

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Quikc question. Where do you plan on storing/doing with all this stuff?

Are you going to put it all together into a single surcebook?

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

 Easy E wrote:
Quikc question. Where do you plan on storing/doing with all this stuff?

Are you going to put it all together into a single surcebook?

Some of this stuff you probably already know but I figure I'd give the whole process for anyone else who's interested:
In the short term it sits in a shared folder on Google Drive. Then we pick out a document and edit the text as necessary. Once that's done one of us, usually me, lays it out in the tUGS template in Scribus. We output a PDF of it and upload it to the tUGS server and create a post about it. We also add it to the Downloads page.

I wasn't planning on creating a single sourcebook but there's nothing stopping that from happening. In time I was considering sharing all the source files for the documents (Scribus' .sla files containing all the relevant data). If you think it's a good idea I could put together a Gorkamorka Heritage Project compilation

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I think a Compilation is a great idea.

We did something similar on the Airspace forum for all the Aeronautica Imperialis stuff we put together. It makes updates, tracking, and sharing much easier.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

Scratch another one off!


Made in se
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK


Made in gb
Sneaky Kommando

Carmarthen, UK

James wrote a letter to Citadel Journal in 1998 and for years all we had to go on was his name and hometown. Then yesterday he popped up on YakTribe. So here's his scenario all laid out and fancy!

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