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Made in gb
Splattered With Acrylic Paint

Been looking over all my old models and I think on balance this is the top standard I can do, I'm aiming for a high quality gaming standard usually but this guy may just tip over! All comments welcome.
[Thumb - image.jpg]
Gorkamorka era grot

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/04/24 19:22:03

Made in gb
Splattered With Acrylic Paint

Close ups, trying to upload on the same post above is causing bother on my phone!
[Thumb - image.jpg]

Made in se
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

I... actually don't know. Help?

Dude, that is freaking sweet! What model is that? Looks like a grot, but where can I get one? I want it!

To Valhall! ~2800 points

Tutorials: Wet Palette | Painting Station
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


He's pretty good, certainly a cut above high-end tabletop standard, would be a nice addition to any display!

@Matthew: I believe that mini is GW and now OOP. Kromlech do some similar Soviet-themed 'Goblins' though.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/24 19:56:31

Made in se
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

I... actually don't know. Help?

Of course it's Kromlech, it's always Kromlech...

To Valhall! ~2800 points

Tutorials: Wet Palette | Painting Station
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Pretty Darn good if you ask me.

Id be proud to display stuff at that quality.

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

 Matthew wrote:
Of course it's Kromlech, it's always Kromlech...

But that one isn't, definitely GW. Think he was The Red Gobbo from GorkaMorka.

Made in gb
Splattered With Acrylic Paint

It's GW, I picked him up about a year after they dropped the Gorkamorka game,he was in a blister of assorted grots and white metal so definately OOP now. Red gobbo is a possibility!

I liked the sculpt, couldn't resist adding in the target on his back as a grot like prank.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/24 21:41:45

Made in de
Masculine Male Wych

Think there isnt too much you can improve. At some point one had reached the upper end of the ladder. Really like the grot.
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Cary, NC

I was gonna say that he looked good, then I noticed that red star on the human skull and the target plastered between his shoulderblades:

He looks great! Love the model, the paintjob, and the game! Nice!

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