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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


This 300+ card deck contains the stat cards for all the current Wild West Exodus miniatures up to Jan 2017 in one handy box. Each card is ideal for quickly referencing special rules, weapons and statistic for each warrior and includes a handy lifeblood tracker.

So it does not matter if you’re a righteous zealot of the Holy Order, a cursed Dark Nation warrior, a hundred year old conquistador for the Golden Army or Mercenary for hire, The last round up is an essential purchase for any player!

One Card deck supplied.

Please note: Final card pack artwork may differ in appearance from image shown.

PRE-ORDER Now here http://www.wildwestexodus.com/core-products/38201-first-edition-card-pack-the-last-roundup or get in touch with your local retailer.


Once a clean living preacher's wife, Laura had the misfortune of getting caught up in a bank heist perpetrated by Broad Arrow Jack. The notorious outlaw was forced to take Laura hostage after one of his accomplices shot a bank teller dead. While the rest of his gang were cut down by the local Sheriff, Jack made his getaway with Laura and rode out into the mountains far from the town. When Jack rode back into town a month later, Laura was by his side, now his partner in every sense of the word. Together they held up that same bank once more and Laura proved to be a cunning outlaw, not afraid of making use of her considerable charms to get what she wants. Though aware that while Jack might have other girls out there, Laura knows that when she rides out with him, he only has eyes for her.

PRE-ORDER Now here http://www.wildwestexodus.com/outlaws/38205-laura-anderssen or get in touch with your local retailer.


Unfazed by the mournful screams of the dying or the agonised screams of the reanimated, the assistance of Harmony Rachet is in high demand amongst the Enlightened. A most capable student of medicine, Harmony's journey began after several years as assistant to her father, the noted Arkansas surgeon James Rachet. The brutality of the Civil War formed the backdrop for Harmony carrying out her bloody work with countless amputations saving many Confederate lives. After the war, her father now retired, Harmony found her options limited. But as chance would have it, a speaker in the art of galvanism led her to the patronage of Countess Augusta Byron and her path into the Enlightened was assured.

PRE-ORDER Now here http://www.wildwestexodus.com/enlightened/38204-harmony-ratchet or get in touch with your local retailer.

If your FLGS or online retailer is not currently carrying WWX talk to Chris at trade@warcradle.com

This message was edited 210 times. Last update was at 2025/01/28 16:31:47

Made in us
Crazed Troll Slayer


Nice to see a return of the original Kickstarter's special limited minis. Good stuff War Cradle!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I agree about the KS1 ladies models. Also nice to see some character text being added about models on the website! This is long overdue.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

I have the ladies of the west from the original KS, but they werent treated as game models w stats at the time. Will their cards be in the first edition card pack?
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

now that wwx has been sold to wayland games should we be happy or sad?
im not familiar with wayland or their history.
is distribution moving to the UK and will we have an easy place to get it in the US?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Bossk_Hogg wrote:
I have the ladies of the west from the original KS, but they werent treated as game models w stats at the time. Will their cards be in the first edition card pack?

Yes they will have cards. All miniatures released up to Jan 17 will have updated cards included in the card set. Releases from Feb 2017 should have their own cards - until the next Roundup card set is released and so on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
now that wwx has been sold to wayland games should we be happy or sad?
im not familiar with wayland or their history.
is distribution moving to the UK and will we have an easy place to get it in the US?

Did you see our press release?

Assembly and some manufacturing is moving to the UK. However there should be distributors in place for most regions by January. We will be making sure retailers are the best place to obtain this game.

If you look at the FAQ it should answer many of your questions: http://www.warcradle.com/wwxpurchase/FAQPurchaseofWWX.pdf

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/11/18 20:44:48

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I'd advise doing some research. Ask on some of the Facebook groups and see what sort of response you get regarding wayland. It's generally negative
Made in us


Also, we used to have this thread:


...but if you're going to a regular presence here, I'm more than happy to have you take over those duties and we can transform this thread into the Ongoing WWX News and Rumors Thread on Dakka Dakka.

Sounds good?
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut


@warcradle: A request, can you add sprue pics of the plastic kits on the website (per product)? And make a filter for plastic kits (search/selection)? I'm currently willing to buy good quality plastic, but not resin. I think there are many of us in the same boat and easy to search for plastic will make it easier for us to be tempted.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/11/18 22:45:30

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Hi Cergorach,

Both great ideas, we will sort that out over the next week or so.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Thought I would also share this here.

This is the first new concept officially shown by Warcradle for WWX

You can also see more here: https://www.facebook.com/WildWestExodus/

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/11/23 08:58:31

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

I've never played the game so can't comment on that but I did pick up some models (the Copelie sisters) and have to say they're fanatstic sculpts

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

We also have a new version of Errata and FAQ.

You can grab it here: http://www.wildwestexodus.com/themes/community-theme-16/downloads/rules/FAQ-NOV16.pdf

Owner of Wayland Games 
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

hi wayland team,
can you share how much stuff is left over from the old team and how long until we see new stuff from the new team?
i really like what i'm seeing so far but unfortunately i ask myself every time i see something new is if it is just left overs from the old team and have to wonder if we will see the same great stuff once all of the old stuff runs out.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
hi wayland team,
can you share how much stuff is left over from the old team and how long until we see new stuff from the new team?
i really like what i'm seeing so far but unfortunately i ask myself every time i see something new is if it is just left overs from the old team and have to wonder if we will see the same great stuff once all of the old stuff runs out.

Hiya, Nimue is completely new, it does say in our post above , we will tend to indicate where a release is completely new or from concepts that exist already. We are planning releases for 2 years at the moment, of those only about 20% are existing concepts. And of those existing concepts we think most have never been seen at all. The rest are all new.
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

thanks warcradle.
i saw the new label but wasnt sure if it just meant new to us

she is definitely a great start and i cant wait to see a mini.

now the only question is what to use as a proper nautilus.
any hints if we'll see a crew?
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

St. Louis, MO

Just an FYI for those that like the looks of this game and are thinking about starting out.

Coolminiornot is having a sale of their stock for this game.

I just bought the 2 player starter, some extra lawmen and outlaws, and the warrior nation box and a few extras (45 models) for @ $76 shipped.

I don't know that I will play WWE, however I have some ideas for using these models in This Is Not A Test and Necromunda (Orlocks, Van Saar, and Ratskins).

Good luck!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Wow, thanks for the head's up on that CMON sale. Picked up a couple of the heavy vehicles I've been wanting for very cheap!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

Yeah man, thanks! Grabbed the 3 heavies I didnt already have and a few other bits. Stuff is going fast!
Made in us

Most of the heavy vehicles for WWX just don't appeal to me.

Of course the one that does was sold out by the time I checked on it!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Alpharius wrote:
Most of the heavy vehicles for WWX just don't appeal to me.

Of course the one that does was sold out by the time I checked on it!

If you are referring to the Rolling Thunder (the one with the cow catcher on front), keep an eye on eBay. Sometimes you can find one on there for a nice price. I got mine for about $35.00 earlier this year, and have seen a few others in that same ballpark since then.
Made in us

Yes, that's the one...

Though I'm still hoping that if you don't have vehicles that you won't be in too much trouble in WWX?
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

That really depends on what happens with the second edition of the rules. From what I see on FB and the WWX forum, plenty of people hardly if ever use the heavy vehicles, though it seems they do show up quite a bit in tournaments. Personally I am not a huge fan of most of them (aesthetically and game wise) but I think they will be fun to play once in a while, or used as scenery. I much prefer the light support vehicles, like the Iron Horses.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

St. Louis, MO

Heh, I can't get Coolminiornot to display any WWE inventory now. Did we buy it all?
Made in jp
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Can't find anything either.

Am I supposed to just order new Dark Age stuff instead?

Y'all got my hopes up in here...

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Alpharius wrote:
Yes, that's the one...

Though I'm still hoping that if you don't have vehicles that you won't be in too much trouble in WWX?

It is definitely the plan to not force people to purchase vehicles to play games of WWX, we do like them though

There are probably more on the way, maybe, perhaps....
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I want to know what happened to that huge war bison for the Warrior Nation, with its howdah and Braves inside. We saw the artwork on it a year or so ago, but nothing more. I imagine that sculpt would be quite awesome. Hopefully it's in Warcradle's plans (hint, hint). :-)
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Introducing Edyth LaVaughn & Hawkeye

Exodus news this week sees two new miniatures, Edyth LaVaughn for the Union and Hawkeye for the Warrior Nation. These fantastic models will be released at the end of February.


The two things that Edyth LaVaughn was taught from a young age by her parents was that you stand up to bullies and that you always finish what you started. As an adult, this attitude shaped Edyth into a strong and honourable Lieutenant for the Union Army.

Excelling at ranged as well as small unit tactics, LaVaughn has carried the day on several occasions by sheer perseverance alone. More recently she has come to the attention of the fledgling Secret Service as her rescue of Agent Blanche from Warrior Nation territory enabled the Union to obtain important information regarding their conflict with the shadowy forces known as the Hex.

PRE-ORDER Now here http://www.wildwestexodus.com/the-union/38636-edyth-lavaughn or get in touch with your local retailer.


Hawkeye was hunting for elk when the creature once known as Walks Looking came to the camp and stole away her sister, Little Bird. Worse than death, her sister has been transformed into the vile Necratu. It was only Hawkeye's great respect for Sitting Bull that prevented her from riding out to try and slay her twisted sister and the spectral monster that had corrupted her.

After meditation with Raven Spirit, Hawkeye agreed to work with Sitting Bull on his plan to save his daughter. After all, perhaps the path to the salvation of Walks Looking might also be a path to save Little Bird one day?

PRE-ORDER Now here http://www.wildwestexodus.com/warrior-nation/38635-hawkeye or get in touch with your local retailer.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

As the concept art was so well received on our social media sites, I've managed to sneak an image of Legendary Rani Nimue out.

What do you guys think?

[[Image:warcradle-Rani Nimue]]

[Thumb - Rani Nimue.jpg]
Rani Nimue Legendary Render

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/11/30 12:16:23

Made in us
Crazed Troll Slayer


She looks pretty neat. Definitely looks like what a warcaster for Cryx or that Thamarite Pirate in Warmachine should have looked like, though.

So what exactly is going on with that base? It looks like she is causing that wave, what with it pushing forward, but then the mechanical snake thing looks as though it's coming from beneath it? What is she standing on, her submarine? I mean it looks pretty cool, I just can't make sense of it.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Love it. Model looks great, and I like that it will be plastic. Two questions though:

1. Are the pirates a new faction or a subfaction of mercs? I only ask as we have 10 factions already.

2. Will the cards for the first four kickstarter exclusive ladies of the west (ones being reissued with cards, up for pre order now) be available for those of us who own them already from the first kickstarter?

Liking everything I see so far! Looks like this brand sale is moving in the right direction!!

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
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