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2017/02/05 19:10:13
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
Hello Dakka Dakka,
I'd like to share the table I made this weekend. It has 8' x 4' space on this inside to accept 8 tiles, but with six you end up with some nice space for books and other stuff. I have limited tools for wood working so I kept it simple.
20,000 Warriors of Khorne
3,000 CSM
5,000 guard
2200 Tyranids |
2017/02/05 19:15:51
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Longtime Dakkanaut
Nice set up there! Table looks great.
2017/02/05 20:14:56
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Powerful Phoenix Lord
Nicely done. Storage/side space is often overlooked when constructing a gaming table. Neat idea to add handles as well.
2017/02/07 00:39:36
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Death-Dealing Devastator
Rockville, Maryland
Great idea, leaving space for gear on the ends.
2017/02/12 21:09:32
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
You must be livin' the dream. Great table!
2017/02/13 13:36:05
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Dam I envy the space you have!
2017/02/13 19:44:26
Subject: Re:New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
Started the 40K set.
20,000 Warriors of Khorne
3,000 CSM
5,000 guard
2200 Tyranids |
2017/02/13 19:49:11
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Hellacious Havoc
Looks awesome. I like the display cases as well. How do you like the city realm of battle tiles?
2017/02/13 21:10:42
Subject: New game table - Focus on ream of battle tile set.
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge
So far so good!
20,000 Warriors of Khorne
3,000 CSM
5,000 guard
2200 Tyranids |